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Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (2022) 84:2360–2383

The influence of auditory rhythms on the speed of inferred motion

Timothy B. Patrick 1,2 & Richard B. Anderson 1

Accepted: 26 July 2021 / Published online: 25 August 2021

# The Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2021

The present research explored the influence of isochronous auditory rhythms on the timing of movement-related prediction in
two experiments. In both experiments, participants observed a moving disc that was visible for a predetermined period before
disappearing behind a small, medium, or large occluded area for the remainder of its movement. In Experiment 1, the disc was
visible for 1 s. During this period, participants were exposed to either a fast or slow auditory rhythm, or they heard nothing. They
were instructed to press a key to indicate when they believed the moving disc had reached a specified location on the other side of
the occluded area. The procedure measured the (signed) error in participants’ estimate of the time it would take for a moving
object to contact a stationary one. The principal results of Experiment 1 were main effects of the rate of the auditory rhythm and of
the size of the occlusion on participants’ judgments. In Experiment 2, the period of visibility was varied with size of the occlusion
area to keep the total movement time constant for all three levels of occlusion. The results replicated the main effect of rhythm
found in Experiment 1 and showed a small, significant interaction, but indicated no main effect of occlusion size. Overall, the
results indicate that exposure to fast isochronous auditory rhythms during an interval of inferred motion can influence the
imagined rate of such motion and suggest a possible role of an internal rhythmicity in the maintenance of temporally accurate
dynamic mental representations.

Keywords Attention . Timing . Auditory rhythm . Inferred motion

Introduction structure of external events, leading to future oriented attending

and sensorimotor prediction (Barnes & Jones, 2000; Barnhart
To accurately anticipate how events will unfold, people must et al., 2018; Engel et al., 2001; Jones, 1976; Jones & Boltz,
convert dynamic sensory input into internal representations of 1989; Large, 2008; Large & Jones, 1999; McAuley & Jones,
time and space (Bar, 2009; Engel et al., 2001; Friston, 2005; 2003; van Noorden & Moelants, 1999). Rhythmic activity is
Graf et al., 2007; Grush, 2004; Mehta & Schaal, 2002; indeed characteristic of neural populations (Buzsaki et al.,
Morillon et al., 2014; Morillon et al., 2015; Pezzulo, 2008; 2013; Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009). Intrinsic and event-related
Press et al., 2011; Schroeder et al., 2010; Springer & Prinz, oscillations are usually categorized into delta (0.5–3.5 Hz),
2010; Tian & Poeppel, 2010; Wolpert & Flanagan, 2001; theta (4–7 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz) and gamma
Wolpert & Kawato, 1998). The orienting of attention to dy- (> 30 Hz) frequencies (Buzsáki & Draguhn, 2004; Engel &
namic sensory events requires an attentional system that is as Fries, 2010). Cortical oscillations appear to play a role in syn-
active and flexible as the events to which it attends (Balkenius chronizing activity across brain regions. Evidence suggests that
& Hulth, 1999). higher frequency oscillations are utilized for localized interac-
Dynamic attentional models propose that rhythmic neural tion whereas lower frequencies are characteristic of longer-
oscillations adapt to and become entrained with the temporal range interaction (Gupta & Chen, 2016; Sarnthein et al.,
1998; von Stein & Sarnthein, 2000).
Additionally, differing frequencies are also associated with
* Timothy B. Patrick particular cognitive processes. Delta, theta, and alpha frequen-
cy waves have been associated with initial learning processes
as well as visual perception and imagery, working memory
Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, retention and internal timekeeping (Arnal & Giraud, 2012;
Bowling Green, OH, USA Engel & Fries, 2010; Keitel et al., 2019; Lakatos et al.,
Indiana University, 1101 E. 10th St., Bloomington, IN 47405, USA 2008; Portnova et al., 2011; Saleh et al., 2010; Schroeder &
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2361

Lakatos, 2009; von Stein & Sarnthein, 2000). Whereas beta The entrainment of attentional pulses with the temporal
oscillations are most commonly associated with motor func- regularities of environmental stimuli serves to minimize the
tions (Baker, 2007; Gu et al., 2015; Wiener & Kanai, 2016). processing of irrelevant sensory events, while focusing atten-
Beta band oscillations are also linked with temporal process- tional resources at the most relevant moments in time (Cravo
ing (Merchant et al., 2013). They have been implicated in the et al., 2013; Herrmann et al., 2016; McAuley & Fromboluti,
entrainment with both visual and auditory rhythms, as well as 2014; Miller et al., 2013; Nobre, 2001; Rohenkohl et al.,
the synchronization of activity between auditory and motor 2012; Thut et al., 2011; Voss et al., 2006).
regions (Arnal, 2012; Baker, 2007; Comstock et al., 2018a; There is growing evidence supporting the notion that sen-
Engel & Fries, 2010; Fujioka et al., 2009, 2012; Fujioka et al., sorimotor attention is in fact a dynamic, rhythmic process
2015; Salmelin et al., 1995; Salmelin & Hari, 1994). (Fiebelkorn et al., 2013; Fiebelkorn & Kastner, 2019;
Gamma band activity is related to the selective orientation Helfrich et al., 2018; Zalta et al., 2020). Brain rhythms have
of attention toward expected sensory events (Bhattacharya been implicated in the dynamic perception of sensory events
et al., 2001; Bouyer et al., 1981; Buschman & Miller, 2007; in the environment (Buhusi & Meck, 2005; Busch et al., 2009;
Fell et al., 2003; Fries et al., 2001; Fries et al., 2002; Fries Costa-Faidella et al., 2017; Engel & Fries, 2010; Laje &
et al., 2008; Gruber et al., 1999; Jenson et al., 2007; Mitchell Buonomano, 2013; Mathewson et al., 2009; Merchant &
et al., 2007; Müller et al., 2001; Munk et al., 1996; Snyder & Yarrow, 2016; Rohenkohl & Nobre, 2011). The identification
Large, 2005; Steriade & Amzica, 1996; Steriade et al., 1996; of these sensory events occurs as a result of environmental
Tallon-Baudry & Bertrand, 1999; Tallon-Baudry et al., 1997; sampling that is modulated by oscillating brain rhythms
Vidal et al., 2006; Von Stein et al., 2000). (Dugue et al., 2015; Fiebelkorn et al., 2013; Fiebelkorn &
More generally, Arnal and Giraud (2012) propose that low- Kastner, 2019; Helfrich et al., 2018; Henry et al., 2014;
frequency oscillations (delta-alpha) are more often involved in Henry & Obleser, 2012; Landau & Fries, 2012).
predicting when an event will occur, whereas higher frequen- Environmental sampling involves the rhythmic scanning of
cy oscillations are more often associated with the prediction of the external environment for relevant stimuli as well as the
what the event will be. Still, it is unlikely that a particular subsequent enhancement of the processing of relevant stimu-
frequency band is solely limited to a single cognitive function lus features. Rhythmic oscillations in cortical excitability are
(Arnal & Giraud, 2012; Engel & Fries, 2010). Almost all believed to be the primary mechanism by which we select and
frequency bands have been linked with temporal processing focus our attention toward external stimuli (Calderone et al.,
at some level (Wiener & Kanai, 2016). This reflects the sig- 2014; Lakatos et al., 2008; Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009).
nificant contribution of these oscillations in processing the Interestingly, researchers have introduced the notion that the
passage of time within different contexts. This is most clearly seemingly continuous experience of the world is instead con-
revealed in the dynamic response of these oscillations in the structed from the rapid, sequential sampling of the environ-
presence of temporally consistent sensory input. Exposure to ment (Fiebelkorn & Kastner, 2019; Helfrich et al., 2018).
auditory or visual rhythms produces neural responses at the Recent evidence suggests that the rate of environ-
exact frequency of these sensory events (Barnes & Jones, mental sampling is constrained by the activity of the
2000; Escoffier et al., 2010; Henao et al., 2020; Large & motor system (Zalta et al., 2020). The motor system’s
Jones, 1999; McAuley & Jones, 2003; Nozaradan et al., interaction with perceptual processes provides a basis
2012; Tierney & Kraus, 2014; Van Noorden & Moelants, for sensorimotor prediction, allowing us to respond ap-
1999). The entrainment of oscillatory activity with the rate propriately to future events (Merchant & Yarrow, 2016).
of an external stimulus produces steady-state evoked poten- This interaction has been proposed to occur via the
tials (SSEPs). SSEPs are stimulus driven and frequency coupling of gamma band oscillations across sensory
locked to the rate of sensory events, allowing for dynamic and motor regions (Gupta & Chen, 2016).
attentional processes to be directed toward perceptually rele- Auditory rhythms in particular initiate rhythmic activation
vant moments in time (Engel et al., 2001). in both the auditory and motor systems (Arnal, 2012; Chen
Evidence for the alignment of rhythmic attentional process- et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2008; Janata et al., 2012; Large &
es is reflected in the enhancement of perceptual abilities when Snyder, 2009; Penhune et al., 1998; Ross et al., 2016; Thaut
stimuli are presented simultaneously with a perceived beat et al., 2014). This occurs as a result of the high degree of
(Bolger, et al., Bolger, Coull, & Schon, 2013, b; Brochard connectivity between the auditory and motor systems
et al., 2013; Correa et al., 2005; Coull & Nobre, 1998; Jones (Comstock et al., 2018b; Grahn, 2009; Grahn et al., 2011;
et al., 2011; Jones et al., 2002; Kösem & van Wassenhove, Grahn & Brett, 2007; Kung et al., 2013; Nozaradan et al.,
2012; Mathewson et al., 2009; McDonald & Ward, 2000; 2017; Patel & Iversen, 2014; Phillips-Silver & Trainor,
Miller et al., 2013; Nobre, 2001; Noesselt et al., 2008; 2005; Phillips-Silver & Trainor, 2007; Zatorre et al., 2007).
Rohenkohl et al., 2012; Schroeder et al., 2010; Ten Oever The modality-appropriateness hypothesis proposes that
et al., 2014; Zou et al., 2012). sensory information is ultimately obtained from the modality
2362 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

