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Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

Forgotten Realms : The Age of Astaroth
Campaign Setting

Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

The Forgotten Realms® Created By: Ed Greenwood
The Age of Astaroth Alternate Timeline Developed By: Gregg Alexander Dafoe
New Character Features Development: Gregg A. Dafoe
Writing and Editing: G. A. Dafoe
Producer: G. A. D. (Yep, me again; this really was a one-man operation!)
Art Lead: G. Alexander Dafoe
Cover Art: G. Alexander Dafoe
Interior Art Lead: G. Alexander Dafoe
Contributing Artists: No one, yet.
Graphic Designers: Couldn’t afford those!
Playtesters: My good friends, Daniel Harrell, Jason Cottrell and Corey Dike.

Based on and Designed to Be Used with the Dungeons & Dragons® 5th Edition Roleplaying Game: Created for release on
the DM’s Guild website marketplace. The original Dungeons & Dragons game was created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Arneson, with contributions from Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, James Ward and Don Kaye. The original Forgotten Realms®
campaign setting was created by Ed Greenwood.

Legal Disclaimer: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters
and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4
The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

On the Cover
Under the full moon and beneath the sole bridge leading to Astaroth’s own impregnable The Fortress Infernal,
Charon, the Boatman of the Styx, ferries another wretched soul to their eternal damnation.
Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures, GAIA: The Chronicles of Atlantis, the Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures logo, the GAIA: The Chronicles of Atlantis logo and all other
Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures product names, and their respective logos, are trademarks of Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures in the USA and other countries. All
characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures.

©2016 Gaming’s Advanced Interactive Adventures LLC, 7167 Hammock Lakes Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940-7960, USA. Manufactured by (print-on-demand service).

Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

Table of Contents
Campaign Setting Introduction…….………..……...1 The Wings……………………………………………
How This World Came to Be……….………………2 The Titan Corp……………………………………….
The World As It is Now…….….……………….......3 The Lay of the Land………………………………….
The Environments of the World…………………….4 Fey Rune……………………………………………..
Society and Culture…………………………………4 Map of Fey Rune c. ~466AA………………………...
Law and Politics…………………………………….4 The Infernal Empire………………………………….
Religion……………………………………………..5 The Ash of Men………………………………………
Patron Powers……………………………………....5 Azgard………………………………………………..
Customs and Traditions……………………………18 The Bloodbone Lands………………………………..
The Age of Astaroth……………………………….19 Dar Paradeisimo……………………………………...
Running Campaigns in the Age of Astaroth………19 The Eltab Imperium………………………………….
Encyclopedia Demonica………………………..….20 The Foreverwinter Wood…………………………….
Integrating Non-PHB Races……………………….20 The Spiderhaunt Forest………………………………
New Features for Characters………………………22 Other Regions of Fey Rune…………………………..
New Spells…………………………………………25 The Free-States of Calim……………………………..
New Magic Items………………………………….26 The Blood Sea………………………………………..
History of the Age of Astaroth………………………. The Lands Beyond Fey Rune………………………...
Side Bar: Timeline of the Age of Astaroth………….. Kara-Tur……………………………………………...
Organizations………………………………………... Maztica……………………………………………….
The Sons of Liberty………………………………….. Zakhara……………………………………………….
The Fatherhood……………………………………… The Unknown Lands…………………………………
The Black Wizards of Thay…………………………. Myths and Legends in the Age of Astaroth…………..
The Shadow Thieves………………………………… The Legend of the Dragons…………………………..
The Shadovar………………………………………… The Myth of the Magister…………………………….
The Blood Sea Trading Co. …………………………. The Story of Spellfire………………………………...
The Azgardian Military……………………………… Adventures…………………………………………...
The Half-Blood Brigade……………………………... The Liberation of Waterdeep………………………...
The Brimstone Guard………………………………... The Face of Evil.……………………..........................

Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

 landscape is also bathed in a red sky during the day, a
jarring feature that has supplanted the world’s

 formerly blue sky. These mentioned abnormalities

are not an exhaustive list, though, and DMs running
campaigns in the Age of Astaroth are encouraged to
The Forgotten Realms: Age of Astaroth campaign is indulge their own imaginations when warping the
a Dungeons & Dragons® 5th edition campaign that world to create their ideal post-apocalyptic infernal
takes place in an alternate dystopian future of the landscapes.
official Forgotten Realms® campaign setting. In this This Forgotten Realms®: Age of Astaroth
divergent timeline, the world has been all but Campaign Guide details the world of Faerûn (now
conquered by devils and demons. Humans, elves, called “Fey Rune”, because the very land itself is
dwarves and even the traditionally evil races such as considered a dark blight amongst the fabric of the
orcs and drow have been united by the common bond cosmos) in the Age of Astaroth and includes
of humanity in a desperate bid to merely survive. everything DMs need to create adventures set within
Life for these folk is oppressive and dire, but this age. It also includes everything players need for
surprisingly, humanoid societies still function. Cities their characters to explore the world. As this setting
still dot the landscape, but fiends rule their subjects features an unprecedented take on an established
from dark fortresses while the humanoid filth is game world, this Campaign Guide makes use of a
forced to eke out a meager existence within their new unique stat block for NPCs and monsters. A
segregated ghettoes. Men still trade with one brief tutorial on reading this stat block can also be
another, but their commerce is heavily taxed. Some found in the Encyclopedia Demonica section.
such men have even risen in power, creating a middle In addition, this guide includes several
social tier, one where they maintain some veneer of adventures set within the Age of Astaroth setting.
freedom and power. This rise always demands these One is a main adventure path, The Liberation of
men become pawns of their fiendish overlords, Waterdeep, which offers the Player Characters the
however, and requires them to work in the best chance to join a humanoid resistance group in an
interests of those overlords. As such, these men are attempt to liberate the city of Waterdeep. A sequel to
often considered traitors to their very humanity by that adventure, The Face of Evil, pits the PCs against
those they help oppress. Slavery is common in this the Forgotten Realms® campaign setting’s official
world, and slave traders ply the wilds seeking those timeline version of one of the players’ own
who have fled the squalor of their ghetto. In short, characters, and allows the remaining PCs to meet
life in this dark new world is unlike anything most their official timeline versions as well. As such, the
players are accustomed to. included adventures’ main adventure path requires at
But humanoid societies are not the only least one player to play a spellcaster (the adventure
things that have changed. The influence of the presented herein assumes the PC to be a tiefling
demonic apocalypse has infected the very world warlock, but with some extensive narrative and plot
itself. Cities hold buildings that have warped in changes, DMs can substitute this character with
incomprehensible ways to grow far taller than should another spellcaster of a different race). The main
be possible, becoming twisted monoliths that tower adventure path begins in an occupied Waterdeep and
over streets of darkened stone to create sprawling is designed for 4-6 characters of 1st level. In this
webs of labyrinth-like allies below. Existing campaign, the characters can join a humanoid
architecture too seems to have shaped itself to reflect resistance group, recover lost magical items and
the new state of the world, with buildings, bridges artifacts, liberate Waterdeep, seek out the reclusive
and other landmarks adopting their own gothic leaders of the resistance, confront the official
features. Natural environments have likewise been timeline antagonist and possibly travel back in time
affected. Many forests have darkened, their trees to stop his original plan. This main adventure path
sagging and snarled like the aforementioned towers. could advance characters to as high as 14th level. In
Lakes often reek of brimstone and many rivers addition, PCs will have the opportunity to engage in
frequently boil or smolder. Some areas see frequent several optional missions. These side quests include
fogs and mists that linger long after the sun should such activities as smuggling gems out of the city to
have burned away such conditions. And still in some fund the resistance, infiltrating enemy fortresses to
other select areas, the sun never rises. These foul steal Intel, sabotaging the enemy’s war machine and,
realms find themselves bathed in perpetual twilight possibly, assassinations. Characters that engage in all
and night, an inexplicable phenomenon that has of the available side quests may advance as high as
drawn to those areas the creatures of the night that 20th level. DMs creating their own Age of Astaroth
thrive in those conditions. The entirety of the

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Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

adventures are free to disregard or adapt these only to harness and channel those energies, making a
adventures as their game requires. previously impossible feat merely incredibly
difficult, which to the Lord of All Hell is a proverbial

 walk in the park.

Thus, Asmodeus prepared to hurl his son,

 Malux, back through time to the moment just before

the Thultanthar-Myth Drannor Calamity occurred, at
which point Malux would siphon the energies
In the distant future of the official Forgotten Realms released during the cataclysmic disaster, cast the
campaign setting, circa year 650 of the Present Godfall spell, rip the gods from the heavens and
Reckoning calendar, the Lord of All Hell, Asmodeus, siphon their power to create the Infernal
sought a foothold into the world. In furtherance of Convergence. (Asmodeus considered the fact that his
that goal, he propagated various cults throughout the demon apocalypse would now occur in the past to be
realms, and in time chose one particularly devout an added bonus, as it would give him initiative in his
cultist to bear his offspring. The result of this unholy invasion against the now-godless residence of the
union was Saben Malux, a tiefling of great power. unsuspecting realms.) To reave time itself, though,
Malux would come to lead the armies of Asmodeus Malux would have to cast a different and yet still
against the armies of man. Ultimately, however, by tremendously powerful spell, Timeslip. Timeslip was
670 PR, the gods themselves intervened to defeat an ancient spell known only to a handful of deific
Malux’s armies. His legions in retreat, Asmodeus powers throughout creation, and to even fewer
hatched one final stratagem: he would cast down mortals. It was used sparingly, and only to correct
from the heavens the very gods themselves. events that deviated from the timeline as foretold in
To accomplish this ambitious goal, the Tablets of Fate. To cast the spell in a manner
Asmodeus intended to have Malux cast the Godfall designed to intentionally deviate from the timeline as
spell, an incredibly powerful variation of the spell foretold in the Tablets of Fate, though, the magic of
Karsus’s Avatar, the very spell used by the Netherese the spell itself would demand a high cost. This price
archmage Karsus when he stole the powers of the was one that required a personal, even intimate
goddess of magic, Mystryl. In so doing, Karsus sacrifice unique to each spellcaster attempting to
himself briefly became a god, but ultimately he invoke the spell thus so. As Malux neared
managed only to destroy the Netherese Empire. The completion of the ritual used to cast the Timeslip
Godfall spell, though, was penned not to steal the spell, Asmodeus revealed to his son the sacrifice that
power of a single god, but instead it would hurl all he was to make: he would have to sacrifice his own
the gods from the heavens, making them mortal. mother at the altar of the spell. Horrified, Malux
Simultaneously, the spell would siphon the gods’ reached the culmination of the ritual, and in a split
power to create an immense rift in the fabric of the second had to decide the fate of not only his mother,
planes themselves, and would draw the planes of the but of the demonic armies at his command, and
Nine Hells and the Abyss into the Prime Material, indeed the world. He plunged a serrated dagger into
merging the three in an earth-shattering event known his unsuspecting mother’s heart and watched her face
as the Infernal Convergence. contort in hideous pain as her blood poured upon the
However, casting the Godfall spell would altar and the spell consumed her soul. A gate to the
prove to be an incredible feat in and of itself. To cast past opened, and in that moment Malux felt a burning
the spell, Malux would require arcane energies of hatred for his father. As he stepped into the past, he
inconceivable potency. Such power could not knew what he had to do to avenge his mother.
possibly be generated by a mortal spellcaster. Thus, Malux arrived in the past just prior to the
Asmodeus peered into history to find a time when the Thultanthar-Myth Drannor Calamity, but he did not
necessary energy had been unleashed before. arrive unseen. Through the rift in space and time
Through powerful scrying, the archdevil discovered itself, Labelas Enoreth, Lord of the Continuum and
that in the year 129 of the Present Reckoning elven god of time, longevity, the moment of choice
calendar (1487 DR), the shades of Thultanthar and of history, sensed Malux’s arrival through time.
inadvertently smashed their floating city into Myth Divining the true gravity of the events now
Drannor while trying to conquer that fabled elven unfolding, he hurriedly summoned the Realms most
city. In the resulting cataclysm known as the powerful mortal defenders, including Elminster
Thultanthar-Myth Drannor Calamity, the immense Aumar, the Srinshee, the Simbul, Syndra Wands
magical energies surrounding both cities combined (granddaughter of Khelben Arunsun) and the
and exploded, releasing near infinite arcane power. remaining Chosen of Mystra. As the defenders
To cast the Godfall spell, then, Malux would need summoned by Labelas Enoreth assembled in Myth

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Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

