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Onit-ID © Lowouk Sp General ouftine of wodar treodmene, Plant = havo fe Jenexa) outing of cocker teabmert voit O Give ve Hoa dtagsorn Jue aaa brookment Mento he principle: Javolved 15 cach Step gp Grok owe the objective, of woder teobmet recon ? CaN TH may 12] Cod : Dead the. layout of 0 eaatlar -bweatirrenk Ponte fp Expt Me Satlert footie, of ie. GnToH sone ty] Co PE plas the Layout 5 geresal outing of Watos treatment Units. (oe Give the. Genetos outline of varsoug vaMy bo water ealment oryte. Coty SkokCh otters Ddagrory of watey edie process - | plan the. fun? of each Unik. Cony OFow a neat How chart of. water Weatred- flac ¢ OP lage 9 ee Ans|— @) fa ere eee ee ea gone Seveening (at vorwes the Hetiny Substerte_ from ake watsr- hevatos YS Lb verwves chhovides fo wake - SBE WMOVO Gusponded fate tr waley ., a\byothy She watery * ae Lsoroy, geno aos Z eee 77 oO) evoke” Pisin ection ee We Sey @ rea : creerfogt or Lreens axe Installed atthe intake PONG ohio helps 75, emovday “the. Hooking matter faverdhe _ Makes susface. : “A Asxato—A sonal portion Fecal dlable. Petes aves lal Bical Chlorine. fs removed & Sedimentation —r helps Ineemoving the suspended | Pawtiches frver waher. 2) . | *Fltvation ths a Prysicod Sepersalioo Technology to “parake Certain suspended) Soils, Collo7ds, bactesl a Sprite thot Ihe cwupendied 19 wastewater . “*Disicrlection—the ans micro organist. ave, Semoved! in th’s pce ty a safe fenjl, > Objectyes fatiert features of water breatment . PRO Cox — TH Can Removed, allethe. clisolved porch, Joos, beaches ta, xepmities, Oclour, Tate, The_ ‘ollouteg awe the. objectives salpont-Feaboven of ‘ | wrber treolroest process} — (ae ee discowed gatet are. eptyacked ‘| Gi Geeng tohioh are lange vous to the, human healt Ae to be Hlled. GS Remove. the. Gowosve properties of wala, Whe Taste. g odlowr ave vemoved 40m He vang woaler . OW) Moke the satay suitalle. Foy dormer. ¢% Trdusberal Pesposes. wp Pemovirg the bnpualtes 4a the. ‘aa wakes. ee | prea gee ee ~@ 26> Cocgullonts —feactey Awangemecty Aust ouk tour Coogullarrts Use 8) 10 breatiment » of watny. Canton —Apleoy ty, 16] Cory Spbin aif. Coagutorrts Used io sekenertotten : allong Uojth Me Chempcal) weacton bavolved, Cos (Two ~Tone47 ebjpm, Menton the Chemical reactions cohen the: : Follows awe vsed ar Coagediarty -— » Y Sedbivey Aumincrte : | S)Feewous cullphate cotine.. - > Mognesjocr Covteoofe , a : : Go Canty Hplenay 1] | Piseuts tn leben) athe Vstial Coogulant vahJel owe | TRIE for tne ucatine of woadtey | CN TO plone Best may] PF Geeeet09 Congulorta)— The Allowing awe Among Coogan: Used) — B. Alum(ovy Alumbrucy Sul phocka ay Fexsous SW phate Corey coe Copperas, / Gi Fewsous sulphate 2p Bene. (NY Magnesioco Cancocobe ep Line. OW) polyctactrolytes. ‘ Cv) socio Atuminabe., GB Alu (ows Aluminiue sulphette | — F cherie Banat chen cessed nurehess aluminum culplate tends to hyaholyze ito aluminion Ny aoat de, The. eas weacttes fsf— A L, (Soya. My op BWaCH Cod), = 2AL (OH) +Bcasoy + (Hp046Co, % Aclyortages j— DT is most Comm mney sp vanersal coagulant , GD TL-js Cheap, CHD proceducas Crystal cleov woke , edie Ady This Arfficult +> Hewat the sluslge foumed, D. Feerove sulphate (on chiovnate coppesaap— 2 Chlovinats. Coppecas * chemnjcal Composition} Fes0y . Mian * Cheenical feacton j SFesoy ‘WHeO+2¢ 4, = 22) (s0y).