Introduction To Marketinf COmmunicatuin (Read-Only)

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§ Advertising uses multiple channels to deliver
promotional messages to a broad audience to increase
awareness, generate interest, and drive customer
action toward a product, service, or idea. It reminds
audiences about a brand or product, ultimately seeking
to attract customers, boost sales, and establish a strong
brand reputation and customer loyalty.
§ Advertising framework (Fill,2006 after Hall, 1991

and O'Malley, 1991)
- Persuasion: advertising works rationally,
conveying a persuasive message to ensure the
consumers go through sequential steps: Cognitive
– Affective – Conative.
- Involvement: advertising works by getting the
audience involved with the advertisement,
showing their interest and personal relevance
with the product/service.
- Salience: advertising works by being different
and standing out, increasing the brand's or
product's prominence and visibility in the
customer's mind.
- Sales: the ultimate goal of advertising, aiming to
drive customer purchases and achieve business

§ The use of emotion in advertising: In 1988, Nike
introduced the famous "Just Do It" campaign, which
showcased both professional and amateur athletes
sharing their achievements and the emotions they
experience during physical activity. One of the
campaign's initial TV commercials featured an
inspiring video of Walt Stack, an 80-year-old
marathon runner, who passionately explained his
daily routine of running 17 miles. Stories like Walt's
evoke a powerful emotional reaction in viewers,
prompting them to question themselves, "If these

athletes can achieve such feats, why can't I do the
same?" This campaign resonates with people on a
personal level, igniting a belief in their potential and
inspiring them to take action

§ An example of a Strong theory (Jones, 1991) : Nike

launched an advertising campaign using the slogan
"Just do it" as a powerful and persuasive message to
the audience. Despite its simplicity, this message
effectively connected consumers emotionally,
inspiring them to pursue their dreams, challenge their
limits, and embrace an active lifestyle. Over ten
years, from 1988 to 1998, Nike experienced a
remarkable increase in sales, from 800 million to 9.2
billion dollars, all thanks to some game-changing

§ Public relations can be described as the art of
managing how people think and feel about an
organization. It aims to build positive stakeholder
relationships by aligning the organization's
interests with theirs. Public relations seeks
mutual trust, understanding, and long-term
benefits for everyone involved through strategic
actions and effective communication.
§ PR models (Grunig and Hunt, 1984 )
Press Agentry/Publicity l: Focuses on creating
attention and generating publicity through one-
way communication.

Public Information: Emphasizes providing
accurate and balanced information to the public in
a one-way communication approach.

Two-Way Asymmetric: Involves gathering

feedback to understand the audience but using it
to craft persuasive messages that benefit the
organization's interests.

Two-Way Symmetric: Considered ideal, it

focuses on open and honest communication,
engaging in dialogue, and seeking mutual
understanding and cooperation.

§ Creative campaign concepts - Theaker and

Yaley (2017):

Successful campaigns require creativity to attract

customers' attention. They should be relevant to
the main objectives and strategic direction while
appropriately showcasing the company culture
and considering the target audience's expectations.
Simplicity is essential, as it ensures that the
message is easily understood. Compelling
elements drive stakeholder engagement and
support while incorporating surprises helps
campaigns differentiate themselves and stand out

in a crowded advertising landscape.

§ PR model type: Two-way symmetrical model
(Grunig and Hunt, 1984 ): The Dove campaign
could be regarded as a successful example of a two-
way symmetrical model. The Dove campaign struck a
chord with people by focusing on everyday challenges
and delivering a powerful message about self-esteem
and body positivity. It encouraged parents to have
meaningful conversations with their children and
provided helpful resources on a dedicated website.
The campaign created a sense of community through
the #TheSelfieTalk hashtag, where parents shared
their experiences and advice. By challenging

traditional beauty standards, Dove became a champion
of body positivity, inclusivity, self-love, and
confidence, making a meaningful impact on how we
view beauty.

§ High involvement refers to situations where consumers
perceive higher risk, cost, and social consequences,
leading to extensive information processing and careful
evaluation of alternatives. Sales promotions are best
used after attitudinal development through public
relations and advertising for new product introductions
or market entries. For established products, sales
promotions aim to increase purchases from current
customers and attract users from competing products.
§ Low involvement occurs when consumers perceive
low risk and have familiarity with the product or
consumption experience. These routine purchases

require minimal cognitive effort and rely on heuristics
or brand loyalty. Sales promotions stimulate trial use
for new product introductions or market entries to
increase consumption and encourage product trials for
established products.

§ Value Adding (Do Us A Flavor – Frito Lay's)
- The 2012 campaign was the most successful
campaign Lay's had produced. The 10-month
campaign received 3.8 million, achieved over 22.5
million Facebook page visits, and experienced an
upliftment in sales by 12% year after year.
- By creating a contest like this, Lay's also effectively
raised brand awareness, reaching a broad audience of
snack enthusiasts. The campaign's success translated
into a boost in sales and revenue during the campaign
period, further solidifying Lay's position as a leading
brand in the snack industry.

§ Value increasing ( Two for Tuesday – Domino's
- Domino's Pizza's "Two for Tuesday" campaign
proved highly successful. Domino's created a
compelling value proposition by offering customers
the opportunity to purchase two pizzas for the price of
one on Tuesdays. This promotion effectively attracted
new customers and fostered loyalty among existing
ones, increasing sales and repeat business—Domino's
successfully enhanced brand awareness and generated
positive word-of-mouth through targeted marketing
strategies and effective customer engagement. The
campaign's triumph can be attributed to its ability to
deliver exceptional value, generate excitement, and
drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

§ Personal selling
Personal selling involves direct interaction between the
salesperson and the potential customer, where the
salesperson communicates the value proposition,
addresses customer needs, and works towards closing the
sale. (Fill, 2016)
§ The difference between customer and B2B
environment (Kotler and Armstrong, 1980)
- B2B selling often involves a longer and more
complex sales cycle than B2C. In B2B, the focus is
on building long-term relationships and meeting the
specific needs of organizational buyers. B2C selling,

on the other hand, tends to be more transactional and
emphasizes mass marketing techniques.

- B2B environment ( Fill, C, 2019, p527 – p530) :

In B2B selling, the customers are typically
businesses or organizations, and the buying
process tends to be more complex and
involves multiple decision-makers. Personal
selling in this context often requires a longer
sales cycle, building relationships with key
stakeholders, and providing detailed
information and support to address specific
business needs.

- B2C environment (Fill, C, 2019, p527 - p530)

B2C involves direct interaction with individual
consumers. The buying process is typically more
superficial and transactional, focusing on meeting the
consumer's immediate needs and desires. Personal selling
in a B2C environment may involve product
demonstrations, persuasive communication, and creating
an emotional connection with the consumer


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