03-Conn-102 - Glass Railing

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Model - General Data

General Model name : GLASS RAILING
Type of model : 3D
Positive direction of global axis Z : Upward
Classification of load cases and : According to Standard: DIN 1055-100 + DIN 18008 (Glass)
combinations National Annex: None
x Automatically create combinations : x Load Combinations

Options - RF-FORM-FINDING - Find initial equilibrium shapes of membrane and cable structures


- Piping analysis

- Use CQC Rule

- Enable CAD/BIM model

Standard Gravity
g : 32.17 ft/s2

FE Mesh Settings
General Target length of finite elements I FE : 12.000 in
Maximum distance between a node and a line ε : 0.039 in
to integrate it into the line
Maximum number of mesh nodes (in thousands) : 500

Members Number of divisions of members with cable, : 10

elastic foundation, taper, or plastic characteristic
x Activate member divisions for large deformation
or post-critical analysis
x Use division for members with node lying on them

Surfaces Maximum ratio of FE rectangle diagonals ∆D : 1.800

Maximum out-of-plane inclination of two finite α : 0.50 °
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FE Mesh Settings
Shape direction of finite elements : Triangles and quadrangles
x Same squares where possible

1.1 Nodes
Node Reference Coordinate Node Coordinates
No. Node Type Node System X [in] Y [in] Z [in] Comment
1 Standard - Cartesian 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Standard - Cartesian 36.000 0.000 0.000
3 Standard - Cartesian 36.000 0.000 36.000
4 Standard - Cartesian 0.000 0.000 36.000

1.2 Lines
Line Line Length
No. Line Type Nodes No. L [in] Comment
1 Polyline 1,2 36.000 X
2 Polyline 2,3 36.000 Z
3 Polyline 3,4 36.000 X
4 Polyline 4,1 36.000 Z

1.23 FE Mesh Refinements

Refinem FE Mesh Refinement Nodes Number Sphere Target FE Length [in]
No. applied to No. Divisions Radius [in] Inner Outer Comment
1 Surfaces 1 3.000 Created by RF-GLASS

2.1 Load Cases

Load Load Case Self-Weight - Factor in Direction
Case Description Action Category Active X Y Z Load Duration
LC1 LIVE LOAD Permanent x 0.000 0.000 -1.000 Permanent



3.3 Line Loads
Reference Load Load Load Load Parameters
No. to On Lines No. Type Distribution Direction Symbol Value Unit
1 Lines 3 Force Uniform YL p 0.050 kip/ft


1.2 Layers
Comp. Layer Layer Material Description Thickness Material Parameters
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No. No. Type t [in] Description Symbol Value Unit

1 Composition 1
1 Glass Thermally Toughened Float Glass 0.38 Modulus of Elasticity E 10152600.0 psi
Shear Modulus G 4127090.0 psi
Poisson's Ratio ν 0.230 -
Specific Weight γ 153.05 lbf/ft3
Coeff. of Th. Exp. αT 0.0 1/°F
Limit Stress σlimit 17404.5 psi
Thermal Conductivity λ 0.578 BTU/hr/ft
Thermally Toughened x
Laminated Safety Glass x
2 Foil PVB long time loading 0.03 Modulus of Elasticity E 4.4 psi
Shear Modulus G 1.5 psi
Poisson's Ratio ν 0.499 -
Specific Weight γ 65.51 lbf/ft3
Coeff. of Th. Exp. αT 0.0 1/°F
Thermal Conductivity λ 0.578 BTU/hr/ft
3 Glass Thermally Toughened Float Glass 0.38 Modulus of Elasticity E 10152600.0 psi
Shear Modulus G 4127090.0 psi
Poisson's Ratio ν 0.230 -
Specific Weight γ 153.05 lbf/ft3
Coeff. of Th. Exp. αT 0.0 1/°F
Limit Stress σlimit 17404.5 psi
Thermal Conductivity λ 0.578 BTU/hr/ft
Thermally Toughened x
Laminated Safety Glass x

1.2.1 Layer Diagrams

1.3 Line Supports

Comp. Support On Lines Support Layer/ Location Reference Rotation Support Conditions
No. No. No. Type Packet System β [rad] Condition Nonlinearity Value Unit
1 Composition 1
1 1 Rigid 1 Centerline Local 0.000 ux None x
uy None x
uz None x
ϕX x
ϕY x
ϕZ x

2.1 Max Stress Ratio by Loading

Load- Surface Point Point Coordinates [ft] Layer Stresses [psi], [rad] Ratio
ing No. No. X Y Z No. z [in] Side Symbol Existing Limit [-]
1 24 2.75 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Top σx 911.46 6000 0.15191
1 24 2.75 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Top σy 3666.59 6000 0.611098
1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.19 Middle τyz 148.60
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2.1 Max Stress Ratio by Loading

Load- Surface Point Point Coordinates [ft] Layer Stresses [psi], [rad] Ratio
ing No. No. X Y Z No. z [in] Side Symbol Existing Limit [-]
1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.19 Middle τxz -59.61
1 25 3.00 0.00 0.25 1 0.38 Bottom τxy -580.01
1 24 2.75 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Top σ1 3668.27 6000 0.611378
1 24 2.75 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Top σ2 909.79 6000 0.151632
1 13 1.50 0.00 0.25 1 0.00 Top α 1.571

3.1 Parts List

Surface Material Description Thickness No. of Area Coating Volume Weight
No. t [in] Layers [ft2] [ft2] [ft3] [kip]
1 Thermally Toughened Float Glass 0.38 2 9.00 18.00 0.56 0.09
PVB long time loading 0.03 1 9.00 0.00 0.02 0.00
Σ 0.78 3 9.00 18.00 0.58 0.09

Σ Total 9.00 18.00 0.58 0.09


1 X

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