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Volume: 6
Pages: 832-846
Document ID: 2022PEMJ490
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7530147
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-10-1
Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

A Tracer Study of the College of Education Programs in

Mindanao State University –Maguindanao
Rahmia M. Meto*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Tracer study is a tool used to evaluate and monitor curriculum and training programs. This
tracer study determined the personal and academic details, the employment conditions, and the
levels of application on the three domains of learning of the three fields of specialization with the
present job of the graduates of the College of Education programs in Mindanao State University –
Maguindanao from the school year 2018-2019 to 2019-2020, specifically BSEd - Mathematics, BSEd
- English, and BEEd - General Education programs. The study used a descriptive survey research
design using an online survey questionnaire (Google Form). The total number of graduates for the
identified degree programs and year of graduation is 161 but only 159 or 98.8% responded to the
survey. Results revealed that most of the graduates have acquired their professional license and
practiced their profession applying their acquired learning in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
domain positively while teaching. Further, it is concluded that the College of Education in Mindanao
State University – Maguindanao successfully delivered the learning experiences needed by their
students in the future. They provide high-quality education and produce competent and productive
graduates with a high employability rate and a high number of graduates who successfully passed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers.

Keywords: personal and academic details, employment conditions, domains of learning

Introduction one of the required documents by any higher education

accrediting body.
Tracer study is a tool used to evaluate and monitor
curriculum and training programs. It is important to According to Regmi (2009), conducting tracer studies
assess and determine the effectiveness of student’s connects the graduates and the school or Alma Mater.
learning and skills. Tracing the graduates helps Graduates were allowed to assess the curriculum,
recognize the needs for graduates’ improvement and learning experiences, and job prospects. It assists the
develop a better disposition for those still enrolled in institution in evaluating its ability to provide high-
the program (Kebedom, 2010). An academic quality education and produce competent and
institution needs to identify whether the school meets productive graduates. Its goal is to establish the
its goal and determine if its programs provide quality curriculum's efficacy and relevance and impact
education and pass accreditation standards. students' learning experiences on employment
following graduation. It evaluates the graduates' work
The Philippines’ accreditation of curricular programs, positions and how far they have progressed after
known as the Accrediting Agency of Chartered receiving their college education.
Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc.
(AACCUP), aims to develop a mechanism for and According to Kebedom (2010), tracing graduates
evaluate programs and institutions. Programs that have examines the adequacy of one particular institution
passed the standards and awarded accreditation status that provides for workforce needs of all sectors. In
primarily lend prestige to member institutions justified order to attain this purpose, the level of employment,
by possessing quality standards and unremitting efforts graduates’ unemployment situation, employer
to maintain them at a high level (AACCUP, 1987). It perception, competence, and relevance of graduate
is vital for every institution to regularly conduct employees, both graduates and employer’s feelings
graduate tracer studies to monitor its graduates in were about to consider. The tracer study of graduates
terms of how they perform in their chosen careers and may also gather data on the curriculum's relevance and
courses. graduates' satisfaction with their academic preparation
(Aquino et al., 2015).
The Commission on Higher Education in the
Philippines requires all Higher Education Institutions To evaluate the curriculum's relevance and graduates'
to conduct a tracer study and is equally reflected as satisfaction, it is very needed to regularly conduct
graduate tracer studies. In addition, since the College

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of Education of Mindanao State University - Employability, Eligibility, Employment Status, Reason

Maguindanao is currently preparing for its Level I for Unemployment, Occupation, Nature of
evaluation for accreditation, and one of the reportorial Occupation, Job Level Position, Monthly Earning on
requirements of the AACCUP for their assessment of the Present Job, Job Search Period, Ways of Finding
the programs in the area of curriculum and instruction Job, Domains of Learning, Cognitive Domain,
is the information on program outcomes in terms of Affective Domain, Psychomotor Domain, Complete
employment of the graduates for the last three years. Enumeration Sampling, Descriptive Survey Research,
Hence, this study will be conducted to help with such the Theoretical Framework and Conceptual
requirements. Framework of the study.

