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Submission of Mini Project Report:

1. Each student will make at least two coples of project report in the recommended format. It
be typed on one side. The students will keep one copy of the project with themselves for their
reference in future and submit one copy to the concerned guide (internal) of the Management
2. Title/Proiect of two or more student cannot be same. It will not be acceptable.
3. Each student is also required to make a soft copy of project and submit along with your project
4. The size of the report would depend on the project undertaken. The project report must have at
least 40 (approx) pages typed on A4 size paper. All the students are required to use the uniform
font and format (except in heading and subheadings) throughout the text of the report. For example,
if anybody uses "Times New Roman" font size 12 in the text, then he/she will be using the same
throughout the report.
5. If any material in the report is picked up from any source and the source name is not referred in
the bibliography section then it will be treated as a case of plagiarism (Cheating).
6. If the student uses any table/graph/ Fiqure, then it is to be numbered and source of information
from which it is collected, is to be mentioned under each.
7. Please do not include any header or footer in any page of the report. Only page numbers
be mentioned at the bottom center of each page.
Typing Instructions:
Paper A4 Size
" Font (Times New Roman)- 12 Points
" Spacing between two lines 1.5
" Margins Left = 1.5 inch, Right = 1 inch
Spacing within a sentence
o Between words: 1 space
o After a colon: 2 spaces
o After a semi colon: 2 spaces
o After a comma: 1 space
o After a full stop: 2 spaces

Other Content Related Guidelines

Do not copy and paste information from other documents. Always write in your own words.
If you need to include information from other sources, properly quote or paraphrase, and give

" Be consistent with the use of your abbreviations and state their long form when they are used
for the first time.

" Be correct, consistent, and complete.

" Make sure you cite any ideas that you borrow from other sources.

For clarification on any point, student can feel free to contact to the Department of Business
Administration, RiMT, Bareilly.

Sequence of the Project Report

The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the Manuscript as well as the
Final report (Manuscript can be spiral bound):
1-Cover Page (on the hard bound cover)
2-Title Page
3- Acknowledgement
4- Executive Summary
5- Contents Page
1- Format of Cover Page

<Project Title> (Size 18)



Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirerment for the award of degree (talic size 16)


(Font-Monotype Corsiva, size 16)

(Logo of University)
<Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow> (Size 14)

<Student Name> (size14)


Internal: Name of the Supervisor (Size 14)


Department of Business Administration (Size 16)

Rajshree Institute of Management and Technology, Bareilly (size 18)
2- Sample Format of Title Page of the Prolect report (No Page No. on this page)

<Project Title> (Size 18)



Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree (Italic size 16)


(Font-Monotype Corsiva, size 16)

(Logo of University)
< Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow > (Size 14)

<Student Name> (size14)


Internal: Name of the Supervisor (Size 14)


Department of Business Administration (Size 16)

Rajshree institute of Management and Technology, Bareilly (size 18)
Sample Format of Acknowledgemont


It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the

development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course
of study.
Iexpress my sincere gratitude to ...., Rajshree Institute of Management &
Technology, Bareilly, for his guidance.
Iam thankful to Mr.
I am also thankful to Mr. ...........for inspiration and guidance given to me for my project.
Ialso extend my sincere appreciation to Mr/Ms. who provided his
valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and
my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that
improved my quality of work.

(Name of the student)

Executive Summary

It is a summary of a report prepared to give a brief but complete description of the purpose,
Methods used, resuts, and conclusions of your investigation for project report.

(Max- 2-3 Pages)

CONTENTS PAGE (as per following format)

Page No.
Chapter 1- Introduction

Have an introductory section that will make a smooth beginning to the document. Chapter- I
should contain introduction of the topic and company, the main focus area of the company, and
your motivation for choosing this company, Need of the study, Scope the study etc.

Chapter I| - Research Methodology

This chapter would contain the Research Methodology of the project report. It include Objective
of the study, Sources of data, Sample size, if any, Methods of data collection, Instrument used,

Research design, Tools and techniques of analysis, etc.

