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Write about different water distribution systems

with their layouts. (April/May-2011 & May-2017)
Layouts of distribution systems
• The distribution pipes are generally laid below the road pavements,
and hence their layouts generally follow the layouts of roads
• There are general, four different systems of pipe networks; any type
either single or in combinations, can be used for a particular place,

1. Dead End System

2. Radial System

3. Grid Iron System

4. Ring System
⚫ Dead end system
⚫ It contains dead ends in the pipe system. hence the water does not
flow continuously in the system. In this system the pipe network is
divided into several sub networks namely
a) Main line,
b) Sub mains,
c) Branch lines and
d) Service connections.

⚫ One main line is laid through the center of the city or an area. Sub
mains are laid on both sides of the main line and then sub mains are
further divided into branch lines from which service connections are
given. At every starting point of sub main line, a cut off valve is
provided to regulate the flow during repair works etc.
⚫ Shape of this network looks like a tree, hence it is also called as tree
system. This type of system are used for the old cities which are built
in irregular manner without any planning. Now a days, this system is
not preferable.
Advantages of Dead End System
• Pipes in this network can be laid easily.
• The pressure and discharge in each pipe can be determined very easily
and accurately.
• The diameters of pipes can be designed based on the required demand
of population. So, cost of the project can be reduced.
• Dead end system requires less number of cutoff valves.
• The pressure is not constant and is very low at remote parts.
• Because of dead ends water stagnation takes place which results in
deposition of sediment.
• To remove these sediments, higher number of scour valves are to be
provided at the dead ends which increases cost.
• If a damage occurs in the branch line, entire section needs to be
stopped for repairs, this creates discomfort for the users.
• In this system, Limited discharge is available for firefighting.
⚫ Grid Iron Water Distribution System
⚫ Grid iron system also contains main lines, sub mains and branch
lines. But in this system dead ends are eliminated by interconnecting
all the lines. Hence, the water flows continuously without stagnating,
this system is also called as interlaced system or reticulation system.
It is more suitable for well-planned cities.
⚫ Grid Iron Water Distribution System
⚫ Advantages
⚫ Water will flow continuously without any dead ends or sediment
⚫ Head loss is minimum in this case because of interconnection of pipes.
⚫ The discharge will meet the required discharge for firefighting.
⚫ Repair works can be easily done just by closing cutoff valve in that
line which do not affect the other users.
⚫ Disadvantages
⚫ Because of circulating flow from all directions, the pipes used in this
system should be of large diameters and longer lengths.
⚫ We cannot determine the accurate discharge, velocity or pressure
in a particular pipe. So, design is difficult.
⚫ Laying of pipes will be done by skilled workers which consume more
⚫ Cutoff valves required should be more in this system.
⚫ R ing Water Distribution S ystem
⚫ This system can also be called as circular system in which the main pipe
line is provided around the city or area i.e., peripherally. From this main
line, the branch lines are projected perpendicularly and they are also
connected with each other. hence every street of the distributed area
will get sufficient quantity of water. For a town with well-planned
streets and roads, Circular system is more suitable.
⚫ R ing Water Distribution S ystem
⚫ Advantages
⚫ No stagnation of water
⚫ Repair works can be done without affecting larger part of network.
⚫ Large quantity of water is available for fire fighting.
⚫ Disadvantages
⚫ Longer length and large diameter pipes are required.
⚫ More number of cut-off valves are necessary.
⚫ Skilled workers are necessary while laying pipes.
⚫ Radial Water Distribution S ystem
⚫ Radial system is opposite to the ring system. In this system, whole area
is divided into small distribution districts or zones and an individual
distribution reservoir is provided for each distribution zone.The
reservoir provided is generally of elevated type. From this reservoir the
pipe lines are laid radially to the surrounded streets.
⚫ All distribution reservoirs are connected with main line which is passing
through center of the city.This type of system is suitable for areas with
radially designed roads.
⚫ Radial Water Distribution S ystem
⚫ Advantages of Radial System
⚫ The water distributed with high velocity and high pressure.
⚫ Head loss is very small because of quick discharge.
⚫ Disadvantages
⚫ C ost of the project is more because of number of individual
distribution reservoirs.
4. What is Valve? Explain about different types of valves
with a neat sketch. (June-2014)
● Valves – They are used to stop and regulate the flow of water.

● The design of a valve may determine how much water flow it allows or
whether it should be used for adjusting flow rather than simply turning
the water on or off.
● Following are th e most co mmonly used Valves,

 G ate Valve

 ButterflyValve

 BallValve

 G lobe Valve

 CheckValve
● Gat e Valve
● They are among the most used valves in plumbing applications. Gate
valves control water flow by raising or lowering an internal gate via a
knob at the top of the valve.
● Gate valves should never be used to reduce the flow of water; in
other words, they're designed to be ON or OFF. Using them to
adjust water flow can wear them out.They are very reliable and are
commonly used as shutoff valves on main and branch water supply
● Butterfly Valve
● A butterfly valve, is a quarter turn ,rotary motion valve that is used to
stop, regulate, and start fluid (air,gas,water,steam) flow in pipes.
Butterfly valves are easily and quickly operated because of 90o rotation
of disk from a fully closed to fully opened position.That’s why butterfly
valves are also called quick turn valves.
● Ball Valve
● Bal valves are the most reliable type of valve and are used for shutoffs
of main and branches. Bal valves have a ball with a hole in the
middle.The ball turns to stop water or let it flow through the valve.
Bal valves are operated with a lever-type handle.When the handle is
parallel to pipe, the valve is open.When it is perpendicular, the valve
is closed.
● G lobe Valve
● Globe valves are used to regulate flow in plumbing applications. Globe
valves are installed when the flow of water needs to be regulated. They
contain a stopper that is raised and lowered by the valve knob.The
stopper seals into a baffle to stop the flow of water.
● C heck Valve
● Check valves typically are used in water tanks and other water storage
applications.This type of valve has an inlet, where water comes in, and
an outlet, where the water goes out.These valves allows the water to
travel in only one direction.
● O n a water tank, a check valve allows pumped or pressurized water to
come into the tank, and when the pump or pressure is turned off, the
valve prevents gravity from drawing the water back out.
5. Determine designed discharge for a combined system serving population of
50000 with rate of water supply of 135 LPCD. The catchment area is 100
hectares and the average coefficient of runoff is 0.60. The time of
concentration for the design rainfall is 30 min and the relation between
intensity of rainfall and duration is the I = 1000/(t + 20).
A. Estimation of sewage quantity
Considering 80% of the water supplied will result in wastewater generation,
the quantity of sanitary sewage = 50000 x 135 x 0.80
= 5400 m3 /day
= 0.0625 m3 /sec
Considering peak factor of 2.5, the design discharge for sanitary sewage
= 0.0625 x 2.5 = 0.156 m3 /sec
Estimation of storm water discharge
Intensity of rainfall, I = 1000/(t + 20)
Therefore, I = 1000/(30 + 20)
= 20 mm/h
Hence, storm water runoff, Q = C.I.A/360
= 0.6 x 20 x 100/(360)
= 3.33 m3 /sec
Therefore, design discharge for combined sewer = 3.33 + 0.156 = 3.49 m3 /sec

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