This prompted the researcher to conduct a tracer study Brief History of College of Education
of the College of Education programs in Mindanao
State University – Maguindanao. A survey done in the early 1980s revealed that the
province of Maguindanao lacked qualified and
Research Questions competent elementary and high school teachers. This
was mainly attributed to the transfer of teachers to
This study aimed to trace the graduates of the College other government agencies.
of Education programs: BSEd - Mathematics, BSEd -
English, and BEEd - General Education in Mindanao This problem of lack of teachers in the region led to
State University – Maguindanao from the school year the offering of the Bachelor of Education courses by
2018-2019 to 2019-2020. Specifically, the study Mindanao State University – Maguindanao. Thus, in
sought answers to the following questions: 1983, the BSE degree program with English and
Mathematics as fields of specialization was offered.
1. What are the personal and academic details of the The board of regents of Mindanao State University
graduates of the College of Education in Mindanao approved the offering of Bachelor of Science in
State University – Maguindanao in terms of: Secondary Education in its 117th meeting on April 20,
1.1. Sex; 1983. The resolution was implemented during the first
1.2. Civil Status; semester of the school year 1983 – 1984 with Prof.
1.3. Field of Specialization; Carmen C. Toledo as its head. During that time only
1.4. Year of Graduation; 150 students were enrolled in the college.
1.5. Eligibility; and
1.6. Highest Educational Attainment? In the 1st semester of the school year 2018-2019, the
2. What are the employment conditions of the revised curricular programs of college of education
graduates in terms of: such as BSEd - English, BSEd - Mathematics, and
2.1. Employment Status; BEEd - General Education was approved by the
2.2. Reason for Unemployment;
University President and the Executive Committee of
2.3. Occupation;
the Board of Regents on 241st Meeting on December
2.4. Nature of Occupation;
20, 2017, under BOR Resolution No. 357s, 2018.
2.5. Job Level Position;
2.6. Monthly Earning on the Present Job Tracer Study
2.7. Job Search Period; and
2.8. Ways of Finding a Job? A tracer study is an evaluation and monitoring tool for
3. What are the levels of application on the three training programs and curricula. It is critical to assess
domains of learning of the three fields of specialization the efficiency with which pupils are taught and skills
with the present job of the graduates in terms of: are acquired. It will aid in recognizing the need for
3.1. Cognitive Domain; graduates to improve and develop a more positive
3.2. Affective Domain; and attitude in those remaining in the program. The quality
3.3. Psychomotor Domain? of education will be reflected in the quality and
adequacy of personnel, as well as strong graduation
Literature Review performance (Kebedom, 2010).

As stated, the graduate tracer study aims to

This section presents the review of related literature demonstrate the success of education and training to
particularly on the Brief History of College of the graduates and employers, to figure out how
Education, Tracer Study, Fresh Graduates’ graduates got their first job, to see if work assignments

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

are connected to their field of study, and to serve as a employment minimum age for hazardous occupations
basis for future planning activities. is 18 years, whereas the minimum age of employment
for non-hazardous jobs is 15 years. Children under the
According to Regmi (2009), conducting tracer studies age of 15 may hired in non-hazardous employment if
connects the graduates and the school or their Alma employer does not interfere with their education.
Mater. Graduates were allowed to assess the
curriculum, learning experiences, and job prospects. It The second is the physical appearance. According to
assists the institution in evaluating its ability to Kokemuller (2010), in a few seconds, hiring managers
provide high-quality education and produce competent create their initial impressions of the candidate. In
and productive graduates. Its goal is to establish the addition to the way they seem in their clothing and
curriculum's efficacy and relevance, as well as the appearance, their manner of greeting and entering the
impact of students' learning experiences on room also play a role in creating this impression. A
employment following graduation. It evaluates the competent and capable professional's look, is an
graduates' work position and how far they have important part. Physical appearance has an effect on
progressed after receiving their college education. one's employment chances, relative income, and
advancement possibilities. Physical and social beauty
Schomburg (2003) states that “graduate survey provide significant advantages in all social
findings are significant for the analysis of relationship interactions, including the ability to ensure colleagues'
between higher education and work”. Moreover, collaboration, increase a person's persuasiveness, and
Millington (2001) states that “they provide quantitative sell things." (Miller, 2011).
structural data on career and employment, information
on the professional orientation, experiences, the nature The third is soft competency. As Prising (2011) stated,
of employment and related competencies of their the fundamental issue for college graduates is that they
graduates.” In addition, the data gathered is an are not competent enough, not that they lack talents.
essential measure of higher education quality. The "Just because you graduated from college does not
Commission on Higher Education in the Philippines guarantee you are job-ready," he explains. He also said
requires all Higher Education Institutions to conduct a that a stronger education system provides pupils with
tracer study and it will be reflected as one of the early information about the occupations available in
required documents by any higher education the industry. Companies that are prepared to recruit
accrediting body such as the Accrediting Agency of fresh graduates with rudimentary skills and teach them
Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines to match the company's requirements before putting
(AACCUP), Inc. them on the work are more flexible.

