Oh 1980

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Aneatesotgy VEIT tm Ropert G. MeRin, M.D. Professor of Anesthesiology University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York 14642 REFERENCES 1. Klassen GA, Bramwell RS, Bromage PR, et al: Effect of acute sympathectomy by epidural anesthesia on the canine coron ion, ANESTHESIOLOGY 52:8-15, 1980 Anesthesiology 53:351, 1980 CORRESPONDENCE 351 2. VikeMo H, Ottesen S, Renck H: Garde efets of thoracic before andl during acute coronary artery in open-chest dogs. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 38: 797-746, 1978 8. Reiz S, Nath S, Rais O: Effects of thoracie epidural block andl prenalterol and myocardial holism in patients with coronary artery disease. Acta esthesiol Seand 24:11-16, 1980 (ere pen p23, 198) Formulas for Calculating Fluid Maintenance Requirements To the Editor:—In 1957, Holliday and Segar! described the maintenance requirements for water of hospital patients, based on caloric expenditure. With- ‘out changing the concept described by the above-men- ned authors, I have modified their formulas to those proposed in table I for calculation of a patient's hourly maintenance fluid volume, and compared the proposed formulas with equations currently available (table 1), It has been simpler for the medical students and residents in anesthesia service to calculate the hourly maintenance requirement for water of patients by using these proposed formulas, in which certain re- strictions, such as “for each kg over 10 kg” and “for each kg over 20 kg,” have been eliminated. Tar H. Ox, M.D. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Child Health and Development George Washingion University School of Medicine at Children's Hospital National Medical Center Washington, D. C. 20010 Anesthesiology 58:351~353, 1980 Tank Form fina ‘hale rpm ty wett | tee) era eran 0-10 kg | 100cabkg | 4 mk 4x kg 10-20 kg | 1,000 eal 40 mi 20+ x kg) “+ 50 cage | + 2 mb 220 kg | 1,500 cal 60 mi 40+ hg “+20 calkgt | + 1 mest For each kg over 10 kg. + For each kg over 20 kg, REFERENCE 1, Holliday MA, Segar WE: ‘The maintenance need for water in ‘parenteral Huid therapy. Pediatrics 19:823-882, 1957 (dae Jr en Ay 28, 1980) Bioassay, Potency, and Intravenous Anesthetics To the Editor:—In their interesting paper,’ Sarn- quist and associates compared clinical effects of thio- pental and midazolam. The calculation of drug po- tenciesin this study was based on the duration of sleep. I would like to make some comments in this regard, since I believe that the use of the duration of drug ef- fect in comparing drug potencies is unjustified. In the textbook of pharmacology by Goodman and Gil- man, a dose-response curve is described with the dose represented on the horizontal axis, and the in- tensity of effect on the vei is; the location of the dose-effect curve along the dose axis is givenasan ex- pression of the potency of a drug. For anesthetics, potency can be defined as the relative amounts of drugs that will produce the same depth of anesthesia. Depth of anesthesia is analogous to intensity of effect. Inten- sity of effect cannot be substituted for by duration of effect, since potency is dependent on the number of receptoré involved in the drug-receptor interaction and not on the duration of their involvement. Sarnquist and co-authors stated that dose-response curves for midazolam and thiopental have similar

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