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A 31 1 33 B 29

1 34 6 -1
4 5 1 20

C 2 10 17 k=2
30 1 7
20 31 31

1558 210 690 962 -56
115 -987 1095 62 -900
131 -163 227 648 448

248 812 985 31 5
-312 920 727 29 -30
480 336 548 40 43

Matrix Multiplication


1558 210 690 962 -56 944

115 -987 1095 62 -900 -188
131 -163 227 648 448 736


23216 37180 49346 23216 37180 49346

-7480 34108 28991 = -7480 34108 28991
-88 8184 8123 -88 8184 8123


2310 1544 2247 2310 1544 2247

1257 -757 1536 = 1257 -757 1536
309 -87 361 309 -87 361


31 1 33 = 31 1 33
1 34 6 1 34 6
4 5 1 4 5 1

Scalar multiplication

120 -8 100 120 -8 100

0 6 74 = 0 6 74
48 34 10 48 34 10


93 3 99 93 3 99
3 102 18 = 3 102 18
12 15 3 12 15 3


62 2 66 62 2 66
2 68 12 = 2 68 12
8 10 2 8 10 2


-62 -2 -66 = -62 -2 -66

-2 -68 -12 -2 -68 -12
-8 -10 -2 -8 -10 -2


31 1 33 31 1 33
1 34 6 = 1 34 6
4 5 1 4 5 1

Transpose of Matrices

For a matrix A, (A^T)^T=A

31 1 4 31 1 33
1 34 5 = 1 34 6
33 6 1 4 5 1

For any two matrices of the same order, (A+B)^T=A^T+B^T

60 0 24 60 0 24
-4 3 17 = -4 3 17
50 37 5 50 37 5

For a matrix A with scalar k, (Ka)^T=k(A^T)

62 2 8 62 2 8
2 68 10 = 2 68 10
66 12 2 66 12 2

For matrices A & B such that AB exists, (AB)^T=B^T*A T

899 -1 80 899 -1 80
-5 -1054 60 = -5 -1054 60
561 186 4 561 186 4

Adjoint and Inverse of matrices

Inverse exists only when a matrix is non-singular that is the determinant is non-zero

If A and B are invertible matrices of the same order, (AB)-1=B-1A -1

-0.002 -0.005 0.030 -0.002 -0.005 0.030

0.004 0.009 -0.054 0.004 0.009 -0.054
0.004 0.009 -0.052 0.004 0.009 -0.052

If A is invertible, (A^T)^-1=(A^-1)^T

0.00 -0.01 0.03 0.00 -0.01

-0.04 0.02 0.04 = -0.04 0.02
0.27 0.04 -0.25 0.27 0.04

If A is a non-singular matrix of order n, |adj A|= |A|^n-1

Adjoint of A
4 23 -131 4 164
A 164 -101 -151 = 23 -101
Co-factor m -1116 -153 1053 -131 -151

If A and B are non-singular square matrices of order n, adj (AB)=(adj B)*(adj A)

-45564 117340 910980 -45564 -160140

AB -160140 263276 281464 = 117340 263276
910980 -1626660 -1561896 910980 281464
B -496 224 372 -496 224
224 -224 -448 = 224 -224
372 -916 -904 372 -448
-5 17
-31 31
12 4

944 140 427 143 1 0 0
-188 959 99 1003 0 1 0
736 775 1229 877 0 0 1

34 752 1334 1557 60 -4 50
38 1142 230 441 0 3 37
35 178 76 134 24 17 5


31 1 4 29 -1 20
1 34 5 -5 -31 12
33 6 1 17 31 4

= 31 1 33
1 34 6
4 5 1

62 2 66
= 2 68 12
8 10 2

= -62 -2 -66
-2 -68 -12
-8 -10 -2

Determinant of Determinant of |A|^n-1

-1116 |adj A| |A|
-153 = 17438976 -4176 17438976

910980 -45564 -160140 910980

-1626660 = 115740 197676 -1180260
-1561896 109608 242760 -1298520
372 = -45564 -160140 910980
-916 115740 197676 -1180260
-904 109608 242760 -1298520

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