Fresh Graduates’ Employability Based on research conducted by Fay and Frese (2013),
in today's workplace, initiative has become more vital.
As a graduate enters the workforce, he or she will Companies want individuals who can think for
undergo a major shift in both their professional and themselves, stand on their own, and act without being
personal life. The transition from the classroom to the told what to do. After all, teams and organizations with
workplace is more than just a simple shift from the this kind of boldness and adaptability are more likely
classroom to the workplace; it also includes to innovate and reduce or eliminate competition.
professional growth, new social networks, the
application of individual potentials, and freedom that The fourth is work experiences. According to Hotel
comes with being your own person. These events are Business Magazine (2013), internships and job
milestones in the lives of young people (Rok, 2013). trainings can prove essential in opening up
opportunities for those entering the industry.
With a rising number of applications, today's young Employers often pick applicants with real-world
graduates will surely face stiff competition and experience over those without. They prefer to hire
challenges in finding new employment. The following individuals who are currently in the field since it
are the aspects to consider while securing and speeds up the training process.
obtaining a job after graduation:
In a study conducted by Weligamage (2009), he
First is the personal profile of the applicants. Gender concluded that the significance of education for
and age play a vital role and significantly impact the employability in the present shifting business climate
fresh graduates’ employability status, as some of the is based not on skills but on practical experience. To
graduates face gender discrimination in workplace and strengthen and increase the graduate's competitive
underage labor. According to DOLE (2010), the advantage for work, students must build employability

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

skills and obtain subject-specific knowledge. individuals who are out of a job or work. Those active
in family care, early retirees, students, long-term ill,
The fifth is education. In a study conducted by and on maternity leave fall into the last group. It is
Macatangay (2013), work-related values such as love usual to refer to someone as employed or jobless when
of truth, love of God, loyalty and honesty to superiors, discussing their work situation. However, when
as well as school-related variables such as education considering how the working-age population is
and curriculum, have a significant role in employment. involved with the labor market, the economically
Education may play a critical role in locating and inactive emerges (Barham. C, 2002).
securing a profession that provides both monetary and
intrinsic satisfaction. The kind of work you may get More recently, the unemployed and economically
depends on your degree of schooling. If you have more inactive (EI) have been collectively referred to as the
education, you will be able to apply for a wider ‘ w o r k le s s ’ p o p u l a t io n ( R i t c h ie H et al.
selection of jobs. The jobs you can attain frequently 2005).
pay more and provide opportunities for advancement
(Kokemuller, 2010). The economically inactive include those who are not
in work and do not satisfy all the International Labor
Eligibility Organization’s (ILO) definition of unemployment and
are therefore neither working nor actively seeking
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) was work. The economically inactive population is made
established by Republic Act 7836 in the Philippines to up of three primary groups: the continuously ill, many
develop teachers and improve the country's of whom get sickness-related benefits; and the
educational system. The test for graduates of the economically inactive people (Brown J, 2008), those
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) program who, by choice or need, are employed and responsible
consists of two parts: General Education and for their homes and families, as well as students and
Professional Education. The test consists of three retirees.
components for Bachelor of Secondary Education
A person is self-employed when they run their
(BSEd) graduates: General Education, Professional
business for themselves, and they are responsible for
Education, and their field of specialty.
its failure or success. Self-employed people are not
Republic Act 7836 or otherwise known as paid via the payee and therefore do not have the same
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of rights and duties as employees. Because they are their
own employer, most employment laws do not apply to
1994, is an act to strengthen the regulation and
self-employed persons. However, if a person is self-
supervision of teaching in the Philippines and
employed, they are still protected for their safety and
prescribe a licensure examination for teachers and
health, as well as, in certain situations, discrimination,
other purposes. A valid registration certificate and
and their obligations and rights are defined by the
professional license from the Commission are required terms of the contract they have with their customer.
before any individual can practice as a professional
teacher in the Philippines. Reasons for Unemployment

