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Psychometric Assessment:

Candidate Instructions

Please read through this document carefully before beginning your psychometric assessment. This
document includes a guide on setting up and logging into the assessment. Please familiarise yourself with
the assessment information as it contains important details on each assessment, including equipment and
time limits. If you experience any technical issues please refer the relevant troubleshooting information in
this document.

Assessment Set Up and Logging in ................................................................................................... 2
Assessment Information ..................................................................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................. 7

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Assessment Set Up and Logging In

1. Use the link provided in the email, log in using your username and password, and click on Go to online
assessment in the yellow banner.

2. To continue to the assessments, select ‘Yes, I want to perform the assessment now’ and click on Next.

3. In the Korn Ferry assessment page, select your preferred Language for the assessment by clicking the symbol next to
your name, in the top right-hand corner.

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Assessment Set Up and Logging In

1. You will now see a screen that welcomes you to your dashboard. You will be directed to Section 1 of
the assessment, which includes 3 preparatory items to read and review.

a. You will see the link to the Confirmation of Global Privacy Policy. Please click on the Start link to
open the page and read through this information. When you are ready to proceed, tick the box to
confirm consent, and then click ‘Accept and continue’ at the bottom of the screen.

b. You will then see the link to the Complete Personal Information. Please click on the Start link to
open the page and complete this information. Click ‘Submit response’ when you are finished.

c. You will then see the link to the Review Important Information. Please click on the Start link to
open the page and read through this information. There are 5 short windows to read regarding
preparing for your tests. This will include information on: preparing for your assessment, data
usage, mobile devices, special requirements and practice questions.

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Assessment Set Up and Logging In

2. On your screen you will see a list of the assessments you will need to complete in Section 2. This consists of
a verbal, numerical reasoning tests and either a logical (abstract) reasoning tests and/or checking test, as well
as a personality questionnaire. Each assessment will list the overall time to complete, whether it is a timed or
untimed assessment, and for Numerical Elements, an indication that you will need your pencil and paper and
a calculator.

Note: Logical elements is abstract reasoning

If your timetable requires it, you may log out after completing a component of the assessment, and log back in at a later time to
complete the remaining components.

3. Once you have completed all assessments, click on Back to home to go back to the Macquarie applicant services page.

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Assessment Information

Personality Questionnaire (Dimensions)

Language  Check the language you would like to complete the assessment in before you click the start button. It is
recommended that you complete the assessment in your native language.

Practice Questions There will be a practice block of 4 statements before you begin the assessment.

 You will be asked to rate each statement indicating how true the statement is about your behaviour at

 The practice block will force you to give the same rating to 2 statements, so you can practice placing these
statements in rank order.

Timing  There is no time limit, but you should not spend too long on any one question.

 There are 40 blocks of 4 statements.

After the Test  Upon completing the final block of statements, you will be able to return to the dashboard.

 Inform your administrator once you have logged out.

Elements Numerical
 Check the language you would like to complete the assessment in before you click the start button. It is
recommended that you complete the assessment in your native language.
 There will be 3 untimed practice questions before the test.
 Once you click the ‘submit response’ button for each question you will be told whether your response is
correct or not, and why.

 You can complete the practice section as many times as you need.

 Once you complete the practice section you will see a message that informs you that you are proceeding
to the timed portion assessment.

 You may choose to skip the practice questions, but we do not recommend that you do this.
 Once you enter the timed portion of the assessment, you cannot pause or exit your assessment.
 There is a time limit for each question: 90 seconds for the first question on each table (or set of tables),
and 75 seconds for each subsequent question on the same table.

 The timer clock for this test is in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The clock will turn red when you
get close to the time limit.

 It will take a maximum of 16 minutes to complete the 12 questions in this test.

After the Test
 Upon completing the final question, you will be able to return to the dashboard to complete additional

 You may take a break before continuing to the next assessment.

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Assessment Information

Elements Verbal

Language Choose the language you would like to complete the assessment in before you click the start button. It is
recommended that you complete the assessment in your native language.
There will be 3 untimed practice questions before the test.
Practice Questions
Once you click the ‘submit response’ button for each question you will be told whether your response is
correct or not, and why.

You can complete the practice section as many times as you need.

Once you complete the practice section you will see a message that informs you that you are proceeding
to the timed portion assessment.

You may choose to skip the practice questions, but we do not recommend that you do this.
Once you enter the timed portion of the assessment, you cannot pause or exit your assessment.
There is a time limit for each question: 75 seconds for the first question on each passage of text, and
60 seconds for each subsequent question on the same passage of text.

The timer clock is in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The clock will turn red when you get close to
the time limit.

It will take a maximum of 16 minutes to complete the 15 questions in this test.

After the Test Upon completing the final question, you will be able to return to the dashboard to complete additional

You may take a break before continuing to the next assessment.

Elements Logic
Note: This assessment will only appear if assigned

Language  Check the language you would like to complete the assessment in before you click the start button. It is
recommended that you complete the assessment in your native language.

Practice Questions There will be a practice sequence, with 14 possible alternatives from which to choose. Select a response,
and practice changing your answer to see your selection appear as part of the sequence.
 You will be told whether your response is correct or not at the bottom of the window. You can complete the
practice questions as many times as you need.
 You may choose to skip the practice sequence but we do not recommend that you do this.

Timing  Once you enter the timed portion of the assessment, you cannot pause or exit your assessment.
 There is a time limit of 75 seconds for each question.

 The timer clock for this test is in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The clock will turn red when you
reach the final 15 seconds for each question.

 It will take a maximum of 15 minutes to complete the 12 sequences in this test.

After the Test  Upon completing the final sequence, you will be able to return to the dashboard to complete additional

 You may take a break before continuing to the next assessment.

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Assessment Information

Aspects Checking
Note: This assessment will only appear if assigned

Language  Choose the language you would like to complete the assessment in before you click the start button. It is
recommended that you complete the assessment in your native language.

Practice Questions The untimed practice section presents two tables of information, with six example questions.
 Once you click the ‘submit response’ button for each question you will be told whether your response is
correct or not, and why.
 You can complete the practice section as many times as you need.
 Once you complete the practice section you will see a message that informs you that you are proceeding
to the timed portion assessment.
 You may choose to skip the practice questions, but we do not recommend that you do this.

Timing  Once you enter the timed portion of the assessment, you cannot pause or exit your assessment.
 There is a time limit for each set of tables. The time limit differs, depending on the table.

 The timer clock for this test is in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The clock will turn red when you
get close to the time limit.

 It will take a maximum of 8 minutes to complete the 8 sets of tables in this test.

After the Test  Upon completing the final question, you will be able to return to the dashboard to complete additional

 You may take a break before continuing to the next assessment.

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Technical Problem Resolution

"Page Cannot be 1. Refresh the browser. Once refreshed you will be redirected back to the test.
Displayed" error in the 2. If unsuccessful, close the browser and log back in again.
middle of the Personality

"Page Cannot be 1. Refresh the browser. Once refreshed you will be redirected back to the test.
Displayed" error, or an 2. If unsuccessful, close the browser and log the applicant in again.
item does not load
correctly in the middle of
the Verbal, Numerical or
Logical reasoning)

System logs you out in 1. Close the browser and log in again.
middle of an assessment. 2. Once logged in again, you should be directed to the last question you completed.
3. If you are logged out twice, you will no longer be able to access your assessment.
Please contact

If you are unsuccessful in resolving an issue please contact the HR Service desk at

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