that is best suited for processing that type of information pitched tones (≤ 130 Hz), implying a more pronounced neural
(Welch & Warren, 1980; Welch & Warren, 1986). For exam- response to deeper tones in associated motor centers (Hove
ple, visual input provides the most accurate spatial informa- et al., 2014; Lenc et al., 2018; Varlet et al., 2018).
tion such as location, movement, and distance, and is therefore Motor activation during passive listening to auditory
the dominant source for this information (Alais & Burr, 2004; rhythms also recruits the motor system’s predictive influence
Bertelson & Aschersleben, 1998; Hove et al., 2010; Hove over attentional processes (Schubotz, 2007). The motor sys-
et al., 2012; Hove et al., 2013; Kitajima & Yamashita, 1999; tem’s influence over the frequency and timing of attentional
Soto-Faraco et al., 2003; Soto-Faraco et al., 2004). The audi- and sensorimotor oscillations may provide the neural basis for
tory system is apparently more effective at processing the temporally oriented sensory prediction (Arnal, 2012; Arnal &
precise timing and frequency of sensory events (Burr et al., Giraud, 2012; Morillon et al., 2014; Morillon et al., 2015). In
2009; Comstock et al., 2018a, 2018b; Conway & other words, rhythmic auditory stimuli are capable of
Christiansen, 2005; Rencanzone, 2003; Repp & Penel, 2002; entraining sensorimotor attention (Arnal, 2012; Bolger,
Welch et al., 1986). Coull, & Schon Bolger, Coull, & Schon, 2013, b;
Conflicting information from the two senses does not seem Nozaradan et al., 2012; Nozaradan et al., 2015). Prolonged
to interfere with the process of multisensory integration. exposure to a rhythmic auditory stimulus leads to the more
Rather, the dominant sense is known to capture the other precise entrainment of neural activity at the frequency of the
(Guttman et al., 2005). For example, when the directions of input stream (Henao et al., 2020; Henry et al., 2014; Henry &
auditory and visual movement are in conflict, the resulting Obleser, 2012; Jones et al., 2002; Schroeder et al., 2010;
perception is that the auditory stimulus is moving in the direc- Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009; Will & Berg, 2007).
tion of the visual stimulus (Soto-Faraco et al., 2004). Timely allocation of attentional resources in the form
Similarly, temporal judgments relating to visual stimuli are of entrainment implies that attentional processes are of-
often biased by the rate of simultaneously presented sounds ten driven by temporal predictions (Engel et al., 2001;
(Fendrich & Corballis, 2001; Rencanzone, 2003). Proksch et al., 2020). The alignment of endogenous at-
Research has revealed that spatiotemporal visual rhythms can tentional rhythms with an ongoing sensory event is also
promote the perception of a beat as well as the synchronization of believed to provide the basis for the temporal experi-
motor activation (Chen et al., 2006; Grahn, 2012; Hove et al., ence of that event (Jones & Boltz, 1989; Kösem
2012; Su & Jonikaitis, 2011). However, the encoding of a beat in et al., 2014; Large & Jones, 1999; Portnova et al.,
the visual modality is believed to involve the automatic transfor- 2011). It is well established that the amount of attention
mation of visual signals into an auditory-motor representation, directed toward an event has a significant impact on
thereby promoting this visuomotor connection (Grahn, 2012; that event’s perceived duration (Coull et al., 2004;
Guttman et al., 2005; Karabanov et al., 2009; Su & Jonikaitis, Flaherty, 1993). Specifically, the greater the amount of
2011). While the findings are mixed regarding the automatic attention devoted to the temporal aspects of an event,
nature of the auditory encoding of visual rhythms, research has the longer it is judged to last (Casini & Macar, 1997).
revealed that prior exposure to auditory rhythms can promote Similarly, increasing the temporal frequency of an ex-
more accurate temporal judgments regarding visual rhythms ternal stimulus can also increase an event’s perceived
(McAuley & Henry, 2010). Prior exposure to visual rhythms duration (Kanai et al., 2006; Portnova et al., 2011).
does not seem to have the same priming effect on auditory Duration judgments are strongly correlated with an in-
rhythm perception (Grahn et al., 2011). So, while some degree crease in the frequency of neural responses during a
of motor activation can occur as a result of exposure to visual given interval (Eagleman & Pariyadath, 2009; Horr
rhythms, the motor response is noticeably greater for rhythms et al., 2016). In particular, research has shown that tem-
presented in the auditory modality (Grahn et al., 2011; porally regular or isochronous sounds or flashes of light
Balasubramaniam, 2018a, 2018b’; Jancke et al., 2000). can alter the subjective experience of time (Droit-Volet
The strength of the connection between the auditory and & Wearden, 2002; Eagleman & Pariyadath, 2009; Horr
motor systems promotes the spontaneous synchronization of et al., 2016; Horr & Di Luca, 2015a, 2015b; Kanai
movement with the timing of a beat, regardless of our inten- et al., 2006; Penton-Voak et al., 1996; Portnova et al.,
tions to do so (Bouvet et al., 2019; Varlet et al., 2018). 2011; Rammsayer & Lima, 1991; Thomas & Brown,
Because of the motor system’s role in event timing, this link 1974; Treisman et al., 1990; Wearden et al., 1999;
promotes greater temporal accuracy for and synchronization Wearden et al., 2007). As the pattern moves further
with events perceived in the auditory modality (Comstock away from isochrony, its ability to influence the subjec-
et al., 2018a, 2018b; Grahn, 2012; Grahn et al., 2011; Hove tive experience of a duration and induce neural entrain-
et al., 2013; McAuley & Henry, 2010; Pasinski et al., 2016). ment is gradually reduced (Horr & Di Luca, 2015a;
Recent research has revealed that both time perception and Lenc et al., 2018). These findings strongly suggest that
movement synchronization is further increased for lower exposure to isochronous rhythms of higher rates can
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2363

