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U5 - L6 - Writing

How about you? Do you think zoos are good places to keep animals from being endangered? Or
do you think zoos should be abolished? Why?
Write an informative text to defend your point of view. Informative texts may include facts, an
emotional argument and your opinion. You should also avoid repetition in your text.

What is the purpose of a Zoo nowadays?

According with weto what we know or read about the history Zoos, understand that in
back centuries the people keeping used to keep the wild animals founded through of hunting
in captivity for the reasons such as curiosity, for pleasure and simply for amusement. Probably,
there was not a concern about animalswith the comfort and health well beingof the that
animals. The main goal was the to exhibition them of the and show human s (men) dominating
wild species. Nowadays, we have for example The Zoo Lujan Zoo, stay in Argentina, and it is
the most polemic place, because in there the tourists can touch in the animals such as lions
and tigers, inclusive including babies of this felines. Many peoples said that animals was are
doped “to attend” the people. This Argentine Argentinean Zoo can be one clear example that
the human mind not so much changehas not changed about the treatment with the wild life.
But However, we can to see other places today that are good examples of respecting the
animals life and offer assistance to for these reval endangered species. Animals threatened by
the humans, by the climate change, by the plastic pollution etc. Places like SeaWorld Orlando
that has a mission of the rescue rescuing animals, such as manatees, dolphins, sea turtles,
birds and others kinds of wild animals in danger, . so tThisese animals are rehabilitated and
whenand, when is possible, they are returned the their wild lifeto the wild or in a few cases
when the animals not has a healthy conditions to be set free again, there are care in a places
with all the necessary support and to give them has a long life.

I don’t like and I don’t visit Zoos like the Lujan Zoo,. I think this a kind of unnecessary
exhibition. It’s causesIt causes a big stress for animals and this not haveit is not fun. Also, and
for me this is not is a form of education when we leave to respectpeople disrespect the
species. I according prefer with the places that hasplaces that have as missions of rescuinge
and, rehabilitation. Those places and doingdo great efforts to take care of this animals and
return them to the wild. This Those places give us the true education: ‘respect and
conservation to species, environment and planet’.


No geral eu gostei muito do seu writing. Todas as informações necessárias estavam presentes.
Tome cuidado com o uso do “the” (artigo definido – usado quando vamos especificar algo).
Outra coisa é o uso dos pronomes This, that, these and those, eles são usados para evitarmos

Parabéns pelo writing.

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