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BREAKING: Biden DOJ Indicts Biden •

Brian Craig · 8.5K views · Streamed 14 hours

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Ci Joe INDICTS Whistleblower Who ••

EXPOSED Biden Family Corruption I Sec ...

Benny Johnson • 65K views • Streamed 11 hours
'Missing' Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president's
84 5,693 views 5d ago 6 products #joebiden #fbi #investigation ... more

• New York Post 934 K Qv

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10:37 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +

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o:oo good day

0 :02 my name is Dr gal Luft

0 :05 for the past 20 years I've been the

0 :07 co-director of the institutes for the

0 :09 analysis of Global Security at

0 :11 washington-based Think Tank focused on

0 :13 energy security

0 :15 for the past 15 years I've been a

0 :17 resident of Israel

0 :19 and for four years I was senior advisor

0 :22 to the China Energy company CFC

0 :25 at the same time of its dealings with

0 :28 the Biden family

0 :30 under normal circumstances I would be

0 :33 testifying before Congress about my

0 :36 experience with CFC

0 :39 sadly due to circumstances I shall

0 :42 describe here in this video

0 :44 I am forced to tell you this story via

o:4s video

0 :51 my ordeal goes back to a fatal decision

o:56 I made in March of 2019 to share with

10:37 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +"

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1:00 the US government my knowledge about the

1:02 Biden family's relations with CFC

1:05 as I said it was in March of

1:os 2019 in a two-day session at the U.S

1:13 Embassy in Brussels

1:15 I insisted that the meeting take place

1:18 in March because at the time there were

1:20 rumors that Joe Biden was planning to

1:22 run for president

1:23 I saw it as my civic duty to alert the

1:26 government beforehand and give it enough

1:29 time to probe the issue

1:32 I want to be clear I'm not a republican

1:34 I'm not a Democrat I have no political

1:37 motive or agenda

1:39 I did it out of deep concern

1:42 that if the bidens were to come to power

1:45 the country would be facing the same

1:47 traumatic Russia collusion scandal only

1:51 this time it was China

1:53 sadly because of the doj's cover-up

1:58 this is exactly what happened

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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2:02 the doj sent to Brussels a delegation of

2:06 six people

2:09 two prosecutors from the southern

2:11 district of New York by the names of

2:13 Daniel reichenthal and Catherine gauche

2:17 and four FBI agents

2:20 one of them was special agent Joshua

2:24 Wilson from the Baltimore Field office

2:26 which also happens to cover the state of

2:29 Delaware

2:32 now you want to ask yourself why did the

2:34 government

2:35 dispatch to Europe so many people

2:38 why six why not two

2:41 the answer is that they knew very well

2:43 that I'm a credible Witness

2:47 and that I have Insider knowledge about

2:49 the group and the individuals that

2:52 enriched the Biden family

2:56 over an intensive two years to day

2:59 meeting

3 :00 I shared my information about the Biden

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% -+,

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3 :03 families Financial transactions with CFC

3 :06 including specific dollar figures

3 :10 I also provided the name of Rob Walker

3 :13 who later became known as Hunter Biden's

3 :16 bagman

3 :18 yet as we now know today from The

3 :22 Whistleblower testimony

3 :24 uh Gary shapley it took the doj a whole

3 :28 21 month to probe the issue and to

3 :31 actually talk to Walker

3 :34 but perhaps the most alarming

3 :36 information I revealed was of a mall

3 :39 within the doj who shared classified

3 :42 information with Hunter Biden and his

3 :44 Chinese partners

3 :46 I told the doj that Hunter was closely

3 :49 associated with a very senior retired

3 :51 retired FBI official

3 :54 who had distinct physical characteristic

3 :56 he had one eye

3 :59 one of the FBI agents at the time

4 :02 even told me you know that would be very

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 @ 85% ~+,

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4 :06 easy for us to find there aren't that

