G & D of Infant

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1. Physical growth:
Growth and • Weight: Average birth weight is 2.5
Development of kg. it decreases by 10% in first 10
Newborn and Infant days of life and then increases at
the rate of 500-600 gms/month
during first 6 months

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• Length: At birth it is approximately • Pulse rate is 130 ± 20 bts/min.

45-50cm. It increases at the rate of • Respiration is 35 ± 10 cycles/min.
2-2.5 cm/month during first 6 • Blood pressure is 80/50 ± 20/10 mm Hg
• Reflexes: The baby has developed
• Head circumference: At birth it is sucking, rooting, swallowing and
approximately 33-35cm. It increases extrusion reflex.
at the rate of 1.5 cm/month during
first 6 months. • Baby also has Moro’s, Tonic Neck,
Crossed Extensor Reflex.
• Chest circumference: It is about 31-
33 cm.

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Moro’s reflex
The Moro reflex is an infantile reflex
normally present in all infants/ newborn upto
4 or 5 months of age as a response to a
sudden loss of support, when the infant feels
as if it is falling. It involves three distinct
components spreading out the arms
(abduction) unspreading the arms (adduction)
crying (usually).

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Tonic neck reflex

The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex is
activated as a result of turning the head is
turned, the arm and leg on the same side will
extend, while the opposite limbs bend. The
reflex should be inhibited by six months of
age in the waking state.

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Crossed extensor reflex

Crossed extensor reflex when the
bottom of the foot is held and flicked,
the baby will flex and then straighten
her opposite leg and appear to try to
push the object away.

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2. Motor Development
a. Gross Motor.
• Lies in flexed position with hands clenched.
• Turns head in prone position.
• Head lags behind when baby is pulled up
from supine to sitting position.
b. Fine Motor.
• Grasp reflex is strong.
• Baby can grasp an object placed in hand but
drops immediately.

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3. Sensory Development
• Protective Blinking Reflex is present.
• Indefinite stare at surroundings.
• Notices faces and bright objects
placed in hand but drops immediately.

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4. Language Development 2 Months

1. Physical growth:
• Posterior fontanel closes at 6-8 weeks of
• Startles to loud noises. age.
• Responds to human voice. • Tears start appearing.
• Makes comfort sounds during feeding • Drooling begins.
2. Motor Development
• Begins to coo.
• Gross Motor.
• Less fixed prone position. Arms flexed, hip
flat and legs extended.
• Lifts head almost 45° above flat
surface when lying in prone.
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b. Fine motor.
• Hands may be open.
• Holds a rattle when placed in hand

3. Sensory Development
• Turns head to side when sound occurs
at ear level.
• Eyes follow moving objects and persons
• Visual acuity is hyperoptic.

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4. Language Development 3 Months

• Laughs and squeals. 1. Physical growth:
• Crying becomes differentiated varying with  Flexion posture is reduced.
reason for crying.
 Grasping, Moro’s reflex disappears.
• Utters single vowel sounds such as ‘ah’ and
 Landau reflex appears.
2. Motor Development
5. Social Development
• Gross Motor.
• Smiles to mother/caregiver.
 Able to lift head to 90° when in prone
• Knows that cry will bring attention.
 Able to hold head erect but head still
bobs forward.
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Landau reflex
It is an instinctive reaction in
babies from about 3 months of age to 1
year, where in an infant, held in a face
down position, will lift their head and
fully extend their legs.

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b. Fine motor.
• Can grasp a toy but lacks firm hold.
• Hands open and closed loosely.
• Carries objects and mouth at will.
3. Sensory Development
• Turns head and looks in same direction
to locate sound.
• Blinks at objects that threaten the
• Beginning of ability to coordinate
various sensory stimuli.

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4 Months
4. Language Development
1. Physical growth:
• Cries less.  Drooling indicates appearance of saliva.
• Shows pleasure in making sound.  Tonic neck and rooting reflex disappears.
• Chuckles and coos. 2. Motor Development
• Gross Motor.
5. Social Development  Holds head erect and steady when placed in
sitting position.
• May laugh.  Sits for short time with adequate support.
• Looks in direction of speaker.  Lifts head and shoulders at 90° in prone and
looks around.

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b. Fine motor.
• Brings hand together in midline and
plays with fingers.
• Reaches for objects.
3. Sensory Development
• Follows objects to 180°
• Fairly good binocular vision.
• Beginning of hand eye coordination.

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4. Language Development
• Utters two syllable vowel sounds.
• Can vocalize consonants like ‘m’, ‘b’, ‘g’.
• Responds differently to pleasant and
angry voice.
5. Social Development
• Initial aspect play by smiling.

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5 Months
1. Physical growth:
 Weight almost double birth weight.
 Can breathe through the mouth when the nose
is obstructed.
2. Motor Development
• Gross Motor.
 Sits with slight support.
 Holds back straight when pulled to a sitting
 Pulls feet up to mouth when supine.
 Rolls from the back to the abdomen.