Drannor to confront Malux, they realized they had Rune”, and both it and the rest of the remaining
arrived too late. As they were preparing to sacrifice mortal world were conquered and divvied up between
themselves to slay Malux, they were startled to bear archdevil and demon lord, with each individual
witness to the opening of yet another gate through kingdom paying fealty to Emperor Astaroth’s own
time. As they stood stunned, a party of heroes Infernal Empire.
emerged from the future. Unknown to them, these In the midst of the dying of the world,
heroes from the future had followed Malux back into however, all hope was not lost. The heroes that had
the past to prevent his dire plan from succeeding. arrived from the future, the very same ones that the
But they too had arrived too late, and for a moment it defenders of Labelas Enoreth died saving, lived on to
seemed that all of the Realms mortal heroes were establish an underground resistance group. As the
doomed to perish in the imminent cataclysm. In super-secret council known as the Fatherhood, these
those fleeting moments, Labelas Enoreth’s defenders heroes created the Sons of Liberty, and used their
understood their true purpose: they teleported the knowledge of the original timeline’s future to grow
heroes from the future to safety as the two cities their resistance into a powerful network. While they
collided. As the Thultanthar-Myth Drannor Calamity have thus far been unable to save the world, they
exploded upon the world, the realms’ greatest have become humanity’s last best hope. And as the
defenders met their end and Saben Malux completed centuries trickled by, the Fatherhood has been long-
the Godfall spell. As the gods of man were cast from awaiting the time when they could capitalize on what
the heavens, the Prime Material Plane merged with they pray is a game-changing event: the birth of
the Nine Hells and the Abyss, and the Infernal Saben Malux in this timeline. The Fatherhood is
Convergence began to alter the world forever. hopeful that if this timeline’s Malux can be swayed
As infernal energy rippled across the surface from evil, he may be the key to preventing this entire
of the world, it seemed evil had won the day. And unholy world from ever occurring. And as fate
yet the world would not belong to Asmodeus as he would have it, that time has arrived just as this
had planned, for Saben Malux had exacted the campaign is beginning…
ultimate price for the sacrifice of his mother. As
Malux completed the Godfall spell, he altered the
casting in the subtlest of ways, ensuring that his 
father, Asmodeus, was caught in the spells divine net.
Thus, the archdevil and Lord of All Hell was too In this timeline, all of the canon events of the official
struck down to earth, becoming but a shadowy Forgotten Realms® campaign setting occurred as
vestige of his former self. In his place arose another normal up until the year 129 PR (1487 DR). In this
terrible fiend, his own general and the Supreme year, the shades of Thultanthar (the City of
Commander of All Hell’s Armies, Astaroth. Malux Shade/Shade Enclave) crashed that floating city into
had struck a deal with Astaroth in those Myth Drannor while trying to conquer it. Just prior
unperceivable moments in which he was flung to that cataclysm, Saben Malux arrived from the
through time: Malux would hand Astaroth the world future. That critical event marked the crucial point at
and Astaroth would make Asmodeus suffer for all which the Age of Astaroth’s timeline diverged from
eternity. As Astaroth’s armies flooded into the the timeline of the official campaign world. In the
world, Asmodeus became painfully aware of his ensuing centuries, the various archdevils and demons
son’s betrayal, even as he was cast down to the cemented their control of the mortal world and the
world. Before he could be made to suffer at Nine Hells and Abyss merged with large portions of
Astaroth’s hand, however, Asmodeus was lost among the Prime Material Plane. As this campaign begins, it
the mortal world in the consequence of the moment. is currently the second week in the month of Hammer
In the aftermath of the Thultanthar-Myth in 666 PR (or 466 in the Age of Astaroth, or 466 AA,
Drannor Calamity, the world found itself defenseless, which is the official calendar of the Infernal Empire,
with the majority of its gods having been struck down which traces its inception to 200 PR, the year of the
and its greatest mortal defenders slain. Astaroth and Empire’s founding). In this dystopian future, and due
his armies steamrolled through the realms’ remaining to the effects of the Infernal Convergence, the
defenders, and by 150 PR large portions of Faerûn Forgotten Realms® of this divergent timeline bears
had been captured and assimilated into Astaroth’s little resemblance to the Forgotten Realms® that once
Infernal Empire. With the power thus gained, existed. Now, the fiendish energies that have seeped
Astaroth negotiated an end to the Blood War between into the mortal world have twisted its natural
devil and demon that had so consumed the powers of environments into nightmarish mockeries of what
the Nine Hells and the Abyss. Under the terms of the they were.
Black Accords, Fearûn was newly christened as “Fey

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Dan Harrell (Order #10314514)

 established binding agreements for trade between
sovereign powers and for the treatment of “the
humanoid chattel”. By definition, humanoids are the
 property of the state, but they are to remain free (as in
bound to remain in pre-designated containment
The environments of the world, both natural and zones) unless they violate the law of the demons. As
unnatural, have evolved to reflect their infernal each local lord is free to decree their own laws,
influences. The daytime sky has taken a red tinge however, this is at best a meager protection.
occasionally streaked with yellows and oranges. At Humanoids are forbidden to travel from their pre-
night, full moons and dark moons occur far more designated containment zones without written
often than ever should be natural. The air is often authorization. They are also prohibited from
chill, even in the summer months, and the weather is possessing weapons, armor or items of magic without
turbulent and unpredictable. Rains (including the written authorization. Using magic, meaning
occasional acid rain) and lightning storms are spellcasting or the wielding of any type of mortal
common, as are inexplicable wildfires. Landscapes magic and the worship of any of the gods of man by
seem twisted and it is not uncommon for fields to anyone or anything is similarly strictly prohibited.
suddenly erupt with bubbling torrents of lava, or for Violation of law often results in the imposition of
chasms to split the ground without warning. slavery, but lashings and imprisonment are regular
Earthquakes are frequent. Forests seem dark even in alternatives.
sunlight, and sometimes morning mists can rise as Humanoids are allowed to engage in day-to-
high as a man’s neck and last all day. Trees sag and day activities such as the selling and trading of goods
tangle in unnatural arrangements. Flora, fauna and (it was Astaroth’s intent to rule a world, after all, not
even urban architecture often take on infernal destroy it). Some men have come to own their own
characteristics. And as each day passes, it seems shops and trade ships, but it is exceedingly difficult
more and more of the world of man is consumed by to acquire the political clout or coin necessary to
the encroaching Nine Hells and the Abyss. (DMs achieve such autonomy. One example of a successful
should feel free to sculpt each landscape to their own humanoid-owned business is the Bloodsea Trading
imagination, embellishing or even disregarding the Co., a Waterdeep-based trading consortium. Other
descriptions contained within). humanoids have even managed to rise to the rank of
noble, but these men must sell their very souls,
thereby guaranteeing they will not betray their
 fiendish benefactors.
The Black Accords, having ended the Blood
After their conquest, the fiends embarked on a War, also established diplomatic protocols that
systematic campaign to eradicate human and dictate how the various kingdoms and states of the
humanoid culture, knowledge and history. Libraries, Infernal Empire interact. Trade is encouraged and
schools of magic, temples and other centers of contracts are to be honored with good faith. War,
learning were destroyed and the old histories and assassination and other nefarious political
knowledge of man were replaced with demonic machinations are discouraged (though not outright
propaganda. Today, most humanoids are unaware prohibited). In effect, if one does engages in these
that there was a time when they ruled this world. The activities, they best do so covertly and in a manner
following is a brief discussion of some of the that is not traceable back to its source. Overt acts
important social and culture changes the world has that might threaten to reignite the Blood War are
undergone in the Age of Astaroth. dealt with quickly and harshly. This framework has
prevented open war but has resulted in an extensive
game of chess between powers, as each king, queen,
 prince or governor jockeys to increase their holdings
through statesmanship and shadowy deals. Such an
One might say that in the wake of the demon environment is ripe for the recruitment of humanoids
apocalypse the only real law of any import is that of to act as state agents and operatives, as these pawns
the will and whim of Astaroth and the kings and are considered expendable and as a matter of law
queens of his Infernal Empire. And there is a their accusations are legally insufficient to sustain a
measure of truth in this statement, but there are also charge against a demon (thus, if captured they pose
some standing laws by which most governments no threat of open retaliation or punishment from
within the Empire operate. The Black Accords, Astaroth and his court). Humanoids, therefore, are
which forced an end to the Blood War, also frequently caught up in whatever political web is

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currently being spun within their realm, machinations
for which they serve as nothing more than political 
cannon fodder.
A patron power can be defined as a cosmic entity that

 openly accepts the worship of mortals and that

answers that worship with intervention and aid.
Patron powers fall into four main categories of
It goes without saying that the gods of man are all but cosmic entity: gods, which are those cosmic entities
extinct in the Age of Astaroth. Most are believed of deific status that are dependent on their mortal
dead or in a self-imposed exile designed to hide worshipers for their deification; archdevils and
themselves from the wrath of Astaroth and his ilk. demon lords, which are those cosmic entities that rule
Thus, knowledge and belief in these “old gods” has the Nine Hell and Abyss, respectively; elemental
dwindled. A handful of humanoids continue to erect lords, which are those cosmic entities that embody
the occasional shrine, but their prayers are seldom the many elements that comprise the material world;
answered. Open worship of the gold gods is also a and vestiges, which are the barely-perceptible
violation of law, so the devout must worship and consciousnesses of former deific powers that are now
spread their gospels in secret. Of the gods confirmed dead (or, at least as dead as a deity can be). Below is
to still exist, one is a newcomer to the pantheon of a list, though non-exhaustive, of the major patron
man: Larloch the Ultra-Lich ascended to divinity powers of the world in the Age of Astaroth. This list
simultaneously as the Thultanthar-Myth Drannor is segregated by patron power category and includes
Calamity unfolded, and he became the new god of a brief description of each patron power’s current
magic. state of being (DMs are free to modify this list as
As Thultanthar closed in on Myth Drannor they see fit).
all those centuries ago, Larloch, a lich of unparalleled
power whom was also a former Netherese wizard-
king and contemporary of Karsus himself, arrived in
Myth Drannor. He came to siphon the mythal magic
surrounding both cities to channel it to his own ends, Patron powers, and occasionally other cosmic
for he intended to cast his own version of Karsus’s entities, often select from among their mortal
Avatar. In the original Forgotten Realms® timeline, worshipers particularly worthy followers. These
however, he was stopped by the efforts of the followers must epitomize the ideas and personify the
Srinshee. In the Age of Astaroth timeline, however, qualities of the patron power and its church. Usually,
the Srinshee had been summoned by the elven god, each patron power selects but a single such follower
Labelas Enoreth, to join Elminster and the other but it is not unheard of for a single patron power to
Chosen of Mystra. Thus, because the Srinshee was choose more than one. When so selected, this
drawn away from preventing Larloch from draining follower becomes that patron power’s “chosen”, and
the mythals of each city, he succeeded in absorbing is imbued with great abilities and powers directly
enough of the magical energy to ascend to godhood. from the patron power. The chosen thus becomes a
As Malux completed the Godfall spell and the champion of the patron power’s will. Often times,
Infernal Convergence was initiated, Mystra, goddess this means the chosen will become the leader of the
of magic, was cast down as a mortal. Larloch religion. Other times, the chosen will operate in
simultaneously ascended to become the new god of relative secrecy, working the greater will of the
magic. Larloch, though, is not as strong as Mystra patron power alongside any church or religious
was, and was himself also unable to prevent the following the patron power might have.
demon apocalypse. To become a chosen, a character or creature
Other gods of man also still exist as well. must acquire the Chosen of [Patron Power] feature.
Labelas Enoreth, is one, having divined the This feature, however, cannot be selected by any
implications of Saben Malux’s arrival from the past, player. Rather, the feature can only be awarded to a
he took steps to insulate himself and Sehanine player by a DM. Before awarding the feature, DMs
Moonbow from the effects of the Godfall spell. In should carefully weigh the impact it could have on
addition, Selûne and Shar, as the very embodiments their game, because many chosen have abilities that
of night, survived. These gods join myriad other are typically more powerful than PCs are allowed.
cosmic entities to compose the major patron powers Also, the status of being a chosen can burden PCs
in the Age of Astaroth. with many responsibilities and enemies. The
following list detailing the major patron powers in

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the Age of Astaroth also includes information on metallic dragon and gains the dragonborn race’s
each patron power’s chosen. breath weapon for that dragon’s draconic ancestry
(see page 34 of the Player’s Handbook). If the
chosen already has the dragonborn race’s breath
 weapon, then the damage die increases to a d8.
Dragon Friend. Metallic dragons are aggressive
These cosmic entities are the true gods of the world, towards the chosen only if the chosen harms them
and occupy the highest status among cosmic entities. first. Shield of the Dragon King. The chosen’s skin
Most non-deific cosmic entities actively plot to rise takes the slight appearance and gains the toughness
to the status of a god. Gods are further divided into of dragon scale. The chosen gains a +1 to Armor
three subcategories that define their power level. Class and damage resistance to piercing and slashing
Those subcategories are: lesser god, which are those damage. Defending Dragon. The chosen can assume
gods who wield tremendous power but only over the form of a Huge metallic dragon. Using their
their own portfolios, within their spheres of influence action, they undergo a transformation. For 1 hour,
or among their followers; intermediate gods, which they gain the following benefits: wings sprout from
are those gods who wield absolute power over their their back and grant them a flying speed of 60 feet;
portfolios, spheres of influence and followers, but and they emanate an aura of defense in a 30-foot
that still wield tremendous power beyond those radius. When the chosen attacks a creature, they may
parameters; and greater gods, which are supremely choose to reduce their attack roll or damage. The
powerful cosmic entities that represent the ultimate chosen and all allies within 30 feet receive an Armor
concept of the term “god” and can wield so much Class bonus equal to the reduced attack roll or
power that they can alter the very fabric of reality damage amount. The adjusted Armor Classes remain
itself. in effect until the start of the chosen’s next turn.
Once the chosen uses this feature, they can’t use it
Bahamut (greater god, again until they finish a long rest.
lawful good): The King
of Good Dragons, Gruumsh (intermediate
Bahamut was able to god, neutral evil): The
channel the incredible former chaotic evil god of
draconic power of his orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears
worshippers to spare and other goblinoid races,
himself from the effect Gruumsh survived the
of the Godfall spell. In Godfall spell by sheer virtue
this new age, Bahamut of the number of his
has seen his role in the world expand, and has goblinoid worshippers, but has been forced to
become a patron of not only dragons but also of reevaluate his penchant for endless conflict with the
humanoid champions and paladins who fight side-by- other humanoids in the Age of Astaroth. With many
side with dragons to bring justice and hope back to of his own worshippers suffering at the hands of their
the world. Bahamut is the god of good aligned new oppressors, Gruumsh has shifted his tone and
dragons, dragoons, paladins, justice and hope. His agreed to a tentative alliance with his former
symbol is a purple dragon profile on a platinum enemies. While still thoroughly evil, he at least
shield, his favored weapon is the greatsword and his directs his followers to act against the devils and
domains are good, healing, law, protection, strength demons. Gruumsh is the god of orcs and other
and sun. goblinoids, as well as conquest, destruction and war
(which sometimes brings him into conflict with
The Chosen of Bahamut: The most famous chosen Tempus). His symbol is two black spears crossed on
of Bahamut was the legendary paladin Alexander a red plane, his favored weapon is the spear and his
Pureblade, who once rode the ancient gold dragon, domains are chaos, destruction, evil, strength and
Nymmurh, into battle. After Pureblade and war.
Nymmurh disappeared at the dawn of the Age of
Astaroth, it is unknown if Bahamut ever found The Chosen of Gruumsh: Gruumsh’s chosen is
another worthy of being his chosen (although rumors usually the largest, most powerful, most vicious
once circulated that the barbarian-king Drax Drago warrior that can be found among the various tribes
succeeded Pureblade as Bahamut’s chosen). The and hordes that worship him. His current chosen is
chosen of Bahamut was known to have the following unknown. The chosen of Gruumsh is known to have
abilities: Dragon Touched. The chosen chooses a the following abilities: Worg Lord. Worgs are

