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Dr. B.

Lal Institute of Biotechnology

Pre-University Examination 2019-20
B.Sc. Biotechnology part III
Bioethics and IPR (Paper Code- BT 803)

Time – 3 hrs.
Maximum Marks – 50
Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory

Q.1. Compulsory question 10

1. For how many years a patent is granted in India
2. What are trade secrets
3. Write the full form of GATT
4. Give an example of bacterium which can be used as a biological weapon
5. What is intellectual property
6. What do you mean by Doha agreement
7. When was the agreement on TRIPS signed.
8. What is biopiracy
9. Write the name of a regulatory body for transgenic research in India
10. What are biohazards

Section A
Q.2. Give a detail note on account of the regulatory framework and rules for research
and use of genetic plants in INDIA 10


Write a note on guidelines regarding the use of recombinant DNA technology in INDIA
Section B
Q. 3. What are GMMs ? What is the role of regulatory bodies for releasing GMO in the
environment? 10

Write short notes on any two. 5+5= 10
1. Patent filing procedure
2. Different types of patent applications
3. Risk assessment

Section C
Q. 4. What are IPRs and how do they grant protection to the owner of an IPR?

Discuss the functions in detail of world intellectual property organization 10

Section D
Q. 5. Write short notes on: 5+5= 10
1. Plant breeders rights
2. International conventions
Define copyrights. What are the direct and indirect Non target effects on beneficial and
native organisms ? 2+8= 10

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