Tid Bits of Wisdom July & August 2023

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Tid Bits of Wisdom

TID BITS of WISDOM from the


Duncanville, Texas 75116

From the Wonderful Word Publishers

614 N. Peach Street


Publishers, Inc.
JULY & AUGUST 2023 Vol. 17:9-10



What brings pure delight to your soul? The truth is, we don’t see many

people who look happy at all. Now days when you go to the doctor, their first
question is, are you suicidal? Are you happy with life. Growing up, a doctor
would never ask those questions. That’s what a pastor would ask.

If you are over 60, they give you three words to remember and then walk
out for a few minutes, then they return and ask if you remember the three words.
My cousin said her doctor did this, but he forgot to ask if she remembered. She
had to remind him!!!! All of us have issues, even doctors.

Back to the question, “What do you delight in?”

Ps 37:4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine

It took me some years after my salvation to realize I was doing the right
thing, but not with the right spirit. I knew what God said I was to do, and I was
doing it to the best of my ability, but it did not delight my soul. I knew what God
said was right, but I had not considered that it really was good for me.
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God is good and everything He asks of us is good for us.

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In order to get your hearts desire, you must learn to be delighted about
serving the Lord. The definition of delight is to please greatly. He said, “Delight
thyself!” It must greatly please you to serve the Lord and that will greatly
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1)
WHAT DELiGHTS YOU? Addiction is
please Him. Here is a truth that could help us delight in obeying God’s command-
ments. giving up everything
1 John 5:2-5
for one thing.
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep
his commandments.
Recovery is
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his com- giving up one thing
mandments are not grievous.
4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that for everything.
overcometh the world, even our faith.
5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that
believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

If we obey God and keep His commandments, there is nothing that we

cannot overcome!!! That ought to delight us greatly. We are daily working to
Four Guidelines
overcome everything the world throws at us. By faith we CAN overcome. If we for Modesty
don’t overcome, it is not God’s fault. If we don’t overcome, it shows we have not
depended on God, but on ourselves. 1. If you have trouble getting into it or
out of it, it is probably not modest.
What Delights God?
2. If you have to be careful when you
Prov 11:20
20 They that are of a froward (habitually disposed to disobedience) heart are abomi- sit down or bend over, it is probably not
nation to the Lord: but such as are upright in their way are his modest.
3. If people look at any part of your body
Prov 12:22 before looking at your face, it is probably
22 Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are
not modest.
his delight.

Prov 15:8 4. If you can see your most private body

8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer parts or an outline of your undergar-
of the upright is his delight. ments through the fabric, it is probably
not modest.
Jer 9:23-24
23 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the
mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: MODESTY IS MORE THAN A FASH-
24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, ION STATEMENT. IT IS A DAILY
that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judg- DECISION TO DRESS LIKE THE
ment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things
I delight, saith the Lord.
2 11
TID BITS God delights in His loving kindness. He wants to bless us. He wants
to judge us righteously. He loves righteousness. We have a God who loves to
embrace us with His love.
We are more than half way through another year. It has been a very ac- Since God serves us with such love, how do we serve Him? These are
tive year so far for us. Wayne and I have been sharing how God has worked in some of the things we should delight in?
our lives through the years with our mates and we are looking forward to what
God might do for us in our last days. At 85 and 79 we find it still exciting to serve Ps 1:1-2
our wonderful Savior. 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in
the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
We are having our tracts for Wonderful Word printed in Mexico. Bro. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he
Larry Connor gave his equipment to the Kaigens who are missionaries to Mexi- meditate day and night.
co. They have a wonderful work there. They have an open door to get tracts into
Ps 40:8
the hands of the pastors.
8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