create fundamentally different temporal experiences of period of visibility tends to increase the degree of absolute
the same dynamic event by exploiting the motor sys- error in judgments (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Peterken
tem’s influence over attentional processes. It is currently et al., 1991). Errors in estimating TTC are found even when
unclear if dynamic mental representations are also vul- the period of invisibility exceeds 1 s, reflecting a rapid break-
nerable to this temporal manipulation. down of the cognitive mechanisms used to maintain this in-
ternal representation (Bennett et al., 2010). The rate of move-
Inferred motion ment also influences the accuracy of temporal judgments.
Judgment timing error tends to increase as the speed of the
Inferred motion (sometimes called “predicted motion”) exper- moving object decreases (Lyon & Waag, 1995; Schiff &
iments have long been used to examine the nature of how we Oldak, 1990). In general, participants tend to overestimate
are able to judge the current position of moving objects that the TTC for slower velocities and underestimate the TTC for
are not available to visual perception (Alderson & Whiting, faster velocities (Bennett et al., 2010). This provides some
1974; Caird & Hancock, 1994; Gottsdanker, 1955; Lyon & evidence that temporal estimations are based on internal pro-
Waag, 1995; Peterken et al., 1991; Rosenbaum, 1975; cesses that can be influenced by external sensory events.
Schiff & Oldak, 1990). Most inferred motion tasks in- Surprisingly, few studies have examined the spatiotempo-
volve requiring participants to judge the time point at ral predictions of occluded movement in the presence of both
which a moving object will arrive at a specified location visual and auditory cues. The few that have been conducted
(Makin, 2018; Rosenbaum, 1975). reveal an advantage in accuracy of spatiotemporal predictions
In inferred motion tasks, an object is visible for a specific of audiovisual stimuli relative to stimuli perceived strictly in
duration, known as the viewing time or viewing interval. At a the auditory domain, but no greater advantage in accuracy
certain point during its movement, it disappears by moving when stimuli are perceived only in the visual domain
behind an occlusion of some kind. The assumption in these (Hofbauer et al., 2004; Peterken et al., 1991; Schiff &
tasks is that the object continues to move, though out of sight Oldak, 1990). Previous research has identified the potential
(Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Peterken et al., 1991). A speci- for auditory interference in inferred motion tasks requiring
fied location is provided as the endpoint or point of contact for motion extrapolation (Gordon & Rosenblum, 2005; Prime &
the moving object. Participants are required to respond when Harris, 2010). These results seem to demonstrate the primary
they believe the moving object has arrived at or made contact importance of visual input in motion extrapolation relative to
with the endpoint. This is often referred to as the object’s time strictly auditory or even audiovisual input (DeLucia et al.,
to contact (TTC). The difference observed between the time 2016; Hofbauer et al., 2004).
point of the participants’ judged TTC and the actual TTC of More recent research has revealed that auditory cues are
the moving object is the judgment's timing error (Battaglini not completely ignored during inferred motion tasks and can
et al., 2013). indeed influence the timing of spatiotemporal judgments
The cognitive mechanism being measured in these tasks is (Gordon & Rosenblum, 2005; Prime & Harris, 2010).
referred to as motion extrapolation, which is the ability to form Ascending pitch of pure tones during vertical movement has
internal representations of an invisible object’s motion been shown to produce earlier judgments of TTC of an oc-
(Rosenbaum, 1975; Tresilian, 1995). Motion extrapolation cluded object (King & Prime, 2019). Evidence seems to sug-
may depend to some degree on a cognitive model constructed gest that the addition of supplementary auditory cues to visual
based on the object’s visible motion prior to its disappearance stimuli in inferred motion tasks does not ensure improved
(Tresilian, 1995). Researchers have found support for the in- accuracy (DeLucia et al., 2016; Gordon & Rosenblum,
volvement of a perceptual memory system in the visual mo- 2005). Rather, the addition of auditory information may in-
dality that may transfer prior experience into later representa- stead provide external temporal cues that can be incorporated
tions during the period of occlusion (Battaglini et al., 2013). into participant’s judgments of inferred motion (Prime &
Others have concluded that motion extrapolation involves Harris, 2010).
some degree of visuospatial attention in tracking moving, Recent evidence has also pointed to the possibility that
but unseen objects (Lyon & Waag, 1995). Previous research auditory rhythms of different speeds can have a measurable
points to a possible overlap in the systems required for oculo- impact on the timing of motion extrapolation when they are
motor control and those required for extrapolation judge- presented during a period of occlusion (Chotsrisuparat et al.,
ments, regardless of whether visual tracking or fixation is 2017). Similar to our current design, this prior research ex-
involved (Makin & Poliakoff, 2011). plored the impact of differing rhythms on participant’s judg-
Factors such as travel time can influence the accuracy of ments of TTC. While the results of this prior research did
participants’ judgments regarding the TTC of a moving object reveal a noticeable influence of rhythm speed on temporal
(Caird & Hancock, 1994; Schiff & Oldak, 1990). More spe- predictions, the researchers failed to explore the influence of
cifically, increasing the period of invisibility relative to the differing occlusion sizes and travel distances on the timing of
2364 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

these predictions. Currently it is unclear if and how these Ohio. Commonly used software for a priori power analysis
factors may differentially impact the nature of these predic- accommodates designs in which there is only one repeated-
tions. Consistent with earlier findings (Chotsrisuparat et al., measures factor. However, as described below, our experi-
2017), we propose that concurrent exposure to regularly oc- mental design consisted of more than one repeated-measures
curring auditory events during an inferred motion task will factor. Even for a one-factor repeated-measures design – with
systematically impact participant’s judgments of TTC. We three conditions, a power of 0.8, and a small, estimated
theorize that by recruiting the motor system’s influence over Cohen's f effect size of 0.1 – the required sample would be
sensorimotor attentional processes through exposure to iso- N = 965. Given the resources available for the project, our data
chronous rhythms, it is possible to alter the temporal experi- collection strategy was simply to include as many participants
ence of sensory events. This influence could be observed in as we could within the span of an academic term.
the form of consistent differences in perceived time of arrival The participants consisted of undergraduate students rang-
of an object that is assumed to be moving but cannot be seen. ing in age from 18 to 22 years participated in the experiment.
The present research also aims to examine the impact of au- Participants received course credit in exchange for their par-
ditory rhythms of varying rates on judgments of arrival time in ticipation. Informed consent was obtained from each partici-
an inferred motion task that varies the travel time by utilizing pant prior to the experiment being conducted.
occlusions of different sizes. It is predicted that auditory
rhythms of varying rates, each having their own unique effects Materials and design
on participants’ attentional processes, will produce distinct
patterns of temporal judgments. Additionally, it is predicted The experiment was a 3 (size of occlusion: small (25%), me-
that the differing periods of occlusion may potentially magni- dium (50%), large (75%)) × 3 (sound condition: fast rhythm,
fy these effects. slow rhythm, silent) design, with both factors varying within
participants. Note that in this design, the length of the period
of invisibility necessarily varied with occlusion size, because
Experiment 1 we used occlusion size as a way to manipulate the length of
the period of invisibility period. Participants completed this
The present research was designed to examine whether judgments experiment in a psychology laboratory on the campus of
of TTC can be influenced by exposure to regularly occurring Bowling Green State University. The visual stimuli were
auditory stimuli that can affect the subjective experience of time displayed on a Dell Optiplex 780 desktop computer with a
duration. Isochronous auditory rhythms are known to influence Pentium 4 processor and 4GB of RAM. The monitors were
temporal perception in a particular manner. Additionally, judg- 19-in., flat panel, wide format (16:9) Dell monitors and the
ments of duration are known to correlate with the frequency of screen resolution was 1,440 × 900 pixels; refresh rate 75 Hz).
neural responses during a given interval (Eagleman & Pariyadath, The operating system was Windows 7 Enterprise.
2009; Horr et al., 2016; Portnova et al., 2011). Therefore, it was
expected that exposure to more frequent auditory events in the Stimuli
form of faster rhythms would result in the relatively premature
anticipation of the object’s TTC when compared to judgments Two-dimensional stimuli were constructed using Synfig
made in the presence of slower rhythms or silence. This was Studio v. 1.3.10 open source 2-D animation software.
predicted to occur across all levels of occlusion. Additionally, we The auditory stimuli were created using the trial version
predicted that the anticipated temporal underestimation resulting of FL Studio 20.1.2 music production software. The
from exposure to faster rhythms would increase with the length of auditory stimuli were then edited using WavePad
the period of invisibility. Greater exposure to the temporal infor- Sound Editor v. 6.44 audio editing software developed
mation contained in these fast rhythms was expected to become by NCH Software. The auditory patterns created includ-
increasingly more influential as the amount of visual information is ed 12-s clips of fast and slow isochronous rhythms. The
made less available. Therefore, the effect of rhythm should be slow rhythm consisted of 200-ms, 60-Hz tones alternat-
greater when the period of invisibility is long than when it is short. ing with 320-ms pauses (roughly 2 Hz; 120 bpm) and
the fast rhythm consisted of 200-ms, 60-Hz tones alter-
nating with 50-ms intervals (4 Hz; 240 bpm) (see Fig.
Method 1). The rates of these patterns were selected because
they are known to fall within the frequency range typ-
Participants ically heard in music (London, 2004). Additionally,
rates ranging from 1.25 to 5 Hz have also been utilized
One hundred and sixty-five participants (85 women and 80 in previous research demonstrating neural synchroniza-
men) were recruited from Bowling Green State University in tion (Lenc et al., 2018; Tierney & Kruas, 2014).
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2365