If an examinee fails to pass the merit examination, Unemployment is distressing for graduates because it
they are allowed to take the examination for a second affects many parts of their personal lives, especially
time. If they fail for a second time, then they are those who have taken out school debt. According to
required to take a DECS accredited refresher program statistics, the graduate unemployment rate has risen
or course before being allowed to retake the over the last decade as the number of graduates
examination. entering the labor force has climbed. Graduate
unemployment has increased since the crisis, making it
Employment Status more difficult for graduates to obtain a job in their
chosen field.
Current labor force status is categorized into
employed, unemployed, and inactive. The first According to Morley (2001), another factor for
category comprises those individuals who have unemployment is a mismatch between students'
worked under the terms of an employment contract. practical job requirements and the developed abilities
The contract could be expressly agreed upon orally or and skills in school. A person's ability to find work is
in writing, or it can be implied by the nature of the influenced not just by their academic success but also
relationship. The second category comprises those by their personal history. Gender, ethnicity, and

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

socioeconomic status all influence whether or not an categorized in related professions. Specifically, it
applicant gets hired. shows that majority of the graduates’ first and current
job is in the business. Graduates’ first or current job
In addition, the experiences and skills gained through engages in government; others are in the industry
the college curriculum are sometimes not enough for sector and have the work related to their field (Aljon
entry-level positions (Pauw, et al., 2006). When J., 2019).
education is limited to a general level, it does not
always provide the precise skills required for Job Level Position
employment. (Pauw, et al., 2008). The school's
traditional curriculum do not correspond to society's According to Aljon J. (2019), in his tracer study on
actual demands, and these discrepancies lead to Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education graduates, it
unemployment (Sparber & Fan, 2012). was concluded that as to the graduates’ current
position held, the biggest proportion of graduates
Graduate unemployment is a personal issue linked to appears to be in entry-level positions while few
various societal concerns, including crime, poverty, percent have jobs that belong to a middle-level
and job happiness. To alleviate and mitigate the category and other related professions job position
unemployment issue, thorough consideration of respectively.
society is essential. Even though graduates have
acquired the necessary talents and skills throughout This implies that graduates could obtain work right
their college education, the market may not accept after graduation, and their current position in various
them due to capital constraints. Collaboration between labor markets was related to their course in college.
people and so ciety is essential to reduce They can work effectively as entry-level professionals.
un emp loy men t rates.
It is also important to note that there are graduates
Occupation holding a middle-level position in a short span of time.
It is an indication that graduates are competitive, and
Occupation is a person's profession or business or their acquired skills and knowledge and related fields
principal work, especially to earn a living. It is a basic facilitated their growth to positions of increased
human need and has been postulated to be how responsibility.
individuals procure the essentials of life, such as food,
shelter, safety, and other essential elements of Monthly Earning on the Present Job
existence (Wilcock, 1993).
In the study “A Tracer Study on the Employment
Occupation gives meaning and purpose to a person’s Status”, the monthly income of the 67 respondents, 53
life (Fidler, et al., 1978), stating that "it is through such were employed. It reveals that 3 or 5% of them earn
activity, occupation, and feedback from both people less than 5,000 pesos per month, whereas 15 or 27% of
and non-human things that a person gets to them earn between 5,000 and 10,000 pesos per month,
comprehend the limits and possibilities of self and which is also the average minimum salary. 17
environment, and reaches a feeling of self-worth and graduates, or 30%, earn between 10,000 and 15,000
competence". Breines (1989), suggested that persons pesos, while 21 respondents make more than 15,000
are motivated to make a difference in their own lives, pesos.
and the lives of others and that work gives them the
tools to do so. The concept that one's employment Gefilloyd L. De Castro (2017), in his “Tracer Study of
offers purpose to one's life captures the essence of Hotel and Restaurant Management Graduates of One
what one does on a daily basis. What people do each State College in the Philippines from 2014-2016”, it
day provides them a feeling of purpose, adds to the shows that 29% or 42 out of the 144 graduates or the
meaning they assign to their lives, and helps organize majority of them earn a monthly salary of ₱5,000 to
their behavior and keep track of time. less than ₱10,000 followed by 39 (29%) who earn
₱10,000 to less than ₱15,000. For ordinary people
Nature of Occupation and those with fewer family responsibilities, this may
already be a good income. However, may not be a
After completion of the four-year course program, suitable indicator of monthly gross income for persons
graduates can pursue a career related to their with family dependents and other obligations. A good
professions. The nature of graduates' work varies gross monthly income ranges from ₱20,000 to less
widely among the four major fields: industry, business, than ₱25,000, with ₱25,000 being the best. Despite
government, and education. Occupation of others was this, only 2 (1%) of the 144 graduates have an average