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aggressive towards the chosen only if the chosen immune to all time-affecting spells and effects, such
harms them first. Pack Leader. The chosen gains a as the time stop and timeslip spells. The chosen can
worg as an animal companion as if they had the choose to be affected by any such spell. Gift of
ranger’s companion class feature of the ranger’s beast Prophecy. Once per day, the chosen can use their
master archetype. Worg Rider. The chosen gains the action to divine the future. For 1 minute, they gain
Mounted Combatant feat. If the chosen already has the benefits of the foresight spell.
the Mounted Combatant feat, the chosen’s mount
gains the benefits of the Mobile feat. Slaughter of the Larloch the Ultra-
Orc Horde. The chosen gains the barbarian class’s Lich (lesser god, true
Rage class feature. If the chosen already has the neutral): The new god
Rage feature, then the chosen can rage an extra 2 of magic, Larloch was
times before requiring a long rest. spared the Godfall spell
because he ascended to
Labelas Enoreth divinity simultaneously
(intermediate god, to its casting, using the
neutral good): The same mythal energies
Lord of the Continuum, that powered the spell.
Labelas Enoreth He has taken on a decidedly different alignment in
avoided the effects of the Age of Astaroth, however. Due in part to the
the Godfall spell by aloofness divinity affords him but also due to the
scrying the future and demonic suppression and subjugation of mortal
escaping its effect magic, Larloch has shifted to a true neutral
before it was cast. Like alignment. He has also found the interests of magic,
other gods, Labelas and thus his own interests, firmly aligned with the
Enoreth has taken on an expanded role in this new struggling humanoids. Larloch is the god of magic,
age, and has absorbed many elven worshippers of the knowledge, history, sorcerers, wizards, warlocks and
fallen Seldarine. He has now taken the mantle indeed all who study arcane subjects. His symbol is a
previously held by Corellon Larethian and has bone hand clutching a staff, he has two favored
become the self-appointed champion of the elven weapons, the staff and the warhammer, and his
people, even those drow who have turned away from domains are arcana, death, knowledge, magic and
evil. He also feels the Age of Astaroth is a direct time.
result of his own failings, and thus, to a lesser degree,
sees himself as a protector and defender of all good The Chosen of Larloch the Ultra-Lich: Legends
humanoids. He has become the lover of Sehanine claim that Larloch maintains a handful of chosen at
Moonbow, and the two work tirelessly to defeat any one time. Supposedly, from this small group,
Astaroth and his horde. Labelas Enoreth is the god of known as the Circle of Sages, a single chosen is
time, longevity, the moment of choice, and of history, further selected to bear the mantle of the Magister, a
and has now also become the god of elves, of elven unique office that requires its holder to spread magic
magic, lore and history, and of humans, halflings and throughout the world. Given that the use of magic is
dwarves. His symbol is a sword lain over an open now an illegal activity and that the Magister has
book, his favored weapon is the sword (long or short) faded into myth, many scholars scoff at this claim.
and his domains are good, healing, knowledge, luck, However, the only known chosen of Larloch is Szass
magic, protection, strength, sun, time, travel and war. Tam, the former Zulkir of Necromancy for the Red
Wizards of Thay and current founder of the Black
The Chosen of Labelas Enoreth: Prior to assuming Wizards. As Szass Tam is not also the Magister,
the mantle of the head of the Seldarine, Labelas many claim this means there must be other chosen of
Enoreth never selected a chosen. After the fall of the Larloch that have yet to be revealed. The chosen of
Seldarine, Labelas Enoreth selected Elric Larloch the Ultra-Lich is known to have the
Moonflower, the elven High King of Evermeet, to following abilities: Mage Sight. The chosen can
become his chosen. The chosen of Labelas Enoreth literally see magic. This effect is equivalent to
is known to have the following abilities: Turn Back always active detect magic and identify spells.
the Clock. When the chosen stumbles and fails Spellfire. The chosen gains the Spellfire Wielder
terribly, they can briefly reverse time and try again. feature. If the chosen already has the Spellfire
A result of 1 on an ability check, saving throw or Wielder feature, the chosen can use spellfire an extra
attack roll can be re-rolled. Ageless. The chosen’s five times per long rest. The Lich’s Cloak. The
lifespan is doubled. Master of Time. The chosen is chosen can choose one cantrip and one spell of each

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level from 1st through 9th from any class spell list. had the Innate Spellcasting special trait. Moonlight
The chosen becomes completely immune to those Strider. When under moonlight, the chosen is subject
spells. Larloch’s Lichcraft. The chosen can choose to a constant longstrider spell, but the effect cannot
any one spell of 3rd level or lower, any one spell of 5th be dispelled.
level or lower and any one spell of 7th level or lower.
The chosen may cast these spells as if they had the Selûne (greater
Innate Spellcasting special trait. goddess, chaotic
good): The Moon
Sehanine Moonbow Maiden, Selûne avoided
(greater goddess, the Godfall spell
chaotic good): Rescued because she is the very
from the effects of the personification of the
Godfall spell by the heavenly body known
actions of Labelas as the moon. As so
Enoreth, Sehanine many other deific
Moonbow has powers had to do, she also expanded her role and
expanded her role as the influence following the dawn of the Age of Astaroth.
queen of the Seldarine With the conquest of man, Selûne’s role became
to become the goddess of all things faerie. She is defender of humanity. She absorbed the powers of
now worshipped by elves of all kinds, as well as by the fallen Kelemvor to become a champion of good
faeries, satyrs, treants and all who would call the aligned undead and creatures of the night while
woods their home. Together with Labelas Enoreth, becoming a staunch enemy of those same creatures
she works actively to bring an end to the Age of that chose to work evil. With her expanded powers,
Astaroth, to both end the atrocities and to avenge the she perfected a new source of radiant energy,
fallen Seldarine. Sehanine Moonbow is the goddess silverlight, which was the bane of the undead,
of druids, rangers, faeries, sprites, pixies, forests, creatures of the night and of fiends. She bestowed
glades and nature. Her symbol is a bow with arrow this gift to her select few Chosen and with its power,
nocked on a green plane, her favored weapon is the her worshippers became the frontline defenders
bow (long or short) and her domains are animal, against the demonic invaders. However, as
earth, good, healing, life, nature, plant, trickery and Mephistopheles was set to meet her army in a battle
water. for Waterdeep, Selûne inexplicably disappeared, and
Waterdeep fell. Unknown to all, Shar had betrayed
The Chosen of Sehanine Moonbow: Sehanine Selûne and imprisoned her within the Onyx Obelisk,
Moonbow has always maintained a close relationship a towering monument that also houses Selûne’s
with the elven Darksun noble family. Her current greatest temple, the Lighthouse, which in turn holds
chosen is thus Elsim Darksun, the Archdruid of the Silverlight Beacon. Thus imprisoned, Selûne’s
Undermountain and the chapter leader of the powers are greatly reduced even though she is a
Waterdeep branch of the Sons of Liberty. The greater goddess. Selûne is the goddess of the moon,
chosen of Sehanine Moonbow is known to have the moonlight, silverlight, good aligned undead, good
following abilities: Moonbow. When the chosen aligned lycanthropes, druids, paladins, demon
extends one arm out with hand in a grasp position slayers, undead hunters and humanity as a whole.
and draws their other hand back in an appropriate Her symbol is a silver disc pocked with three dimples
manner, they cause a shortbow of pure moonlight to (representing the cratered moon) on a black plane,
appear in their outstretched hand. This shortbow has her favored weapon is the mace and her domains are
all of the properties a shortbow listed on page 149 of good, healing, life, protection, strength and war.
the Player’s Handbook, except that it creates arrows
of moonlight that deal 1d6 radiant damage. The bow The Chosen of Selûne: If Selûne had a chosen prior
creates two arrows per attack at 5th level, three arrows to her disappearance, then that person almost
at 11th level and four arrows at 17th level. The chosen assuredly perished during the fall of Waterdeep.
can direct the arrows at the same target or at different Selûne has not selected a new chosen since her
ones, and the chosen must make a separate attack roll disappearance. The chosen of Selûne was known to
for each arrow. At 7th level, the damage from the have the following abilities: Ill Met by Moonlight.
arrow increases to 1d8. Forest Friend. Beasts and The chosen gains the ability to destroy or control
plants are aggressive towards the chosen only if the creatures of the night, including bats, rats, wolves,
chosen harms them first. By the Moonlight. The undead and lycanthropes. This ability functions as
chosen can cast the moonbeam spell at will as if they the cleric class’s channel divinity: turn undead class

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feature, except that evil creatures of the night are also However, whereas Selûne personifies the moon, Shar
subject to the cleric class’s destroy undead class personifies the darkness of night, thus, the sisters are
feature, while good creatures of the night are treated polar opposites. As the embodiment of a celestial
as if they were subject to the effects of a dominate phenomenon, Shar withstood the Godfall spell. After
monster spell. If the chosen already has the channel the gods fell from the heavens, Shar struck an
divinity: turn undead class feature, then affected alliance with Selûne to help defend against the
creatures of the night have disadvantage when demon apocalypse. In time, though, Shar’s true
making their Wisdom saving throws to resist this nature got the better of her, and she betrayed her
affect. Full Moon Rising. The chosen gains the sister. As the demon armies marched on Waterdeep,
ability to summon the Ghost Riders, a pack of Shar reached an agreement with Mephistopheles: she
celestial warriors mounted on fantastic steeds that would betray her sister and remove her as a threat,
ride into battle for worthy causes when summoned. and in return her agents, the Shadow Thieves, would
This ability can only be used in times of great need, be free to establish themselves in Waterdeep. So
and even then, the chosen can only use it once per Shar directed her agents to secretly replace the
passing of a full moon. With each use, roll a 1d10 to Silverlight Shard, an immense crystal that was to
determine which Ghost Riders are summoned as power the Silverlight Beacon, with the Onyx Orb, an
follows: 1. 1d10 devas mounted on young brass insidious artifact of Shar’s own design. As
dragons; 2. 1d8 planetars mounted on young silver Mephistopheles marched on Waterdeep, Selûne
dragons; 3. 1d6 solars mounted on young gold activated the Silverlight Beacon and the Onyx Orb
dragons; 4. 2d4 storm giants on pegasi (use the stats unleashed its dark magic. Thus, rather than bathe
for pegasi as found on page 250 of the Monster Waterdeep in the warmth of silverlight, the entire
Manual, but increase to size Huge; 5. 3 devas, 2 Lighthouse was enveloped in the tangible blackness
planetars, 1 solar and 4 storm giants, mounted as of the Onyx Orb’s corrupted magic. The trap sprung,
described in numbers 1-4; 6. 2d10 7th level aasimar blacklight, which was the tangible blackness of the
paladins carrying holy avengers on spectral unicorns Onyx Orb that Shar created to be the exact opposite
(use the stats for unicorns as found on page 294 of of silverlight, entombed the Lighthouse within an
the Monster Manual, but add +54 HP, increase the impenetrable prison of onyx. In one fell swoop
unicorns’ Dexterity ability score to 16 and its Selûne and her greatest weapon were struck from the
Charisma ability score to 18, and apply a speed of fly battlefield and trapped within the Onyx Obelisk.
90 ft. and a ghost’s ethereal sight, incorporeal Mephistopheles took Waterdeep in short order, but as
movement and etherealness special abilities as found Shar had done to her sister, Mephistopheles would do
on page 147 of the Monster Manual); 7. 2d6 cloud to Shar, and after seizing the city the archdevil
giants mounted on rocs; 8. 2d10 spectral dwarven decreed all thieves be put to death. Too late Shar
clerics on warhorses (stat dwarves as ghosts with four realized her mistake. She sought to free her sister
levels of cleric and the horses gain the benefits of the and undo the damage she had caused. Such a feat
spectral unicorn detailed in number 6); 9. 2d10 would prove impossible, however, as in the chaos of
spectral elven bowmen on griffons (stat elves as the invasion her agents lost the Silverlight Shard. In
ghosts with four levels of ranger and the griffons gain the centuries that followed, Shar directed her Shadow
the benefits of the spectral unicorn detailed in Thieves to aid humanity whenever possible. Though
number 6); 10. roll again twice. Summoned Ghost she remains thoroughly evil, Mephistopheles’
Riders remain until their enemy is defeated or until stinging betrayal has ensured Shar works against the
they are slain, at which point they return to the fiends whenever possible. Shar and her agents have
celestial planes. Sentinel of Liberty. The chosen also kept the true nature of the Onyx Obelisk a
gains the Sentinel feat. If the chosen already has the closely held secret, fearing that if the demons
Sentinel feat, the chosen gains the Inspiring Leader discover its secret, it, and Selûne, will be destroyed.
feat. Silverlight. The chosen gains the Silverlight Her agents also still work to locate the Silverlight
Weaver feature. If the chosen already has the Shard so that Selûne and the Silverlight Beacon
Silverlight Weaver might be freed again. Therefore, Shar’s followers are
feature, then the chosen more often than not allies to men. Shar is the
gains the Spell Sniper goddess of night, darkness, luck, misfortune,
feat. gamblers, thieves, assassins, drow that have turned
from the worship of Lolth, caves and subterranean
Shar (greater goddess, passages, the Underdark and shadow magic. Her
neutral evil): The symbol is a black disc on a purple plane, her favored
Mistress of Night, Shar weapon is the chakram and her domains are arcana,
is the sister of Selûne. chaos, death, evil, luck, magic and trickery.