Fig. 1 The tonal structure of the auditory patterns used for both

All auditory stimuli were presented at 70 dB. Each rhythm

was presented from both monitor speakers simultaneously and
contained no spatial information. The rhythmic auditory pat-
terns and the animated videos were synchronized using the
Adobe® Premiere Pro 2018 timeline-based video editing ap-
plication. The experiment itself was constructed in
OpenSesame v. 3.2.7, an open source, graphical experiment
program for the social sciences.
One of three levels of a blue colored occlusion, consisting
of small, medium, and large sizes were presented on a gray
background that was 600 × 900 pixels (px). The coordinates
of the display were oriented at 300 px to -300 px from top to
bottom and from -450 px to 450 px, left to right. Each animat-
ed video included a red disc that was 20 px in diameter (rough-
ly 2° visual angle) located at -440 px × 0 px (far left center) of
the display that served as the moving object. On the opposite
side of each occlusion was a white disc 20 px in diameter
(roughly 2° visual angle) that represented the point of collision
for the moving disc. This disc was located 15 px passed the far Fig. 2 The graphical layout of Experiment 1. The time displayed in the
edge of the occlusion in each condition. The small occlusion darker region (blue, in color versions of the figure) represents the period
of invisibility. Visible time remained constant at 1,000 ms for all
made up 25% of the animated display (h = 600 px, w = 225 occlusion sizes
px), the medium occlusion made up 50% of the display (h =
600 px, w = 450 px), and the large occlusion made up 75% of
the display (h = 600px, w = 675 px). The disc was designed to period) for the large occlusion. These periods of invisibility
move at a constant rate of approximately 80.5 pixels/s in order were significantly longer than those traditionally used (1–4 s)
to better isolate the nature of the relationship between the to create more measurable differences in performance
sound conditions and the different occlusion conditions. The (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Chotsrisuparat et al., 2017; Lyon
disc began its movement 1,000 ms after the presentation of the & Waag, 1995; Prime & Harris, 2010) (see Fig. 2).
display. The visible time was held constant for all trials at
1,000 ms before the disc disappeared behind each occlusion.
The actual time to contact for the red disc to reach the white Procedure
disc in the small occlusion condition was 4,100 ms (3,100-ms
invisibility period), 6,900 ms (5,900-ms invisibility period) for The three levels of the sound condition (silent, slow, fast) and
the medium occlusion and 9,700 ms (8,700-ms invisibility three levels of occlusion size (25%, 50%, 75%) yielded nine
2366 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

conditions. Each participant experienced seven trials in each

condition, yielding a total of 63 trials.
Participants were run one at a time. They were seated in
front of the computer monitor and provided with identical
instructions prior to beginning. Two monitor speakers were
placed on both sides of the screen. Participants were also pre-
sented with written instructions on the screen prior to starting.
Participants were instructed to press the spacebar at the precise
moment they felt the red disc would reach the white disc on
the opposite side of the occlusion. The red disc would never
re-appear after it traveled behind the occluded area.
Participants had to anticipate when this moment would occur
and respond at that moment. All participants were required to
perform three practice trials before beginning the actual ex-
periment. Each of the three practice trials included an example
of one of the sound conditions and one of the occlusion con-
ditions. Each trial began by instructing the participants to click
a "continue" button at the bottom of the screen with the mouse
cursor in order to hear two tones that were separated by 1 s.
This was to be used as a reference for their temporal judgment.
Once the tones were presented, they would then be asked to
click "continue" again to start the actual trial.
Each experimental trial began with the layout of the screen Fig. 3 Experiment 1. Error in judged time-to-contact (TTC) as a function
presented. The red disc would be stationary, prior to its initial of occlusion size, sound condition, and experiment. The figure shows
movement. In all trials the disc would move from left to right. means surrounded by 95% confidence intervals that are adjusted
When the disc reached the area of occlusion, either no audi- (Cousineau, 2005) for within-subject comparisons. The spikes indicate
± 1 SD. Offset to the right of the means are dark dots indicating the
tory pattern was presented, or a fast or slow isochronous medians. In the background are point-clouds consisting of the
rhythm started to play. In the rhythm conditions, the sound individual scores (from which the summary statistics have been
continued until a response was given in the form of pressing computed). The shape of each point-cloud shows a frequency
the spacebar. No feedback was given after the responses were distribution: At each level on the vertical axis, the cloud's width
indicates the relative frequency of the binned scores
recorded. After that, participants were asked to click the "con-
tinue" button once again to hear the two tones. They then had
to click the "continue" button once more to start the next trial. The results were further examined using sets of planned com-
All 63 trials were presented in random order and took approx- parisons. (Note that we used planned comparisons with individ-
imately 30 min to complete. ual, un-pooled variances, rather than, say, linear contrasts be-
cause our ANOVA results violated the sphericity assumption,
and we did not want to risk computing and reporting contrasts
Results that might be based on faulty assumptions.) In Set A, three com-
parisons assessed differences in TTC judgment error across the
The actual TTC (for the red disc to reach the white disc) was levels of sound condition (averaged over the levels of occlusion
4,100 ms, 6,900 ms, and 9,700 ms for the small, medium, and size). The mean difference for the slow versus silent comparison
large occlusion size, respectively. The actual TTC was was small and non-significant, but there was a significant,
subtracted from the participant’s judged TTC to compute the medium-sized difference for the fast versus slow, and for the fast
error in judged TTC. versus silent comparisons (Table 1). Being planned comparisons,
Figure 3 illustrates the results. Using the Greenhouse- the tests within each set of comparisons were not corrected for
Geisser correction, a 3 × 3 analysis of variance on error in familywise error.
judged TTC, with both factors varying within participants, In Set B, another three comparisons assessed differences in
revealed a significant main effect of sound condition, TTC judgment error across the levels of occlusion size (aver-
F(1.83, 300.71) = 40.70, p < .001, η2 = .20, a significant main aged over the levels of sound condition). Each of those com-
effect of occlusion size, F(1.10, 180.93) = 134.37, p < .001, η2 parisons yielded a significant, medium-to-large-sized effect
= .45), and a significant but small interaction between the size (Table 1).
of the occlusion and sound condition (F(3.40, 557.99) = 8.13, In Set C, nine comparisons assessed differences in TTC
p <.001, η2 = .05). judgment error across the levels of sound condition, separately
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2367

Table 1 Planned comparisons for mean differences in TTC judgment error (ms) in Experiment 1

Comparison Mean of differences SD of differences Cohen's d t* df p pHolm

Set A
Slow - Silent -35.53 561.34 -0.06 -0.81 164 .417 .417
Fast - Silent -391.99 703.92 -0.56 -7.15 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Fast 356.46 576.75 0.62 7.94 164 <.001 <.001
Set B
Small - Medium 480.94 706.74 0.68 8.74 164 <.001 <.001
Large - Medium -752.44 737.19 -1.02 -13.11 164 <.001 <.001
Small - Large 1,233.39 1,343.23 0.92 11.79 164 <.001 <.001
Set C
Slow - Silent 48.94 429.93 0.11 1.46 164 .146 .291
Fast - Silent -215.13 515.22 -0.42 -5.36 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Fast 264.07 483.62 0.55 7.01 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Silent -27.53 744.51 -0.04 -0.48 164 .635 .635
Fast - Silent -384.94 840.59 -0.46 -5.88 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Fast 357.41 689.40 0.52 6.66 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Silent -128.00 947.34 -0.14 -1.74 164 .085 .254
Fast - Silent -575.90 1071.16 -0.54 -6.91 164 <.001 <.001
Slow - Fast 447.90 974.57 0.46 5.90 164 <.001 <.001

t is Student's t-test. The value pHolm is the Holm-corrected p value (corrected for familywise error), computed separately for each set of comparisons

for each level of occlusion size. The results (Table 1) indicated manipulation of attentional processes that are believed to be
non-significant, small effects for the three slow-versus-silent involved in the temporal perception of dynamic events. The
comparisons, but indicated significant, medium-sized effects results of Experiment 1 are consistent with this conclusion.
for all other comparisons. Faster rhythms led to more premature judgments of TTC
Overall, the ANOVA, the planned comparisons, and Fig. 3 across occlusion conditions relative to the other sound condi-
together indicate that the positivity of error in judged TTC (i.e., tions. These results demonstrate that increasing the rate of
the overestimation of time-to-contact) was greater when the regularly occurring auditory stimuli can alter the subjective
accompanying auditory rhythm was slow than when it was fast experience of a dynamic event in predictable ways, even when
and was greater when the occlusion size was smaller rather than the event is not visible. Contrary to predictions, the interaction
larger. The significant interaction in the ANOVA appears to be between rhythm and the period of invisibility was miniscule
a result of the TTC judgment being especially high in the silent, and not clearly interpretable (though it was statistically
large-occlusion condition. significant).
All of our predictions concerned the effects of rhythm and
the period of invisibility on the mean error in judged TTC. We
Discussion made no predictions regarding effects on the absolute devia-
tion of that mean judgment error from zero. However, previ-
Experiment 1 attempted to identify whether exposure to audi- ous studies have observed that increasing the period of invis-
tory stimuli in the form of isochronous rhythms could impact ibility relative to the period of visibility tends to increase the
participants’ estimations of a hidden object’s actual TTC. If absolute error of temporal judgments in inferred motion tasks
differing rates of auditory rhythms were found to produce (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Peterken et al., 1991; Schiff &
consistent patterns of over or underestimations across condi- Oldak, 1990). Progressively more premature estimations of
tions, this would provide support for the proposed TTC across occlusion conditions reflects an apparent
2368 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