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

salary of ₱20,000 to less than ₱25,000, and 4 (3%) In 1956, Dr. Benjamin Bloom, a psychologist and a
have a salary of ₱25,000 or more. committee of educational experts developed three
taxonomies, or learning domains, to improve a
All graduates with a salary of more than ₱25,000 student's learning skills. These were the cognitive,
work overseas. When the salaries of graduates who affective, and psychomotor domains.
work as managers or supervisors in the Philippines are
compared to the salaries of graduates who work as a The domains of learning, which were first created
service crew in other countries, it is clear that the latter between 1956 and 1972, have received significant
earns more. contributions from experts and researchers in area of
education. Benjamin Bloom's (cognitive domain),
Job Search Period David Krathwohl's (affective domain), and Anita
Harrow's (psychomotor domain) studies have all been
According to Celis, Festijo, and Cueto (2013), one incorporated into the three domains of learning (Sousa,
factor that assesses or determines the academic 2016).
institution's effectiveness is the graduates’
employability. The quality of graduates is determined Cognitive Domain
mainly by the training and facilities provided. These
will ensure graduates have the information, skills, and The cognitive domain aims to develop the acquisition
values necessary to operate in their chosen industries. of knowledge and the mental skills of the individual. It
is when we reason and think for specific knowledge-
Gefilloyd L. De Castro (2017), in his “Tracer Study of
based skills. It includes processing information,
Hotel and Restaurant Management Graduates of One
developing understanding, applying knowledge,
State College in the Philippines from 2014-2016”,
solving problems, and conducting research. The
shows that the majority of graduates (35%) got their
cognitive domain encompasses six categories:
first job right after graduation. This indicates that they
acquired it in less than three months less than a year remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,
(32%). This also indicates that about 96 (65%) of the evaluating, and creating.
graduates were hired for less than a year. This is
because of the current industries' high or strong The remembering category shows the ability to
demand. remember facts without necessarily understanding.
This is followed by the understanding category which
Ways of Finding Job shows the ability to understand, explain, and interpret
learned information or concepts. Applying category is
In a research study about Sultan Kudarat State the ability to use and apply learned information or
University – College of Nursing Tracer Study, it was concepts in new situations. Analyzing category shows
concluded that regarding the reason of the respondents the ability to break down information into its
why they were able to find their first job. It shows that components and draw connections among ideas. The
most of them were recommended by someone and evaluation category shows the ability to judge the
informed by their friends. Others got their first job as value of material for a given purpose or justify a stand
walk-in applicants and responded to an advertisement. or decision. Finally, creating category is the ability to
create or produce unique or original work. (Hoque, E.,
Aljon J. (2019), in his tracer study on "Bachelor of 2016).
Technical Teacher Education Graduates”, shows that
the majority of the graduate’s recruitment methods on Affective Domain
their first job were secured as recommended by
someone. Others find a job through a walk-in According to the developers of revised Bloom’s
application, and information from friends. Taxonomy, the affective domain includes “how we
deal with things emotionally, such as values, feelings,
This implies that most fresh graduates found a job appreciation, motivations, enthusiasms, and attitudes”
through their own resolve and effort, which often (Krathwohl et al., 1973).
found it challenging to penetrate the government and
public service. The college has a significant role in The affective domain categories include receiving,
helping graduates locate new and better jobs aligned to responding, valuing, organization, and characterization
their competency skills and training experiences. (Anderson et al., 2011). The receiving shows the
ability to utilize selected attention and awareness of
Domains of Learning emotions and feelings. Responding is the ability to