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king that wields the Stormblade, a huge sword
The Chosen of Shar: Prior to the dawn of the Age of composed of pure lightning. The chosen of Tempus is
Astaroth, Shar’s chosen were her own daughters, known to have the following abilities: Armory of the
Harper Charon, Anouke and Loradiana, known Gods. The chosen is treated as if proficient with all
collectively as the Witches Three. After the Demon weapons and armor. Legendary Commander. The
Wars, however, Glasya the Witch Queen seduced the chosen gains the Inspiring Leader feat. If the chosen
Witches Three into betraying Shar, and they now already has the Inspiring Leader feat, then the chosen
serve her. Shar’s current chosen is now Talon gains the Durable feat. The Wild Hunt. The chosen
Graves, guildmaster of the Shadow Thieves. (Shar gains the ability to summon the Wild Hunt, a pack of
has also tried to lure the shadovar called Hadrhune to savage outer planar warriors that charge into battle
her service, but he remains committed to his current for any cause when summoned. This ability can only
cause of resurrecting his Lord Shadow, Telamont be used against a single great enemy or in mass
Tanthul.) The chosen of Shar is known to have the combat, and even then, the chosen can only use it
following abilities: Dark Blessing. The chosen gains once per month. With each use, roll a 1d10 to
the Lucky feat. If the chosen already has the Lucky determine which Hunters are summoned as follows:
feat, the number of d20 rolls the feat can influence 1. 1d10 lycanthropes of various types; 2. 2d12 orcs
per day increases by 2. Dark Sight. The chosen can mounted on worgs; 3. 2d6 ogres; 4. 2d4 giants of
see normally in darkness, both magical and various types; 5. 2d8 skeletons of various types; 6.
nonmagical, without regard to distance. Agent of 2d6 undead barbarians (stat skeletons and zombies,
Shadow. The chosen gains the Skulker feat. If the but add four levels of barbarian to each); 7. 1d4 cloud
chosen already has the Skulker feat, the chosen gains giants; 8. 2d10 spectral dwarven and elven warriors
the Dungeon Delver feat. Blacklight. The chosen (stat as ghosts with four levels of either cleric,
gains the Blacklight Weaver feature. If the chosen barbarian, fighter or ranger); 9. 2d10 lycanthropes,
already has the Blacklight Weaver feature, then the undead, giants and orcs of any type and composition;
chosen gains the Alert feat. 10. roll again twice. Summoned Hunters remain until
their enemy is defeated or until they are slain, at
Tempus (lesser god, which point they return to their plane or place of
chaotic neutral): The origin. God of War. The chosen can become the god
only deity to suffer the of war personified, taking on the appearance of a
effects of the Godfall massive, terrifying knight covered in dark plate with
spell but re-ascend to a flaming helm that completely engulfs the chosen’s
godhood, Tempus, as head. When this ability is used, the chosen
the god of war, was polymorphs into an iron golem of Gargantuan size as
resurrected during the if affected by the shapechange spell. Once the
centuries of unending chosen uses this ability, they cannot use it again until
war that followed the they finish a long rest.
Infernal Convergence. Tempus thrives on warfare,
and since the conquest of man and the signing of the Tiamat (lesser
Black Accords, peace has seen Tempus’ status drop goddess, chaotic evil):
to that of a lesser god. Therefore, Tempus actively The Queen of Evil
encourages humanity’s resistance, if only because he Dragons, Tiamat was a
hopes to whip it into a full-fledged rebellion, and long time resident of
then into open war. He also longs to see the return of the Nine Hells and a
the Blood War between devil and demon, and will one-time ally of
work towards that goal whenever possible. Tempus, Asmodeus. However,
though, will also foment conflict wherever he can, Astaroth’s invasion of
and is thus as much an agent of chaos as a god of the world of man
war. Tempus is the god of war, destruction, required draconic assistance, and thus it was his will
savagery, warriors, barbarians and of anyone who that she be spared the Godfall spell. Astaroth’s
thrives on conflict. His symbol is a flaming sword mercy was eventually met with treachery, though,
lain atop a flaming shield, any weapon can serve as and as all chromatic dragons do, Tiamat ultimately
his favored weapon and his domains are chaos, death, betrayed the Lord of All Hell and sought to claim
destruction, strength, tempest and war. power for herself. At the close of the Demon Wars,
which had been fought between fiends and man, a
The Chosen of Tempus: The current chosen of second great war soon erupted. Known as the
Tempus is Talos Stormrage, an immense storm giant Dragon Wars, this war saw devils and demons

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fighting against the united chromatic and metallic lords of the Abyss whom have yet to perform the
dragons. Today, chromatic dragons are often hunted same feat. Each kingdom and province seems to
by the devils and demons, but sometimes they are have its favored tyrant-come-divine-power.
spared in order to serve as mounts. With great effort, Nevertheless, some of these beings have become
Tiamat herself was returned to the Nine Hells and more popular than others. A list of commonly
bound there, where she remains to this day. worshipped (placated?) infernal powers follows here.
However, her Cult of the Dragon and Five Churches
of Tiamat labor relentlessly to return her to the world. Astaroth (greater god,
Tiamat is a goddess of evil dragons as well as the satan, archdevil,
goddess of serpents and wyrms of all kind. Her lawful evil): The new
symbol is five-prongs emanating out from a single Satan and Lord of All
stalk, with each prong ending in the head of a dragon, Hell, Astaroth arose to
all on a red plane, her favored weapon is the flail and power when Saben
her domains are chaos, death, destruction, evil, Malux cast his own
strength, tempest, trickery and war. father, Asmodeus,
down from the Nine
The Chosen of Tiamat: The current chosen of Hells. Astaroth had
Tiamat is a Calishite named Severin Silrajin, whom is been the former Supreme Commander of All Hell’s
currently attempting to locate five dragon masks that Armies, but when Malux offered him the opportunity
can unite into the Mask of the Dragon Queen, an to replace his master, Astaroth was more than happy
artifact capable of returning Tiamat to the world. to agree to Malux’s terms. Now, he rules the Infernal
The chosen of Tiamat is known to have the following Empire, with Saben Malux serving as his own
abilities: Dragon Tainted. The chosen chooses a Chosen. Astaroth is the Satan, making him the
chromatic dragon and gains the dragonborn race’s source of all evil in the multiverse. Astaroth is also
breath weapon for that dragon’s draconic ancestry the god of evil in all its forms and of all those who
(see page 34 of the Player’s Handbook). If the work it. His symbol is a black pentagram pointed up
chosen already has the dragonborn race’s breath on a yellow plane, his favored weapon is the scepter
weapon, then the damage die increases to a d8. and domains are arcana, evil, knowledge, law, magic,
Dragon Fiend. Chromatic dragons are aggressive strength, time, trickery and war.
towards the chosen only if the chosen harms them
first. Crown of the Dragon Queen. The chosen has The Chosen of Astaroth: Saben Malux, the former
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on chosen of Asmodeus, is the only chosen of Astaroth.
saving throws against being blinded, charmed, The chosen of Astaroth is known to have the
deafened, frightened, stunned or knocked following abilities: Supreme Commander of the
unconscious. Tyrannical Dragon. The chosen can Armies of Hell. The chosen gains the Inspiring
assume the form of a Huge metallic dragon. Using Leader feat. If the chosen already has the Inspiring
their action, they undergo a transformation. For 1 Leader feat, then the chosen gains the Ritual Caster
hour, they gain the following benefits: wings sprout feat. Biblical Plague. The chosen can cast the insect
from their back and grant them a flying speed of 60 plague spell at will as if they had the Innate
feet; and they emanate an aura of menace in a 30-foot Spellcasting special trait. The Seventh Seal. The
radius. The first time any enemy creature enters the chosen gains the ability to summon the Four
aura or starts its turn there during a battle, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a quartet of primeval
creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or cosmic entities that are the very incarnation of the
become frightened for a minute or until it takes any apocalyptic aspect for which they are named. This
damage. Attack rolls against the creature have ability can only be used in times of great need, and
advantage. Once the chosen uses this feature, they even then, the chosen can only use it once per passing
can’t use it again until they finish a long rest. of a new moon. The Four Horsemen include: War, a
death knight wielding Slaughter, an unholy destroyer
 greatsword, and mounted on Ruin, a nightmare twice
as powerful as a typical nightmare; Death, a lich
wielding Harvester, a scythe that slays anything it
Of course, there is no shortage of archdevils and touches, and mounted on Despair, a skeletal steed
demon lords scrambling to be worshipped, too. with unbreakable bones; Strife, a githyanki death
Archdevils are those rulers of the Nine Hells whom cleric dual wielding two flintlock pistols known as
have yet to acquire enough mortal worshipers to Judgment and Condemnation, and mounted on The
become a god, and demon lords are those demon Pale Steed, a ghost horse; and Fury, a master vampire

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wielding Frenzy, a whip that induces uncontrollable demon lord that
rage in anything it lashes, mounted on Malice, a predates the worlds of
black unicorn. In lieu of summoning the Four men. As the demon
Horsemen, the chosen can instead choose to summon lord of murder, Bhaal is
the Destroyer, a shadow dragon of unimaginable worshipped by killers,
power. The Four Horsemen or the Destroyer remains assassins and madmen.
until their enemy is defeated or until they are slain, at Bhaal holds no lands of
which point they return to the infernal planes. his own, but he has
Armageddon. The chosen can cast meteor swarm as if shrines and temples
they had the Innate Spellcasting special trait. Once erected to him throughout the realms and usually
the chosen uses this ability, they cannot use it again resides in the Citadel of Assassins in the Galena
until they finish a short or long rest. Mountaints, which borders the western edge of
Orcus’s own Bloodbone Lands. Bhaal is the god of
Baphomet (lesser god, murder, assassination and violence. His symbol is a
demon lord, chaotic hellish mockery of the Vitruvian Man impaled on a
evil): The demon lord pike, his favored weapon is the shortsword and his
of minotaurs, Baphomet domains are chaos, death, destruction, evil, tempest
is worshipped by those and trickery.
beasts, as well as by
lycanthropes and many The Chosen of Bhaal: An unknown shadowy serial
goblinoids that have killer known as Black Jack is currently stalking the
turned from the worship nighttime streets of Baldur’s Gate. Black Jack is also
of Gruumsh, including secretly the chosen of Bhaal. The chosen of Bhaal is
ogres, orcs and hobgoblins. Baphomet has seized a known to have the following abilities: Climb. The
level of Undermountain known as the Labyrinth, chosen can climb any surface as part of their
where his worshipers sacrifice animals and movement. No ability check is required. Immunities.
humanoids to him in an impressive shrine there, but The chosen is immune to disease and poison. Jump.
he holds no other lands. Baphomet is the god of The chosen can jump a distance equal to their
minotaurs, lycanthropes, evil goblinoids, animals and movement (including straight up) as part of its
ritual animal sacrifice. His symbol is a black bull’s movement. No ability check is required. Jumping in
head facing forward, he has two favored weapons, this way does not provoke opportunity attacks.
the greataxe and the dagger (specifically, ritual Murder Magic. A creature hit by the chosen’s attack
daggers) and his domains are animal, chaos, death must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
and evil. or the creature’s speed drops to 0. Instead of moving
on its turn, or as an action, the target can attempt a
The Chosen of Baphomet: Bruticus, the zombie DC Constitution check, ending the speed reduction if
minotaur that prowls the halls of Undermountain, is the check succeeds. If a creature that already has a
the only chosen of Baphomet. The chosen of speed of 0 is hit by the chosen’s attack, the creature
Baphomet is known to have the following abilities: must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
Beast of Slaughter. The chosen gains the Charger or become stunned for 1 minute. A creature stunned
feat. If the chosen already has the Charger feat, then this way can repeat the saving throw at the end of
the chosen gains the Savage Attacker feat. each of its turns, ending the stunned condition on a
Thundering Fury. The chosen can cast the successful save.
thunderous smite spell at will as if they had the
Innate Spellcasting special trait. Baphomet’s Horde. Demogorgon (greater
The chosen can summon 2d6 minotaur skeletons. god, demon prince,
Avatar of Baphomet. The chosen can become the demon lord, chaotic
incarnation of Baphomet. When this ability is used, evil): The Demon
the chosen polymorphs into a goristro demon as if Prince of the Abyss,
affected by the shapechange spell. Once the chosen Demogorgon is perhaps
uses this ability, they cannot use it again until they the most powerful
finish a long rest. demon lord to ever
exist, making him the
Bhaal (lesser god, demon lord, chaotic evil): Not to Abyssal equivalent of
be confused with the former god of murder also the Lord of All Hell. He now rules Dar Paradeisimo,
known as Bhaal, this is the original Bhaal, an ancient a vast realm in the lands formerly known to man as

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the Dalelands and to the elves as Cormanthor, and his Shandaular, which he rechristened as Eltabranar. He
seat of power is within the ruins of Myth Drannor. was later imprisoned again under the Thaymount,
Demogorgon is the god of black magic, sacrifice, where he was trapped for 700 years. In time, he was
brutality and suffering. His symbol is a trio of the discovered by the Red Wizards, who forced him to
number six, which are sometimes curved around in a assist in a rebellion against the then-ruling
loop, his favored weapon is the scourge and his Mulhorandi god-kings. The Red Wizards’ then
domains are chaos, destruction, evil, strength, forced Eltab to help in the subsequent establishment
tempest and war. of Thay. Eventually, the Red Wizard Szass Tam
attempted to release and permanently enslave Eltab,
The Chosen of Demogorgon: Demogorgon’s chosen but failed. Instead, Eltab was secretly transported to
is Gromph Baenre, the former Archmage of the Citadel of Conjurors where he was left to plan his
Menzoberranzan. In fact, Gromph Baenre was revenge. When the Thultanthar-Myth Drannor
integral to bringing Demogorgon into the world when Calamity struck, there was a brief moment when the
he accidentally opened a portal to the Abyss at the Weave of magic was disrupted and the Red Wizards
onset of the Demon Wars. Demogrorgon recognized were weakened. Eltab seized the moment and
Baenre’s exceptional talent for magic, and converted descended on Thay with an army of demons.
him into service on the spot. Demogorgon’s Particularly vulnerable and caught unaware, the Red
appearance in the world also facilitated the signing of Wizards were shattered and driven from power.
the Black Accords, allowing Astaroth to end the Now, Eltab rules the Thaymount, across which spans
Blood War but simultaneously forcing him to share the Eltab Imperium. From his throne atop the
his empire with demons. Gromph now resides in Dar mountain’s peak, Eltab now returns upon the people
Paradeisimo, where he serves his dark master. The of the Eltab Imperium his vengeance for the many
chosen of Demogorgon is known to have the centuries of confinement by the Red Wizards.
following abilities: Dark Whispers. The chosen gains Though he has minimal influence outside of his own
the Dungeon Delver feat. If the chosen already has nation, Eltab is worshipped as a god within the Eltab
the Dungeon Delver feat, then the chosen gains the Imperium, and his word is second only to Astaroth’s.
Magic Initiate feat, but must select minor illusion, Eltab is the god of demonology, abjuration,
vicious mockery and dissonant whispers as their imprisonment and retribution. His symbol is three
spells. Demon Runes. The chosen can cast the red razor slashes on a green plane, his favored
symbol spell at will as if they had the Innate weapon is the claw and his domains are chaos,
Spellcasting special trait. Tentacles of the Demon destruction, evil, fire, tempest and war.
Prince. The chosen can summon 1d6 glabrezu
demons. Avatar of Demogorgon. The chosen can The Chosen of Eltab: Eltab’s current chosen is
become the incarnation of Demogrogon. When this unknown. The chosen of Eltab is known to have the
ability is used, the chosen polymorphs into a balor following abilities: Beast of Slaughter. The chosen
demon as if affected by the shapechange spell. Once gains the Mage Slayer feat. If the chosen already has
the chosen uses this ability, they cannot use it again the Mage Slayer feat, then the chosen gains the
until they finish a short or long rest. Magic Initiate feat. Demon Binder. The chosen can
cast the magic circle and planar binding spells at will
Eltab (lesser god, as if they had the Innate Spellcasting special trait.
demon lord, chaotic Eltab’s Legionnaires. The chosen can summon 1d4
evil): A longtime nalfeshnee demons. Unbound. The chosen is
resident of the world of immune to the spells magic circle, planar binding,
Toril, Eltab was a forbiddance, forcecage and similar spells and effects
demon lord of the that imprison or otherwise restrict travel or limit
Abyss that was movement.
summoned to Faerûn
and bound by the Glasya (lesser goddess,
demon-binders of archdevil, neutral
ancient Narfell in that kingdoms ceaseless war with evil): The daughter of
the neighboring nation of Raumathar. In short order, Asmodeus, Glasya is
Eltab conquered a kingdom of his own but was also the Lord of the 6th
eventually imprisoned by the Witches of Rashemen Circle of Hell. Glasya
under the Sharawood, where he was kept by the has not taken her
dracolich known as the Everlasting Wyrm. He was father’s deposition well,
later freed by followers of Myrkul and conquered and waits patiently for a

