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Best Locations of Shunt SVCs for Steady State Voltage Stability Enhancement

Conference Paper · October 2015

DOI: 10.1109/CENCON.2015.7409583

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1 author:

Ibrahim B M Taha
Taif University


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Best Locations of Shunt SVCs for Steady State

Voltage Stability Enhancement
Ibrahim B. M. Taha1,2
Power and Machines Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta,
Egypt, 2Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Taif University, Taif, KSA

Abstract— The reactive power generations play an important SVCs are determined with minimum active and reactive
role for electrical power system voltage stability margins. The power losses through the system. Two SVCs are connected at
Static Var Compensators (SVCs) and other reactive power two more sensitive buses to increase the voltage stability
resources are used for voltage stability enhancements. An margins of the overall system. The system model with two
electrical power system stability model with one and two SVCs is SVCs is introduced and analyzed. Besides, the system stability
presented in this paper. The SVC state variables and firing enhancement is presented and discussed.
angles are combined with the bus line voltage magnitudes and
phase angles of the system in a single unknown column through
the iterative solution of the Newton-Raphson method. The effects II. SVC COMPENSATOR MODEL
of suitable locations of SVCs on voltage stability limit are studied The are two system models of SVCS. These models are called:
at different load power factors. The proposed stability model is SVC firing angle model and SVC total susceptance model [2].
built and tested by the IEEE –14 bus test system. The results The second type is presented and analyzed in this research
obtained illustrate the strength of the proposed model to
work. The SVC system model consists of a parallel
determine the suitable positions of SVCs.
combination of a thyristor controlled reactor, TCR, and a fixed
Index Terms—Stability modes, Voltage collapse, Voltage capacitor as shown in Figure 1.
The inductive susceptance of the thyirstor controlled reactor,
instability, SVC. TCR, can be calculated as a function of SVC firing angle,
ͻͲ଴ ൏‫ן‬൏ ͳͺͲ଴ ǡ as follows [1-4]:
ଵ ሺଶ஠ିଶ஑ିୱ୧୬ ଶ஑ሻ
ଡ଼ై ஠

D ue to the increase in load demand power, the safe

operation of electrical power systems becomes more
important [1]. This rapid increase in load power takes
where XL is reactor inductive reactance which equal to ɘ.

power systems to operate very close to its critical limits due to

economic and environmental requirements [1, 2]. The main
objective in electrical power system operations is to generate
energy with line voltage within acceptable limits and power
frequency to consumers at minimum cost [1-3]. This work
investigates an important power system phenomenon; that is
voltage stability. The voltage collapse scenario has occurred as
a result of the voltage instability problem. The main
parameters that have an influence in voltage collapse are: the
lack of sufficient reactive power, reactive power limits of
generators and transmission line losses [3]. The greatest Figure 1 SVC firing angle model
reason of voltage instability is the shortage of sufficient
reactive power in an electrical power system. The main two The equivalent reactance of TCR as a function of SVC firing
reasons of insufficient in reactive power of electrical power angle can be expressed as follows:
ଵ ஠
system are: large reactive power losses through transmission ୘ୈ ൌ ൌ ୐ (2)
୆౐ి౎ ሾଶሺ஑ି஠ሻିୱ୧ ୬ ଶ஑ሿ
lines and reactive power limits of system generating units [1- Therefore, the SVC effective reactance can be calculated as
7]. The transmission lines used in power system are usually follows:
long, so that, the reactive power transfer through these lines is ଡ଼ ଡ଼ ஠ଡ଼ై ଡ଼ి
ୗ୚େ ൌ ి ౐ి౎ ൌ ሾଶሺ஑ି஠ሻିୱ୧ (3)
difficult due to the important amount of required reactive ଡ଼౐ి౎ ିଡ଼ి ଡ଼ి ୬ ଶ஑ሿା஠ଡ଼ై
power transfer [6]. Consequently, it is required to insert The SVC equivalent susceptance as a function of SVC firing
reactive power sources at different buses of electrical power angle can be calculated as follows:
system [8-13]. ଵ ଡ଼ి ሾଶሺ஑ି஠ሻିୱ୧ ୬ ଶ஑ሿା஠ଡ଼ై
ୗ୚େ ൌ ൌ (4)
ଡ଼౏౒ి ஠ଡ଼ై ଡ଼ి
Static Var Compensators, SVCs, have been widely used in
electric power systems to satisfy two purposes: generations of The reactive power injected by the SVC can be calculated as a
reactive power and voltage stability improvements. In this function of firing angle as follows:
ଡ଼ి ሾଶሺ஑ି஠ሻିୱ୧ ୬ ଶ஑ሿା஠ଡ଼ై
work, SVC model is presented in details. The best locations of  ୱ୴ୡ ൌ ୗ୚େ  ଶ ൌ ଶ (5)
஠ଡ଼ై ଡ଼ి
where V is a per unit line to line voltage at SVC bus.