+ 2Fecly +AAleo, weet Tt Is succertul io ‘removing mangorere., a. vepives Seca! coludten Leone. of il pee witty I Cold Loader. GD. Cermeus sulphate. sp Ue () ech Fe Sdy. 4H. 0. eerepy Fes0y, Tyo +CALOHD, = Fe (OHs + Cat0y+FHy & Ay | PH volme bs gic ep above, POLAT ic yncutable. foctne. brestmertof Soft Colaureet wotexs, ©. Moyresiven caadeornle sp lime p— * SS LM 9 C0. SLI M9 con caroudy =MIOHDe +cac0, HA} oy IS Utestul vem Owing Ssganve. colour, bon Sp Manganese, FOS se jo NOE Commonly ore @° ve < bigot e (0) Conpore. the Desfn sp wowing Features of the *SI00 Sond files sp Rapid cond. goouily Filter. (0% > (aww Aplenay 137 He “ i 0% Compare ey Crtwrogt bles v9 Fpl pu, 4bess, I] N Caw tutt-moy [su0e-13) PO easly fre idfer Rapid Sand Fi Hore. Brey 20a. Hd Slow cand % Cowtvy_ Jone ~1y] Cot W Slow sana 4) Hey Sp Rail sand Filtex OS (CInquy ono 15] Of cloud se Pope grows) her, IN = os C Tutt may 9] | Classy venous bes oF Filters? Diferertiode Slus toon? Corpse then in atutular fosen, : Aoi Distinguish by Depo. the. ortiny * Types Af fitters} Two Ypres slow cand Fitters 5) Popicl cond 41 ltexs 7 ey Pree ‘ dildexs K Comparison of Slo sand ty Rapid sand al @ slo Sand Fltey Rail sand Filters it Pequives large [7 Et Requives sal area, area, ITE Regutces high Amount A Sand foe 4) Walion, rt fs Not neCerkay to Heat he rau cootay CoM Chemicals. SIE doe not vequived SElled Labours.” 7 The Robe of Abate 100 — 9.60 Dit [hover [on™ ~y Lox of head nitel—sisem : Fral ~> toocm — > Slow prcss ia Pagulodion not vequired TF Pertod of Clearing Abo 2 month “7 Neng High edficrer [PTE Requives low Amount of Sond dos ator, > at is Necessary to bead the van water voity the Chenfcale , P7 Ft require cttited) Lokours >the Role of Fl bation Ts 3000 —Go00 Lit] brafont P93 Lok of head, Ly pexfodd of cleanin ,) Ato 3clays p> Low efficier Tees erpersive— oe: et “= 2.9 Distoderton — “ryges otner Methods 6 1) tahod- omer the--yoatous bapes of Baintection. [sw ToH—Nov42] Cov) hot Is Disheeton? CINTUtH—~ Tune ~ \Y, my te | (ory hot are. ai debi methods of Disinfecten of. ody CIntuH- Ture YJ Soy Dishteccto > Bed+—the Prowss of xemoval of hosmdul brypucdies 40m Worker . ! ; —7 The ferpustties Such 04 horetful bnetata, taro MAN gonese. , DiSSolved Worgovc cals , 7 Suitabiliby/Pegukements of of disinfection A Wakes disinfectant showd meat Are Allosing Kephremnerts COTE should vemove the howentul tenpunities! Woke. CINTH chou be eHeckive tn Billing enfcao oagansens Git Tt shoold be veodily available ak reasonable Cox cheap Cost . & WY) Tt shoulel be sade to handle. ON the method of applicalion should be simple. = Mechanism of Disinfection |— cy Darmage to cod} walt & onPoxo -Organsinns. Cid Me xcttion of Cel) permeability. ARS changing the Colloi la) Nabny 2. H Catt: CV) Beker THackvetien of catfcal mayne. RY Factoss of Disinfection eae Ade cting ting Distefectoo} NTime of Contact 8) Concerstyafinn of disinfectant D Corertatton of Organisms SD Temp. of disinfection Pe | Mebieds of Disinfection The Vowious mebhads of Aicitfedtion can be " broochly claified undiot Too 7 OD Physferd Methods © Yehen®ca) Methods. @). Physical metho. rt include tne following _ D Oisinectien by heat T-Gollinp of caakey . GI) Disinte tig lay Uh Sv0 Nght. - OQccbeernicah Methoctsy re Include the. following! fe. oe chemi cols Echlodne boomine ¥ Lodine, Ih O2me . FI) Meko} ions F shiver “GND Malis te Acjas J WN) Sihace actye chem} cals. "=> othey Mefhods [minor methods of dihatectioat— At Methods [minor methods of Dis hntectin DE Includes he. foltocoing ? Copper fons : Q) Ea method )Exceré Gme ee lsee SD) OHwOVYolek tay teatro ©) potascium Permangancte -wealmert . C) Silver treatment ae lo oy Themy of chlormottvo —Foces/ methods A Chlovinagive ©) Bploin de