increased reliance on the temporal information contained et al., 2016; Jones et al., 2002; Nazoradan et al.,
within the auditory rhythm. It appears that within the present 2012; Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009; Schroeder et al.,
experiment, as visual information becomes increasingly un- 2010; Tierney & Kraus, 2014). Faster auditory rhythms are
available, participants may rely to a greater extent on the tem- known to create the impression that more time has passed within
poral information contained within the auditory rhythms as a given duration, thereby leading to earlier responses in timing
alternative cues regarding the rate of movement. It should be tasks (Kanai et al., 2006; Portnova et al., 2011). The replacement
noted that the constant velocity of a moving object can be of visual information with incompatible auditory information
misperceived if the object is only visible for short periods. allowed us to predictably alter the participants’ experience of
Previous research has discovered that when objects start mov- time during this period of invisibility. Although we did not col-
ing at a constant speed, rather than slowly accelerating as in lect electrophysiological measures, we propose that this resulted
natural movement, viewers perceive these objects as moving from the manipulation of the rate of the attentional rhythms in-
faster at the start (Brouwer et al., 2002; Runeson, 1974). volved in the representation of imagined dynamic events. The
However, these effects are found to be minimal as visibility results of Experiment 1 revealed response times that are consis-
approaches 1,000 ms (Brouwer & Brenner, 2002). tent with these proposed effects.
Additionally, this effect would have applied to all conditions The present experiment examined how altering the
and therefore would have been distributed evenly throughout relationship between the rate of auditory rhythms and
the experiment. the length of the period of invisibility would impact
Attentional and sensory processes are considered to be participants’ judgments of TTC in an inferred motion
rhythmic (Buhusi & Meck, 2005; Calderone et al., 2014; task. The results support our hypotheses. They also pro-
Fiebelkorn et al., 2013; Fiebelkorn & Kastner, 2019; vide evidence for the proposal that the underlying
Helfrich et al., 2018; Laje & Buonomano, 2013; Lakatos mechanism behind motion extrapolation involves the
et al., 2008; Merchant & Yarrow, 2016; Schroeder & formation of attentional rhythms required for preserving
Lakatos, 2009). It is important to consider the likelihood that the temporal nature of movement when it is visually
the nature of the attentional processes involved in perceiving unavailable. When visual input is removed, the atten-
an ongoing sensory event are at least somewhat specific to tional rhythms involved in the initial perception of a
each particular event. These distinct internal states would be dynamic event will likely become increasingly unreli-
preserved if we continue to attend to the spatiotemporal qual- able indicators of the temporal nature of that event.
ities of the dynamic event they are constructed around. The The further absence of visual input consistent with lon-
reliability of the attentional rhythms established in the pres- ger predictive periods, will effectively produce greater
ence of dynamic visual input in making accurate temporal error in judged TTC. However, when an alternative
judgments would depend on their degree of alignment with source of sensory information is presented, capable of
the rate of external events. While we did not directly examine reestablishing an internal rhythmicity, the rate of this
this, we propose that the increases in the mean error in judged attentional rhythm will shift toward the rate of these
TTC from zero observed with greater periods of invisibility regularly occurring sensory cues. When these cues pro-
occur as a result of the attentional processes involved in visu- vide temporal information that is inconsistent with the
ally tracking a moving object becoming increasingly unreli- unfolding of the actual event, the error in judged TTC
able in the absence of confirmatory visual evidence. This increases in a predictable direction. This is what we
could effectively explain why the error in judged TTC tends observed. It is also what would be expected if the in-
to increase along with the period of invisibility in inferred ternal mechanism involved in accurate motion extrapo-
motion tasks. lation relied on both the establishment and maintenance
More specifically, this helps to explain the current of an internal rhythmicity consistent with the rate of an
findings. If distinct attentional rhythms are established external event.
or beginning to be established in the presence of brief It remains unclear whether similar effects would be
visual information, these rhythms would become in- observed if visibility is increased relative to invisibil-
creasingly vulnerable to external influence in the ab- ity. If participants are given more exposure to dynam-
sence of this sensory input. The replacement of visuo- ic visual information, will they still produce such
spatial information with auditory rhythms would neces- consistent patterns of responses? Or will prolonged
sitate a shift in both the nature and the rate of the visual exposure protect against the effects of auditory
attention required for processing the new stimulus. rhythms on promoting timing errors? Experiment 2
The rate of these newly constructed attentional rhythms was designed to explore how the error in judged
would more closely align with the rate of the auditory TTC is impacted when participants are exposed to
rhythm (Arnal, 2012; Eagleman & Pariyadath, 2009; fast isochronous rhythms following longer periods of
Henry & Obleser, 2012; Henry et al., 2014; Horr visibility.
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2369

Experiment 2

Experiment 2 was designed to replicate the results of

the first experiment while more precisely examining
the influence of varying periods of visibility relative to
invisibility, on the degree of error in judged TTC. By
maintaining a constant travel time and travel distance
for all levels of occlusion it will be possible to explore
this relationship. Again, previous research has identified
the length of the invisibility period relative to viewing
time as a major contributor to the amount of judgment
error in inferred motion tasks requiring temporal judg-
ments (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Peterken et al.,
1991; Schiff & Oldak, 1990). If the length of the invis-
ibility period relative to the visibility period is a critical
factor in producing greater error in judged TTC, it is
expected that longer invisibility periods should continue
to promote increasingly greater error in judged TTC.
Additionally, if the rate of an internal representation of
a dynamic event can be influenced by external factors,
as was observed in Experiment 1, the error in judged
TTC should again be biased towards a particular direc-
tion. Therefore, exposure to fast rhythms during invisi-
bility periods should result in consistently premature
estimations of TTC, and the degree of this prematurity
should increase along with increases in the invisibility



Ninety participants (53 women and 37 men) were recruited

from Bowling Green State University in Northwest Ohio.
These participants consisted of undergraduate students
ranging in age from 18 to 22 years. Participants received Fig. 4 The graphic layouts of Experiment 2. The time displayed in the
darker region (blue, in color versions of the figure) represents the period
research credit for psychology or communication classes in of invisibility. The time in the gray region represents the visible
exchange for their participation. Prior informed consent time
was obtained from each participant. The number of partic-
ipants was determined in the same manner as was done for Stimuli
Experiment 1.
The auditory stimuli were the same as those used in
Experiment 1. In the present experiment, the sizes of
Materials and design the occluded areas remained the same. However, there
was additional, initial travel time that varied across the
The experiment was again a 3 (amount of occlusion: small levels of the occlusion-size so that the total travel time
(25%), medium (50%), large (75%) × 3 (sound condition: was constant at 10.5 s, regardless of occlusion size. In
slow rhythm, fast rhythm, silent) within-participant design. the small occlusion condition (25%), the moving disc
Participants completed this experiment in the same cognitive was visible for 7,300 ms (3,200-ms invisibility period),
psychology laboratory on campus at Bowling Green State in the medium occlusion condition (50%) it was visible
University on the same equipment used in Experiment 1. for 4,700 ms (5,800-ms invisibility period), and in the
2370 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

large occlusion condition (75%) the moving disc was As in Experiment 1, The results were further examined
visible for 2,100 ms (8,400-ms invisibility period) (see using sets of planned comparisons. In Set A, three compari-
Fig. 4). sons assessed differences in TTC judgment error across the
Movement velocity was approximately the same as it was levels of sound condition (averaged over the levels of occlu-
in the first experiment (82.7 pps). Similar to Experiment 1, the sion size). The mean difference for the slow versus silent
velocity of the moving disc remained constant for all trials. comparison was small and non-significant, but there were sig-
nificant, small-to-medium-sized differences for the fast versus
Procedure the slow, and for the fast versus the silent comparisons
(Table 2).
The procedure was the same as that of Experiment 1. In Set B, three comparisons assessed differences in
However, the duration of the experiment was increased to TTC judgment error across the levels of occlusion size
approximately 35 min as a result of increasing the length of (averaged over the levels of sound condition). The ef-
the individual trials. fects were small, and only the small-versus-medium
comparison was statistically significant (Table 1).
In Set C, nine comparisons assessed differences in TTC
Results judgment error across the levels of sound condition, separately
for each level of occlusion size. The results (Table 2) indicated
The actual time for the red disc to reach the white disc (the small-to-medium-sized, significant effects for the three slow-
actual TTC) was 10.5 s for all occlusion conditions. As in versus-fast comparisons. The results were inconsistent for
Experiment 1, the actual TTC was subtracted from the partic- comparisons involving the silent condition.
ipant’s judged TTC to compute a judgment error score. Overall, the results indicated that the positivity of the
Figure 5 shows the pattern of the results. Using the error in judged TTC (i.e., the overestimation of time-to-
Greenhouse-Geisser correction, a 3 × 3 repeated-measures contact) was greater when the accompanying auditory
analysis of variance revealed a small, significant main effect rhythm was slow than when it was fast. As in
of sound condition (F(1.61, 143.10) = 6.95, p = .003, η2 = Experiment 1, the significant interaction in the
.07), and a small, significant interaction between sound con- ANOVA appears to be a result the TTC judgment being
dition and occlusion size (F(3.39, 301.32) = 3.86, p = .007, η2 especially high in the silent, large-occlusion condition.
= .04), but no main effect of occlusion size, F(1.33,118.63) =
1.48, p = .23, η2 = 0.02.

