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The main problem faced by Malaysia’s industry especially when it comes to festivals or holidays is
the shortage of eggs supply. Out of the public view, the production could not supply more eggs
because of the lack of labors handling the production. The ministry are still finding a solution to
overcome the shortage of eggs due to the high demand from consumers. This will affect the economy
of the country as there is a rise in the prices of the eggs supplied. In many ways, most of them are
currently facing an extremely high standard cost of living as consequence of the inflation crisis
nowadays. It must be devastating news to the consumers who are already struggling with the bare

Eggs are one of the cheapest protein foods that are always available at the supermarket and the
grocery stores near the housing area. It is a low-budget source of food yet delicious that are popular
among consumers with a varied choice of dishes that can be served. This includes the famous Korean
dish, the egg roll and the Scotch egg snack from the UK. According to The Straits Times (2023),
Madam Ilham who is a mother of 3 said that she opted for “designer” eggs which are better in quality
but almost have the same price as grade A ones. The “designer” eggs are organically produced and
seem to have higher omega which in many ways are healthier and better than the grade A has.

Despite the eggs crisis, people are forced to buy high-cost eggs due to the low supply at the moment
as an alternative way since it is the last option they have. Malaysia is noted to have temporarily
imported eggs from India. However, people expressed that those eggs have the higher price but come
in a smaller size which makes them feel unsatisfied with the price charged. According to Malay Mail
(2023), Datuk Jeffrey Ng, an adviser for the Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Associations of
Malaysia said that currently, the controlled maximum retail price of local eggs supply of Peninsular
Malaysia for Grade A, Grade B and Grade C are 45 sen, 43 sen and 41 sen respectively for each egg.

Not only in Malaysia, other countries like the United States is also facing the same issue as the price
of eggs there is crashing because of bird flu disease that is spreading among chickens. Even so, our
government is still trying its best to stabilize the economy of the country to lessen the standard cost of
living of the locals. It must be hard for those who are already struggling with the economy
previously. All Malaysian wish that the eggs supply will be back to normal in time. There are so
many lives hanging with high hope for the governments. Nevertheless, people will continue to support
Malaysia’s economy to rise higher.

Lim, I. (2023, February 28). Egg prices go up in Malaysia even as supply stabilizes. Malay Mail.

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