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sign of his return. She carries a powerful enmity for serrated blade, his favored weapon is the greatsword
her half-brother Saben Malux. She is also a bitter and his domains are animal, evil, healing, life and
enemy to Shar. Glasya claimed the lands formerly trickery.
known as Rashemen, which she now calls the Ash of
Men, where she rules over the witches there as their The Chosen of Graz’zt: Graz’zt’s chosen is
Witch-Queen. Glasya is the goddess of witches, Waukeen, the former goddess of wealth reduced to
witchcraft, alchemy, evil women in general and evil mortal form. In the distant past, Waukeen had sought
faerie-folk as well. Her symbol is a trefoil knot, her passage through the Abyss, but was betrayed and
favored weapon is the whip and her domains are captured by Graz’zt. Over time, Waukeen bartered
animal, earth, evil, fire, healing, knowledge, life, away her divinity to Graz’zt. When the fall of the
magic, nature, plant, sun and water. gods occurred, Graz’zt finally freed the now
powerless Waukeen. As a final act of depravity, he
The Chosen of Glasya: Known as the Witches used her own divine power that he stole to corrupt
Three, Glasya’s chosen are the daughters of the her now mortal soul, turning her into his willing
goddess Shar: Harper Charon, Anouke and consort. She now serves him as lover and chosen.
Loradiana. After the Demon Wars, Glasya seized the The chosen of Graz’zt is known to have the following
realm once known as Rashemen and took the title of abilities: Sword/Play of the Demon. The chosen gains
Witch Queen for herself. She then offered Shar’s the Defensive Duelist feat. If the chosen already has
daughters witchcraft known only to herself as the the Defensive Duelist feat, then the chosen gains the
Witch Queen, tempting them with previously Actor feat. Demon’s Seduction. The chosen can cast
unknown eldritch powers. They now serve Glasya as the charm person spell at will as if they had the
her chosen. The chosen of Glasya is known to have Innate Spellcasting special trait. Graz’zt’s Hellish
the following abilities: Black Cauldron. The chosen Harem. The chosen can summon 2d4 marilith
gains the Healer feat. If the chosen already has the demons. On Bended Knee. The chosen can cast the
Healer feat, then the chosen gains the Resilient feat. dominate monster spell as if they had the Innate
Regalia of the Witch Queen. The chosen can cast the Spellcasting special trait. Once the chosen uses this
witch bolt spell at will as if they had the Innate ability, they cannot use it again until they finish a
Spellcasting special trait. Also, the chosen is subject short or long rest.
to a constant armor of Agathys spell, but the effect
cannot be dispelled. Hag Coven. The chosen can Lilith (intermediate
summon 3 12th level warlock night hags. Witch’s goddess, demon lord,
Brew. The chosen gains two eldritch invocations as if chaotic evil): The
they had the warlock class’s eldritch invocations Demon Queen, Lilith is
class feature. The chosen can cast these two eldritch the mother of all
invocations once each before requiring a short or demons and often a
long rest. If the chosen already has the warlock consort of both
class’s eldritch invocations class feature, the chosen Demogorgon and
can learn two additional invocations known. Graz’zt. She is
worshipped by incubi
Graz’zt (intermediate and lusty males. Lilith resides in the Burning
god, demon lord, Gardens, a section of the forest once known as the
chaotic evil): The Dark Neverwinter Wood (now called the Foreverwinter
Prince, Graz’zt is a Wood) that holds giant, fiendish and sentient exotic
demon lord of such plants. She is also said to rule the bed of whatever
power that he is archdevil or demon lord she happens to be sharing at
Demogorgon’s chief the moment. Lilith is the goddess of seduction,
rival for the coveted temptation, sex, lust, pleasure and pain. Her symbol
title of Demon Prince of is a pyramid with an eye in its center (some say this
the Abyss. Graz’zt is is meant to symbolize the womb), her favored
worshipped by succubi, marilith demons, lamias and weapon is the glaive and her domains are earth, evil,
lusty mortals. He currently rules Hellgate Keep, healing, life, nature, plant, sun, trickery and water.
where his mariliths, lamias and succubi engage in a
never-ending night of orgies and revelry, attended to The Chosen of Lilith: Volothamp Geddarm, the epic
by bards from across the planes of existence. Graz’zt bard, master vampire and author of Volo’s Guide to
is the god of incubi, seduction, temptation, sex, lust, All Things Infernal, is the chosen of Lilith. As a
hedonism and narcissism. His symbol is a dripping, former Harper leader, Volo led an assault on

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Graz’zt’s Hellgate Keep seeking the Silverlight
Shard. Volo was captured by Graz’zt and traded to Mephistopheles
Lilith, whom lusted for the bard and wanted to (intermediate god,
corrupt his soul. She turned him into a master archdevil, lawful evil):
vampire and elevated him as her chosen. The chosen The Archdevil of
of Lilith is known to have the following abilities: Hellfire and Lord of the
Acts of War. The chosen gains the Actor feat. If the 8th Circle of the Nine
chosen already has the Actor feat, then the chosen Hells, Mephistopheles
gains the Polearm Master feat. Kiss of the Demon is the current ruler of
Queen. The chosen can cast the vampiric touch spell the Principality of
at will as if they had the Innate Spellcasting special Azgard, ruling from his
trait. The Queen’s Consorts. The chosen can Hellfire Throne in the heart of Waterdeep. He is an
summon 2d6 succubi/incubi. Fiendish Allure. The archdevil second in power only to Astaroth himself.
chosen gains proficiency with Charisma saving Mephistopheles is the god of hellfire, lies, deceit,
throws. Also, the chosen has advantage on all betrayal, destruction and war. His symbol is a ball of
Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Performance) and flame on a black plane, his favored weapon is the
Charisma (Persuasion) checks. chain and his domains are destruction, evil, fire,
knowledge, sun, trickery and war.
Lolth (lesser goddess,
demon lord, chaotic The Chosen of Mephistopheles: The identity of
evil): The Spider Mephistopheles’ chosen is unknown, but it is known
Queen, Lolth is the dark that this figure leads a secret group of disciples to the
goddess of the drow. archdevil. This group is known as the Hellfire Club,
She currently resides in and is based out of a secret location in the
the Spiderhaunt Woods, Blackchapel ward in Waterdeep. The chosen of
which borders Mephistopheles is known to have the following
Demogorgon’s Dar abilities: Hellfire in the Blood. The chosen is immune
Paradeisimo, where she to heat and fire, including hellfire. Stoke the
has merged her Demonweb Pits with that original Hellfires. The chosen gains the Elemental Adept feat
spider-infested forest. Lolth is the goddess of the for the element of fire. If the chosen already has the
drow, the Underdark and some duergar and mind Elemental Adept feat for the element of fire, the
flayers. Her symbol is a black spider, her favored chosen gains the Keen Mind feat. Hell Riders. The
weapon is the scimitar and her domains are earth, chosen gains the ability to summon the Hell Riders, a
evil, knowledge, law, magic and war. pack of infernal warriors mounted on fiendish steeds
that ride into battle for evil causes when summoned.
The Chosen of Lolth: Lord Dyrr, the Lichdrow, is This ability can only be used in times of great need,
the chose n of Lolth. He was resurrected by the and even then, the chosen can only use it once per
Spider Queen as an act of defiance against Gromph month. With each use, roll a 1d10 to determine
Baenre, the former Archmage of Menzoberranzan. which Hell Riders are summoned as follows: 1. 1d10
Baenre originally slew Lord Dyrr and betrayed Lolth bone devils mounted on zombie wyverns; 2. 1d8 ice
for Demogorgon, thus Lolth resurrected the Lichdrow devils mounted on winter wolves; 3. 1d6 pit fiends
because he shares a hatred for Baenre. Lord Dyrr is mounted on shadow dragons; 4. 2d4 undead storm
now also the current Archmage of Menzoberranzan giants on dracoliches; 5. 1d10 ghouls mounted on
(the drow city serves as a second seat of power for hellhounds, 2 bone devils, 1 pit fiend and 4 storm
the demon queen). The chosen of Lolth is known to giants, mounted as described in numbers 1-4; 6. 2d10
have the following abilities: Web of Shadows. The 7th level cambion death clerics carrying unholy
chosen gains the Skulker feat. If the chosen already destroyers on black unicorns; 7. 1d10 zombie ogres
has the Skulker feat, then the chosen gains the mounted on hellhounds and 2d10 skeletal goblins
Mobile feat. Wall Crawler. The chosen is subject to mounted on undead worgs; 8. 1d8 death knights
a constant spider climb spell, but the effect cannot be mounted on skeletal warhorses; 9. 2d10 zombie orcs
dispelled. Web of the Spider Queen. Spiders, driders on undead worgs; 10. roll again twice. Summoned
and other arachnid-like creatures are aggressive Hell Riders remain until their enemy is defeated or
towards the chosen only if the chosen harms them until they are slain, at which point they return to the
first. Drow Blood. The chosen is immune to the infernal planes. Hellfire. The chosen gains the
effects of the web spell. Also, the chosen is immune Hellfire Binder feature. If the chosen already has the
to poison.

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Hellfire Binder feature, then the chosen gains the immune to necrotic damage and disease, and the
Skilled feat. chosen’s hit point maximum cannot be reduced.

Orcus (intermediate
god, demon lord,
neutral evil): The
demon lord of the dead In addition to the gods, archdevils and demon lords
and of undeath, Orcus of the world, the primordial powers that control the
has long maintained elements still maintain a vast following among the
cults throughout the inhabitants of the Prime Material Plane. The self-
realms. He currently proclaimed Elemental Lords tend to take a neutral
rules from Vaasa in the approach to the affairs of mortals and immortals
Bloodbone Lands, a alike, however, and the Infernal Convergence has yet
frigid realm that lies in the northern center of the to change that position. The following is a list of the
continent in what was once called the Bloodstone Elemental Lords of the four primary elements (DMs
Lands. There, he resides within a rebuilt Castle wishing to alter this list should consider adding Para-
Perilous, where he is attended by his chosen, the lich Elemental Lords to it).
Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa. Orcus has been
responsible for repeated incursions into neighboring Akadi (greater
nations over the past millennia. Orcus is the god of goddess, true neutral):
death, the dead and undead. His symbol is a skull, The Queen of the Air,
his favored weapon is the wand (or rod) and his Akadi resides on the
domains are death, evil, healing and life. Elemental Plane of Air,
and thus was unaffected
The Chosen of Orcus: The Witch-King of Vaasa, by the Godfall spell.
the lich Zhengyi, is the chosen of Orcus. Zhengyi Akadi is the goddess of
served Orcus since before the Age of Astaroth, and aeromancers (air
now attends the demon lord in his Castle Perilous elementalists), air
located in the Bloodbone Lands. The chosen of elementals and other monsters composed of gases.
Orcus is known to have the following abilities: Her symbol is a white whirlwind on a grey plane, her
Death’s Apprentice. The chosen may cast the spells favored weapon is the whip and her domains are air
false life, ray of sickness, blindness/deafness and ray and destruction.
of enfeeblement three times per day as if they had the
Innate Spellcasting special trait. At 5th level, the The Chosen of Akadi: It is unknown whether the
chosen may cast the spells animate dead and Elemental Lords select chosen. If Akadi has a
vampiric touch two times per day as if they had the chosen, this figure remains unrevealed. The chosen
Innate Spellcasting special trait. At 11th level, the of Akadi is known to have the following abilities:
chosen may cast the spells blight, death ward, antilife Master of the Four Winds. The chosen gains the
shell and cloud kill once per day as if they had the ability to control air elementals. This ability
Innate Spellcasting special trait. Soul Siphon. Once functions as the cleric class’s channel divinity: turn
per day, when the chosen critically hits a living undead class feature, except that air elementals are
creature or reduces it to 0 hit points, the chosen may treated as if they were subject to the effects of a
use their reaction to drink in a portion of the dominate monster spell. Breath of Fresh Air. The
creature’s soul. The chosen is healed or gains chosen is immune to suffocation and drowning
temporary hit points equal to half the creature’s effects, as well as gas attacks and gas-based effects.
maximum hit points and the chosen gains all the Elemental Air Essence. The chosen can cast the
individual effects of the enhance ability spell for 1 gaseous form spell at will as if they had the Innate
hour. Master of Undead. When the chosen casts the Spellcasting special trait. Elemental Air
spell animate dead, the spell animates a number of Transmutation. The chosen can polymorph into an 18
dead bodies within 30 feet equal to double the HD air elemental as if affected by the shapechange
chosen’s proficiency bonus, and the spell duration is spell. Once the chosen uses this ability, they cannot
permanent. The chosen may have a number of use it again until they finish a long rest.
undead creatures under permanent control equal to 2
times the chosen’s character level. Once the chosen Grumbar (greater god, true neutral): The Lord of
reaches 11th level the cast time of animate dead is Earth, Grumbar resides on the Elemental Plane of
reduced to one action. Beyond Death. The chosen is Earth, and thus was unaffected by the Godfall spell.