Fig. 5 Error in judged time-to-contact (TTC) as a function of occlusion the background are point-clouds consisting of the individual scores (from
size, sound condition, and experiment. The figure shows means which the summary statistics have been computed). The shape of each
surrounded by 95% confidence intervals that are adjusted (Cousineau, point-cloud shows a frequency distribution: At each level on the vertical
2005) for within-subject comparisons. The spikes indicate ± 1 SD. axis, the cloud's width indicates the relative frequency of the binned
Offset to the right of the means are dark dots indicating the medians. In scores. The Experiment 1 data are included for purposes of comparison
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2371

Table 2 Planned comparisons for mean differences in TTC judgment error (ms), in Experiment 2

Comparison Mean of differences SD of differences Cohen's d t df p pHolm

Set A
Slow - Silent 21.89 438.96 0.05 0.47 89 .637 .637
Fast - Silent -181.73 556.69 -0.33 -3.10 89 .003 .008
Slow - Fast 203.62 684.66 0.30 2.82 89 .006 .012
Set B
Small - Medium 155.72 605.45 0.26 2.44 89 .017 .050
Large - Medium 108.23 813.69 0.13 1.26 89 .210 .421
Small - Large 47.49 1,138.23 0.04 0.40 89 .693 .693
Set C
Slow - Silent 100.56 435.07 0.23 2.19 89 .031 .217
Fast - Silent -73.83 475.76 -0.16 -1.47 89 .145 .434
Slow - Fast 174.39 528.70 0.33 3.13 89 .002 .019
Slow - Silent 96.71 680.02 0.14 1.35 89 .181 .361
Fast - Silent -103.32 763.31 -0.14 -1.28 89 .203 .203
Slow - Fast 200.03 878.67 0.23 2.16 89 .034 .201
Slow - Silent -131.60 802.21 -0.16 -1.56 89 .123 .493
Fast - Silent -368.00 844.61 -0.44 -4.13 89 <.001 <.001
Slow - Fast 236.40 1,068.22 0.22 2.10 89 .039 .193

t is Student's t-test. The value pHolm is the Holm-corrected p value (corrected for familywise error), computed separately for each set of comparisons

Comparison across experiments Discussion

To assess whether there were significant differences be- The present experiment provides a more precise look at the na-
tween Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, we conducted an ture of the relationship between visible time and the invisibility
analysis of variance that included experiment as a fac- period in inferred motion tasks. While Experiment 1 showed
tor. Sound condition and occlusion size varied within- significant and substantial main effects of the rate of auditory
subjects, and the dependent variable was error in judged patterns and of occlusion size on the error of judged TTC, the
TTC. duration of the visible time interval was kept constant at 1,000 ms
There was no main effect of experiment (p =.822). for all trials, while total travel time increased. As a result, the
However, there were two significant interactions in- duration of invisibility was always greater relative to the amount
volving experiment as a factor. One was a small of time that the moving disc was visible, leading to increasingly
experiment-by-sound-condition interaction, F(1.87, more error in judged TTC judgments across conditions. In
474.28) = 3.81, p = .025, η2 = 0.01. Another was a Experiment 2, travel time and distance were kept constant, so
substantial experiment-by-occlusion-size interaction, that the ratio varied as a product of the size of the occluded area.
F(1.18, 298.03) = 49.26, p < .001, η2 = 0.16. There While the consistent effects of faster rhythms in producing earlier
was no significant three-way interaction (p = .550). estimations of TTC were still observed, the effect of occlusion
Fig. 5 shows the data pattern. size on the mean error in judged TTC was smaller in Experiment
Consistent with the results of the experiments analyzed 2 than in Experiment 1. The results appear to reveal a protective
separately, there was a main effect of sound condition, function of increased visibility on the manipulation of timing
F(1.87, 474.28) = 34.58, p < .001, η2 = 0.12. Consistent with estimation that results from exposure to fast auditory rhythms.
the results of Experiment 1 only, there was a main effect of The principal finding was a replication of the main effect of
occlusion size, F(1.18, 298.03) = 53.81, p < .001, η2 = 0.18. rhythm found in Experiment 1.
2372 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

Distance travelled (d) is a product of a moving object’s Research suggests that prior experience with dynamic stim-
velocity (r) multiplied by the amount of time (t) that has uli provides a foundation for later sensorimotor prediction
passed since its departure (d = rt). In the absence of movement (Balkenius & Hulth, 1999; Bar, 2009; Friston, 2005; Huber
related cues, like velocity (r), participants in the present study & Krist, 2004; Kording & Wolpert, 2006; Wilson &
were likely forced to rely on the remaining source of evidence Knoblich, 2005). Additionally, both event timing and rhyth-
regarding the disc’s rate of movement, the passage of time (t). mic attunement are found to improve with increased exposure
Auditory input provides the most reliable and influential (Drake et al., 2000; McAuley et al., 2006; Thompson et al.,
source of temporal information (Conway & Christiansen, 2015). A possible explanation for the pattern of results re-
2005; Fendrich & Corballis, 2001; Grondin, 1993; Grondin quires the consideration that participants became better able
& McAuley, 2009; Hove et al., 2010; Keetels & Vroomen, to preserve the temporal qualities of dynamic mental imagery
2011; Spence & Driver, 2000; Vroomen & de Gelder, 2004; due to repeated exposure to constant travel times. Therefore, it
Vroomen & Keetels, 2010; Welch et al., 1986). Without ac- is plausible that carryover effects were present in the current
cess to visual information regarding the distance travelled, the design. If so, this most certainly would be a factor in minimiz-
temporal cues present in the auditory rhythms would ing error across all conditions. Nevertheless, the direction of
have offered the next best source of information regard- the differences observed were still mostly consistent with
ing travel speed. those observed in Experiment 1. So, while carryover effects
Because of the strong links between the auditory and motor may have been present, they likely impacted all conditions
systems, the auditory system is more strongly suited for accu- equally.
rate temporal perception than the visual system (Comstock At present it is unclear why the effect of occlusion size on
et al., 2018a, 2018b; Grahn, 2012; Grahn et al., 2011; the error in judged TTC would be substantially smaller in
McAuley & Henry, 2010; Pasinski et al., 2016; Repp & Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1 (thus bringing the
Penel, 2002). Unfortunately, this relationship also leaves the Experiment 2 errors closer to zero). Still, there was a clear
motor system’s role in event timing vulnerable to exploitation trend toward earlier responses when participants were ex-
from input received in the auditory modality. Prolonged ex- posed to the faster rhythm. This supports the proposal that
posure to visual stimuli seems to counteract these distorting the underlying mechanism by which temporal judgments are
effects. So, while the auditory sense may be more directly believed to be made involve attentional rhythms that are pro-
involved in the accurate temporal perception of sensory duced in response to exposure to dynamic stimuli. These
events, the visual sense appears to aid in preserving the accu- rhythms provide a means of tracking time by aligning with
rate representation of these events in the face of contradictory the course of events as they occur. The results of Experiment 2
auditory information. support the prediction that exposure to external stimuli capa-
At all three levels of occlusion, the period of visibility was ble of altering the rate of these attentional rhythms will influ-
greater in Experiment 2 relative to Experiment 1. Consistent ence the rate at which the mental representations of dynamic
with previous findings, increased access to visual information events unfold. These results also introduce the possibility that
resulted in a reduced effect of occlusion size on the mean error the temporal qualities of internal representations may in some
of participants’ judged TTC (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; ways be preserved as a result of prolonged exposure to con-
Peterken et al., 1991). Prolonged access to relevant sensory firmatory visual input.
information may provide the attentional system with more It must be emphasized that the two experiments in the
durable and longer lasting impressions regarding the future present study were designed as separate, distinct experiments.
rate of an object’s movement, even if the object can no longer They differed from one another in multiple ways. Therefore,
be seen. An increase in the durability and resulting reliability any interpretations of the results of cross-experiment analyses
of these impressions would be reflected in the reduced effect are tentative and would need to be confirmed (or
of occlusion size on the mean error of judged TTC, similar to disconfirmed) by future research.
what was observed.
Contrary to our hypothesis, the results failed to reflect a
consistent change in the error of judged TTC along with in- General discussion
creases in the period of invisibility. Why would participants
show an increase in accuracy in predicting TTC in both the Both experiments were designed to explore the effect of dif-
silent and slow rhythm conditions, when visual information is ferent speeds of an auditory rhythm on the rate of motion
made more unavailable? This is an interesting and unexpected extrapolation in an inferred motion task that measured TTC
finding that on the surface appears to contradict our claims judgments. As predicted, exposure to a faster rhythmic pattern
regarding the increasing vulnerability of attentional processes during the period of invisibility tended to produce more-
to outside influence. Therefore, it deserves serious premature judgments of an invisible object’s TTC than did
examination. exposure to a slower pattern. The degree of the overall effect
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2373

