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Review Unit 39

1. Translate the text to Portuguese:

In a few years, an engineer will have accomplished

many remarkable feats. By that time, they will have
designed and developed cutting-edge technologies
that will have transformed industries and improved
people's lives. They will have worked tirelessly to create
innovative solutions to complex problems, and their
hard work will have paid off in ways they couldn't have imagined.

By the end of the decade, this engineer will have built

bridges, skyscrapers, and other structures that will have
stood the test of time. They will have developed
sustainable energy sources that will have reduced
carbon emissions and helped mitigate the effects of
climate change. Their contributions to the field will
have been recognized by their peers, and they will have become a leading
figure in the industry.

Looking back on their career, this engineer will have

achieved more than they ever thought possible. They
will have left a lasting impact on the world, and their
legacy will have inspired future generations of
engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible.


2. What words were new for you in the question before?

a) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

b) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

c) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

d) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

e) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

f) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

g) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

h) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

i) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

j) ______________________ What is the meaning of it? _____________________

3. Bring some sentences with the structure
“will have + been + past participle verb”
according your routine!

a) _____________________________________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________________________________

c) _____________________________________________________________________

d) _____________________________________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________________________________

f) _____________________________________________________________________

g) _____________________________________________________________________

h) _____________________________________________________________________

i) ______________________________________________________________________

j) ______________________________________________________________________

l) ______________________________________________________________________

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