Wonderful Word Publishers has had two parts to this work. Wonderful Ps 119:16
Word puts out tracts in Spanish and Tid Bits of Wisdom puts out a by-monthly 16 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy
paper to encourage believers. God has put in our hearts to start a third part of this word.
work. Both Wayne and I were widow and widower for over two and a half years
before we married. We had no plans to remarry before we met. We have been so Ps 119:24
blessed in our marriage, but realize not all remarry. God has given us a burden 24 Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors.
for widows, fatherless and strangers. These three have no earthly head and God
takes special care of them. We want to be used of God in the lives of these peo- Ps 119:47
47 And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I
ple. We will be setting up a work to aid these in their time of need. Would you
have loved.
pray with us about this. This will be a separate work and will not come out of the
other two works. All three works will be kept separate. What you give will go Do you delight in doing the will of God? God’s will is the first cause of
to the work you designate. Wayne and I have placed funds into this work to start everything that exists.
it. We would love to hear from you as to what you think of helping these people.
When we complete the guidelines, we will make them available. At our age we Do you delight in keeping His law? God’s law is a system of rules with
don’t have a lot of strength, but we can stretch out our hands and help others. enforcement.
Many of you have supported us from the beginning. Some have just Do you delight in His commandments? God’s commandments are His
recently began support. Thank you for sharing your life with the work God has divine rules, especially the ten commandments.
given us to do. Your generosity is certainly appreciated.
I do not take a salary from Tid Bits of Wisdom. Any- Do you delight in His Statutes? God’s statutes command or prohibit
thing you send with Tid Bits of Wisdom’s name goes straight to Tid something, or declare policy.
Bits of Wisdom. The paper was 17 years old this past December.
Many who started with us have died or become unable to give. Do you delight in His Testimonies? God’s testimonies are His written
Many have been faithful all these years. Pray and ask God if He word. How much time do you spend in His word and how much do you delight
wants you to join us with a monthly support. I am grateful for our yourself in it?
faithful supporters. All donations to Tid Bits of Wisdom are tax Gloria Brewster Huff
deductible. 614 N. Peach St. Duncanville, TX, 75116. 214- Founder of
These are sobering questions for us as believers to think about.
293-5252. Tid Bits of Wisdom
10 3
that Providence had a great work for him to do. Her feelings found expression
F in this meditation:
E “I would offer Thee myself and all that Thou hast given me, and I would

Gloria Brewster
M resolve - O give me grace to do it! - that the residue of my life shall be all devoted
A to Thy service. And I do intend to be more particularly careful of the soul of this

L child that Thou hast so mercifully provided for, than ever I have been; that I may
endeavor to instill into his mind the principles of Thy true religion and virtue.
E Lord, give grace to do it sincerely and prudently, and bless my attempts with good
With the care of a numerous family upon her shoulders, with a husband,
who - whatever his virtues - was of small assistance in providing for its most
LET’S WALK THROUGH pressing necessities, it seems scarcely possible that Mrs. Wesley could give much
time to books or meditation. Yet she managed to do so, and, when her beloved
THE BOOK OF RUTH TOGETHER sons had left the Epworth nest and were facing the gravest personal problems at
part two. school and university, it was their mother rather than their father to whom they
resorted for counsel - and seldom in vain. The higher education of women was a
Ruth 1:16-18 thing unknown in the eighteenth century, much less in the seventeenth, when the
16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after Annesley girls were forming their intellectual habits. But in substance and form
thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy
Mrs. Wesley’s letters to her sons at Oxford challenge comparison with those of
people shall be my people, and thy God my God:
17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to
university women of today. Her style of expression, dignified, clear, admirably
me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. balanced, is a model of excellence. It exhibits some of the qualities which are so
18 When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speak- conspicuous in the letters and journals of her most distinguished son.
ing unto her.
KJV To his mother John Wesley owed that genius for order and “method”
which was basic to his success as an organizer and leader. From her he learned
If you have been in church very long, you have most likely heard a ser- that dignity and courtesy which put him at ease in any company. From her he
mon on this verse. Naomi had just tried to persuade both girls to return to their caught that air of calm authority that made him master of so many difficult situ-
people. What was Naomi thinking when she told them to go home? Their people ations, and compelled the obedience of so many men of different types. She
didn’t serve the living God. Wouldn’t they both be better off if they went with showed in her daily practice how first - rate results could be wrested from second
her. Maybe, after what God had allowed her to go through, she wasn’t bragging - rate materials, which was often Wesley’s problem in developing the Method-
on God! BUT, evidently Ruth had seen something in Naomi that made her be ist organization. From her he inherited his “iron” will.” Above all, it was her
willing to serve her God. precept and example that supported him in his supreme resolve to make his life
acceptable to God and useful to his fellow men.
When we go through trials, the world is watching us. Everybody has dis-
appointments and troubles, but the believer in Christ should have evidence of His Susana Wesley has a rightful place in the great window of Liverpool Ca-
presence with them. Ruth was willing to trust God after seeing Naomi’s troubles. thedral, which was designed to honor the saintliest women of the Christian ages.
Remember, Ruth also had lost a husband and maybe she felt God’s presence in But it is not ungracious to say that her son’s career furnished the chief argument
her life also. Nevertheless, Ruth made a life decision to stay with Naomi. for her selection. John Wesley was her masterpiece and her diploma in the art of
Christian motherhood!
Ruth said to Naomi. “Don’t talk to me anymore about leaving you.” I am
going with you wherever you go! Whatever road you take I am going with you.
4 9
(Continued from page 7) Ruth chose to forsake all and follow Naomi.