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Grumbar is the god of monster spell. Aquatic. The chosen is amphibious
geomancers (earth and can breathe air and water. The chosen can also
elementalists), earth move freely when submerged as if affected by a
elementals and other constant freedom of movement spell. This effect
monsters composed of cannot be dispelled. Elemental Water Essence. The
stone and rock. His chosen can cast the create or destroy water and
symbol is a grey rock control water spells at will as if they had the Innate
on a white plane, his Spellcasting special trait. Elemental Water
favored weapon is the Transmutation. The chosen can polymorph into an 18
greatmaul and his HD water elemental as if affected by the
domains are earth and strength. shapechange spell. Once the chosen uses this ability,
they cannot use it again until they finish a long rest.
The Chosen of Grumbar: It is unknown whether the
Elemental Lords select chosen. If Grumbar has a Kossuth (greater god,
chosen, this figure remains unrevealed. The chosen true neutral): The
of Grumbar is known to have the following abilities: Lord of Fire, Kossuth
Emperor of Earth. The chosen gains the ability to resides on the
control earth elementals. This ability functions as the Elemental Plane of Fire,
cleric class’s channel divinity: turn undead class and thus was unaffected
feature, except that earth elementals are treated as if by the Godfall spell.
they were subject to the effects of a dominate Kossuth is the god of
monster spell. Shaper of Stone. The chosen can cast pyromancers (fire
the stone shape spell at will as if they had the Innate elementalists), fire
Spellcasting special trait. Elemental Earth Essence. elementals and other monsters composed of fire. His
The chosen can cast the stoneskin spell at will as if symbol is a red flame on a blue plane, his favored
they had the Innate Spellcasting special trait. weapon is the battleaxe and his domains are fire and
Elemental Earth Transmutation. The chosen can sun.
polymorph into an 18 HD earth elemental as if
affected by the shapechange spell. Once the chosen The Chosen of Kossuth: It is unknown whether the
uses this ability, they cannot use it again until they Elemental Lords select chosen. If Kossuth has a
finish a long rest. chosen, this figure remains unrevealed. The chosen
of Kossuth is known to have the following abilities:
Istishia (greater god, Fire Lord. The chosen gains the ability to control fire
true neutral): The elementals. This ability functions as the cleric class’s
Lord of Water, Istishia channel divinity: turn undead class feature, except
resides on the that fire elementals are treated as if they were subject
Elemental Plane of to the effects of a dominate monster spell. Fire in the
Water, and thus was Blood. The chosen is immune to heat and fire.
unaffected by the Elemental Fire Essence. The chosen can cast the
Godfall spell. Istishia is produce flame spell at will as if they had the Innate
the god of Spellcasting special trait. The chosen is also subject
hydromancers (water to a constant fire shield spell. This effect cannot be
elementalists), water elementals and other monsters dispelled, but the chosen can suppress it at will as an
composed of water. His symbol is a blue wave on a action. Elemental Fire Transmutation. The chosen
red plane, his favored weapon is the trident and his can polymorph into an 18 HD earth elemental as if
domains are water and tempest. affected by the shapechange spell. Once the chosen
uses this ability, they cannot use it again until they
The Chosen of Istishia: It is unknown whether the finish a long rest.
Elemental Lords select chosen. If Istishia has a
chosen, this figure remains unrevealed. The chosen
of Istishia is known to have the following abilities:
King of the Seas. The chosen gains the ability to
control water elementals. This ability functions as Finally, there are those beings known as vestiges, the
the cleric class’s channel divinity: turn undead class divine remnants of all-but dead deific powers. No
feature, except that water elementals are treated as if longer deific, vestiges are instead demipowers, or
they were subject to the effects of a dominate those cosmic entities that are barely able manifest

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their power on the mortal plane. Vestiges are but weapon is the sickle and his domains were arcana,
shadows of their former selves, but lack the divine evil, knowledge, law, magic, strength, time and
strength of actual deific entities. Thus, vestiges are trickery.
not capable of granting divine spells or abilities, and
do not govern any domains. However, they remain The Chosen of Asmodeus: Prior to the birth of his
capable of channeling tremendous power through son, Saben Malux, Asmodeus routinely selected
their Chosen. Therefore, vestiges are not suitable as multiple agents to act as his chosen. After the birth
patron powers for clerics, druids or similar of Malux, Asmodeus selected only his son as his
spellcasters, but they make perfect entities for a chosen. That Malux ultimately betrayed Asmodeus
warlock’s pact magic. Of the vestiges that are now and became Astaroth’s chosen is a stinging wound in
adrift throughout the cosmos, only four are confirmed the mind of the former Satan. When Asmodeus again
to be operating in the world during the Age of sired Saben Malux a second time during the Age of
Astaroth, which are listed below (vestiges make an Astaroth, he again chose Malux to be his chosen.
ideal vehicle for DMs wishing to introduce new This second Malux does not enjoy the same chosen
deific powers). powers as the original, however, as Asmodeus’s own
powers have been dramatically reduced since his
Asmodeus (demipower demotion to vestige status. The chosen of Asmodeus
(former archdevil and is known to have the following abilities: Dominant
Lord of All Hell), Presence. The chosen is subject to a constant
vestige, chaotic evil): commune spell. Asmodeus uses this to direct his
As the former Lord of chosen whenever he so desires. This effect cannot be
All Hell, Asmodeus dispelled or suppressed by the chosen. Alien
was deposed by Presence. Because Asmodeus is always a presence in
Astaroth when his own the chosen’s mind, the chosen is treated as if subject
son, Saben Malux, to a constant nondetection spell. This effect cannot
betrayed him while be dispelled or suppressed by the chosen. Shared
casting the Godfall spell. Though he was cast down Mind. The dual presence in the chosen’s mind gives
to earth with the other gods, Malux meant to capture them advantage on all saving throws made to resist
his father so that Astaroth could torture him for all enchantment spells and effects. Infernal
eternity. In the chaos that followed the fall of the Intervention. The chosen can implore Asmodeus to
gods, however, Asmodeus was lost somewhere intervene on their behalf in times of dire need. This
among the world, still grasping onto a portion of his ability functions as the cleric class’s divine
former power. Robbed of his throne and free from intervention class feature, except that, due to the
the influence and burden of ruling the Nine Hells, chosen’s constant communion with Asmodeus, there
Asmodeus has shifted towards chaotic evil in his is no limit to how often this ability can be used.
burning quest to avenge himself and reclaim his title. However, because Asmodeus is mercurial with his
While his powers over the world have been greatly benevolence, the frequency and manner of his aid is
diminished, he remains capable of channeling near never certain and calls for intervention never
limitless power through his son and Chosen, Saben automatically succeed (Instead, DMs have discretion
Malux. And while the Saben Malux of the original on when Asmodeus answers his chosen’s plea for
timeline is no longer a suitable candidate for his intervention).
Chosen, Asmodeus is confidant the Saben Malux that
has been born in this deviant timeline will make a Bane (demipower
perfect Chosen. Asmodeus was the Satan, the Lord (former greater god),
of All Hell and absolute ruler of the Nine Hells, vestige, lawful evil): A
making him a prime evil throughout the multiverse. dark god of man, Bane
His symbol is a red once schemed to control
pentagram with a ram’s the world himself.
head within it, pointed When he bore witness
down on a black plane to another claiming his
(an inverted cross is prize, his hatred was so
also sometimes used to intense that it bolstered
symbolize Asmodeus, his will against the Godfall spell, and, though he was
but in truth this is the shattered apart, his consciousness remained, as did a
symbol of the office of fraction of his power. In the past, Bane had preferred
the Satan), his favored schemes and plots over direct conflict, but in the

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desperate times that are the Age of Astaroth, Bane the Netherese Empire and forced the gods to rewrite
has come to favor direct and overwhelming force. the rules of magic. When Saben Malux casted the
Bane is a cruel god who desires to unseat the devils Godfall spell, Larloch the Ultra-Lich was
and demons and claim the world for himself, and he simultaneously siphoning the mythal energies of both
often allies himself with the Zhentarim organization. Thultanthar and Myth Drannor in an effort to cast his
These facts are sure to be reflected in the present own variant of the Karsus’s Avatar spell. The
actions of his Chosen, wherever in the world they interaction of these two spells created a bizarre
may currently be. Bane was the god of fear, hatred arcane confluence which inextricably reconstituted
and tyranny. His symbol is a black gauntlet, fist Karsus’s formerly fragmented consciousness. He
clenched on a purple plane, his favored weapon is the now resides as a vestige somewhere within the world.
gauntlet and his domains were death, destruction, As an archmage, Karsus had no deific power. Thus,
evil, strength, tempest, trickery and war. he held dominion over no portfolio, nor did he have a
symbol, favored weapon or domains. As the brief
The Chosen of Bane: Bane has maintained the same god of magic, however, Karsus was the god of magic,
chosen over many centuries. This despot is known as knowledge, history, sorcerers, wizards, warlocks and
Fzoul Chembryl, and he has survived his many years all other arcane subjects. His symbol was an ankh-
as a lich-cleric devoted to his dark god. The chosen capped staff, his favored weapon was the staff and
of Bane is known to have the following abilities: his domains were arcana, knowledge, magic and
Resolute. The chosen is immune to fear. Lord of time.
Tyranny. The chosen can cast the fear spell at will as
if they had the Innate Spellcasting special trait. The The Chosen of Karsus: It is unknown whether
chosen can dispel the fear effect at will. Tyranny of Karsus has ever selected a chosen, or whether anyone
Death. The chosen can summon a death tyrant would even accept such a (dubious?) honor. The
beholder. Once the chosen uses this ability, they chosen of Karsus is known to have the following
cannot use it again until they finish a long rest. abilities: Mage Sight. The chosen can literally see
Shadow of the Tyrant. The chosen can release its own magic. This effect is equivalent to always active
shadow to roam free, acting as a shadow (see page detect magic and identify spells. Folly of the
269 of the Monster Maual). The shadow can remain Archmage. Whenever the chosen casts any spell of 1st
independent from the chosen for up to 12 hours, and level or higher, the spell is treated as if subject to the
the two remain in constant telepathic link. The sorcerer class’s wild magic sorcerous origin’s wild
chosen can see and hear through the shadow. If the magic surge class feature. Arrogance of the Wizard.
shadow is slain, the chosen takes 3d6 necrotic Whenever the chosen activates a magic item, they
damage and cannot use this ability again until healed. must roll a 1d20. A result of a 1 indicates that the
Once the chosen uses this ability, they cannot use it item functions as a wand of wonder. Descendant of
again until they finish a short or long rest. the Netherese. The chosen gains the Magic Initiate
feat. If the chosen already has the Magic Initiate feat,
Karsus (demipower the chosen gains the Ritual Caster feat.
(former greater god),
vestige, lawful Zaphkiel (demipower
neutral): Perhaps the (former archangel and
greatest spellcaster that tome archon of
ever was, Karsus was mysteries): An archon
an archmage of ancient angel of great power,
Netheril and the creator Zaphkiel was an
of the Karsus’s Avatar archangel and the Tome
spell. Karsus created Archon of Mysteries,
the spell intending to usurp the power of the then- making him a member
goddess of magic, Mystryl, in order to defeat the of the Celestial
Phaerimm, a powerful alien race that was at war with Hebdomad and the ruler of Chronias, the highest
Netheril. Ultimately, Karsus briefly ascended to plateau of Mount Celestia. When the Infernal
divinity, but his success disrupted the Weave and Converge was initiated and the demon apocalypse
caused Netheril’s fleet of floating cities to crash to began, Zaphkiel abandoned his throne among the
the earth, destroying the empire. Simultaneously, heavens to rally the armies of man. Shortly after
Karsus’s own existence was torn asunder by the Selûne went missing and Mephistopheles captured
power siphoned from Mystryl. This event, which Waterdeep, Zaphkiel’s army clashed with Astaroth’s
would come to be called Karsus’s Folly, destroyed in an epic battle that culminated the war between man

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and demon. The plan was for Selûne’s army to arrive creatures, so-called “creatures of the night”, emerge
late and from behind to bolster Zaphkiel’s own, but to dominate the world of the living. Corpses
thanks to Shar’s betrayal, this was not to be. Instead, routinely claw themselves from their grave to shuffle
Zaphkiel met Astaroth on the battlefield in single through the streets in search of living flesh, ghosts of
combat, and just as Zaphkiel was about to strike the the long-dead appear to haunt their former residences
archdevil down, Saben Malux intervened. Together, and undead that already walk among the world are
Astaroth and Malux overwhelmed Zaphkiel, and the stronger than usual. The Feast of the Moon
archon angel was struck down, his power shattered. empowers other creatures of the night, too, and is not
He now exists as a vestige, adrift in the world seeking limited to the undead. Lycanthropes enjoy a similar
a mortal of pure soul with which to gift with his boon, no doubt due in some part to the fact that every
Chosen powers. Because Zaphkiel was never a deific Feast of the Moon is bathed in the light of a
power, he held dominion over no portfolio, he had no supernaturally large full moon. This inexplicable
symbol (though a halo was sometimes used to honor astrological occurrence fills the sky each year,
him) or favored weapon and he had no domains of regardless of when the last natural full moon
his own. occurred or when the next is due to occur. (It is
worth noting, though, that the Feast of the Moon is
The Chosen of Zaphkiel: Zaphkiel usually selects also a holy day to those that still worship Selûne, and
the greatest paladin, crusader or warrior cleric these faithful actively work to reclaim this night from
dedicated to his service to act as his chosen. Who the foul fiends that now stalk it.)
this currently may be remains a mystery. The chosen Another holy day that has undergone a
of Zaphkiel is known to have the following abilities: ghastly metamorphosis is that of Winter Solstice, a
Crown of Radiance. The chosen is crowned by a halo celebration meant to mark both the astrological event
that radiates light. The halo sheds light as a constant of the same name and the beginning of a new year.
light spell and the chosen is subject to a constant Now, Winter Solstice has been replaced with Black
crusader’s mantle spell. This effect is immune to Yule, and it is an unholy day celebrating the passing
both magical and non-magical darkness effects and of another year in which the world of man has been
cannot be dispelled. Celestial Avenger. Any bladed under Astaroth’s boot. On this day, it is common for
weapon drawn by the chosen is treated as a holy dark snow to fall, and at night, saints and sinners
avenger. Legendary Commander. The chosen gains alike are at the mercy of a great demon known as
the Inspiring Leader feat. If the chosen already has Tramplus Kruel. Kruel prowls the world seeking to
the Inspiring Leader feat, then the chosen gains the punish the wicked by trampling them beneath his
Durable feat. Angel of Vengeance. The chosen can immense hooves. Legends also speak of the fallen
assume the form of an angelic avenger as if they had holy warrior, St. Nikolai of ancient Illefarn. These
the paladin class’s avenging angel class feature. legends claim that St. Nikolai, who is now a death
Once the chosen uses this ability, they cannot use it knight, rides forth from his isolated Crystalmist
again until they finish a long rest. If the chosen Castle on this night to deliver to the children of men
already has the avenging angel class feature, then the deadly toys, twisted gifts from his malevolent
chosen can use it one additional time before requiring Toymaker.
a long rest. In addition to holy days, language has also
adapted in the Age of Astaroth. Given the prevalence
 of devilish influence, Infernal has become the
dominant language. Abyssal is a common second
language as well. The humanoid tongue of Common
The customs and traditions of humanoids have is still universal, but is reserved for communications
likewise been displaced or subsumed by demonic between humanoids, as speaking to a devil or demon
influence. Former holy days and festivals have either in this language is a sign of disrespect inviting of
disappeared completely or they have morphed into punishment. Undercommon, meanwhile, is less well
bastardized mockeries that celebrate dark reflections known, and rumors claim it has become the default
of their original intent. For example, and due the language used by humanoid resistance groups in their
resonating effects of the Infernal Convergence, the secret communiqués.
Feast of the Moon has become an annual event in Several other customs and traditions, such as
which the barriers of the Prime Material plane are fashion, have been impacted by the humanoid
particularly weakened. This erosion of planar inability to acquire high-value goods, including
integrity allows the spirits of the dead to seep much clothing. Many, though, have changed little but vary
more forcibly into the world of man. Thus, the Feast region-by-region.
of the Moon is now a night where unnatural

