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This Agreement for Sale made on 15th day of January 2023



________________ [PAN: ______________] wife of Sri Subhasish Mozumder, by

occupation Service, faith Hindu, residing at Anur Kutir, D79/1, Ramgarh,

Police Station Patuli (Previously Jadavpur), Kolkata 700047, hereinafter

referred to as said VENDOR (which expression unless excluded by and/or


repugnant to the context shall be deemed to mean and include its

successors or successors-in-office) of the FIRST PART;


MR. SHUVAM CHATTOPADHYAY [Aadhar No. 7164 3878 2194] [PAN:

AVMPC6411G] son of Sri Sarbasish Chattopadhyay by faith Hindu, by

occupation Legal Practitioner residing at 58/1 Sreerampur East, Garia Park,

Post Office: Garia, Police Sttaion: Patuli, Kolkata -700084, hereinafter referred

to as said PURCHASER (which expression unless excluded by and/or

repugnant to the context shall be deemed to mean and include its

successors or successors-in-office) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS ALL THAT piece and parcel of Bastu Land measuring about 48

Decimal in Dag No. 635, Khatian No. 55, R.S. No. 38, J.L. No. 28, Touzi

No. 56, Mouza- Baishnabghata, sub Registry Alipore, Police Sttaion

Jadavpur (Presently Patuli), 24 Parganas now South 24 Parganas belonged

jointly to Kali Charan Pramanick having undivided ¼ th share in the


WHEREAS out of the said 48 decimal of bastu land, the said Kalicharan

Pramanick in his share sold 12 decimal of bastu land to one Panchi Bala

Dasi, wife of Nandalal Paramanick for valuable consideration. The said

Deed was registered in the Office of the Sub Registrar at Alipore and has

been recorded in Book No. I, Vol No. 17, Pages 273 to 275 being No. 1995

for the year 1946.

WHEREAS before purchase of the aforesaid land the said Panchi Bala Dasi

and Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick sold .12 decimals of bastu land

out of the said .48 decimal bastu land which was inherited by them from

Nandalal Paramanik who purchased the same from Adhar Chandra


Paramanick one of the co-sharers of the said land to Sri Khagendra Nath

China and after the demise of the said Khagendra Nath China, the heirs of

the said Khagendra Nath China sold the said in the year 1953 to one Smt.

Manoda Bala Dasi.

WHEREAS after the aforesaid purchaser while the said Smt. Manoda Bala

Dasi was in possession and enjoyment of her purchased land, by a

registered deed gifted away all her right, title and interest in her said

purchased land to the said Smt. Panchi Bala Dasi and Sri Gopal Chandra

Manna @ Paramanick. The said deed was registered in the office of the

District Registrar at Alipore and has been recorded in Book No.I Vol No.

29, Pages 296 to 298 Being No. 2359 for the year 1953.

WHEREAS after the aforesaid purchase and gift while the said Panchi Bala

Dasi and Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick were in possession and

enjoyment of the same by raising structure on a portion thereof due to

inconvenience of joint possession and enjoyment of the same with their

co-sharer by a registered deed of Partition. The said deed was registered in

the office of Sub-Registered at Alipore and has been recorded in Book No.I

Volumn No. 96, Being No. 5461 for the year 1970.

WHEREAS by virtue of the aforesaid partition the said Smt. Panchi Bala

Dasi and Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick got in their share absolute

two plots one measuring 10 cottahs 10 chitaks 41 sq.ft. and the other

measuring 3 cottahs 5 chittacks 33 sq.ft. totaling 14 chittacks 29 sq.ft. in

exclusion of the others.

WHEREAS out of the said land measuring 10 cottahs 10 chittacks 41

sq.ft. the said Smt. Panchi Bala Dasi granted patta of a portion of the said

land measuring 1 cottah to her aunt and retained the rest of the land.

WHEREAS while the said Smt. Panchi Bala Dasi and Gopal Chandra

Manna @ Paramanick were in possession and enjoyment of their aforesaid

plot of land the said Smt. Panchi Bala Dasi died intestate on 25.01.1990

and leaving behind her son Sri Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick as

her only heirs and legal representative who inherited the property left by

the said Panchi Bala Dasi.

WHEREAS after the demise of the said Smt. Panchi Bala Dasi her son

Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick became the absolute owner of the

said plots of land.