own to your Grace that, strictly speaking, I never did want bread. But then I had Jesus tells us in Scripture that we are to forsake all others and follow
so much care to get it before it was eat, and to pay for it after, as has often made it Him. When we get married, we are to forsake all others and serve our mates.
very unpleasant to me. And I think to have bread on such terms is the next degree That doesn’t’ mean that we don’t have friendships with others but we only follow
of wretchedness to having none at all.” Jesus. In other words, no other Gods! If God says go and someone else says stay,
we go! Our life is founds only in God. This is the relationship Ruth had with
“You are certainly in the right,” replied his Grace, and, made her a gift, Naomi.
which led her to remark later, “I have a reason to believe it afforded him comfort-
able reflections.” Ruth then says, “Wherever you lodge I will lodge”. What do you do
while lodged? You rest! God’s day of rest is the Sabboth. Do you rest when He
Mrs. Wesley knew at what cost to herself she gave up her best years to rest? God said six days we should work and rest on the seveth. Your sabboth may
the training of her children. She once wrote, “No one can, without renouncing not be a Saturday, but after six days, we are to take a rest and fellowship with the
the world in the most literal sense, observe my method; and there are few, if any, Lord. We know there are 10 commandments but today most only acknowledge
that would entirely devote twenty years in the prime of life in hope to save the 9. God promises to bless us when we take a day of rest. Ruth would stop when
souls of their children, which they think may be saved without so much ado - for Naomi stopped and they would rest together.
that was my principal intention, however unskillfully managed.
Ruth then says, “Your people shall be my people”. The Scripture tells us
Her husband once remarked: “I wonder at your patience. You have told not to forsake the assembling together. We are to watch over one another in the
that same thing to that child twenty times.” Her answer was, “had I satisfied body of Christ. How good are you at serving God’s people?
myself by saying the matter only nineteen times, I should have lost all my labor.
You see it was the twentieth time that crowned the whole.” Ruth then says, “Your God shall be my God”. Whatever Ruth saw in
Naomi’s life made her want to serve her God. When people watch your life, does
The first domestic event which lifted little Jacky Wesley above the crowd it make them want to serve your God? There are many lost around us today be-
of his bothers and sisters was the burning of the rectory on the coldest night of the cause they haven’t seen Christ in our lives. The lost are seeking to find life and
winter of 1709. The thatch was probably fired by some miscreant with a grudge if they don’t see it in us, they won’t have a desire for our God
against the parson, and the old house burned like tinder. The old folks were on
the ground floor and fled in the nightclothes (“naked” is Mrs. Wesley’s word) into Ruth then says’ “Wherever you die and are buried, I will die and be bur-
the yard, which was covered with snow and swept by an icy northeast gale. Five ied”. In other words, there is no turning back to the old life!!! When you learned
of the children, including Charles, fourteen months old, slept in the attic. The of Christ, was it a life time commitment, or did you just think you might try being
nurse grabbed up the baby and ran downstairs shouting to the others to follow her. a Christian for awhile? Being saved is a life time decision. Till death do us part.
But in the confusion five-year-old Jacky was forgotten and left asleep. His frantic We are saved from our old life.
father in the yard below counted the precious heads and missed the boy’s auburn
curls. He dashed back into the smoke, but found the stair already ablaze and When Naomi saw that Ruth had made up her mind. she stopped trying to
gave up hope. Falling on his knees, he commended the dear child to God. Just get her to go home.
then the lad awoke to see the flames creeping along the rafters above his head.
With coolness beyond his years, he dragged a chest to the window, and climbed When they arrived at Bethlehem, the whole city came out to see them.
upon it, crying for help. Brave neighbors made a human ladder and rescued him Namoi and her family must have been well known before they left. Life had re-
through the window just as the roof fell in. He had indeed been “plucked as a ally taken a toll on Naomi because it was hard for them to recognize her. They
brand from the burning,” and that text was forever burned into his mind. Years said, “Is this Naomi?”
afterward he had it engraved on one of his portraits. As for his mother, she was
sure from that terrible hour that this son owed his preservation to the fact Next edition, part of Ruth