was at least partially moderated by the ratio of the visibility to Henry et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2002; Morillon et al., 2014;
invisibility interval (Alderson & Whiting, 1974; Peterken Morillon et al., 2015; Nozaradan et al., 2012; Nozaradan et al.,
et al., 1991). 2017; Nozaradan et al., 2015; Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009;
The present research attempted to elucidate the role of ex- Schroeder et al., 2010; Schubotz, 2007; Will & Berg, 2007).
ternal sensory input on predictive representations of move- Prior research has determined that exposure to faster rhythms
ment under the assumption that the attentional system is both produces higher rates of SSEPs, which are correlated with
dynamic and oscillating. In both experiments, participants differences in the subjective experience of a temporal interval
were required to make temporal judgments regarding TTC (Eagleman & Pariyadath, 2009; Horr et al., 2016; Portnova
when a moving disc was invisible. It is proposed that in the et al., 2011).
absence of any visual input, these oscillating attentional Shepard and Metzler (1971) originally demonstrated a tem-
rhythms would lack reliable dynamic sensory information poral connection between the manipulation of both real and
with which to become aligned. Participants were instead ex- imagined objects. Longer periods of mental imagery are found
posed to isochronous auditory rhythms of different rates dur- to be correlated with the imaginary walking of longer dis-
ing this period of invisibility. These patterns would have pro- tances (Decety et al., 1989). Mental imagery experiments also
vided supplementary temporal information that could be provide support for the existence of an overlapping system
attended to and incorporated with the dynamic representations used for motor imagery and execution (Decety, 1996; Hari
of the moving disc. Neurobehavioral evidence reveals an as- et al., 1998; Munzert et al., 2009; Naito et al., 2002;
sociation between the rate of sensorimotor oscillations and the Schnitzler et al., 1997). Neurophysiological research has re-
rate of sensory stimuli (Morillon et al., 2014; Morillon et al., vealed similar levels of sensory and motor activation during
2015; Portnova et al., 2011). Entrainment to these rhythms mental imagery of dynamic events (Press et al., 2011; Stadler
during periods of invisibility would effectively provide a sub- et al., 2012; Tian & Poeppel, 2010). A sensorimotor system
stitute sensory and consequent neural pattern from which to that processes observed and imagined events using very sim-
make temporal judgments regarding the rate of movement ilar neurocognitive mechanisms likely applies similar dynam-
over time. Although this has not been directly explored here, ic expectations to both types of experiences (Decety &
the results are consistent with this theoretical interpretation. Jeannerod, 1996). While the movement utilized in the current
Our findings are consistent with those previously found by experiments was in no way naturalistic, evidence suggests a
Chotsrisuparat et al. (2017). Participants appear to underesti- high degree of flexibility in terms of the motor system’s ability
mate the TCC of a moving object when faster auditory to formulate accurate representations of motion. Regardless of
rhythms are played while the object is invisible. However, the degree of reproducibility of a movement, the motor system
ours is the first experiment to explore the relationship between seems to impose its own expectations onto dynamic events
the rate of auditory rhythms and the ratio of visibility to (Jeannerod, 2001; Kunde et al., 2004; Schubotz, 2007;
invisibility on judgments of TTC. An additional distinction Wilson & Knoblich, 2005; Wolpert & Flanagan, 2001).
should be made between these earlier findings and the Therefore, the effects observed in the present experiments
current results. Chotsrisuparat et al. (2017) concluded that would most certainly be involved in the perception of more
the described effects occurred as a result of participants asso- naturalistic movement.
ciating faster tones with the more rapid movement of a trav- Early behavioral evidence for the predictive capacity of our
elling object. This seems like a logical conclusion since faster representational systems was identified by Freyd and Finke
walking or running would produce the sound of more rapid (1984, 1985) who examined participants’ memories of a mov-
footsteps, and since the processing of temporal information ing target’s final position prior to its disappearance. When
contained within auditory rhythms requires the contributions given three possible target orientations from which to choose,
of the motor system. However, the seemingly innate and rel- participants incorrectly recalled the target in a position of for-
atively automatic recruitment of motor regions in response to ward displacement, relative to its true end position. They re-
auditory rhythms would suggest a more general, non- ferred to this phenomenon as representational momentum.
associative link (Chen et al., 2008; Comstock et al., 2018a, Representational momentum describes the forward displace-
2018b; Grahn, 2009; Grahn et al., 2011; Grahn & Brett, 2007; ment of a mental representation of a dynamic sensory experi-
Kung et al., 2013; Phillips-Silver & Trainor, 2005, 2007; ence. This displacement is consistent with real-world expec-
Zatorre et al., 2007). tations in that it can be influenced by the speed of movement,
We offer instead that exposure to auditory rhythms leads to whereby greater displacement is reported for visual objects
the recruitment of the motor system, and this recruitment is displaying faster rotational speed (Freyd & Finke, 1985; for
what promotes the entrainment of sensorimotor attentional a review, see Hubbard, 1995). Additionally, movement-
processes with the rate of the perceived rhythm (Arnal, related factors such as final position, stimulus velocity and
2012; Arnal & Giraud, 2012; Bolger, et al., Bolger, Coull, & motion direction also produce variations in the degree of for-
Schon, 2013, b; Henao et al., 2020; Henry & Obleser, 2012; ward displacement (Hecht & Bertamini, 2000; Hubbard &
2374 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

