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Asia and the Pacific Conference on Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) for Effective Public Procurement 22-24 November

2011 Hotel Intercontinental, Jimbaran, Indonesia

Program Agenda
Monday, 21 November 2011
9:30-12:30 14:00-17:00 MDB e-GP working group meeting Speakers from each session to meet separately with session moderator to finalize presentation and discuss Q&A themes Welcome Dinner


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

8:30-9:00 9:00-10:30 Registration Opening Session Welcome Remarks from I Wayan Suasta, Governor Deputy III, Regional Secretariat, Bali Province, Indonesia Opening by Steve Groff, Vice President (Operations 2), Asian Development Bank, ADB Opening Remarks by Ir. Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo, MA, Vice Minister, National Development Planning , Indonesia Keynote Speech by Kyu Yun Choi, Administrator of Public Procurement Service, Republic of Korea Keynote Speech by Agus Rahardjo, Head, National Public Procurement Agency (NPPA/LKPP) Conference Program Overview by Hamid Sharif, Principal Director, Central Operations Services Office, ADB 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:15 11:15-12:15 Photo Session Coffee Break SESSION 1: e-GP Survey and Multilateral Development Banks Handbook on Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP Toolkit) As a knowledge product for the participating developing countries to use as guide or reference in developing and implementing e-GP, the draft e-GP Toolkit will be extensively discussed throughout all sessions during the conference. The e-GP survey was completed by 27 ADB Developing Member Countries and provides an invaluable snapshot of current state of e-GP development and procurement reforms in these countries. Resource Person: Joseph Fagan, ADB Consultant Moderator: Galia Ismakova, ADB, Member, e-GP Working Group e-GP Toolkit Presentation by Yinguo Huang, Director, Central Operations Services Division 2 (COSO), ADB e-GP Survey Results by Ramanathan Somasundaram, ADB Consultant Q&A 12:15-13:30 Lunch


SESSION 2: Benefits of e-GP, Procurement Reform and e-GP Strategic Planning The session will focus on establishing the business case for investing in e-GP: what are the benefits of e-GP to the government, private sector, and to the economy and society at large? Many countries are in the process of reforming their public procurement systems. E-GP is often considered as an easy win. However, e-GP has to be considered in an overall reform framework. The session will also focus on how e-GP can be used as an effective reform driver. Finally, the session will explore the key elements of an e-GP strategic plan: roles of different stakeholders, risks, success metrics etc. Resource Person: Joseph Fagan, ADB Consultant, Moderator: Ashish Bhateja, World Bank, Chairman, MDB e-GP Working Group Country Presentations Xia Ling, Peoples Republic of China Ahmad Heryawan, Indonesia Chunhachit Sungmai, Thailand Q&A


Coffee Break


SESSION 3: Regulatory and Institutional Framework for e-GP The session will explore how regulatory frameworks should evolve to facilitate the introduction of e-GP systems. The session will also investigate how various organizational arrangements, such as level of decentralization, impact the effectiveness of e-GP system.

Resource Person: Caroline Nicholas, UNCITRAL Moderator: Eliza Niewiadomska, EBRD Presentation on Model Law on Procurement and Legal Framework on e-GP by Caroline Nicholas, Senior Legal Officer, International Trade Law Division, UNCITRAL Country Presentations Zhu Jianyuan, PRC Bima Haria Wibisina, Indonesia Kang-il Seo, Republic of Korea Kumaresan Karuppiah, Malaysia Steve Mutkoski, Consultant Q&A 19:00 Conference Dinner with Cultural Show (Outdoor) Attire: Smart Casual