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

comply with procedure and active participation in a The respondents of this study were the graduates of the
group. Valuing is the ability to value or see the worth College of Education in Mindanao State University –
of something and express it. It is concerned with the Maguindanao, specifically the BSEd – Mathematics,
worth you attach to a particular object, piece of BSEd – English, and BEEd – General Education
information, behavior, or phenomenon. The programs batch 2018 – 2019 and 2019 – 2020. There
organization shows the ability to prioritize value over were 142 graduates in 2018 – 2019 and 17 graduates in
another and create a unique value system. Finally, 2019 – 2020. The study is a complete enumeration of
characterization shows the ability to internalize values all qualified respondents. The total number of
and control a person`s behavior (Hoque, 2016). graduates is 161, but only 159 or 98.8% of graduates
responded to the survey.
Psychomotor Domain
Instruments of the Study
The psychomotor domain involves the use of motor
skills as well as the capacity to coordinate them The research instrument used in the study is the
(Sousa, 2016). Its goals include those related to researcher-made survey questionnaire conducted
specific physical functions, reflex acts, and through Google Form to determine the personal and
interpretative movement. It is concerned with academic details of the graduates, employment
physically encoding information, movement, and/or conditions, and levels of application on the three
activities that employ the gross and fine muscles to domains of learning of the three fields of specialization
convey or understand information or concepts. It refers with their present job. The social networking site
Facebook or Messenger was used to inform the
to natural, autonomic responses or reflexes that include
graduates about the tracer study.
the use of motor skills and their coordination.
It is composed of four sections: the first section is
Under this domain are perception, set, guided
about Participant’s Consent; the second section is
response, mechanism, complex overt response,
about Personal and Academic Details of the Graduates
adaptation, and origination. Perception is the ability to
in terms of Name, Email, Address, Contact Number,
apply sensory information to an activity. Set is the
Sex, Civil Status, Field of Specialization, Year of
ability to display motivation in performing planned
Graduation, Eligibility, and Highest Educational
exercises and act actively and readily. Guided
Attainment; the third section is about Employment
Response shows the ability to imitate a displayed
Conditions of the Graduates in terms of Employment
behavior or to utilize trial and error. A mechanism is
Status, Reasons for Unemployment (If not employed),
the ability to convert learned responses into habitual
Occupation, Nature of Occupation, Job Level Position,
actions with proficiency and confidence. Complex
Monthly Earning on the Present Job, Job Search
Overt Response shows the ability to skillfully perform
Period, and Ways of Finding Job; and the fourth
complex patterns of actions. Adaptation is the ability
section is about Levels of Application on the Three
to modify learned skills to meet special events. Finally,
Domains of Learning of the Three Fields of
Origination shows the ability to create new movement
Specialization with the Present Job in terms of
patterns for a specific situation (Hoque, E., 2016)
Cognitive Domain, Affective Domain, and
Psychomotor Domain.
The validity of the instrument was done by the panel
members, dean of the College of Education, and
The study used a descriptive survey research design chairpersons of BSEd – Mathematics, BSEd – English,
using an online survey questionnaire (Google Form) to and BEEd – General Education programs in the
determine the personal and academic details of the College of Education.
graduates, employment conditions of the graduates,
and levels of application on the three domains of Procedure
learning of the three fields of specialization with the
present job of the graduates. Weighted Mean Method The researcher personally gave a letter to the Vice-
(Likert’s scale) and descriptive statistics were used to Chancellor for Academic Affairs and dean of the
determine and describe the graduates' levels of College of Education to ask permission to conduct the
application of the three domains of learning. study. Upon approval, the researcher also personally
gave a letter to the Office of the Registrar to request
the list of the BSEd – Mathematics, BSEd – English,

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and BEEd – General Education graduates of batches