8 5
John Wesley’s
MISSIONS Awakening
By Missionary Wayne Huff by James Richard Joy
(This is just a portion of chapter 2 about his mother Susan Wesley)

Arise to Follow Jesus The cradle in the Epworth rectory was “endlessly rocking” for babies
came pretty regularly once a year, though they did not always survive the rigors
9 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw of the first winter, and only nine of the nineteen lived to grow up. Yet we have
a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of their mother’s word for it that the little ones “when turned a year old (and some
custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me before) learned to fear the rod and cry softly, by which means they escaped abun-
And he arose, and followed him. dance of correction they might otherwise have had ....and that most odious noise
Matthew 9:9-13 of the crying of children was rarely heard in the house; but the family usually
lived in as much quietness as if there had not been a child among them.” Each
In this Scripture, the Apostle Matthew is writing about himself. He was
child was taught the Lord’s Prayer as soon as he could talk, and repeated it ha-
a Jewish businessman who worked for the Roman government as a tax collector.
bitually morning and evening. “None of the children,” says their mother, “were
He had a position, a standard of living, a future, some security. He was settled
taught to read until they were five years old. One day (their fifth birthday) was
into his job and his community. Jesus came into this secure environment to re-
allowed the child wherein to learn his letters; and each of them did in that time
quest that Matthew make a drastic change in his lifestyle and purpose.
know all their letters, great and small, except Molly and Nancy, who were a day
Matthew responded to the invitation of Jesus. He made some changes.
and one half before they knew them perfectly; for which I thought them very
Perhaps he resigned from his job and he may have emptied his house. He left the
dull.” Reading lessons followed, with the Bible as the First Reader, and the open-
normal routine and started on a new journey with a new purpose and new rela-
ing chapter of Genesis the first lesson - “In the beginning God created the heavens
tionships. He rose up from the comfortable position that he had to embrace
and the earth.” School kept every weekday in the rectory, with the mother as
the life of a close associate of Jesus.
principal and the older children teaching the younger. (This was long before the
Men and women are doing the same thing today. Some are hearing the
day of public schools.) No intrusion or interruption was permitted, from nine to
call of Jesus to follow him and they are rising up from their present routine
twelve in the forenoon and from two till five in the afternoon. The rectory table
and are making new changes so they can follow Jesus into new areas of service.
was frugally furnished, and the children hardly knew the taste of meet. The diet
Some are accepting new roles in the congregation, others are enrolling in Bible
was of vegetables, milk and bread - John Wesley once said “and very little of
colleges and seminaries, some are preparing for a pastorate, others are preparing
that”! Money was never plentiful, at the rectory, and some of it went for books
for missionary service.
which perhaps should have been spent for food. Debts piled up against the good-
Are you ready to accept the invitation of Jesus to change your position in
man of the house - and debtors fared ill in those days! A man might be thrown
life and begin following Him in a new way? Can you see yourself rising up
into jail for the default of a few pounds. Some of the rector’s long absences from
to leave some things behind and take new steps of faith and obedience.
his pulpit were due to Church business in London as a member of Convocation,
but others were owing to his being confined in Lincoln Castle because he could
“Then said Jesus unto them again, Peace be unto you: as my father hath
not satisfy his creditors. On one of these occasions Arch bishop Sharp called at
sent me, even so send I you.”
the rectory on his round of visiting. He doubtless saw evidence of dire poverty.
John 20:21

“Tell me, Mrs. Wesley,” he said, “whether you have ever really wanted
Our Saviour used Himself as an example to his followers. He arose
from His heavenly position to come to us because the Father sent Him. In the
same way we are called to rise up from our present circumstances and be sent
“My Lord,” replied the lady with perfect self-possession, “I will freely
into a new position of service and fellowship with Him.
(Continued on page 8)
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