4 :07 many one-eyed people in the bureau

4 :13 the information I provided the FBI in

4 :16 March of 2019 was fully corroborated

4 :19 nine months later

4 :21 when the famous laptop belonging to

4 :24 Hunter Biden which contained all the

4 :26 emails and receipts

4 :28 was handed to the FBI

4 :30 and guess who seized the laptop from the

4 :33 computer repair shop

4 :36 it was special agent Joshua Wilson

4 :40 who was with me in Brussels earlier

4 :45 in other words the FBI knew about

4 :48 from me about the Biden CFC deals before

4 :52 they got hold of the laptop way before

4 :56 they had enough time to investigate the

4 ;59 issue but they didn't

5 :02 after Brussels I never heard back from

5 :05 the doj but instead of showing

5:07 appreciation for my whistleblowing I

5 :10 became Public Enemy Number One

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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5 :13 over the past four years that followed

5:15 me my family my friends my associates

5:19 we're all harassed intimidated and

5 :21 finally I was prosecuted

5 :25 despite all that

5 :27 on the eve of the 2020 elections

5 :30 I sent my lawyer to Washington to meet

5:33 with them

5:34 acting Deputy attorney general Mr

5 :38 Richard Donahue

5 :40 to ensure he was informed about the

5 :42 information I had given his Department

5 :43 in Brussels 19 months earlier

5 :47 and also to warn him that there may

5 :50 still be a mall within the doj

5 :54 Mr Donahue confirmed to my lawyer that

5:56 he was aware of my claims but now we

5:58 learn from the IRS whistleblower that it

6 :01 was rich Donohue himself who suspended

6 :03 the investigation a few weeks earlier

6 :06 on September 4th 2020

6 :10 on the ground that it was quote too

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6 :13 close to the elections

6 :16 finally in February this year I was

6 :18 arrested in Cyprus

6 :20 on an extradition request from the

6 :22 southern district of New York the very

6 :24 same office that met with me in Brussels

6 :29 the seven County Dyckman said I violated

6 :32 the export arms export Control Act and

6 :35 if I convicted I would face up to 100

6 :38 years in prison

5 :41 while I was detained in Cyprus I was

6 :43 portrayed in the international media as

6 :45 an arms dealer even though I never

6 :46 traded the bullet in my entire life

6 :49 in fact nowhere in my indictment the doj

6 :52 claimed or presented the evidence that I

6 :54 bought sold shipped or financed any

6 :56 weapons

6 :58 I was also charged with acting as an

7:01 unregistered agent of CFC which is a far

7:04 out violation

7:06 the doj says that I caused the payment

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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7:08 of six thousand dollars a month to

7:11 former CIA director James Woolsey

7:15 um in order to put his name on an

7:18 article I had ghost written for the

7:21 China Daily newspaper

7:24 nor in the indictment the doj mentioned

7:26 the well-known fact that Mr Woolsey had

7:28 been an advisor to my Think Tank

7:32 since 2002

7:35 and that there was nothing in the

7:38 article that represented a Chinese

7:41 interest to the contrary

7:43 the notion that I got Luft

7:46 spoon fed a CIA director with policy

7:51 proposals on China

7:52 treating him like a useful idiot

7:55 is not only an insult to the

7:58 intelligence Community it is an insult

8 :01 to the intelligence of every American

s :os U.S government claims that I acted on

8 :07 behalf of CFC and therefore I'm a

s :10 foreign agent but let me tell you a

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +-

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8 :11 little secret

s :13 the same CFC that the US government

8 :16 claims was associated with the Chinese

8 :18 intelligence and quote an international

s :21 criminal organization

8 :23 was a 501c3 charitable organization

s :27 registered in the state of Virginia and

8 :30 approved by the IRS

8 :32 the same organization was also a major

8 :34 donor to the Clinton foundation and

8 :36 Columbia University

8 :38 needless to say that none of their

8 :40 executives

s :41 were charged for any wrongdoing

8 :45 if CFC was indeed a foreign entity tied

8 :48 so closely to the PRC

8 :50 why was it allowed to operate freely as

8 :53 a public charity

s :ss why did the government expose taxpayers

8 :58 to the risk of funding an entity knew at

9 :00 the time was so compromised

9 :03 why did they did they not warn anybody

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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9 :07 isn't the role of government to protect