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 including dungeons and urban towns and cities, have
developed infernal characteristics. Buildings seem to
glare menacingly, trees sag, their branches like claws
The remainder of this guide is dedicated to detailing waiting to snatch up unsuspecting passersby. And
the world of Fey Rune in the Age of Astaroth. It the sky is stained red, yellow and orange, as if in a
begins with some suggestions DMs can use to perpetual twilight. DMs should highlight these
appropriately capture the evil grandeur of the setting. disconcerting features frequently, reminding the
It then details the setting’s variant rules. Then the players that this world is dark and suffering.
guide flushes out the kingdoms, realms and lands that Encounters with devilish slave traders and demonic
comprise the heart of the setting. Finally, this guide patrols should be a common occurrence, as are
contains several adventures designed specifically for images of the humanoid squalor in which men are
the setting. These adventures include main path forced to exist. Firearms, steampunk automatons and
adventures and optional side quests. Characters that other technological marvels should also appear
partake in the main adventure path will have the sporadically.
opportunity to shape the future of the Age of Astaroth Characters that want to challenge the evil
campaign setting. oppressing the world must first locate weapons,
armor and other contraband (weapons, armor, holy

 relics and magic items are forbidden to humanoids),

and then they must discover a way to carry them
 freely (this requires authorization from a local
fiendish authority, which in turn demands some kind
of subservience to the infernal lord). Once characters
The campaign takes place in the far future of the begin making names for themselves, they will almost
Forgotten Realms®. Specifically, the campaign is set certainly be approached by the Sons of Liberty, the
in the year 466 AA (666 Present Reckoning or 2024 humanoid resistance group lead by the reclusive
Dale Reckoning). The theme is post-apocalypse. Fatherhood. Good aligned characters may be offered
DMs familiar with comic books should imagine an admittance into the group, while evil aligned
X-Men: Days of Future Past or Age of Apocalypse characters may find themselves to be targeted by the
setting. A real-world analogy could be found in the group.
Nazi occupation of France, with the campaign The main adventure path contained within
setting’s own Sons of Liberty being equivalent to the this guide requires that the players begin in the city of
French resistance. Given humanity’s desperation in Waterdeep and that one player play a spellcaster (the
this age, and as necessity is the mother of invention, adventure as written herein assumes this character
technological advancements have accelerated. will be a tiefling warlock, but this can be altered with
Firearms are functional (though rare), and clockwork a little work). DMs running their own adventures,
and steampunk contraptions are in constant demand though, are free to begin their game anywhere in the
(though also rare). Adventures particularly game world they desire, and with whatever PC party
appropriate for the setting include guerrilla warfare- composition their players want. For more
type activities in which PCs conduct missions such as information on the world, see the section The Lay of
infiltrating enemy castles to steal Intel, smuggling the Land, below. For more information on some of
goods to raise money for the resistance and raiding the new character features and options available to
dungeons and ruins to gather ancient artifacts the players in the Age of Astaroth, see the subsection
resistance can use in their war. DMs desiring to run New Features for Characters, within the
more traditional adventures can have their PCs be Encyclopedia Demonica section, also below.
professional monster slayers and treasure hunters
employed by powerful fiends to exterminate
remaining threats or to recover lost magic items and 
artifacts. Of course, for those so inclined, the Age of
Astaroth campaign setting makes the perfect world The Encyclopedia Demonica was the (last) work of
for PCs to indulge their darker sides too, and some the famed bard, Volothamp Geddarm, before he was
DMs may wish to capitalize on this opportunity by corrupted into a master vampire by the demon queen,
running so-called “evil” games. Lilith. Prior to the Age of Astaroth, Volothamp had
DMs running Age of Astaroth adventures acquired an artifact from a powerful wizard that
should work to emphasize the post-apocalyptic slowed his aging. When the Age of Astaroth began
theme. The sense of oppression and hopelessness to dawn, Volothamp dedicated himself to the semi-
should permeate the game world. Environments, secret bardic order known as the Harpers, and was

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tasked with studying the emerging enemies and Aarakockra: Aarokockra are a race of
effects descending upon the world. He thus traveled anthropomorphic birdmen originally native to the
the width and breadth of the Infernal Empire and Elemental Plane of Air. Long ago, aarakockra were
beyond for nearly a century and a half, surveying the pacifistic isolationists that kept quiet solitude in their
terrible new world. His notes, surveys and secret aeries. When the Age of Apocalypse dawned,
discoveries were compiled together into the they came under a particularly vicious assault from
Encyclopedia Demonica, which catalogues the the fiends, whom feared the aarokockras’ ability to
various changes wrought throughout the world in the fly would make them troublesome adversaries.
Age of Astaroth. Ultimately, Volothamp led a band Because the aarokockra had never established much
of the most powerful remaining Harpers into Hellgate of a presence in the world, their numbers quickly
Keep in a quest to discover the lost Silverlight Shard, dwindled. This ultimately militarized the aarokockra,
but the quest was a ruse and the Harpers were and today they have dozens of hidden aeries
ambushed by the forces of Graz’zt. The resultant throughout the mountains of the world. They use
battle saw the Harpers shattered, Volothamp turned their flight to even the odds against the abishai and
into an undead consort and much of the Encyclopedia other winged fiends, and work closely with other
Demonica was lost. Below are the remaining humanoids to resist the infernal forces that have
portions of the original work that survived long seized the world. Aarokockra thus tend to be
enough to find their way back into the hands of the apprehended on site if they do not carry the proper
resistance group known as the Sons of Liberty. It is authorization papers. Aarokockra are found in
said that the Sons of Liberty still maintain these Chapter 1: Races, on page 3, of the Elemental Evil
portions in a great hidden library, where they try Player’s Companion.
desperately to retain some of the humanoid
knowledge of the previous ages. It is even said that Aasimar: The aasimar are the celestial equivalent of
they occasionally make abridged field copies the tieflings, meaning they trace their origins to the
available to their best agents in a handbook called celestial planes. When the Age of Astaroth dawned
Volo’s Guide to All Things Infernal (a titular tribute and the Demon Wars began, the gods had been cast
to the original author). Whatever the truth of the down from the heavens and were helpless to
tome’s current state, the verified contents of it follow intervene. Instead, angels, the loyal servants of the
here. good gods, answered the call to war, and descended
into the mortal world to help defend man.
 Ultimately, many angels were slain, but many others
were captured and enslaved. Still others took mortal
 lovers among the humanoids they defended (after all,
adversity breeds intimacy, or so the sages say). The
result of all this intermingling became the race
Volothamp Geddarm’s work in the Encyclopedia
known as the aasimar. Aasimar are extremely rare in
Demonica went far beyond a mere survey of the new
the Age of Astaroth, and their celestial heritage
realms. Rather, the book focused an entire section on
means they must always act surreptitiously to avoid
some of the changes that were seemingly rippling
capture. Still, aasimar are occasionally found
through the fabric of reality itself. One area
working in secrecy in aid of the humanoid resistance.
Volothamp focused on in particular was how many of
Aasimar are found on page 286 of the Dungeon
the races of man were adapting, or, in some cases
Master’s Guide.
emerging, in this new age of demons. Volothamp
took extensive notes on these peoples, and was
Deep Gnomes: Deep gnomes, also known as
surprised to find several new races arising, especially
svirfneblin, are a subterranean subrace of gnome.
undead races.
They inhabit abandoned mines and parts of the
This section details how non-Player’s
Underdark. Deep gnomes are very rare and thus
HandbookTM races can be integrated into the Age of
many do not even know they exist, including many of
Astaroth. Before a player can select any of the
the fiends that rule the surface. Deep gnomes have
following new races, they must get their DM’s
become adept traders and smugglers, and use their
explicit permission, as some DMs may not wish to
status and abilities to act as go-betweens for
introduce all of these races into their campaigns. The
Underdark and surface contacts. Players playing
non-PHB races available to players playing in the
deep gnome characters can select the Svifneblin
Forgotten Realms®: Age of Astaroth campaign
Magic feat, found on page 7 of the Elemental Evil
setting are detailed below.
Player’s Companion, as their character’s bonus 1st
level feat, if they so wish. Deep gnomes are found in

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Chapter 1: Races, on page 5, of the Elemental Evil the statistics and features found on the NPC Features
Player’s Companion. table on page 282 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Genasi: Genasi are elemental humanoids descended Zombies: Zombies are examples of undead that have
from genies. As there are four types of genies, there evolved as a result of the Infernal Convergence to
are four types of genasi: air genasi descended from have a will of their own. Like skeletons, zombies are
djinn; earth genasi descended from dao; fire genasi rare, but can be found operating in the world of man
descended from efreet; and water genasi descended as if they were still a natural part of that world.
from marids. Prior to the Age of Astaroth, genasi Zombies have all of the statistics and features found
were quite rare, even inside Calimshan, where they on the NPC Features table on page 282 of the
were most numerous. Today, they are still found Dungeon Master’s Guide.
primarily among those lands, which are now called
the Free-States of Calim, but they are more common.
Genasi are found in Chapter 1: Races, on page 7, of
the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion. 
Goblins: After the conquest of man, goblins saw a
Volothamp openly speculated in the book that some
resurgence in their numbers. As they were of no
of the commonly assumed, taken-for-granted facts of
particular consequence to the devils and demons that
life in the Age of Astaroth were once very different.
conquered the world, goblins were thus left to their
For example, the bard seemed to believe that magic
own devices, where their high reproduction rates and
had once been constrained by the will of the now-
quick maturation times allowed them to flourish.
dead gods (a claim hard to verify given that magic
Now, goblins can be found anywhere and
has become increasingly more difficult to come by).
everywhere. Many act as cannon fodder for various
He also believed that the Common language was
devils and demons, but many others have found
once the universal tongue for the children of the
niches as mercenaries and jacks of trades. Curiously,
gods. These claims and more Volothamp catalogued
goblins seem to have also developed a natural talent
in his wondrous tome.
for alchemy, and now several of the most renowned
This section details the new character
apothecaries throughout the realms are goblins.
features and options available to players in the Age of
Goblins have all of the statistics and features found
Astaroth campaign setting. DMs are free to tailor
on the NPC Features table on page 282 of the
these to fit their own campaigns.
Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Goliaths: Goliaths are a race of massive humanoids 

that dwell among the highest mountain peaks. In the
past, goliaths lived a tribal, nomadic lifestyle. In the Age of Astaroth, the Infernal tongue has
Ultimately, their great size and strength made them become the primary language, followed closely by
prime targets of the fiends, and they were hunted to Abyssal. Thus, all characters receive both Infernal
the point of extinction. Now, surviving goliaths are and Abyssal as bonus languages at 1st level.
likely to be slaves or forced combatants in the various
gladiator arenas that entertain the ruling fiends.
Goliaths are found in Chapter 1: Races, on page 10,
of the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion.
Due to the downfall of the gods, including the
recently-returned Mystra, the goddess of magic,
Skeletons: Death has become a staple in the Age of
magic is no longer constrained by the Weave.
Astaroth. Another staple has become the corrupting
Although the Weave remains, Larloch the Ultra-Lich
influence of infernal energy in the world. When
is the current weaver of magic’s loom, and he has
these two elements unite, undeath often results. With
decreed that the threads of the Weave be loosened.
such a plethora of the undead, it was inevitable that
The result of this is that mortal magic is no longer
some of them retained fractions of their former souls.
limited as it was after the cataclysm known as
Others evolved due to the effects of the Infernal
Karsus’s Folly. Thus, though magic is rare, it is at
Convergence to become sentient enough to assert
least theoretically possible that mortals can once
their own will. Skeletons are an example of the
again wield the epic spells that they once used to
former, and though rare, they are sometimes found
change the very face of the world. Though Larloch’s
moving about the world of man as if they were still a
motive for doing this remains unknown, most
part of the land of the living. Skeletons have all of

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scholars assume it is to give mortals one more saving throw or become encased in a shard of onyx.
weapon in their war against an enemy that oppresses To escape, the onyx must sustain 100 hp of
their magic at every turn. (DMs are free to bludgeoning damage, be exposed to silverlight or the
implement epic magic as they wish.) character must succeed at a DC 25 Strength saving
throw. Blacklight effects counter and are countered
 by silverlight.