2018 – 2019 and 2019 – 2020. After having a copy of
the list of the graduates, the researcher sent the link of
the survey questionnaire to the panel members to
evaluate the content and wait for their approval to start
the conduct of the study. Upon approval, the
researcher personally sent a message to the graduates
using the social networking site “Facebook or
Messenger” to inform them about the study and its
purposes and asked them to allow the researcher to
conduct a survey via online questionnaire through
Google Form. Afterward, the researcher saved their
answers in the survey. Statistical evaluation of the raw
data was computed and analyzed using Microsoft


This section presents the data in tabular form with

statistical analysis and interpretation. It is divided into
three (3) parts: Personal and Academic Details of the
Graduates, Employment Conditions of the Graduates,
and Levels of Application on the Three Domains of
Learning of the Three Fields of Specialization with the
Present Job of the Graduates. It is composed of seven
(7) tables, namely: (1) Frequency and Percentage
Distribution of Respondents’ According to Sex; Civil
Status; Field of Specialization; Year of Graduation;
Eligibility; Highest Educational Attainment; (2-4) Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents distribution of 159 respondents according to sex, civil
status, field of specialization, year of graduation,
According to Employment Status; Reason for
eligibility, and highest educational attainment.
Unemployment; Occupation; Nature of Occupation;
Job Level Position; Monthly Earning on the Present In terms of sex and civil status, there were 117 or
Job; Job Search Period; and Ways of Finding Job, and 73.6% female respondents and only 42 or 26.4% male
(5-7) Respondents’ Perception on the Cognitive respondents. It shows that 125 or 78.6% are still
Domain; Affective Domain; and Psychomotor single, 33 or 20.8% are married, and only 1 or 0.6%
Domain. solo parent.

Personal and Academic Details of the Graduates In terms of field of specialization, the highest number of
respondents was Bachelor of Secondary Education -
The personal and academic details of the graduates in English at 81 or 50.9%, followed by Bachelor of
Elementary Education - General Education at 62 or 39%
terms of sex, civil status, field of specialization, year
graduates. Bachelor of Secondary Education -
of graduation, eligibility, and highest educational Mathematics had the lowest number of respondents with
attainment were presented in Table 1. only 16 or 10.1% graduates. We know that Mathematics
is one of the most challenging subject in school, and
Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of many students suffer from math anxiety (Wigfield and
Respondents According to Sex, Civil Status, Field of Meece, 1988). This is one of the reasons why
Mathematics courses had the lowest number of
Specialization, Year of Graduation, Eligibility, and students and graduates.
Highest Educational Attainment (N=159)

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents According to Employment Status, and
Reason for Unemployment

In terms of year of graduation, it could be seen in the

table that batch 2019 registered the highest number of
graduates at 144 or 90.6%, and only 15 or 9.4% in
batch 2020.

In addition, in terms of eligibility, 102 or 64.2% of the

respondents have Licensure Examination for Teachers
(LET) eligibility. This indicates that most of the
graduates were Licensed Professional Teachers. One
or 0.6% of them is CSE – Professional eligible, 1 or
0.6% with CSE – Sub-Professional, and 55 or 34.6%
with no eligibility and are still preparing for the
licensure examination.

Finally, in terms of highest educational attainment,

there were 18 or 11.3% of respondents were with a
master’s unit or pursuing a master’s degree, and 141 or
88.7% were not and are still BS graduates. According
to Baum and Steele (2017), the percentage of students
enrolling in graduate school increases with family
Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage
income. They enrolled in a graduate degree program
distribution of respondents according to employment
within four years of graduating from college.
status, and reason for unemployment.
Employment Conditions of the Graduates
The table illustrates that 114 out of 159 or 71.7% of
the respondents are employed. Thirty-five (35) or 22%
The employment conditions of the graduates in terms
are unemployed, and 10 or 6.3% are self-employed.
of employment status, reason for unemployment,
These reveals that most of the graduates are employed.
occupation, nature of occupation, job level position,
monthly earning on the present job, job search period, The Covid19 pandemic which began in March 2020,
and ways of finding job were presented in Tables 2, 3, disrupted the whole world in all aspects of life and
and 4. work. In April 2020, the country’s rate of employment
dropped from a record-high to 82.4 percent, while it
bounce-backed to 90 and 91.3 percent in July and
October 2020, respectively. However, this is
significantly lower than the previous year's
employment rate of 95.4 percent (Philippine Statistics
Authority, 2020).

