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By Georgia Haitas-Jammine
Speech-language Therapist

Copyright © Georgia Jammine


When should we see a baby is using his lips, tongue and
palate in feeding. She will discuss
SPECIAL INSERT speech-language the process of normal speech
therapist for the first and language development and
how the cleft may impact on
HOW CAN I HELP this. She will monitor the baby’s
speech and language develop-

MY CHILD WITH Your first meeting with the

speech-language therapist
ment, and suggest ways in which
you as parents can enhance your

A CLEFT PALATE should take place as soon after

the birth as possible, and no later
baby’s communicative devel-
opment. She may also answer

TO TALK? than 3 months after the birth. If questions that you may have
the cleft is diagnosed during the regarding the cleft. Certainly
pregnancy, parents may meet there’s a lot that can be done
the speech-language therapist before the lip and palate are
even before the birth. surgically repaired. Having writ-
ten material such as this booklet
may be very helpful, but it does
not remove the need to see a
Obviously the baby is speech-language therapist.
How Can I Help My Child with a Cleft Palate to Talk not speaking at birth.
Copyright © Georgia Jammine The child with a cleft is managed
Edition 1 - 2017
Why should I see the by a team of professionals. The
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any speech-language speech-language therapist can
refer you to see other mem-
means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping or
by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission
therapist so early? bers of the team, including the
of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical Surgeon who will repair the cleft,
The speech-language therapist
articles and reviews. the Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon
can provide you with information
ISBN 978-0-6399105-4-3 (ENT), the Orthodontist, a Social
on how to feed your infant with
Worker or Psychologist, and put
a cleft and monitor the way the


