Safari - 17-May-2023 at 1:20 PM

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In our comingIIIMinistinnwe win discusshad to

prove the MVT also known as Lagrange's Mean value
In our last class we discovered the proof of
We will also discuss
If I f l IM on an interval I and a e I then
I fat !ail E M a a for every si f I
Suppo" and g are continuous on fast and
on a b with !at gal and ! bl glbl Prove that
there is a C E ai bl such that tic i g let
Suppoxe $x continuous on11,27 anddi#erentiable
in wilt f 121 2 f 111 Prove that there in a c f tr
such that thetangent line to the graph o# at
CC if a passesthroughthe origin
If f's o on an interval than $x constant
Suppore f in di#erentiable on la b and continuum on
fa bl wilt !at $b 1 0 Prove that for every
A FIR F c f labl aud that !i" X !at


O If t g on an interval than f and g di#er

by a constant

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