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5 th sequence Evaluation. 6ème.

Section A: GRAMMAR (5 MARKS)

Exercise 1 : complete the dialogue below with the best option from the brackets.
(2,5 marks).
Student 1: today, we ………………. (Need, needs, needed) an internet connection
to have access to Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram.
Teacher: yes, you are right now students…………………………… (Are face,
are facing, face) the ground because of android phones. Yesterday, a car
………………………. (Knock, knocked, knocks) down a girl because
she was on her phone while crossing the road.

Student 2: we understand that we have to……………………… (Be, was, been)

vigilent so that tomorrow there………………. (Will being, will be, be)
less loss of lives.
Exercise 2: put the regular verbs in brackets in the simple past tense. (2.5 marks).
1- Students…………………. (to dance) during the youth week.
2- The Indomtable lions ……………………. (to play) a match with the
elephants of Cote d’ivoire.
3- My step sister ………………………. (to cook) a delicious meal.
4- The dog ……………. (To jump) over the farce.
5- Biloa …………………… (to select) a game for the party

Section B: VOCABULARY (5 marks)

Exercise 1: correctly name the parts of the desktop

Exercise 2: match column A words with their meaning in column B and write
answer in column C.
Column A Column B Column C
1- Phone a-comedy, theatre or 1-…………………………………………
news …………………………………………….
2- Sport b-rainy or sunny 2-…………………………………………….
3- Computers c-football, handball 3-…………………………………………….
4- Weather d-call or send SMS 4-…………………………………………...
5- entertainment e-hardware, speaker 5-…………………………………………….


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows.
A long Walk
Chanel sis going for long walk. He will walk to the park. There he sees many
children with their parents enjoying family bondage. After some minutes, Chanel
sees a blue bird on his walk. He likes to walk to the park because he sees a lot of
birds. Sometimes hesits down on a bench and draws birds or takes pictures of the
nature and when it gets dark, he will go home for his safety. Chanel is so respectful
to his parents vowed to never tell them lies.

1-who is going for walk? ……………………………………………………..….
2-where is Chanel going?.......................................................................................
3-  tick the correct option:
What does Chanel see on his walk?
a-a fish b-a blue bird c-a Bird
4-answer true or false
Chanel love going for a walk …………………………………………………….
5-what is the little of this passage? ……………………………………………….
Section D: WRITING

Write a letter to your friend Abubakar Vincent and tell him about the disadvantages
of modern technology. Your name is Choupo Moting.

Section A: GRAMMAR (10 MARKS)

Exercise 1: Fill the blank spaces with the correct words from the brackets.
Nabila: have you…………… (Ever, never, so) been a victim of cybercrime?
Abdou: Excuse me, I don’t know what you mean by cybercrime…………….
(Where, who, what) is it?
Nabila: cybercrime refers to any crime that takes place online. You have
probably………… (Hear, heard, hearing) people talking about hacking, scamming
Abdou: I see. Since I like ……………… (Spend, spending, spent) much time online,
I have never had such problems.
Nabila: Even ………………… (Though, although, always) you have never been a
cybercrime victim, you should be very careful………………. (When, why, how)
you are on the internet.

Exercise 2: complete with the correct preposition

1) I asked him his reasons……… buying the books. (To, for, on, at)
2) The teacher insisted…………… seeing their books every day (in, to, on, by)
3) The magistrate changed him………… murder (of, on, with, for)
4) I’m alright. Please don’t worry………… me (at, of, about)
5) He was very good………………. all kinds of games. (At, on, with, for)

Section B: VOCABULARY (10 marks)

Exercise 1: complete the text below with the correct words from the box.

Relationship, television, dependence, drug, distraction, distorts, blot.

The words addiction is often related to the consumption of drugs or alcohol. Most
…………………………. addicts hardly get work or maintain good working
relationships. Similarly an alcoholic’s life is narrowed and dehumanized by his
………………………………. An alcohol. Another form of addition is
……………………………. Viewing.
Many youths find it almost irresistible as they put off other activities and spend most
of their time watching. This experience allows them to …………………… out the
real world and enters into a pleasurable and passive mental state. This habit
…………………………………… the sense of time.
Exercise 2: use the following wors to fill the blanks

Liar, swallowed, courage, innocence, moan, poverty.

1- A person who tells lies is a ………………………………………………...