978-1-4799-8598-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 430


Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the variations of the equivalent methods. Accordingly, this method will be applied in this
reactance and susceptance of SVC, respectively, against the work to represent the system model with some modification to
SVC firing angle with SVC reactive power varies from -0.8 p. include the SVC and the voltage dependent loads.
u. to 0.8 p. u. These results corresponds to capacitance The mismatch in active power at all system buses except the
reactance of 1.25 p. u. and variable inductive reactance of Slack bus and reactive power at load and SVC buses can be
0.625 p. u. Results in Figures 2 and 3 illustrate that the expressed as follows:
equivalent reactance is inductive for the firing angle range of ܸ௜ ௡௣௩
ͻͲ଴ ൑ Ƚ ൏ ͳͳ͵Ǥͺ଴ while it is capacitive for the firing angle οܲ௜ ൌ ܲீ௜ െ ܲ஽௜ െ ܲ௜ െ ‫ܭ‬௉ ܲ஽௜ ൬ ൰ ሺ͸ሻ
range of ͳͳ͵Ǥͺ଴ ൏ ߙ ൑ ͳͺͲ଴ . ௏೔ ௡௣௩
οܳ௜ ൌ ܳீ௜ െ ܳ஽௜ െ ܳ௜ െ ‫ܭ‬௉ ܲ஽௜ –ƒ ‫׎‬௜ ቀ ቁ ሺ͹ሻ
50 ௏೔೚
οܳௌ௏஼௜ ൌ ܳீ௜ െ ܳ஽௜ െ ܳ௜ ൅ ܳௌ௏஼௜
40 ܸ௜ ௡௣௩
െ ‫ܭ‬௉ ܲ஽௜ –ƒ ‫׎‬௜ ൬ ൰ ሺͺሻ
20 ܸ௜ andܸ௜௢ are the per unit line voltage at ith bus at any load and
Inductive initial operating state respectively.
10 ݊‫ ݒ݌‬is the voltage dependent load power order that can be
Xeq, p. u.

expressed as:
0 Ͳ݂‫݀ܽ݋݈݁݃ܽݐ݈݋ݒݐ݊ܽݐݏ݊݋ܿݎ݋‬
Capacitive ݊‫ ݒ݌‬ൌ ቐ ͳ݂‫( ݀ܽ݋݈ݐ݊݁ݎݎݑܿݐ݊ܽݐݏ݊݋ܿݎ݋‬9)
-20 KP is the loading factor.
ܲீ௜ , ܳீ௜ are the active and reactive power generations.
-30 ܲ஽௜ , ܳ஽௜ are the active and reactive power demands.
ܲ௜ , ܳ௜ are the active and reactive power flows through the
-40 transmission lines which can be expressed as [11, 12]:
ܲ௜ ൌ ܸ௜ଶ ܻ௜௜ …‘• ߠ௜௜ ൅ σ௡௝ୀଵ ܸ௜ ܸ௝ ܻ௜௝ …‘•൫ߠ௜௝ െ ߜ௜ ൅ ߜ௝ ൯(10)
-50 ௝ஷ௜
90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Firing angle, degree ܳ௜ ൌ െܸ௜ଶ ܻ௜௜ •‹ ߠ௜௜ െ σ௡௝ୀଵ ܸ௜ ܸ௝ ܻ௜௝ •‹ሺߠ௜௝ െ ߜ௜ ൅ ߜ௝ ሻ (11)
Figure 2 SVC equivalent reactance versus firing angle.
where n is the total number of busses.
Equations (6), (7) and (8) represent set of nonlinear algebraic
equations that can be expanded by Taylor series as follows:
డο௉೔ డο௉೔
οܲ௜௞ ൌ ቚ οߜ௜௞ ൅ ቚ οܸ௜௞ (12)
డఋ೔ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ డ௏೔ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ
೔ ೔ ೔ ೔
డοொ೔ డοொ೔
οܳ௜௞ ൌ ቚ οߜ௜௞ ൅ ቚ οܸ௜௞ (13)
0.4 డఋ೔ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ డ௏೔ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ
೔ ೔ ೔ ೔

߲οܳௌ௏஼௜ ߲οܳௌ௏஼௜
Capacitive οܳௌ௏஼௜ ൌ ฬ ൅ ฬ οܸ௜௞
0.2 ߲ߜ௜ ఋೖ ǡ௏ ೖ ǡఈೖ ߲ܸ௜ ఋೖ ǡ௏ ೖ ǡఈೖ
೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔ ೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔
Beq, p. u.