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b. Fine motor.
• Attempts to ‘catch’ dangling objects with two
• Begins use of forefinger and thumb in a pincer
• Tries to obtain objects beyond reach.
• Can holds one object while looking at another.
3. Sensory Development
• Looks in direction of sound made below ear.
• Stops crying in response to music.
• Visual acuity is 20/20.

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4. Language Development
 Responds to his/her name.
 Vocalizes displeasure when desired on
object is taken away.
 Begins to mimic sounds.
 Cries on seeing strangers.
5. Social Development
• Smiles to self in mirror.
• Differentiate strangers from family

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6 Months
1. Physical growth:
 Weight gain is about 300-400 gms/month during 2. Motor Development
the next 6 months. • Gross Motor.
 Length increases at the rate of 1.25 cm/ month.
 H C increases at the rate of 0.5-1 cm/ month.
Sits leaning forward on both
 Pulse rate is 120± 20/min. hands.
 Respiration is 31 ± 9/min. Moves from place to place by
 Blood pressure is 90/60 ± 28/10 mm hg. rolling.
 Teeth eruption starts with the lower two central
Back is straight when sitting in
high chair.

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b. Fine motor.
• Can grasp at will.
• Drops one object when offered another.
• Manipulates small objects.
• Bangs objects that are held.

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9 Months
4. Language Development 1. Physical growth:
 Babbling.  Parachute reflex appears.
 Vocalizes monosyllable like ma, da pa.  Ultimate color of iris is established.
 Recognizes familiar words.  Smashes food with jaws.
 Talks to own image in mirror.  Begin to show pattern in bowel and bladder
5. Social Development elimination
• Recognizes parents.  Eruption of upper central & lateral incisors.
• Extends arms to be picked.

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Parachute reflex
This reflex occurs in slightly
older infants when the child is held
upright and the baby's body is rotated
quickly to face forward (as in falling).
The baby will extend their arms
forward as if to break a fall, even
though this reflex appears long before
the baby walks.

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2. Motor Development
• Gross Motor.
 Lifts head as if trying to sit up when in the supine
 Rolls more easily from the back to the abdomen.
 Sustains all weight on feet when held in a standing
 Early stepping movements.
 Palmar grasp disappears.
 Drinks from a cup or glass with the help
 Crawls and creeps.

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b. Fine motor.
• Holds two toys together.
• Transfers a toy from one hand to another.
• Bangs objects that are held.
• Holds bottle and place nipple in the mouth
when wants
• Holds two objects while looking at a third.
• Releases objects from hand at will.
• Feeds self with fingers.

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3. Sensory Development
• Preferences in taste for food.
• Recognizes familiar words and
• Heads turns directly to source of
• Recognizes by looking towards
familiar objects when named.

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5. Social Development
4. Language Development • Shows fear of strangers.
 Recognizes own name
• Closes lips tightly when disliked
 Responds with gestures to words such as food is offered.
“come”, “go”.
 Vocalizes ‘baba’, ‘dada’.
• Dislike dressing and diaper
 Begins to understand “no”.
 Vocalizes to toys. • Separation anxiety develops.
• Dislike face wash.
• Cries when scolded.

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12 Months
1. Physical growth:
 Drooling stops.
 Macula is well developed and final visual discrimination can
be made.
 Sleeps 14-16 hours per day.
 Weight becomes triple of birth weight.
 Height is increased about 50% of birth.
 HC is about 46cm, increased by 1/3rd since birth.
 CC = HC.
 Pulse rate is 25 ± 20/min
 Respiration is 30 ± 10/min.
 Babinski and Landau reflex also disappears.

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2. Motor Development b. Fine motor.

• Gross Motor. • Fine pincer grasp of tiny objects and
 Stands erect with minimum support. transfer into the mouth.
 Walks holding on to furniture. • Brings hands together and play.
 Cruises and creeps well. • Beginning to hold the pen and make marks
 Stands alone for a variable length of time. on the paper.
 Walk a few steps with help. • Enjoys eating with fingers.
 Can sit down from a standing position without • Removes covers from the boxes and takes
help. off the toys.
 Improved competence in motor skills through

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3. Sensory Development 4. Language Development

• Tilts head backward to see up.  Says ‘dada’, ‘mama’ with meaning.
• Localizes sound from above or below ear.  Comprehends ‘bye-bye’.
• Can follow rapidly moving objects.  Imitates sounds of animals.
• Full binocular vision well established.  Responds to simple questions
 Understands simple directions.
 Comprehends ‘give’ and ‘stop’ when told ‘no’.
 Vocalization decreases as walking increases.

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5. Social Development
• Reacts to restriction with frustration.
• Enjoy playing with empty dishes and
spoons after meals.
• Responds to requests for affection such
as kissing.
• Attachment developed to a primary
• Cooperates in dressing e.g.:- puts arms
into sleeves, puts feet into the shoes.

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