2- The country was wealthy but a number of its citizens were living
3- As the pain grew worse, the patients began to……………………………….
4- The medicines were very unpleasant and mama ……………………. Them
with great difficulty.
5- As the witnesses gave their evidence, the prisoner’s …………………….
Became obvious, so he was set free.
Read the text and answer the questions.

This is my house
hello! my name is peter and this s my house. My house is quite big it has got
two floors a ground floor and first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement.
On the ground floor there is the hall, the kitchen, a pantry, the living room a big
dining room and a toilet. On the first floor here are three bedrooms, one bathroom
and a big corridor. My bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the bathroom
my sister’ bedroom is in front of mine.
I love my bedroom but, I also like the attic. In the attic keep some of my books
and my olds toys. I like to spend my time these because it is very spacious and there
is a big sofa there where I sometimes take a nap.
In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine
and old stuff. At the back of the house. There is also the garage, where my parents
park the family car, and a lovely garden with many green spaces flowers two swings
and a small swimming pool.
I love my house. It is very comfortable and cosy.

1-is peter’s hose big or small? …………………………………………
2-how many floors are there? …………………………………………..
3-had his house got an attic? ……………………………………………
4-whre is the living room? ……………………………………………….
5-where is his bedroom? …………………………………………………
6-why does he like to be in the attic? ……………………………………...


1- With less than 300 words, describe your house.

2- Write a speech describing the various communication tools you know.

Section A: Grammar (10marks)
Exercise 1: choose the best option in brackets to complete the empty spaces
Father: my child, I can see you have been using that computer for a long time.
Chid: oh daddy, we want to computerize __________________________________
(data, sums, terms) Of our class.
Father: for heath ___________________________________ (problems, reasons,
sections), you should not use it for so long.
It can __________________________________ (harm, connect, distract) your
Child: thanks, father, for you __________________________________ caution,
warning, note), I am shopping soon.
I will take note of your warning _________________________________
(dangerously, seriously, luckily).
Exercise 2: choose the right preposition.
1- Do you think it is a good idea to ban smoking ____________________ public
places? (From, in, on)
2- My house is _________________________________ the corners of the street
(in, at, on)
3- Mum will be home _____________________________10 minutes (at, in; on)
4- Leila is named ________________________________ her grand-mother (by,
after, with)
5- I watched a very exciting film ______________________________
television yesterday

Section B: VOCABULARY (10Marks)

Exercise 1: complete this passage with suitable word from the below.

Indiscriminate, personal privacy, no freedom, customers, accidents, irritate, family,


Mobile phones _____________________________________ people especially

when they need quiet. They are used _____________________________________
not minding the age of the users. Mobile phones are disadvantageous in that they
can cause _______________________________________ to drivers who use them
when driving. You __________________________________________________
can easily contact you when you travel. It is a means of ______________________.

Exercise 2: match column A and column B then write the correct answer on the
provided space.
Column A Column B Column C
1- Screw a- board 1-______________________________
2- Key b- driver 2-______________________________
3- Hand c- brake 3-______________________________
4- Loud d- master 4-______________________________
5- head e- speaker 5-______________________________

Section C: READING COMPREHENSION. (10 marks)

Read the passage attentively and answer the questions that follows.

Long distance communication

People have always needed to communicate with each other. If people are
close enough to see and hear each other, they can talk. If they are apart, it is more
difficult. The way we communication over distance is changing all the time.
Two hundred years ago, if you wanted to communicate with someone for
always, you had to send a letter. It could take months.
One hundred years ago, you could talk to someone hundreds of miles away
by telephone. Alexander graham Bell was a teacher of deaf children. He worked
out how electricity could carry the human voice. In 18th, Bell invented the
telephone. People could now talk directly to each other even if they were some
distance apart.
Today, we can communicate with people all over the word in lots of
different ways. We can talk on mobile phones, send faxes, read text messages and
send emails. As well as using words, we can send moving pictures, sounds and
1- How did people communicate in the past?
2- Who invented the telephone?
3- What ways of communication do we have today?
4- Who was Alexander Graham Bell?
5- In what ways are today’s methods of communication better than those in the
6- What is the little of this text?

Section D: WRITTEN COMPOSITION (10marks)

Choose 1 topic.
1- As the general delegate of youths in your school, you have to write a speech
to your class mates to advise them on the moderate use of telephones and tell
them the consequences on one’s health if over used.

2- Your address is FOFIE Jean, P.O Box 1254 write your friend to tell he about
the different communication tools you know.

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