chlosination, (INTUH Toney] (0 Geloin Break point chlorate, (ano Toney] : Cor) : (SNTUH —moy 16] Erplain tthe. “hewn of chiodhatton. (rToH—enay.19 7 Ass # Theory of chlorination f —Ythe_ ute. of chlorine has LeCome_ eee Uavercal jhe. isitectioo of Water. YT Is cheap y Rellable. PTE OM cult to handle. >The. use. of chlesine diveckty or Wattey disinfeotioo MA} 00 an Lrpertmertal bouts jin gag Whe precte acton by Woh Chlorine BLS paar 10 Wales je Not EaoW9, ? Sevewod Methods theories have beon pect Fosvoaed , 7 he Chose, Gegounds tosmed when chloe 'e Adloled Moder. oe a | | >whe) chloshe js Aissolved im works ot ee Yy “4PF sp MIP PT acacts by dorm hygoch losous PAG) Hycltoohlowe achds . | COS = Hock sel Chjcleolyi) Fock = UT oC Qh (tin ation footed da of Chloaioaffon y— Peperssiny UPON the Stage. ak which chlovine. apples “Locker, Te forms of Chlowratnn ave Osled below)~ © ©: Ploda chlosigatien, Cb). Pre ~ chlosmatten, i COD. Post chlosination, “@), Dovkle (oxy Muliple. Chlorination, . ©. Breole Point chiovinatiog, i A). supey Chlorination @).Dech lovination, © @ Plain chiowination— 1 7i+ is the_opplication ot chiovne to en.5 cabo y O8 1 erstess the clisht Lita Syetecn, “ZTE alo Meludes the chlosination of war wakess supply Yotonks (0 Resewwoiss to check he gros of weeds, Osqanic, matte , alga e@, bactera ebc. @ YT also verover Glour fv oclous 4roen voatle x CO Pre —chosinatiens — FTE sthe- appticsten of chlorine to weler before Hs -treatmest ! otis helps in seeducigy the. amount of Goagularts . the dose of chlorine choulel Le actjuttact '> wodkes Is O40 0.5 pp —> Tt hos ‘tae_following Acbvontages}— OS Bt veducas the Quactity of Congularts GIT ~edices -the kacterta) load oo 4 Het. : GHDTE cleenfocles tase x odour OM TL Gorteo] the algae pbacteria, CO post—chlorinatinn TH Is the. appl cattroo A chlovine to wotey ater My treabmert. 7 Ths helps jn etovteg recliciny the. amount of Computer ~The close of chlowine shoul y be Adkfusle din ingher ' ; ©: | 0 0.0 pp > Dovete. (ovymubiipie. chlownadion Bovile. (ovyenutiple Tt B the. o.pplicattioo of chlorine at 40000) move. PRS fo Are. guriGeatron process Here, The, Chlowine ts opplied just Leore. cacctey Cnters the Seclimenttion tonks FEE TS smatlay to Pre ~chlosinatron , © Break Potot Hovtnogioot olen chloving. }s omed ONES OOMN} OHH moder ther “two acters toes Place one. ater tne. othey)— - From Ge Stoge -T STAto) chlorine Demand, KO TT =Y@mbined Restauo) chlosine Aoseniny, 092 TT =SFree. chlorine. Breaking cow, $090 >> Free Reidual chlovne fovendnp ais bxeak—Pofeat Skagec should Le AebamPed 8F Labels, Note tea ty sheeay by Ady The, advantages of Rreak Point chlorination arel— COA aril ee the taste sp odour. Seaing wu fig" GS TE WII] serove. monje. HWSTE efit semove_ Colut- Dsspes chlowratien| Tt Is the. pplication of chloxine, betond “the. Stege & Sak pent. The -westdual chloe. Cortent er point Fe, OS -bo 3 pp, DIL 1s simjlav to Dechlovindticn . G)dechloviatten!— @) ITE Is the process. db xemoving excess chlorine from » Water before dictate, . VIL ts done ho such 0 2044 hab Some. ‘seitlua) Chlsine. veraias Iq water. PILI Achiewed erie ty Aeretizon Cots tye ose of Chem cols : © PH Chemfcals uch a& codliven thio “sutphabe Sodom Fo —culphake , sodiven Sulphit totasgue pevmanganote Ke §¢ Sulphur clio de. ; | Teak g vi tree @mbined Chlorine — several > tess have beer developed to datumine chlostoe i “ Yeiluols n wales, Lut the 4ollouting soo des are. peally erqlogend %) oxtro-tolidine. last » bY Slarch lodine, lest , onion

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