Workout I

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Workout phase I


Training Frequency(ideal)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

workout A Workout b Active rest Workout A Workout C Active rest Active rest
Active rest(yoga, light hiit, cardio)
Exercise Order and Rest Intervals

Exercises with the same letter means that they are part of a circuit. After 1 set of A1, perform A2 then
perform A3 and so on. Follow the recommended rest intervals at the right most portion of the table.


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest

A1 SPLIT SQUAT (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-2-1-1 15-20s
A2 ISO HOLD PUSH UP 2/2/3/3 8/10/8/10 2-3 sec 15-20s pause
A3 BENT LEG SIT UPS (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-1-2-1 30s -1m per set
2-3 mins
next circuit


2/2/3/3 – the 4 numbers represent the number of weeks and the recommended number of set and reps
for the said week. For the first week of split squats, perform 2 sets of 12 reps per side. For the second
week, perform 2 sets of 15 reps. If it is a unilateral lift, it means that both extremities will perform the
same number of reps. In this case, for the split squat, perform 12 reps for the left leg and 12 reps for the
right leg.

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest

A1 SPLIT SQUAT (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-2-1-1 15-20s
A2 ISO HOLD PUSH UP 2/2/3/3 8/10/8/10 2-3 sec 15-20s pause
A3 BENT LEG SIT UPS (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-1-2-1 30s -1m

Tempo (ex. 3-1-x-1)

1st number – pertains to the eccentric contraction(lowering or muscle lengthening )
2nd number- pertains to the isometric contraction at lengthened position
3rd number – pertains to concentric action (muscle shortening or going up)
4th number – pertains to the pause in between repetitions

X- perform the movement as quickly as possible

0- or zero means that there is no pause in between eccentric and concentric actions
Iso hold – means hold the certain position

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest

A1 SPLIT SQUAT (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-1-x-1 15-20s
A2 ISO HOLD PUSH UP 2/2/3/3 8/10/8/10 2-3 sec 15-20s hold
A3 BENT LEG SIT UPS (with weight) 2/2/3/3 12/15/12/15 2-0-2-1 30s -1m

Side Lying Open Book Stretch – 5 per side

Active Isolated Hamstring Stretch
Quadruped T spine Rotations – 5 per side
Kneeling Quad Stretch -30secs
Toe reach to stand -5-8 reps

Work out A
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Back Squats 2/3/4/2 8/8/6/8 4-3-1-1 2mins

A2 Weighted push ups/ Bench press 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 4-1-x-1

B1 Forward Lunges Weighted 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-0-x-1 2mins

B2 2DB Rows 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 1-3-x-1

C1 weighted Frog Pumps 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 2-3-1-1 2 mins

C2 2DB shoulder Press 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-0-1-1

D1 Cable Tricep rush down 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 30 secs

D2 Planks weighted or Hanging leg raise 2/3/4/2 45sec

Workout B
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 2Db/Bench press 2/3/4/2 8/8/6/8 3-0-x-1 2mins

A2 Back Squats 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 4-0-1-1

B1 2DB deadlift 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 6-0-1-1 2 mins

B2 3pt rows Dumbbell 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-1-x-1

C1 single leg hip thrust weighted 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-2-x-1 2mins

C2 Lateral Raises 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-0-x-1 2 mins

D1 2/3/4/2 15 reps 30sec

Hanging Leg raises
D2 Triceps dumbbell overhead extension 2/3/4/2 15 reps
Workout C
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Weighted hip thrust 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 4-0-1-1 2mins

A2 Incline Bench press 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 4-0-1-1 2mins

B1 2 Dumbbell forward lunges 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-2-x-1 2mins

B2 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-1-x-2 2mins
2Db rows Pwede cable rows
C1 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-1-x-1 2mins
Single leg glute bridges
C2 2/3/4/2 15/12/12/15 3-0-2-1 2mins
Bicep curls
D1 Hammer Curls 2/3/4/2 15reps 2-3-1-1 30sec
D2 Hanging Leg raise Hold 2/3/4/2 30s/45s/45s/30s 3mins

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