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Activity 2

Explain each expression the way you understood them in relation to research.

1. Related Literature
Literature refers to a collection of published written work containing information/materials on a
particular area of research or topic, such as books and journal articles of academic value. The materials are
usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals, leaflets, magazines, newspapers,
and other printed matter. This related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which
the present study is related. Its purpose is to expand one’s knowledge of the subject at hand.

2. Review of Related Literature

It is a detailed review of existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. A review of
literature presents much more than a summary of relevant sources. The act of reviewing involves evaluating
individual sources as well as synthesizing these sources to gain a broad view of the field. It discusses
common and emerging approaches, patterns, areas of conflict, and gaps within the relevant literature. When
reviewing the literature, not only do you need to engage with a body of literature, you also need to be able
to compare, contrast, synthesize, and make arguments with that literature in ways that indicate a readiness
to contribute to the literature itself.

3. Traditional Review of Literature

Traditional review of literature is a style of RRL that comprises summarized present forms of
knowledge on a specific subject. It provides a broad overview of research with no particular method used.
The goal here is to give an expanded or new understanding of existing work. It is the appropriate method to
use for those lacking much knowledge and expertise in research work. Having mastered the traditional RRL is
an excellent preparation for the complexities of the systematic review. It helps you to establish a theoretical
framework and focus or context for your research.

4. Systematic Review of Related Literature

This review of literature follows protocol steps or plan since it is a style that encompasses sequential
acts of literature. This form consists of an overview of existing evidence pertinent to a formulated research
question. It uses methods to identify and critically assess relevant research and analyze data from the
studies that are included in the review. It is a rigorous way of obtaining data from written works as it
involves planning a well thought out strategy that has a specific focus or answers to a defined question. The
goal is to document, critically evaluate, and summarize a research problem. It is a bias-free style and ensures
objectivity in every stage of the research.

5. Structure of Literature Review Results

A literature review usually has an organizational pattern or a summary of sources where the
structures and arrangement of summary of the RRL results are in a particular order. For the traditional
review, the structure is like in any other essay where it has an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion.
However, this varies based on the subject and area of specialization. For the systematic review, the structure
is based on the formulated research questions. The organizational pattern of the results must incorporate
these three elements: an introduction, headings and subheadings, and a summary.



Activity 1

Pair Work. Write the letter of the word or phrase in column B that corresponds in meaning to the expression in
column A.

_H_ 1. Theme or theory

_I_ 2. Wikipedia a. Some paragraphs but one article per

_G_ 3. Websites
b. Lacking in well-learned ideas
_F_ 4. HOTS c. Comparing-contrasting two findings
d. Elicits opinions on the topic
_B_ 5. Dump method e. Biographical list
_A_ 6. Serial abstract f. Inferring, criticizing, applying, creating
g. Dependent on readers for its quality
_C_ 7. Juxtaposing ideas h. Basis of linking authors’ ideas
_D_ 8. Argumentative review i. Reading comprehension
j. Thesis, dissertations, posters
_E_ 9. Aquino (2018) suggested… k. Plain union of author
_J_ 10. Grey literature



Activity 2

Write T if the sentence is true and F, if it is false. Then, underline the part that makes the sentence false and write
the correct word/s on the line provided.

1. Doing a literature search alone proves that literature review writing is an interconnected process. T
2. Editing by readers contributes to the inferiority of Wikipedia as a source of information.
3. Much editing by readers happens in grey literature. F – Wikipedia
4. Bibliographical list is not a good way to begin an article. T
5. A researcher is discouraged from using this style of opening: One study by Lim (2017) asserts that… F –
6. Being an interconnected process, literature review stages affect one another. T
7. HOTS take place extensively in literature-review reading and writing. T
8. Primary source is better than secondary source. T
9. Similarly, also, on the other hand are good article openings. T
10. You begin your review of related literature by peer-reviewed journals. F – doing Literature Search



Activity 1

Pair Work. Identify the citation style used; comment on the accuracy of each text based on what you learned about
in-text citation. Write your answers on the lines provided.

1. Many gave their comments about the medicinal powers of ampalaya. For instance, the latest study by Santos
and Gomez revealed that the juice of this vegetable can be a good cure against diabetes.
Integral Citation. They implied the writer’s stance on the source of information. The pattern of
citation used here is Summary. The citation format for referencing is in the APA (American Psychological
Association) In-text citation style. The Tense of Verbs for Reporting is in the Past Tense.

2. De Jesus and Roces felt that one research study by Collanto, Fernandez, and Vallejo, 2015 validated Meneses
findings on the Ebola virus.
Integral Citation. The author of the source referred to is acknowledged in the text. The pattern of
citation used here is Summary. The citation format for referencing is in the APA (American Psychological
Association) In-text citation style. The Tense of Verbs for Reporting is in the Past Tense.

3. A number of medicinal plants can be found in one’s family backyard. Fruit trees like santol, mango, guava,
tamarind, atis, and guyabano, among others, grow robustly in any spacious area in a yard. Needing no
regular watering, these plants always make themselves available to people believing in their medicinal
qualities (Rafael Corpuz).
Non-integral Citation. The stress is given to the piece of information rather than to the owner of
ideas. The pattern of citation used here is Paraphrase. The citation format for referencing is in the APA
(American Psychological Association) In-text citation style. The Tense of Verbs for Reporting is in the Past

4. One study by Laguardia (2015) has identified the seven components of Intercultural competence that
according to Florentino (2015) are likewise the leading elements of one “contemporary language theory
called Systemic Functional Grammar.”
Integral Citation. The text showed prominence to the author. It integrates the name of the cited
author within the paragraph. The pattern of citation used here is Short Direct Quotation. The citation format
for referencing is in the APA (American Psychological Association) In-text citation style. The Tense of Verbs
for Reporting is in the Present Perfect Tense.

5. According to William Smith, the K-12 curriculum is the key to the Philippines success in this era of
globalization. Agreeing on this, Mariano (2016) in his latest book said, “Any opposition against the
immediate implementation of K-12 curriculum must not be entertained by the government agencies in
charge of monitoring the operation of this educational program.”
Integral Citation. The name of the author is a grammatical part of the citing sentence. The author
plays an explicit grammatical role within a sentence. The pattern of citation used here is Short Direct
Quotation. The citation format for referencing is in the APA (American Psychological Association) In-text
citation style. The Tense of Verbs for Reporting is in the Present Tense


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