൅ ቚ
డఈೄೇ಴೔ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ ǡఈ ೖ
οߙௌ௏஼௜ (14)
0 ೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔

Inducitive Equations (12), (13) and (14) can be rewritten in matrix form
-0.2 as follows:
డο௉೔ డο௉೔
డఋ೔ డ௏೔ οߜ௜௞
-0.4 ‫ ۇ‬డοொ೔ డοொ೔ ‫ۊ‬
‫ ۈ‬డఋ೔ డఋ೔
Ͳ ‫ۋ‬ ቌ οܸ௜௞ ቍ ൌ

-0.6 డοொೄೇ಴೔ డοொೄೇ಴೔ డοொೄೇ಴೔ οߙௌ௏஼௜
‫ ۉ‬డఋ೔ డ௏೔ డఈೄೇ಴೔ ‫ی‬ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ ǡఈ ೖ
೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔

-0.8 οܲ௜௞
90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
ቌ οܳ௜௞ ቍ (15)
Firing Angle, Degree

Figure 3 SVC equivalent susceptance versus firing angle. οܳௌ௏஼௜ ఋ ೖ ǡ௏ ೖ ǡఈ ೖ
೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔
The mismatches in Δδ ik , ΔVi k and Δα svci can be calculated
III.1 SYSTEM MODEL οߜ௜௞ οܲ௜௞
Due to the speed of convergence, the Newton-Raphson ቌ οܸ௜௞ ቍ ൌ െሺ‫ܬ‬௞ ሻିଵ ቌ οܳ௜௞ ቍ (16)
method is more preferable than other power flow solution ௞ ௞
οߙௌ௏஼௜ οܳௌ௏஼௜


Where ‫ܬ‬௞ is the Jacobian matrix at kth iteration. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
‫ܬ‬ଵ ‫ܬ‬ଶ Ͳ The MATLAB M-file program is built to simulate the system
‫ܬ‬௞ ൌ ൭‫ܬ‬ଷ ‫ܬ‬ସ Ͳ ൱ model proposed in previous sections. The standard IEEE-14
‫ܬ‬ହ ‫ ଻ܬ ଺ܬ‬ఋೖǡ௏ ೖǡఈೖ bus test system is used to validate the proposed model. Firstly,
೔ ೔ ೄೇ಴೔
The Jacobians J1 to J7 elements are presented in Appendices A the suitable position of the SVC is determined by the
and B at the end of this paper. minimum active and reactive losses obtained with SVC
The value of bus voltage, phase angles and SVC firing angles connected at different positions on the system.
in ik+1 iteration can are evaluated as follows: Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the total system active and reactive
ܸ௜௞ାଵ ൌ ܸ௜௞ ൅ οܸ௜௞ାଵ ǡ ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݊ െ ͳ െ ݊௩ െ ݊௦௩௖ ሺͳ͹ሻ losses versus the SVC position for only one SVC connected at
ߜ௜௞ାଵ ൌ ߜ௜௞ ൅ οߜ௜௞ାଵ ǡ ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݊ െ ͳሺͳͺሻ one load bus. The SVC injective reactive power varies from -
ߙ௦௩௖௜ ௞
ൌ ߙ௦௩௖௜ ௞ାଵ
൅ οߙ௦௩௖௜ ǡ ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݊௦௩௖ ሺͳͻሻ 0.8 to 0.8 p. u. The results illustrate that the minimum active
where nv is number of voltage control buses. and reactive losses are obtained when SVC connected at bus 4
nsvc is the number of SVC buses. that are 18.436 MW and 83.999 MVAR, respectively.
In order to determine the best location of the two SVCs, the
III.2 SOLUTION METHODOLOGY first SVC is connected to bus 4 and the second one is moved
The solution methodology of the model system introduced in from load bus to another one. Then the minimum losses are
Section 3 is illustrated by a flow chart shown in Figure 4. calculated. The minimum value of the active and reactive
losses is observed when the second SVC was at bus 14. This
process is repeated where the first SVC is connected to
different load bus at each time. The minimum loss value is
temporally determined.



Total Active Power Losses, MW







π / 2 E α svci E π 18.4
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Bus Number
α svci E π / 2 Figure 5 total active power losses versus SVC position
k E max iter

Ybusii = Ybusii + jBcimax 89

Ybusii = Ybusii + jBcimin
Total Reactive Power Losses, MVAR

α svci = π / 2 88
αsvci = π


∈≤ tol


K P = K P + ΔK P
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Bus Number
Figure 4 solution methodology flow chart Figure 6 total reactive power losses versus SVC position


20 illustrate that the stability margin increased with SVCs

connected at busses 4, 14 compared to that of stability margin
19 when SVCs connected at busses 7, 13 and without SVC cases
Total Active Power Losses, MW

17 SVC at 4, 14
SVC at 7, 13
16 Without SVC



Bus Voltage, p. u.