you in touch with other parents What is the Air coming up from the lungs
who have experience with cleft passes behind the soft palate
palate. function of the palate in into the nose, and out through
speech? the nostrils. These 3 sounds are
/m/, /n/ and /ng/ (as in “hang”).
How often should I see The palate is divided into two They are called nasal sounds, be-
main sections: the hard palate cause the airstream has to flow
her after that? in the front, consisting of bone out of the nose to produce them.
tissue, and the soft palate at the Lightly touch the side of your
You should see your speech- back, consisting of muscle tissue. nose as you say these sounds,
language therapist again at The palate forms the roof of the and you will feel the vibration. If Soft palate lifted to close against the back
about 5-6 months, before that mouth and the floor of the nose. you block your nose, you cannot of the throat and separate the nose from
baby starts to babble, to get Its function is to separate the produce these sounds. It’s these the mouth (Kummer, 2014)
more specific information on nose from the mouth thus sounds that make you sound like
how to stimulate babbling. You forming two separate cavities. you’ve got a cold if your nose
can then see her at least every
4-6 months in the early years, or
Look in the mirror at your own is blocked. The voice quality Which aspects of a cleft
palate, and see how the soft pal- associated with a blocked nose is
more frequently if she recom- ate lifts up when you say /ah/. known as ‘hyponasality’. It’s also palate can contribute to
mends it. In this period she will
ensure that the baby’s receptive
The soft palate lifts up and clos- these sounds which are easy a speech and language
es against the back wall of the for a child with a cleft to say, as
language and early communica- throat (pharynx), thus separating they require an opening between disorder?
tion are developing appropriately. the nose from the mouth. This nose and mouth.
At this stage you as parents are The main factors contributing to
really providing the ‘therapy’ and a speech and language
movement is necessary for Most of the sounds in English re-
the speech-language therapist disorder in a child with a cleft
feeding and for speech. quire the soft palate to be lifted
is monitoring both you and the include the following:
up and to close against the back
baby. It will be helpful if you are There are three sounds in which wall of the throat or pharynx.
provided with written material. • The palate may land up being
the soft palate merely rests on With the soft palate in this
Your speech-language therapist too short to separate the nose
the back of the tongue, and does position, air coming up from the
will advise you on whether and from the mouth completely.
not function to separate the nose lungs flows out of the mouth. The
at what stage direct, regular This results in nasal speech.
from the mouth. sounds produced are called oral
and intensive speech therapy is sounds, and these include: /p/,
indicated. Soft palate at rest, and during normal /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /f/, /v/,
nasal breathing, and production of /m, n, /s/, /z/, /th/, /sh/, /zh/, /ch/
ng/ sounds (Kummer, 2014) and /j/
child pronounces or produces
the various consonants in the
language. These may be distort-
ed. The second is that his speech
may have a ‘nasal’ or ‘hypernasal’
quality. We use the term “audible
nasal escape” to describe air es-
caping out of the nose during the
production of certain consonants.
Our ultimate goal for children
Short soft palate unable to reach the born with clefts is normal speech,
back of the throat to separate the nose or as close to normal as possible.
from the mouth completely (Kummer, Hearing loss frequently
2014) associated with middle ear
problems, often found in children
with a cleft may cause a delay in
• Crooked teeth associated with speech and language
a distortion in the bite. This is development. A negative reac-
known as dental malocclusion. tion to the appearance of the
• Hearing loss. This is usually child may result in poor interper-
associated with a dysfunction sonal and communication skills.
of the middle ear.
• A hole (fistula) remaining in
the palate though which air How early can you tell
can escape.
that speech and
language are developing
How does a cleft palate differently from other
affect speech? children?
There are two ways in which a In the first few months of life
cleft palate commonly affects there is little difference between
speech. The first is in the way the the sounds made by infants with
clefts and non-cleft infants. Both then you may heighten his noises, clicks, and environmental of meaningful words.
of them cry and coo in much awareness of them by increasing noises (hooting, banging, Babies with cleft palate especial-
the same way. However when the length of the vowel sounds coughing, knocking, sizzling and ly before surgery to repair the
they get to the babbling stage, you say to him. You could use ringing). In fact you can imitate palate, produce fewer
children with cleft palate often them while playing or singing. any noises you hear around you. consonants in total, as well as a
produce a smaller variety of Face him as you make these reduced repertoire of
consonants than their non-cleft Other sounds which are easier sounds, so that he can see how different consonants. They are
peers, and also vocalise less include /w/, /y/, /m/, /n/, you are making the sounds. Even often delayed in the onset age
overall. They may use only the /h/ and /l/. It may be helpful let him feel on your lips and in- of babbling. Typically they make
nasal consonants /m/ and /n/. to keep a diary to record which side your mouth. Your baby may more use of the consonants that
Early surgery to repair the palate sounds he does say, so that not copy these sounds at first, do not require high pressure in
may facilitate earlier babbling. your speech-language therapist but persevere, and eventually the mouth such as /w/, /y/,
You as parents may encourage a can list for you those he doesn’t he will. /m/, /n/, /h/ and /l/ and the
greater variety of sounds starting say, and which still need to be vowel sounds, and avoid the
with the ones the baby is already encouraged. ones that do, such as /p/, /b/,
producing, or the ones he is What is babbling and /t/, /d/, /k/, and /g/. Thus the
ready to learn. Your speech- Once the child is using meaning- order in which babies with cleft
language therapist will guide you ful words, you may want to build how is it different in palate learn to produce the con-
in which sounds to encourage. up a vocabulary of words he babies with a cleft? sonants may be different from
should be able to say clearly. their non-cleft siblings.
Babbling is the type of
Which sounds are easi- utterances babies make before When your baby begins to

er for a baby with a cleft How can I encourage

learning to say words. It typically babble e.g. wawawa, mamama,
consists of the production of nanana, lilili, nununu, copy him,
my baby to make more and also make other sounds. This
to say? How can we consonant-vowel (CV)
sounds? sequences such as “bababa”, will encourage him to increase
encourage these? “gagaga”. Sometimes they say the frequency and variety of
Make a variety of sounds as you “mama” or “dada” at this stage, his babbling, even if he doesn’t
The easier sounds are those that play with your baby and especial- and parents get excited that they imitate the exact sounds that you
do not require much oral air ly during routine activities such are calling them. These utteranc- babble with. The aim is to have
pressure. These include the as bathing, dressing, feeding. The es, which start at about 6 months, him vocalize more, regardless of
vowel sounds such as /a/, /i/ sounds you make may include do not necessarily have mean- the quality of his sounds.
and /u/. If you notice that your non-speech sounds, such as the ing. Babbling forms the building
baby has not begun to say these, “raspberry”, as well as animal blocks for the later development
How can I prepare my and many sounds incorporate it.
Again, use a mirror. He can also
child for learning to copy as you push your tongue
imitate sounds? into each cheek.

