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2023-05-28 08:23:22 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onCreate

2023-05-28 08:23:22 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onCreate

2023-05-28 08:23:23 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onStart
2023-05-28 08:23:23 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onResume
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:39 twpayFilePath is
2023-05-28 08:23:39 uuidPath:/storage/emulated/0/.com/game/userMsg/twUuidTxt.txt
2023-05-28 08:23:39 Android_id:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:39 syncTwpay
2023-05-28 08:23:39 new uuid:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:39 获取 twpay 版本号第:1 次
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getDeviceId new:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:39 HttpAsyncTask is doInBackground:2
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getTwpayVersion url is
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getTwpayVersion :47
2023-05-28 08:23:39 onPostExecute
2023-05-28 08:23:39 Version.txt 文件不存在
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getTwpayFile begin
2023-05-28 08:23:39 HttpAsyncTask is doInBackground:3
2023-05-28 08:23:39 getTwpayFile url is
2023-05-28 08:23:42 onPostExecute
2023-05-28 08:23:42 node.element catched exceptions:Attempt to invoke virtual
method 'java.lang.String com.talkweb.twOfflineSdk.bean.SimState.getOperator()' on a
null object reference
2023-05-28 08:23:43 解析完成
2023-05-28 08:23:43 twpayFilePath is
2023-05-28 08:23:43 filePath is exists:250
2023-05-28 08:23:43 无法转换则跳过
2023-05-28 08:23:43 node.element catched exceptions:Attempt to invoke virtual
method 'java.lang.String com.talkweb.twOfflineSdk.bean.SimState.getOperator()' on a
null object reference
2023-05-28 08:23:43 解析完成
2023-05-28 08:23:43 使用了本地存储的 twpay 文件
2023-05-28 08:23:43 doInit begin
2023-05-28 08:23:43 appId verify successed
2023-05-28 08:23:43 do base init
2023-05-28 08:23:43 testHj:false
2023-05-28 08:23:43 isLandScape true
2023-05-28 08:23:43 网游初始化返回结果:{"channelId":"250","code":"01"}
2023-05-28 08:23:43 网游初始化返回结果:{"code":"03"}
2023-05-28 08:23:43 使用网游 SDK 初始化成功!----------
2023-05-28 08:23:43 getQuickRegistration
2023-05-28 08:23:43 TapTapManager.initTapTap
2023-05-28 08:23:43 HttpAsyncTask is doInBackground:7
2023-05-28 08:23:43 OnLinePaySdk init Begin
2023-05-28 08:23:43 mccc url is
2023-05-28 08:23:43 channelAppId:109,channelAppkey:b0b29851-b8a1-4df5-abcb-
2023-05-28 08:23:43 OnLinePaySdk init Success
2023-05-28 08:23:44 doInitinitFinished success:true
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 uuidPath:/storage/emulated/0/.com/game/userMsg/twUuidTxt.txt
2023-05-28 08:23:44 Android_id:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 new uuid:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getDeviceId new:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 uuidPath:/storage/emulated/0/.com/game/userMsg/twUuidTxt.txt
2023-05-28 08:23:44 Android_id:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 new uuid:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getDeviceId new:a3e1e351819912a0
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 getChannelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 登录开始
2023-05-28 08:23:44 isLandScape true
2023-05-28 08:23:44 userInfo is null
2023-05-28 08:23:44 initCallBack finished code:4000 channelId:250
2023-05-28 08:23:44 doInit success
2023-05-28 08:23:44 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onPause
2023-05-28 08:23:44 Get 方式请求失败
2023-05-28 08:23:44 onPostExecute
2023-05-28 08:23:44 mccc response msg:null
2023-05-28 08:23:46 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onResume
2023-05-28 08:23:51 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onPause
2023-05-28 08:23:51 TwOfflineSDK mainActivity onStop

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