9 :09 its people

9 :11 I'm also being charged for making a

9 :13 false statement in Brussels

9 :15 but why was I in Brussels to begin with

9 :18 without was I there to eat Belgian

9 :21 waffles

9 :22 the doj charged me for making a

9 :25 statement in a voluntary meeting that

9 :27 would have never come to Bear if not for

9 :30 my good citizenship

9 :34 so let me propose an idea

9 :37 why won't the doj make my indictment

9 :39 public

9 :40 Do It Make My Day put it on your website

9 :44 so that every American can see the

9 :47 nature of the allegations against me the

9 :49 quality of the evidence

9 :51 and the length the government is willing

9 :53 to go to weaponize the justice system

9 :56 to punish whistleblowers like me

10:00 I have another idea

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% f'

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10:02 why won't the FBI submit to Congress the

10:06 minutes

10:07 from the Brussels meeting

10:10 let everybody see what happened in

10:11 Brussels

10:13 why not

10:15 are you trying to protect anything are

10:17 you trying to protect anybody

10:21 I also hope that the doj can explain why

10:24 they targeted me in Cyprus and not in my

10:26 home country of Israel where I reside

10:28 most of the time

10:31 after all the U.S shares a bilateral

10:33 Expedition treaty with Israel

10:36 so if any of my crimes are real and

10:38 serious and this is not just political

10:41 prosecution

10:42 why did the U.S need to sneak up on me

10:46 during a short visit of Cyprus

10:49 do they now trust the Israeli judicial

10:52 system

10:54 to judge this issue on its merits what's

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 @ 85% -+

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10:57 going on here

11:00 also why did the doj wait six whole

11 :02 years well beyond the statute of

11:05 limitation

11 :07 to indict me

11:09 and why did the doj choose to unseal to

11:13 the indictment on November 1st

11 :17 2022 the very same week of the midterm

11:21 elections

11:22 could this have anything to do with the

11:24 fact or the fear that once Republicans

11:26 gain control over Congress and begin to

11:28 investigate

11:29 their cover-up would be in full display

11:33 and perhaps the biggest question of all

11:36 why am I being indicted for pharah for a

11 :39 ghost writing an innocuous article for

11 :42 which I received no payment let alone

11:43 from a foreign government

11:45 when the mother of all pharah cases the

11 :48 Biden systemic influence peddling on

11 :51 behalf of foreign governments for which

10:39 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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11 :52 they wrecked Millions goes unpunished

11:59 this is in a nutshell why I decided to

12:02 act the way I did

12:05 because

12:07 I do not have faith

12:10 uh that I would receive a fair trial in

12:14 a New York Court

12:16 let me tell you why

12:19 CFC Secretary General Dr Patrick ho who

12:22 paid Hunter Biden a million dollars for

12:25 God knows what

12:27 was not allowed to mention the word

12:29 Biden before the jury when he was tried

12:31 in New York in 2018.

12:35 the very same prosecutor who is now

12:37 after me Daniel reichenthal

12:40 told the judge at the time that

12:42 mentioning the name Biden

12:44 would quote add a political Dimension to

12:48 the case and the judge agreed

12:so which means that if I'm ever brought

12:52 before a U.S court

10:40 PM Tue Jul 11 9 © 85% +'

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12:54 I would not be allowed to after the word

12:56 Brussels or Biden

13:00 and the real context of my arrest me

13:03 being patient zero of the Biden family

13:05 investigation

13:06 would be hidden from the jury

13:11 let it sink in

13:13 I who volunteered to inform the US

13:16 government about potential security

13:18 breach and about compromising

13:20 information about a man vying to be the

13:23 next president

13:24 am now being hunted by the very same

13:27 people whom I informed

13:29 and may have to live on the Run for the

13:32 rest of my life


13:36 warned the government about potential

13:38 risk to the Integrity of the 2020

13:40 elections

13:42 if convicted by a U.S court

13:44 would never be able to vote again in the

13:42 if convicted by a U.S court

13:44 would never be able to vote again in the

13:47 U.S elections

13:49 just think about it and ask yourself

13:52 who is a real criminal in this story

13:55 thank you for listening

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