WHEREAS due to grant of the said patta the said Gopal Chandra Manna

became the owner of the said two plots of the land measuring in total 12

cottah 29 sq.ft. of bastu land structure standing in a portion theron.

WHEREAS the said land with structure subsequently came under

Jadavpur Municipality and thereafter under the Kolkata Municipal


WHEREAS the Gopal Chandra Manna @ Paramanick while in possession

and enjoyment of the aforesaid two plots of land one measuring 8 cottah

10 chitak 41 sq.ft. and other measuring 3 cottah 5 chitak 33 sq.ft. as sole

and absolute owner thereof by a registered deed of gift dated 02.11.1992

gifted away all his right title and interest in respect of 3 cottah 6 chittacks

36 sq.ft. of land out of the said plot of land measuring 8 cottah 10 chitak

41 sq.ft. with structure standingin a portion theron jointly to the present

land owner herein. The said 3 cottah 6 chitak 36 sq.ft. of land with

structure standing theron has been more fully and particularly described

in schedule of the said deed and has been depicted and delineated in Red

colour in the map or plan annexed with the said deed. The said deed was

registerd in the office of The Additional District Sub-Registrar at Alipore

and has been recorded in Book No.I, Volumn No. 138, Pages 289 to 290,

Being No. 4669 for the year 1992.

WHEREAS the present Land owner after accepting the said gift became the

joint owners of the said land measuring 3 cottah 6 chittaks 36 sq.ft. with

structure standing in a portion theron and as such joint owners duly

mutated their names in the Office of The Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

The said 3 cottah 6 chitak 36 sq.ft. of land with structure standing in a

portion thereon is now known and numbered as Kolkata Municipal

Premises No. 58/1 Sreerampur East, Police Station-Jadavpur (Now Patuli)

Kolkata – 700084.

WHEREAS as such the above mentioned present Land Owners of the said

property morefully and particularly mentioned and described in the

SCHEDULE-A hereunder written and/or given for the purpose of

development and/or promotion of the SCHEDULE-A property has given

the authority of promotion and/or construction to the Developer M/s S.B.

Construction, having its office at 58/1 Sreerampur East, Postal Address

1/9 Sreerampur Road North, Police station – Jadavpur (Presently Patuli)

Kolkata 700084, herein by a Development Agreement dated 12 th day of

July, 1996 on terms and conditions stated therein.

WHEREAS in terms of the said Development Agreement the Developer

already completed the construction of the building as per the Sanction

Plan duly sanctioned by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation and handover

the entire Owners Allocation to the then Owners.

WHEREAS from the Developer allocation the Developer has sold the

Vendor herein by registered deed of conveyance recorded in Book No.I,


Volumn- I, Page No 1 to 23 being Deed no.12151 of 2007 before the

A.R.A.-I, the covered Car Parking Space together with the undivided

impartible proportionate share or interest of the land, the said covered

unit/garage also more fully and particularly mentioned and written in the

SCHEDULE-B hereunder written and also more fully shown delineated

and depicted with the coloured RED border lines with the MAP or PLAN is

annexed herewith and the Purchaser duly have been seen all the papers

and documents, evidence relating to the title, interest possession of the

said land building and unit/covered garage in the name of the Vendor and

after satisfied about the same, the Purchaser have entered into an

agreement with above named Vendor herein to purchase the said Covered

Garage for the total consideration sum of Rs.6,50,000/- (Rupees Six Lakh

Fifty Thousand) only free from all encumbrances.

WHEREAS in pursuance of the verbal agreement the Vendor herein have

agreed to execute this Deed of Conveyance in favour of the Purchaser

abovenamed by this presents.