4-14 5-4 7-4 9-4 10-4 11-4 12-4 13-4 14-4
SVC Positions
Figure 7 total active power losses versus two SVC positions

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
85 Bus Number

Figure 9 Bus line voltages versus bus number with SVCs at

Total Reactive Power Losses, MVAR

buses 4, 14, 7, 17 and without SVCs

75 1

V4 , V7 , V1 3 , V 1 4 , p.u.

0.9 V14
65 0.85

60 V14
4-14 5-4 7-4 9-4 10-4 11-4 12-4 13-4 14-4
0.75 SVCs at 4, 14
SVC Positions

Figure 8 total reactive power losses versus the two SVCs SVCs at 7, 13
position V4
Figures 7 and 8 for active and reactive power losses,
respectively, show that the minimum active and reactive
power losses are obtained when the two SVCs are connected 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
at busses 4 and 14. Total Added Active Power, p.u.
Figure 9 illustrates the per unit line to line voltages at the Figure 10 V4, V7, V13 and V14 at 0.8 lagging power factor
different system buses against the bus number with SVC versus total added active power with SVCs at 4, 14, with
connected at buses 4 and 14 (correct position choice) SVC SVCs at 7, 13 and without SVC.
connected at buses 7 and 13 (incorrect position choice) and
without SVC. It shows that the voltage profile when SVCs Figure 11 illustrates the line voltages at buses 4, 7, 13 and 14
connected at buses 4 and 14 is better than that when SVC versus total added active power at 0.95 leading power for
connected at busses 7 and 13 and without SVC. constant current load case when the two SVCs are connected
Figure 10 illustrates the line voltages at bus 4, 7, 13 and 14 at at buses 4, 14, and at buses 7, 13, dotted line, and without
0.8 lagging power factor load versus total added active power SVCs. The results illustrate that the stability margin increased
when the two SVCs are connected at buses 4, 14, and at buses when SVCs connected at busses 4, 14 compared to that
7, 13 and without SVC. The added loads here are 0.8 lagging obtained when SVCs connected at busses 7, 13 and without
power factor constant impedance load݊‫ ݒ݌‬ൌ ʹ. The results SVC cases, respectively.


1.05 1.05
1 V14
0.95 V14
V4 , V7, V1 3, V14 , p. u.

0.9 V14

V4, V7, V13, V14, p. u.

V4 V14
SVCs at 4, 14 0.8
SVCs at 7, 13
0.75 SVCs at 4, 14 V4
Without SVCs
Without SVC
0.65 0.7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total added active power, p.u.
Figure 11 V4, V7, V13, and V14 at 0.95 leading power factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
versus total added active power with SVCs at 4, 14, and 7, 13 Total added active power, p. u.
and without SVC. Figure 13 V4, V7, V13, and V14 at unity power factor versus
total added active power with and without SVC.
180 1.05
170 1 V14
SVCs firing angles, degree

160 0.95
V 4 , V 7 , V 1 3 , V 1 4 , p. u.

α1 α1
150 0.9 V14

140 0.85

130 α2 0.8
SVCs at 4, 14
SVCs at 4, 14 0.75
Without SVCs
α2 0.7
110 SVCs at 7, 13
100 3 4 5 0 1
6 2
7 8
2 0 4 6 8 Total added active power, p.u.
Total Added Active Power, p.u. Figure 14 V4, V7, V13, and V14 at 0.95 leading power factor
Figure 12 SVC Firing angles at 0.95 leading with SVC versus total added active power with SVCs at busses 4, 14 and
At 4, 14 and 7, 13 respectively without SVC.
Figure 12 illustrates the SVCs firing angles against the total Figure 14 shows the line voltages at buses 4, 7, 13 and 14 at
added active power for 0.95 leading power factor loads, 0.95 leading power factor constant current load case versus
constant current load case. It illustrates that the firing angles total added active power with SVCs connected at busses 4, 14
increases with the load increase and it keeps its upper limit at and without SVCs. The stability margin is improved with
a constant value of 1800where the SVC bus is converted to a SVCs case as compared to that without SVCS.
load bus.
Figure 13 illustrates the line voltage at buses 4, 7, 13 and 14 Figure 15 illustrates the line voltage at buses 7 and 14 versus
versus total added active power at unity power with constant total added active power at different load power factors with
impedance load case with SVCs connected at busses 4 and 14 and without SVCs (SVCs at busses 4 and 14) at constant
and without SVCs (dotted line). It illustrates that the stability impedance load case. It illustrates that the stability margins are
margins is improved with SVCs compared to that without improved with SVCs at different power factor loads with
SVCs. The total added active power with SVCs is 806.3 MW, SVCs as compared to that without SVCs at different power
while that with SVCs is 786.2 MW, and total system active factors.
power losses with SVCs is 18.41 MW while that without
SVCs is 18.55 MW.


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