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Name : Alya Nabila Damayanti

NIM : 005221074
Class : GR2B

Resume Guest Lecture

Strategies for Publishing in High Impact Journal

High impact journal is publication with significant influence and recognition in academic and
scientific community. Key aspect to identify is :
1. Journal Impact Factor : wider circulation = higher if than just bern launched or read
by fewer researcher internationally
2. Indexing : indexed in major databases, including web of science and scopus
3. Rigorous peer-review process
List database commonly used for indexing journal :
1. Scopus
2. WOS
3. Pubmed
4. IEEE Xplore
5. ACM Digital Library, etc.
Selecting the right journal
- SCIMAGO WEBSITE : scimago ranking is limited to one year behind. Therefore need
to check in scopus or WOS.
- Watch oyt for predatory journals
1. Poor website design and low-quality content
2. Employ misleading or agressive tactic
3. Providing little to no editorial oversight or quality control
4. May lack credibility, rigorous peer review, and adherence to etichal publishing
5. Unsolicited email invitations
6. False or exaggrated claims
7. Excessive Article Processing Charges (APCs)

- What is Quartile Ranking

Quartile ranking are defined based on rank for the journal impact factor.

- Writing tips publishing in high impact journals

1. Deal with rejection
- Skill of rejection : be prepared. It happen all the time-take positive comments from
editors and reviewers, use them to enhance before re-submitting to next journal of
2. Select high impact journal
- find example article that close to our own research area
- Follow submission guidlines
- Create catchy title : capture reader interest, not more than 2 lines
3. List out potential publish journal
- From reference lists of our review paper-key researches in field
- From journal finder : right journal (read ‘about the journal, aim and scope)
- Check the description of each journal
4. Write good cover letter
- chance to convince the editor your research is interesting and worth a review
- Do not include abstract
- Can be used to asm for suitability with the journal
5. Address reviewer comments
- address the, throughly and toughtfully
- Providing clear responses to each comment and explaining how you have addressed
the concerns raised (suggest table format).

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