1. In pursuance of the said agreement the Vendors do hereby sell,

grant, transfer, convey assign and assure unto the Purchaser ALL

THAT the ground floor covered unit/car parking space admeasuring

more or less 200 sq.ft. super built up area be the same a little more

or less (morefully and particularly described in the Schedule-B

hereunder written) together with the undivided proportionate share

of the land in the building (morefully and particularly described in

the Schedule-A hereunder written) and also the undivided share in

the staircase, roof, landing, entrance and passage of the building in

common with the other owners/occupiers of different flats and car


parking space in the said building for the purpose of beneficial use

and free access to and from the main road AND other common

areas, portions amenities and facilities morefully and particularly

described in Schedule-C hereunder written (hereinafter collectively


THE SAID PORTION now is or at any time or times hereto before

was situated butted, bounded, called known, numbered, described

and distinguished TOGETHER WITH all fixture, walls, swears,

drains, passages, water courses and all manner of former or other

rights, liberties, easements privileges, advantages, appendages and

appurtenances whatsoever to the said covered car parking space or

any part thereof usually occupied or enjoyed or reputed to belonging

or be appurtenant therein AND the reversion or reversions,

remainder or remainders and the rents, issues and profits thereof

and every part thereof and all the estate, rights, title, interest,

claims, use, inheritance, trust, property or demand whatsoever of

the Developers and/or Vendors do at law or in equity into and upon

the said covered Car Parking or any part thereof TO HAVE AND TO

HOLD the said portion hereby granted, conveyed, transferred,

assigned and assured or expressed or intended so to be and every

part thereof TOGETHER WITH their and every of their respective

rights manner and appurtenances whatsoever unto the Purchaser

absolutely and forever free from all encumbrances, trusts, charges,

liens, lispendens, attachments, acquisition and requisition by the

Govt. or any Govt. Agency or other concern and all other liabilities

whatsoever including however right or convey or transfer the said

covered car parking, if necessary at any time subject nevertheless to

the easements or quasi easements and other stipulations or


provisions applicable in the area and excepting and reserving unto

the Vendors and the other owners and occupiers of other flats in the

said building such easement or quasi easements rights and

privileges as are applicable herein also subject to the Purchaser

covenant to bear and pay their proportionate share of common

expenses to the Association/Society/Company formed by the

owners/occupiers of the flats of the said building for maintenance of

the flats of the said building as applicable.

2. AND the Vendor doth hereby agree and covenant with the Purchaser

as follows:

a. The interest which the Vendor hereby profess to transfer subsist

and the Vendor have good right, full power and absolute

authority to transfer and assign the said Unit hereby transferred

and assign unto the Purchaser in the manner in the aforesaid.

b. It shall be lawful for the Purchaser at all time hereafter to enter

into hold, use and enjoy the said unit without any interruption,

disturbance or claim whatsoever from the Vendors or any person

claiming through under or in trust for the Vendor.

c. The Vendor shall from time to time and at all time hereafter on

every reasonable request and at the cost of the Purchaser make

do acknowledge execute and perform all such further and other

lawful and reasonable acts, deeds conveyance matters and things

whatsoever for better or more perfectly assuring the said unit in

the manner aforesaid unto the Purchaser as shall or may be

reasonable required.

d. It should be open to the option of the purchaser to lawfully

exploit the said unit for its own use purposes in case he think it

beneficial to do so in future and in that case the Vendor and


other Occupiers of the building shall have no right to raise any

objection to it. But the Purchaser shall not store or allow any

inflammable and combustible articles in the said unit and not to

create any nuisance which may cause disturbance to the other

occupiers. Reciprocally the Vendor or its Attorney will not allow

any person(s) to do so any such things in the building complex

which may cause annoyance of the other occupiers.

The Purchaser shall be allowed to install or affix any nameplate,

sign board in the place specified for the purpose in the said unit.

3. AND the Purchaser doth hereby covenant with the Vendors as


a. The Purchaser shall at all times hereafter regularly and

punctually make payment of Municipal Corporation Taxes and

other outgoings and impositions from the date of possession of

the said unit/car parking wholly and in respect of the undivided

share or interest in the land comprised in the said premises


b. The Purchaser shall apply for mutation of the said unit in the

Calcutta Municipal Corporation and shall also obtain separate

assessment of the said unit and on obtain such amount they will

pay accordingly, and the vendor will render all such services

required for the said mutation and will sign in the documents

which are necessary for that purpose.

c. That the Purchaser will apply before the Kolkata Municipal

Corporation to change the nature of the uses from commercial to

residential or any other for personal use. That from now the

purchaser will use the unit/cover parking for his personal use


d. To keep the said unit and other part walls swere drains pipes

cable wires etc in good condition so as to support shelter and

protect the other parts of the buildings other than the said unit.

e. To contribute and pay the proportionate part of the expenses and

outgoings mentioned in the “C” Schedule hereto.

f. So long as the said unit is separately assessed the proportionate

corporation tax and other outgoings shall be given to the

Developers and/or Vendors or the Association if any.

g. To keep the said unit in good and substantial repair as necessary

to form such support and protection to other parts of the said


h. Not to throw dirt, rubbish refuse in the compound or any portion

of the said building and/or permit or cause to be permitted to do


i. Not to store or bring in allowed to be stored or brought in the

said unit or the compound of the said building any such article

which may endanger the structure of the said building and/or

rights of the others flat owners.

j. Not to hang from or attached to the beam or store any article or

machinery which will affect and endanger or damage the

construction of the said building.

k. Not to demolish or cause to be demolished the said unit and/or

said building or any part thereof at any time hereinafter.

l. Not to make any structural alteration or addition of permanent

nature in the said unit without obtaining any prior sanction of

the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Authority.