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

9:00-10:30 SESSION 4: e-GP Business Models and Using e-GP as Performance Tool to Improve Public Procurement e-GP can be expensive to implement and maintain as well as challenging in terms of the technology and technical skills needed, which may not be available in the public sector. The session will explore various business models involving private sector outsourcing, in-house implementation and maintenance, revenue generation etc. The session will also study how electronic business intelligence tools can be deployed to mine procurement data housed in e-GP systems with the goal of understanding spend patterns and corruption red-flags. Resource Person: Joseph Fagan, ADB Consultant Moderator: David A. Salazar, IDB, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group Country Presentations Guillermo Andres Burr, Chile Deepak Jagdish Saksena, India K. Srinivasa Raghavan, India Muhammad Azlan Zakaria, Malaysia Q&A 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Coffee Break Country Presentations Jose Luis Gonzales, Ecuador Tato Urjumelashvili, Georgia Yasushi Kawanai, Japan Rosa Maria Clemente, Philippines Q&A 12:30-13:30 13:30-15:30 Lunch SESSION 5: e-GP Functionalities and Integration to Other e-Governance System Key procurement processes such as sourcing, tendering, ordering, contract management and payment can be migrated through an e-GP system to an electronic platform. This session will explore the breadth of functionalities offered by e-GP systems and how such systems may be integrated with other related IT systems for tax, budget, and audit. The session will examine the case of South Korea that has effectively integrated its e-GP systems with other public financial systems. Resource Person: Joseph Fagan, Consultant, ADB Moderator: Jung Ho Kim, ADB, Member, e-GP Working Group Country Presentations Kang-il Seo, Republic of Korea Batzul Tsendenbal, Mongolia Premcoomar Beeharry, Mauritius Mai Lam, Viet Nam Sayed Hassan Naqawi, Afghanistan Q&A 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break


SESSION 6: Inter-Operability and Cross-Border e-Procurement The session will discuss the implications for international competition when introducing e-GP, especially as e-GP systems become increasingly integrated with other public financial management systems such as tax. Moderator: Joseph Fagan, Consultant, ADB Resource Speaker: Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, PEPPOL Spanish e-GP (by video) Q&A

19:00 -

Own Time/Arrangement

Thursday, 24 November 2011

8:30-10:30 SESSION 7: Action Plan for Developing e-GP This session will present the main challenges encountered during the planning and Implementation of e-GP systems. The range, timing and sequencing of optimal solutions will also be examined. Resource Person: Sarah Sadiqa, Director, Business Climate and Intl Coop, NPPA/LKPP Moderator: Blandine Wu, AfDB, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group Country Presentations Amulya Kumar Debnath, Bangladesh Jurminla, Bhutan Avanindra Kumar Shrestha, Nepal Qaiser Sohail, Pakistan Dennis Nacario, Philippines Eliza Neiwiadomska, EBRD Q&A 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break


SESSION 8: Role of Development Partners and South-South Cooperation This session will explore how to best share lessons learned and best practices in connection with e-GP planning and implementation. Particular attention will be paid to the unique role that MDBs and other development partners can play in catalyzing knowledge transfer. The session will aim to develop a priority list for MDBs to provide financial and technical assistance. Moderator: Jesper Pedersen, ADB e-GP Working Group Ashish Bhateja, World Bank, Chairman, MDB e-GP Working Group Panelists: Ashish Bhateja, World Bank, Chairman, MDB e-GP Working Group Yinguo Huang, Asian Development Bank, Director, Central Operations Services Division2 Galia Ismakova, Asian Development Bank, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group Caroline Nicholas, UNCITRAL, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group David Salazar, Inter-American Development Bank, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group Blandine Wu, African Development Bank, Member, MDB e-GP Working Group Eliza Neiwiadomska, Principal Counsel, Legal Transition, Program Public Procurement, EBRD

Jonas Rabinovitch, Inter-Regional Adviser, e-Government Branch, Division for Public Administration and Development Management, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Open Forum on Action Plan and Tookit followed by Panel Discussion 12:00-12:20 Closing Session Agus Rahardjo, Chairman, National Public Procurement Agency Hamid Sharif, Principal Director, Central Operations Services Office, Asian Development Bank 12:20-12:30 12:30-13:30 13:30 Photo Session Lunch Group Tour/Site Visit

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