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war (chapter 4)
Ana Sofía Robles Pujals
Maximiliano Noguez
Karol Joseph Arellano

One American's story

• On virginia exist one militia stood with the American
and French armies; their coronel was William
Fontaine and they were lining road near to Yorktown,
Virgina. On the afternoon of October 19, 1781, to
witness the formal British surrender.

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The letter...
• Coronel Fontaine
describe this escene on a book and say this:
• "A Personal Voice coloniel William Fontaine"
• I had the hapiness to see that British army wich so lat
ely spread dismay and desolation through all our cou
ntry, march
3 o'clock through our whole army, drawn up
in two lines about 20 yards distance and return disro
bed of all their terrors... you could not have heard a
whisper or seen the least motion throughout our who
le line, but every countenace was erect and expresse
d a serence cheerfulness.

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European Allies
Shift the
• On february 1778 in the frozen
winter of Valley Forge,
American troops began an
amazing transformation.
Friedrich von Steuben who was a
Prussian captain and talented.
This man help a lot to
train all the soldiers on
Washiton, he do it by the help of
European soldiers.

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