(Details of the Landed Property)

ALL THAT piece and parcel of bastu land measuring an area 3 cottahs 6 chitaks

36 sq.ft. more or less out of the land in Dag No. 635. Khatian No. 55, J.L. NO.

28, R.S. No. 38, Touzi No. 56, Mouza- Baisnabghata, Sub Registry ALipore,

Police Station –Patuli, (Previously Jadavpur), South 24 Parganas, being

Municipal Premises No. 58/1 Sreerampur East, Post- Garia, Kolkata 700084.

The Said Premises in butted and bounded in the following manner:

On The North: KMC Road

On The East : Property of Budhendu Barua
On The South: Land of Gopal Chandra Manna
On The West : Premises No. 58 Garia Park


(Description of the Dealt Property)

ALL THAT piece and parcel of the completed Covered Garage on the Ground

Floor which will be used as commercially measuring more or less 200 sq.ft.

Super built up area which has been show, delineated, depicted with the

coloured RED Border lines with the map/plan is annexed herewith together

with the undivided impartible proportionate share of interest of the land out of

the SCHEDULE-A lands with all easement right, title, interest, possession,

profits lying and situated at and being the said Municipal Premises No. 58/1

Sreerampur East, Garia Park, Police Station- Patuli, Post- Garia, South 24

Parganas, Kolkata -700084, Under Kolkata Municipal Corporation Ward No.


On The North: KMC Road

On The East : Property of Budhendu Barua
On The South: Land of Gopal Chandra Manna

On The West : Premises No. 58 Garia Park


(Common Area)

1. The land comprised in the premises but excluding those reserved for

parking of cars or marked by the vendors exclusively to any unto or to the

Purchaser and those mentioned herein.

2. General lighting of the common portion.

3. Drains, swear, main water connection from The Kolkata Municipal

Corporation to the underground reservoir, main water delivery pipe

lines from underground reservoir overhead water tanks all

distribution of pipe lines to kitchens and toilet of different units

and/or the common portions.

4. Stairs case and landing from the ground floor upto the roof of cast-in-

situ mosaic flooring.

5. Water pumps and motors, electrical wiring and main switch gears

thereof main electrical distribution board sub-distribution board,

electrical wiring and installation for the water pump and other

installations and fittings of main electric meter stand by point and

motor as provided by the Vendor.


6. Water and sewage evocation pipes from the unit to main drains and

sewerage common to the building water reservoir pipe lines pumps

and motor for fire fighting within the premises.

7. Boundary walls, main gate, driveways to the premises and building

outside elevation of the building.

8. Lifts including the lift cage and lift machinery and all electrical or

electronic components thereof including motor at also the lift well

from ground to the 4th floor and lift machine room and staircase

leading to the same including those described in the Sixth Schedule

hereto and to regularly pay and discharge all taxes hereto regarding

maintenance and taxes outgoings etc.

9. To execute and make over from time to time all papers and

documents and due to all the other acts deeds and things in such a

way as to safeguard the interest of the vendor and the developer and

also the Co-owners and holders an occupier of the other units and

spaces in the new building.

10. The Purchaser will allow the co-owner of the other units the rights of

the easements and/or quasi easement.

11. The Purchaser shall be liable to pay the Taxes, Levies, GST if


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their

respective hands and seals on the day, month and year first above written.

Signed ,sealed and delivered at __________________________

Kolkata in the presence of: VENDOR


2.. ___________________________


RECEIVED with thanks from the above named Purchasers a sum of

Rs.6,50,000/- (Rupees Six Lacs Fifty Thousand) only as consideration
money in respect of the unit/covered parking space referred in Schedule above
hereinbefore written and in terms of Sale as per Memo given below:-

Amount In
Cheque/DD No Date Bank & Branch





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