The Chosen: Each patron power in the Age of

In the Age of Astroth, heroes (and villains) have
Astaroth has one or more champions that they imbue
developed new abilities to aid in their struggles to
with a portion of their divine power. These
retake the world. This section details several of those
champions are known as the Chosen. Becoming a
abilities. (Players cannot select these features for
patron power’s chosen requires a unique dedication
their characters; rather, DMs can grant these features
and extraordinary commitment to that patron power
to their players’ characters when the campaign
(the exact manifestation of which is up to the DM).
warrants it. Often, characters must acquire a special
status, such as becoming a chosen of a god or the
Chosen of [Patron Power]. Select your patron power
Magister before gaining these features.)
from among those detailed in the section Patron
Powers on page 5 of this Campaign Guide. You gain
Blacklight: Blacklight is a unique type of
the same powers attributed to their chosen as detailed
luminescent magical energy created by Shar to be the
in that section.
exact opposite of silverlight. Blacklight appears to be
completely opaque absolute blackness. Blacklight
Hellfire: Hellfire is a magic-infused flame native to
can be woven into spells and effects that create either
the Nine Hells. Hellfire burns hotter than normal fire
light or darkness. When blacklight is woven into a
and affects even those immune or resistant to normal
light effect, though, only the source of the light is
fire. The archdevil Mephistopheles is the master of
usually composed of blacklight, while the effect’s
hellfire, and those who wield it do so at his whim.
area of effect is itself lit by a dark blue light. When
blacklight is woven into a darkness effect, it deepens
Hellfire Binder. Whenever you cast a spell or create
and strengthens the effect. In addition, blacklight
an effect that creates fire, or that deals fire damage,
harms good aligned creatures of the night while
you can bind hellfire to the flame. Damage suffered
healing those same creatures that are evil. Blacklight
from that fire is doubled, with the additional damage
is also capable of becoming a tangible, incredibly
coming from infernal energy. Creatures and objects
strong solid-matter form of light. Creatures subject
resistant or immune to fire apply their resistance or
to this effect report being struck as if hit by the fist of
immunity only to the fire half of any damage they
a giant, or of being encased in unbreakable stone.
sustain from hellfire and take total damage from the
Blacklight can counter or be countered by silverlight.
hellfire half of any damage they sustain.
Blacklight Weaver. Whenever you cast a spell or
Silverlight: Silverlight is a unique type of
create an effect that creates light or darkness, or that
luminescent magical energy created by Selûne to be a
deals radiant damage, you can weave blacklight into
great weapon against the world’s infernal invaders.
it. The spell or effect has the following additional
Silverlight is a soft, warm silvery light lends comfort
effects at your choosing: effects that create darkness
to any good aligned creature within it. Silverlight
affect every non-deific being in their area of effect
can be woven into spells and effects that create light.
unless they have the blacklight weaver feature (this
When silverlight is woven into a light effect, it harms
affects even special class features such as the
evil aligned creatures of the night while healing those
warlock’s devil’s sight eldritch invocation). Evil
same creatures that are good. Silverlight is also
aligned bats, rats, wolves, lycanthropes, undead and
capable of shattering tangible, solid-matter
fiends within blacklight, or those that are bathed in
the dark bluish light of a blacklight effect (such as a
light spell woven with blacklight), heal 10 hp per
Silverlight Weaver. Whenever you cast a spell or
round, while good aligned bats, rats, wolves,
create an effect that creates light, or that deals radiant
lycanthropes, undead and fiends suffer 10 hp of
damage, you can weave silverlight into it. The spell
damage per round (5 hp from radiant damage and 5
or effect has the following additional effects at your
hp from necrotic damage). Effects that target a single
choosing: darkness effects, including darkness
creature can inflict an additional 2d8 force damage
enhanced by blacklight, is dispelled. Good aligned
and the target must succeed at a DC 15 Dexterity
bats, rats, wolves, lycanthropes, undead and fiends

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within silverlight, heal 10 hp per round, while evil absorption. For every spell level absorbed, you gain
aligned bats, rats, wolves, lycanthropes, undead and one spellfire level. You can harness a number of
fiends suffer 10 hp of damage per round (5 hp from spellfire levels equal to your Constitution. If you
radiant damage and 5 hp from psychic damage). Any attempt to absorb an effect or spell with a level
evil or unaligned undead subject to a good aligned greater than the level of spellfire you can harness,
cleric’s channel divinity: turn undead class feature you absorb spellfire levels equal to your limit and
takes disadvantage on saving throws made against the reduce the effect or spell by a corresponding
effect when within silverlight. Good aligned undead percentage (for example, if you absorb one level from
take advantage on their saving throw if made to resist a lightning bolt spell (3rd level spell), the damage is
an evil cleric’s channel divinity: turn/destroy/control reduced by 30%). If your Constitution is decreased
undead class feature when within silverlight. lower than the number of spellfire levels you are
Silverlight effects counter and are countered by currently storing, you instantly discharge the excess
blacklight. levels as a spellfire bolt directed at a random creature
within range. Spellfire wielders currently harnessing
Spellfire: (The following information is based on spellfire indicate for magic when subject to detect
pages 17 through 19 and 38 through 40, plus the magic and similar spells. Dispel magic does not
Spellfire Wielder feat on page 23, of the Dungeons & expend or affect harnessed spellfire, but spellfire
Dragons® 3rd edition Forgotten Realms® campaign cannot be wielded within the range of an anti-magic
supplement Magic of Faerûn.) Spellfire is pure spell or similar effect. Also, the counterspell spell
magical energy that can be harnessed and controlled can counter spellfire, but it is treated as a 5 th level
by a very select few. Though it predates the Age of spell. You can use the cast a spell action to wield
Astaroth, no true spellfire wielder has been reliably harnessed spellfire to create the following effects:
reported in this apocalyptic new era. Thus, what is Lay On Hands. You can heal as a paladin’s lay on
known about spellfire is drawn from the antiquated hands class feature, healing 5 hit points per spellfire
research notes of a host of power-grasping mages level expended. Flight. You can fly as the per the 3rd
who had in ages past sought to seize spellfire for level wizard spell fly. The duration of your flight
themselves. From these notes the following has been equals 10 minutes for every spellfire level expended.
gleaned… Each additional target affected costs an additional
Spellfire was said to appear as a blue-white spellfire level per 10 minute duration. Spellfire Bolt.
opaque energy. Its wielders were reportedly capable You can discharge spellfire as a destructive bolt of
of creating a plethora of diverse effects, depending on pure magical energy. To do so, you make an attack
their skill, experience and talent. A commonly roll and add your Charisma modifier and proficiency
reported use was the ability to absorb magical effects. bonus. For each level of spellfire expended, the bolt
Healing and flight were two other abilities inflicts 1d10force damage. There is no saving throw
substantiated through multiple records. Finally, against spellfire bolts, but creatures with magic
spellfire’s simplest manifestation, the spellfire bolt, resistance take only half damage while creatures with
was also its most destructive, and was perhaps the magic immunity are also immune to spellfire bolts.
primary reason it was coveted by so many. Spellfire At Higher Levels. At 5th level, you can create up to
bolts were searing blasts of pure spellfire energy that two spellfire bolts per action, but each spellfire bolt
were capable of felling dragons at a hundred paces. expends its own spellfire levels. At 10th level, you
This immense power meant that many considered can create up to three spellfire bolts per action, but
spellfire as a weapon first and as a magical multi-tool each spellfire bolt expends its own spellfire levels.
second. How such power might affect the events
unfolding in the Age of Astaroth remains an
uncertainty, but what is a certainty is that any
confirmed reports of it would draw the attentions of
every archdevil, demon lord and would-be lich from Several new magic spells have shaped the world in
across the realms. the Age of Astaroth. Of these, no single spell was as
consequential as the two that helped give birth the
Spellfire Wielder. You can wield spellfire. To do so, era.
you must first absorb magic effects and spells, which
you interchange into spellfire. You can then harness 
this spellfire indefinitely or you can expend it by 13th-level evocation
wielding it to create any number of spellfire effects.
Whenever you are subjected to a magical effect or Casting Time: 10 minutes
spell, you can ready an action to absorb it as a rod of Range: Self

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Components: V, S, M (any item that has been During the onset of the ritual, the caster
touched by a deific being) must first cast contact other plane, which is used to
Duration: Instant learn this spell’s unique component. Each time this
spell is cast, it demands the caster make a very
To cast this spell, the caster must siphon magical personal and intimate sacrifice. This sacrifice is
energy from a nearly infinite source of pure magic. never the same and is always unique to each caster
This siphoning effect occurs as part of the casting of and spellcasting. It may be the destruction of a
this spell, and initiates during the first minute of its prized possession, the death of a beloved family
casting. How or where the caster discovers or creates member or the forsaking of a life’s dream. The only
the near infinite source of pure magic lies outside the commonality between sacrifices is that time demands
scope of this spell and its casting. This spell also a steep price to submit to being tinkered with. Once
requires any single item that has been in physical the caster’s requisite sacrifice is determined via
contact with a being of deific power. This includes contact other plane, they have until the culmination
any god, archdevil, demon lord, elemental lord or of the spell’s casting to make the sacrifice.
other cosmic power so worshipped by mortals that its During the height of the ritual, the caster
influence has elevated it to a position where it is must gain the benefits of a carefully-worded wish
capable of granting mortals spellcasting ability. spell. The caster of this spell must not necessarily
(This spellcasting ability can be clerical, druidic or cast the wish spell themselves, but the wish must be
even the pact magic of a warlock.) The item is made for the benefit of this spell’s casting. The
consumed at the completion of the casting of the precise wording of the wish is a carefully-guarded
spell. When the casting of the spell culminates, the secret, and how or where the caster discovers the
siphoned magical energy is released in a reality- wording lies outside the scope of this spell and its
shattering wave that ripples across the planes of casting. The wish spell is used to augment, and must
existence. The caster must make a DC 30 be cast in conjunction with, the ritual’s third
Constitution saving throw. The caster takes 5d00 constituent spell.
force damage on a failed save, or half as much At the culmination of the ritual, a portal
damage on a successful one. The caster must then must be opened via a gate spell. As with the wish
make a DC 30 Charisma ability check. The caster spell, the caster of this spell must not necessarily cast
instantly winks out of existence, immediately fades the gate spell themselves, but the portal it creates
from the memories of every mortal creature and has must be the same one augmented by the previous
any evidence of their existence irretrievably erased wish spell.
on a failed save. If the caster succeeds on their This spell then culminates, and the caster
Charisma ability check, the wave ripples through must make the unique sacrifice it demands. Once the
reality and strips the gods of the world of their deific caster makes their sacrifice, the portal is further
power and casts them down to the world as mortals. altered and it becomes a gate not only to a different
(At the DM’s discretion, certain gods may negate or place, but to a different time as well. Thus, this
mitigate the effects of this spell. In particular, gods portal can be used to both travel to a precise location
that embody certain heavenly bodies or universal on any plane and travel either forwards or backwards
features necessary to maintain reality as it is currently through time, to a precise moment envisioned by the
experienced (such as sun or moon gods, or goddesses caster. The portal otherwise acts exactly as the portal
that personify the night or stars) might be especially created by a gate spell.
resistant to this spell. For examples of gods that can
resist this spell, see the section Patron Powers on
page 5.)
In addition to new magic spells, the Age of Astaroth
 has seen the emergence of several new magic items
10th-level evocation of wonder. A handful of the most prominent ones are
detailed here.
Casting Time: 6 hours
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M () 
Duration: Instant Wondrous item, legendary

To cast this spell, the caster engages in a ritual that This solid bronze key was made by the Calishite
requires the casting of additional constituent spells. sha’ir, al~Jabbar. It is impervious to physical
damage and is unaffected by spells and magical

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effects of any kind. application lasts 1 hour and flasks usually contain
The key’s sole 1d4 applications.
purpose is to open
its sister piece, the
Bronze Lock of
Wondrous item, artifact
al~Jabbar. When held to that lock, the key resizes
itself to fit within the keyhole, matching whatever
This 3-foot diameter orb of pure onyx is cold to the
size the lock has taken. The key’s current
touch and seems to suck the light from the very air
whereabout are unknown, and it is presumably in the
around it. It was created by the goddess of night,
possession of al~Jabbar himself.
Shar, to embody her own unique radiant energy,
blacklight. Thus, the orb contains within it an infinite
 reserve of blacklight. The orb remains inert,
Wondrous item, legendary however, unless affixed to the Silverlight Beacon, the
light fixture housed within the lantern room of
This solid bronze lock was made by the Calishite Selûne’s Lighthouse.
sha’ir, al~Jabbar as a way of safeguarding sensitive In Blackest
contraband when smuggling it into the occupied Night. When
lands of the North. The lock appears as a simple affixed to the
bronze lock but is identifiable by the lion head Silverlight
emblazoned on its face (the keyhole lies within the Beacon and the
lion’s jaws). The lock is impervious to physical beacon is
damage and is activated, the
unaffected by spells orb is capable of
and magical effects bathing the
of any kind. The landscape in
lock does not protect pure blacklight
the locked object that extends in
itself from damage, every direction
however, but it does for five miles
prevent the contents indefinitely.
of the locked object My Sister’s Keeper. If the orb’s In Blackest Night
from being scried or power is active and the goddess Selûne is caught
divined in any way. within the blacklight, she will be encased within a
When held to a prison of pure tangible blacklight where she will be
lockable object, the lock can enlarge or shrink itself rendered all but helpless.
to allow for use in nearly any foreseeable application. Destroying the Orb. The Onyx Orb can only be
Once locked, the only way to open the lock is with its destroyed by placing it directly before the Silverlight
companion piece, the Bronze Key of al~Jabbar. The Beacon when it is housing the Silverlight Shard and
lock’s current whereabouts are unknown, but recent the shard’s In Brightest Day power is active. The orb
reports put it in Waterdeep, after the smugglers must be exposed to that power for at least 10 minutes
al~Jabbar sent it north with went missing months before it will shatter into black crystalline powder.
 Wondrous item, artifact
Potion, uncommon
This shard of glossy crystal is as big as a small child.
This frothy, pungent liquid is made by alchemically It sheds warmth in its immediate vicinity and seems
treating the saliva of a lycanthrope. When smeared to hold a slight silver glow within. It was created by
about a person, lycanthropes treat the affected person the goddess, Selûne, to act as her ultimate weapon
as if they were against the fiends and to ensure Waterdeep’s eternal
under the freedom by embodying her own unique radiant
effects of an energy, silverlight. Thus, the shard contains within it
animal an infinite reserve of silverlight. The shard remains
friendship inert, however, unless affixed to the Silverlight
spell. A single Beacon. The Silverlight Beacon is the lighting

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inside the
lantern room
atop the

now trapped within the Onyx Obelisk.

temple that is 
In Brightest Day. When affixed to the Silverlight
Beacon and the beacon is activated, the shard is
capable of bathing the landscape in pure silverlight
that extends in every direction for five miles 
indefinitely. This silverlight acts just as the
silverlight described on page 24, except that it is
thrice as powerful.
Destroying the Shard. The Silverlight Shard can only
be destroyed by placing it directly before the 
Silverlight Beacon when it is housing the Onyx Orb
and the orb’s In Blackest Night power is active. The
shard must be exposed to that power for at least 10
minutes before it will shatter into diamond-like dust. 
 

 

 

 


 

 

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