It is useful for the child to be- Have him copy you as you puff
come familiar with the parts of up your cheeks, letting the air
the mouth and how they move. out in bursts as you press your
Have him look at your mouth cheeks. Even let him look into
as you move your lips as they your mouth with a torch, and see
open and close, spread into a the soft palate moving as you
smile and purse as you blow, and say “ah”.
moving quickly as you repeat
“p,p,p,p,p”. Use a mirror for him
to see his own mouth. Name Which words would
the ‘top lip’ and the ‘bottom lip’.
You will be using these terms to be easier for my child
teach sounds later. with a cleft to learn to
Similarly show him the top teeth say clearly, even before
and bottom teeth. Show him how the palate is completely
you hold a sucker stick between
your teeth.
The easier words are those
Show him your tongue, and name
containing sounds that do not
the ‘tongue tip’. Encourage him to
require much oral air pressure
imitate tongue movements such
such as /w/, /y/, /m/, /n/, /h/,
as lifting the tongue tip towards
/l/ and the vowels. He is likely to
the nose, or licking the chin and
begin by saying words like ‘mom-
cheeks, gently biting the tongue
my’, ‘more’, ‘no’ before he says
between the teeth, and lifting the
‘daddy’, ‘ball’ and ‘bye bye’. Here
tongue to the position behind
are some words that he should
the top teeth. This last position
be able to pronounce clearly,
is an important one for speech,
because they are not affected Once the palate is baby bang bone bin /g/
by the cleft. It’s useful to teach bib belly bed big girl gum game gun
words that contain sounds that repaired, which sounds buy book back bath goal go bag mug
the child can already pronounce: will my child be ready to baboon banana egg log leg dig
• animal noises: moo (cow), Barney bunny
meow (cat), mêê (sheep),
learn? balloon bubble
pig big hug bug
dog garden guitar
oo-oo (owl) wagon Lego mango tiger
Now we can start concentrating
• environmental noises: woo
(wind), weewee, wahwah
on the consonants that require /t/
oral air pressure. Remember tie toe two tea You may notice that children
(sirens), wa wa (baby crying), tap tire top tail with clefts frequently learn the
though that some children may
lalala (singing), mmm (aer tart tower hat mat sounds produced at the back of
even be able to produce these
oplane noise), umm umm (car cat goat pot kite the mouth i.e. /k/ and /g/ be-
sounds even before the palate is
noise) gait coat hot fore those produced in the front
repaired. Begin with the stops or
• /w/ words: where, whale, potato butter robot letter i.e. /t/ and /d/.
plosives (short sounds) /p/, /b/,
wheel, wee, warm, wow. tomato
/t/, /d/, /k/, and /g/. Exam-
• /y/ words: you, yay! yummy naughty toot towel Initially you may assist by closing
ples of words containing these
• /h/ words: hair, here, he, hen, the child’s nostrils until he gets
sounds are:
hay, who, ham, her, hi, hammer, the concept of producing sounds
hey, hello. /d/ out of his mouth. This is better
• /m/ words: mama, mommy, /p/ doll duck door dog
done with two index fingers rath-
mom, more, me, moon, money, pear pay pea pie dad red bed bird er than by pinching the nostrils
mealie, man, arm pin pan palm pen hand lady window using one hand.
• /n/ words: no, knee, in, on, pill poo up hop bad lady lid
name, nanny, mine mop map lip pipe hadedah Remember that although chil-
• /l/ words: loo, lion, lamb, pillow piano hippo dren frequently follow an order
lemon, owl happy pepper paper /k/ of difficulty when learning new
• vowel words: eye, ear, air, poppy purple cap car cow key sounds, they sometimes surprise
oh-oh. puppy people pawpaw come cake cock cat us, and learn a sound that is
pineapple peep-peep kite comb cone cup generally considered more
king queen can cook ‘difficult’, before learning one
/b/ corn cot kick walk of the ‘easier’ sounds. Allow
bear bow bee bay milk work cork talk the child to lead the way, and
boy bye ball bell bike buck lock back encourage him to practise any
boo beer web boat bike camel cookie sound that is emerging, as long
| monkey
as it is clear, and not accompa- sun swing sweet
nied by a glottal stop (see mouse bus case horse
page 9). house goose ice face
box fox necklace
stove star school stool
stop spade spider slide
Which group of sounds nest basket snow snail