Bharucham, 1988; Jordan et al., 2002; Schmiedchen et al., pairing of perceivable auditory and visual events, the present
2013). research reveals that this effect may also result from co-
Dynamic stimuli require dynamic expectations. Dynamic occurring visual imagery as well.
movements as well as rhythmic auditory stimuli can both lead The results from the present experiments reveal that if a
to forward displacements in memory (Feinkohl et al., 2014; context rhythm is provided in the absence of conflicting visual
Schmiedchen et al., 2013; Wolpert et al., 1995). These expec- information, it can be incorporated into the timing of the rep-
tations must incorporate the passage of time into the formation resented event(s). The speed of the imagined event is pro-
of accurate predictive representations. It is worth considering posed to be a product of the rate of the sensorimotor attention-
that this forward displacement may be a product of ongoing al rhythm which can be influenced by the rate of context
attentional rhythms that serve to preserve these representa- rhythm. In the current experiments, 60-Hz pitch tones were
tions into the future, beyond what is witnessed in the external utilized in both the slow and fast sound conditions. Lower
environment. Importantly, the extent of forward displacement pitched tones (≤ 130 Hz) have been found to be more effective
can be reduced by delaying the time at which the moving in producing stronger sensorimotor synchronization (Hove
object vanishes relative to our expectations (Jordan et al., et al., 2014; Lenc et al., 2018; Varlet et al., 2018). It is possible
2002). that the particular tones used, may have enhanced the tempo-
Sound condition was the principal independent variable in ral effects of the sound conditions in both experiments.
the present studies, and its effect was similar in both experi- Nevertheless, it is evident that the incorporation of the sensory
ments. Occlusion size, on the other hand, played a secondary information provided by the different sound conditions pro-
role, providing an opportunity for sound condition to have its duced unique temporal experiences of the same sensory
effects. The effect of occlusion size was substantially smaller events. It seems apparent that exposure to different rates of
in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, thus raising the ques- rhythmic auditory patterns can influence the temporal quali-
tion of why this occurred. A complicating factor is that the two ties of dynamic mental representations.
procedures were intentionally different (the Experiment 2 pro- The current research introduces the proposal that the inter-
cedure was designed to address potential temporal confounds nal attentional states required for the active representation of
in Experiment 1). We therefore believe further research would movement are vulnerable to external manipulation. Exposure
be required to address this across-experiment effect. Because to auditory rhythms that exceed the rate of external events may
the effect of occlusion size was inconsistent across experi- produce dynamic representations that exceed the actual move-
ments, we focus our theoretical interpretation on the effects ment speed of the object, leading to premature estimations of
of sound condition. TTC. Moreover, the potential for the manipulative effects of
We introduce the possibility that internal rhythmic states auditory rhythms is greatly reduced when visual input is made
are intimately involved in the construction of dynamic mental more available.
representations as well as the resulting expectations regarding Evidence from previous studies point to a specific network
their outcome. More specifically, the accurate representation of brain regions that is likely involved in the processing of the
of movement may rely to a large degree on the corresponding stimuli used as well as the completion of the task involved in
rate of endogenous attentional rhythms relative to the rate of the present experiments. These regions include: (i) the visual
visible movement. area V5 or the middle temporal area (MT), commonly associ-
While there does appear to be strong evidence for the spe- ated with visual motion processing (Soto-Faraco et al., 2004),
cialization of processing between the auditory and visual as well as (ii) the medial superior temporal area (MST), which
sense, there are times when we must depend on auditory input is known to remain active during visual pursuit of objects that
for spatial information. When visual input is severely degrad- are temporarily out of sight, pointing to a possible role in dy-
ed or absent, there is an increased reliance on auditory input namic visual imagery (Berthoz, 2000). Evidence suggests that
during the process of spatial localization (Alais & Burr, 2004). an area located within the Sylvian fissure, (iii) where the pari-
The capture of the timing of a visual event by an auditory etal and temporal lobes intersect (Area Spt), is associated with
stimulus is generally referred to as temporal ventriloquism. auditory-motor integration (Chen et al., 2006; Hickok et al.,
This effect is proposed to be a product of intersensory integra- 2003; Warren et al., 2005). This region shares direct connec-
tion, whereby auditory stimuli are able to influence the per- tions with (iv) the premotor cortex (Deacon, 1992; Petrides &
ceived timing of co-occurring visual events or intervals. Pandya, 2002). The premotor cortex experiences increased ac-
Research has revealed that this effect is seemingly indepen- tivation during exposure to rhythmic auditory stimuli, similar to
dent of the spatial distance between the visual and auditory Area Spt (Bengtsson et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2006; Chen et al.,
stimuli but is highly dependent on the temporal distance be- 2008; Karabanov et al., 2009; Kornysheva et al., 2010;
tween the two sensory events (for a review, see Chen & Schubotz et al., 2003; Schubotz & von Cramon, 2001, 2002,
Vroomen, 2013). While most, if not all, previous research 2003; Wolfensteller et al., 2007). Additionally, a portion of the
has demonstrated this effect through the close temporal premotor cortex known as (v) the supplementary motor area
Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383 2375

(SMA), which has been strongly linked with motor timing information in dynamic representations is likely dependent on
(Coull et al., 2016; Merchant & Yarrow, 2016; Sakai et al., preserving or reproducing these internal states constructed dur-
2004; Schwartze et al., 2012; Tanji, 2001), and (vi) the basal ing the actual sensory experience (Schaefer et al., 2011). Neural
ganglia, which share reciprocal connections with the SMA patterns consistent with sensory experiences can in fact be pro-
(Hove et al., 2013). The basal ganglia are also found to be duced from imagined events (Decety & Jeannerod, 1996;
active during tasks requiring temporal perception and are di- Jeannerod, 2001; Okawa et al., 2017; Wolpert & Flanagan,
rectly involved in sensorimotor synchronization (Grahn & 2001). Maintaining these patterns would provide continuous,
Brett, 2007; Grahn & Rowe, 2009; Hove et al., 2013; Van albeit potentially unreliable information about the perceived
Wassenhove et al., 2011). Beta oscillations are believed to be relationship between movement and the passage of time. In
the mechanism by which the SMA coordinates its activity with the absence of verifying sensory input, the gradual deterioration
these subcortical structures (Wiener & Kanai, 2016). of the internal representation of a dynamic sensory event is a
These oscillations are likely to entrain with the rate of the potential source for error in temporal and spatial judgments.
auditory rhythm presented during the present experiment, Our results indicate that when the process of tracking the
thereby providing temporal information that could be applied passage of time is manipulated by exposure to external stim-
to the rate of visual imagery maintained during the periods of uli, the accuracy of such tracking is affected in predictable
occlusion. This entrainment would provide the motor system ways. Specifically, the findings reveal that as the apparent
with inaccurate temporal information, leading to a consistent- duration of the period of invisibility increases, so does the
ly skewed perception of the passage of time. Consistent with apparent speed of the moving object. This suggests that the
the current findings, greater visual exposure would essentially mechanisms involved in mentally tracking both movement
minimize the extent to which the motor system would need to and the passage of time are not acting independently of one
rely on auditory cues for this temporal estimation. Therefore, another in this type of task. How these processes are linked in
smaller degrees of error in judged TTC would be expected the brain becomes a question of primary importance. It is
when the rate of movement is visually perceivable for longer proposed that information related to time is communicated
periods of time. in the form of oscillatory attentional activity that is then syn-
This theoretical framework must also consider the possibility chronized with the rate of external events. The merging of
that auditory rhythms may have the potential to be beneficial these two sources of information may provide a basis for the
during times in which visual information is unavailable. If partic- temporal perception of dynamic mental imagery. In the ab-
ipants are exposed to an auditory rhythm that closely aligns with sence of confirmatory sensory (visual) information, appropri-
the rate of a dynamic event, this should aid in preserving the ate adjustments are unable to be made, leading to the eventual
temporal qualities of dynamic representations when movement breakdown of this representation and consequently, greater
is inferred rather than directly observed. This implies that if we error in temporal predictions observed over time. In the pres-
know an object’s end point and rate of movement, our accuracy in ence of temporally consistent sensory information, our atten-
predicting when it will reach this point may benefit from exposure tional system would effectively incorporate this input into
to supplemental stimuli while the object is unseen. This is an these representations, thereby preserving their accuracy.
intriguing possibility that is worth exploring. Regardless of the In the current experiments, the presence of isochro-
potential implications of the current research, it is evident from nous auditory pulses of different rates led to predictable
our results that motion extrapolation is indeed a temporally ori- shifts in the perceived timing of dynamic events. Our
ented process that is increasingly vulnerable to external manipu- results have demonstrated that exposure to faster rhyth-
lation when visual information is made more unavailable. mic patterns influences participants’ estimations of the
velocity of invisible objects. They have also revealed
that this influence is drastically reduced when visual
Conclusion input is made more available, likely preserving a more
accurate mental representation during periods of invisi-
Researchers have proposed several different cognitive factors bility. Taken together, this reveals a possible mechanism
to explain how motion extrapolation (the ability to internally by which the temporal qualities of mental imagery may
represent an invisible object’s motion) is possible (Battaglini be understood. While these experiments did not examine
et al., 2013; DeLucia et al., 2016; DeLucia & Liddel, 1998; the neurophysiology associated with motion extrapola-
Huber & Krist, 2004; Lyon & Waag, 1995; Makin & tion, previous research as well as the current results
Poliakoff, 2011; Schiff & Oldak, 1990; Tresilian, 1995). The point to a possible role of endogenous rhythms in
results of the present research suggest the possibility that the representing the temporal qualities of dynamic imagery.
internal representation of dynamic motion is based upon the Merging both the representation of the moving object as
preservation of corresponding attentional states produced from well as the representation of passing time could be the
the initial sensory experience. Accurately representing temporal mechanism by which motion extrapolation occurs. Future
2376 Atten Percept Psychophys (2022) 84:2360–2383

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curate mental representations of dynamic events. Berthoz, A., & Weiss, G. (2000). The Brain's Sense of Movement.
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Bhattacharya, J., Petsche, H., & Pereda, E. (2001). Long-range synchrony
Data and materials are available, and are located in a secure
in the gamma band: Role in music perception. Journal of
laboratory in the Psychology building on the Bowling Green Neuroscience, 21, 6329-6337.
State University campus. None of the experiments were JNEUROSCI.21-16-06329.2001
preregistered. Bolger, D., Coull, J. T., & Schon, D. (2013). Metrical rhythm implicitly
orients attention in time as indexed by improved target detection and
left inferior parietal activation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Author Note Timothy B. Patrick is now at the Department of 26, 593-605.
Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University Bolger, D., Trost, W., & Schon, D. (2013). Rhythm implicitly affects
Bloomington. The authors have no known conflicts of interest temporal orienting of attention across modalities. Acta
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to disclose.
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