Chapter- Il- Organization Information

It should contain introduction about the organization, Vision and mission of company,
organization structure of the company, its Product line, Features of the Product Marketing
strategies, competitors, Govt. Policies, Taxation aspects, Major problems, Achievements, Share
Market position, National and International Image, Future Prospects, etc.
Chapter-tV. Descriptive work of subtoplcs of the study (It should not to be mentioned as
a chapter title)
This is the most important part of your report. It should contain detail about the various subtopics
of the projects. The number of sections in this part, their titles, and their contents depend on the
work that you have done and the information you would like to provide. This part shouid include
at least the following:
Information about the main topic, if the work you have done is part of such a topic.
Detailed description of the work done, clearly state your own contribution and clearly identify
the distinctions from others' work.

ChapterV- Feasibility Analysis/Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter -V should contain the analysis of the questionnaire and other data collected from the
different sources by using latest techniques. An interpretation an explanation, a means of
presenting information in understandable terms.

Chapter VI- Conclusions, Suggestions and Limitatlons of the Study

Aconclusion is the final section of a report in which you have to tie together what was presented in
the report, summing up the main point, explaining how the report was proven, and successfully
closing the discussion. The conclusion is often the most difficult part of a report to write, and many
students feel that they have nothing left to say after having presented points proving their thesis in
the body of the report. However, the conclusion is often the part of the report that a reader
remembers best, and thus must be effective to be strong. Here you summarize the work you have
done. Clearly re-state your contribution, what you have learned, experienced and acquired. Relate
these to what you have learned in the organization. You can also give your suggestions and do not
forget to quote the limitations of your study.

-Annexure (If any)
-Checklist for the tems in the report
Bibliography (Please refer to the sample format given below)

Format for giving Bibliography or References

Bibliography or References can be incuded in the report according to the format given in the
following examples. References should be cited propertly inside the text of the report.

Author, (Year). Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher.

One Author Example: Brinkley, (1993). Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf,.
Two or More Authors Examnple: Rowe, Richard, and Lary Jeffus. (2000). The Essential Welder:
Gas Metal Arc Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar.
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s).
Example: Davis, William D., Thomas Cleary, Michelle Donnelly, and Samuel Hellerman.
(2003) "Using Sensor Signals to Analyze Fires." Fire Technology 39: 295-308.


Supplementary &Secondary Reference
" Original data collected from company
Long Tables
" Questionnaires & Letters

" Schedules or forms used in collecting data

" Internet Printout
" Industry Printout

Sample format of Content page
Page No.
Chapter - Introduction
1.1 Overview of the topic
1.2 Review of Literature
1.3 Need of the study vii
1.4 Scope the study etc. vii

Chapter l- Research Methodology

2.1 Objectives of the study
2.2 Research Methodology
2.2.1 Research Design
2.2.2 Sources of Data Collection (Primary, Secondary)
2.2.3 Methods of data collection
22.4 Sample Size
2.2.5 Hypothesise of the
2.2.6 Tools and Techniques used in Data Analysis

Chapter lll- Organization Information

3.1 Introduction about the Industry (FMCG/Consumer Durable/Retail..)
3.2 Introduction about the company XiV
3 Mission and Vision of the Company XV
3.3 Organizational structure of the company xVi
3.4 Products and Pricing strategies of the company XV
3.5 Pricing and Distribution Strategies of Company xix
3.6 Future growth expansion and diversification plans of the company XXi

Chapter-V- Descriptive Work

Marketing Mix
4.1.1 Product XXiV
4.1.2 Price XX\
4.1.3 Promotion XXVi
4.1.4 Place XXVii
4.2 Role and lImportance of Marketing Mix XXX

Chapter V- Feasibility Analysis/Data Analysis and Interpretation

5.1 Analysis of Questionnaire XXX0

Chapter VI- Conclusions, Suggestions and Limitations of the Study

6.1 Conclusion XXXX


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