comes next?
Now you can go on to the frica- zebra zip xylophone
tives (long continuous sounds) bees cars lizard
/f/, /v/, /th/, /s/, /z/, /sh/, / newspaper vase
zh/. Here are some words to cousin present

/f/ /sh/
fire foot fork shoe shirt shark shell
phone fly floor flag ship shout shop tissue
flower fig fat fight cushion bush brush
hoof fish wash push
leaf knife laugh fish machine sheep shower
coffee elephant
/v/ measure treasure garage
van veil violin Finally you can go on to the af-
volcano oven river five fricates (a combination of a stop
dive dove move love and a fricative)
/ch/ = /t/ + /sh/ and /j/ = /d/
+ /zh/. Here are some words to
/s/ use:
soap soup sea saw
sit sing sad salt


/ch/ produce a short consonant (a tending to clean your glasses, or to produce an oral breath stream
chain chip child chop stop or plosive) when the child to mist up a mirror. You can use a is important as a foundation for
chair cheese church has difficulty building up air small square of tissue and blow learning consonants, and
cherry teacher watch witch pressure in the mouth because it off the back of your hand. Draw especially fricatives such as /f/,
match peach lunch of the cleft. The glottal stop may an aeroplane on it and pretend /s/, /th/ and /sh/. Ultimately
even be used right from the you are making the aeroplane fly. the best exercise for speech is
babbling stage as a substitution You can practise blowing cotton speech itself.
/j/ for the pressure sounds /p/, wool, bubbles, feathers, horns,
jam jacket
/b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, and /g/. whistles, candles, harmonicas,
pigeon soldier
engine sausage
When the glottal stop persists, etc. You may need to close the Should I correct
the speech-language therapist child’s nostrils initially until he
orange fridge
may be concerned, because they gets the concept. This is better my child if he
Begin by babbling with these
may become established as a done with 2 index fingers rather mispronounces
habit that continues into the word than by pinching the nostrils
sounds. You can even let your
stage, and is quite a challenge using one hand. a word?
baby put his hand on or in your
to eradicate later. You should ask
mouth as you do this, so that he Be sensitive to when correcting
your speech-language therapist If you find that the child is blow-
can see and feel that some of him is appropriate and when it
to help you to identify these error ing through his nose, let him blow
them are produced with the lips is not. Beware of not correcting
sounds. You should then avoid through a straw. That way only air
/p/, /b/ and /m/, some with him in front of others, which may
reinforcing them, simply by that flows through the mouth will
the teeth and lips /f/ and /v/, embarrass him. Also, don’t cor-
ignoring them, while responding be effective. You can also use a
some with the tongue tip behind rect him every time he speaks, as
positively to the ‘good’ sounds he straw to blow light objects, such
the teeth /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, he will become discouraged. On
produces. as paper boats on water, or make
/s/, /n/, /sh/, /zh/, /ch/, /j/ the other hand, praise him when
a pea-shooter with a small piece
and some at the back of the he uses good speech, especial-
of tissue paper at the end of the
mouth /k/ and /g/. ly if you know that his speech
therapist is currently correcting a
How can I teach my specific sound, and you hear him
A word of warning about
What is a glottal stop? child to blow? blowing exercises! In the past it
using it correctly in his speech.
was believed that doing blowing
A glottal stop is a cough-like Producing an oral breath stream exercises would strengthen the
sound frequently heard in the is important as a basis for learn- soft palate and decrease nasality.
speech of a child with a cleft. ing oral consonants. Begin by This has not been found to be
It develops in an attempt to sighing, or breathing out, or pre- the case. Rather teaching a child
How is language If you are concerned about your
child’s language development, a
development affected in useful book for parents is the one
a child with a cleft by Pepper and Weitzman (see
the resources on page 12).
Children born with a cleft lip and
palate, and no other problems, How can I stimulate
need not necessarily be de-
layed in their language devel-
general language
opment. They may however be development?
put at risk of delayed language
development because of other Begin, right from birth to talk to
factors, such as having frequent your baby throughout the day.
ear infections with associated Talk clearly about everything
conductive hearing loss, frequent happening around him, so that he
hospitalizations, social and edu- will learn to understand his world.
cational limitations, Children born A good time to concentrate on
with cleft palate as part of a syn- talking is during routine activities
drome may be more at risk for such as bathing, dressing,
language delay. Sometimes be- feeding, playing, going for walks,
cause their speech is difficult to driving in the car etc. Outings to
understand, children with clefts the shops, to the library, to plac-
don’t derive the same responses es of worship, to the zoo, to the
to their efforts to communicate beach, to the park, to game parks
as their more intelligible peers. It and farms all provide
is therefore important to take opportunities for expanding the
special care to maintain the child’s vocabulary.
language stimulus, even when
the child is difficult to understand. Sing to him regularly. Music is a
wonderful medium of language


stimulation. Playing children’s word. Rather you should always determine the prognosis for the parents in the
songs on CDs while you are expose the child to an enriched good speech. These include: management of their child.
travelling in the car provides a vocabulary. Children are like 1. How severe the cleft was to 15. The amount of language
good opportunity for teaching sponges. They will soak up what- begin with stimulation available at home.
as you have a ‘captive audi- ever you expose them to. So if 2. When the operation was
ence’. Also expose your baby to you know that a particular flower done to repair the cleft. One can see from this list that
pictures books from an early age. is called a carnation, or that a 3. How skilled and experienced there are some factors over
Talk about each picture, com- particular bird is a hadedah, tell the surgeon was. which we can exercise some
menting on its name, its parts, its him. 4. Whether there were any control, and others which we
colours and shapes, its function, complications of the cannot. One cannot simply look
the noises it makes and relate it On the other hand, when we operation. in a child’s mouth and predict
back to his experience. Family speak to babies, we naturally 5. How well the soft palate how well he will speak. What
photo albums are very useful for exaggerate our intonation to gain functioned after the surgery is most important is that we all
teaching family names and for their attention. We also speak a to separate the nose from the work together to help the child to
recalling experiences to the child little louder, which is advisable mouth. achieve the best speech he/she
e.g. a birthday party he may have when speaking to a baby with a 6. Whether there are any dental is capable of.
attended. cleft, in view of the high inci- problems and how the teeth
dence of fluctuating hearing loss. bite together.
This is useful, and should be 7. How well the child can hear.
encouraged. Always speak 8. The child’s intelligence.
I’ve heard that it’s bad clearly. 9. The existence of any
psychological or social
to speak ‘baby talk’ to a problems.
child. Is this true? Some children with 10 The child and his family’s
adjustment to the condition.
If by ‘baby talk’ you mean that clefts seem to speak 11. The existence of any other
you change the words e.g. calling so much better than conditions that may affect
a ‘dog’ a ‘woof-woof’ or changing communication.
your pronunciation by imitating
others. Which factors 12. The management of the child
the child’s mispronunciations determine the final within a team of
e.g. ‘bottie’ for ‘bottle, then you professionals.
would be modelling incorrectly.
outcome? 13. The child’s access to speech
The child later has to unlearn the therapy services.
There are many factors that will
‘baby word’ and learn the ‘adult’ 14. The level of co-operation of
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