In terms of employment status with a total of 114

employed respondents, the table shows that most of
the respondents were hired in contractual position at
49 or 43%. This indicates that graduates are still trying
to earn more experiences, while some are still waiting
for an item from the public schools. Twenty-four (24)
or 21.1% were hired in a temporary position, and only

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents According to Occupation, Nature of
Occupation, and Job Level Position (N=114)

19 or 16.7% were hired in a permanent or regular

position. Some of them were hired as job order at 7 or
6.1%, part-time at 6 or 5.3%, casual at 5 or 4.4%, and
volunteer at 4 or 3.5%.

Results are similar with the results of Caingcoy, et al.

(2021) which showed that most of the bachelor of
secondary education graduates were hired in
contractual position (49.5%) and only 6.8% for a
permanent position. The situation
becomes more complicated when the ranking and
promotion procedures at public schools are slow.
Graduates are waiting until there are open employment
or vacant positions.

Finally, in terms of the reason for unemployment with

a total of 45 unemployed and self-employed
respondents, it shows that most of the respondents at
13 or 28.9% claimed that there was no job opportunity.
Other respondents claimed that it was because of
family concerns at 10 or 22.2% and further study at 8
or 17.8%. Some of their reasons were lack of work
experience at 4 or 8.9%, health-related reasons at 3 or
6.7%, and 7 or 15.6% of them did not look for a job.

The results are similar with the tracer study of

Pacatang (2016). His study revealed that the first
reason for unemployment of graduates was no job Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage
opportunities. Twenty-nine (29) or 59.18% of his distribution of 114 employed respondents according to
respondents claimed that there was no job opportunity. occupation, nature of occupation, and job level
In addition, according to “University of Pangasinan position.
Graduate Tracer Study”, lack of work experience and
no job opportunity are the most chosen reasons for In terms of occupation, the table shows that most of
unemployment (Rocaberte, 2010). The high pace of the respondents’ occupation was related to teaching
population growth results in a consistent supply of and their field of specialization. It shows that 75 or
graduates that outstrips the rate of job creation, leaving 65.8% of the respondents were hired as a teacher.
many graduates jobless. Nineteen (19) or 16.7% were hired as clerical support
worker/ office staff. Some of them were hired as
public servant at 5 or 4.4%, call center agents at 4 or
3.5%, cashier at 3 or 2.6%, tutor at 2 or 1.8%, police at
2 or 1.8%, lecturer at 1 or 0.9%, security at 1 or 0.9%,
domestic worker at 1 or 0.9%, and military at 1 or
0.9%,. This indicates that more graduates had a job
related to their academic field in college.

The results are similar with the results of Caingcoy, et

al. (2021). In their tracer study on “Employment,
Employability, and Competencies of the Bachelor of

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondent According to Monthly Earning on the
Secondary Education Graduates”, the study showed
Present Job, Job Search Period, and Ways of Finding
that most (58.3%) of the Bachelor of Secondary
Education graduates had been employed in teaching Job (N=114)
and teaching-related jobs (e.g., tutoring). However, the
findings are lower than the earlier tracers performed in
2018 and 2016, when 89 percent of 2018 graduates
and 81 percent of 2016 graduates were engaged in
teaching-related employment, respectively (Caingcoy,
et al., 2020).

In terms of nature of occupation, the table shows that

most of the respondents’ nature of occupation was
related to teaching and education. It shows that 75 or
65.8% of the respondents claimed that their nature of
occupation was in academic or education. Thirteen
(12) or 10.5% were in government, and 12 or 10.5%
were in service and sales work. Some of them were in
telecom or communications at 3 or 2.6%, Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO) at 3 or 2.6%,
banking/finance services at 2 or 1.8%, domestic work
at 2 or 1.8%, and 5 or 4.4% of them was in a business.
This reveals that more graduates had a job related to
their academic field in college.

The nature of graduates’ work varies widely among

the four major fields: industry, business, government,
and education. Graduates’ first or current job engages
in government and others are related to their field
(Aljon J., 2019). In the tracer study of
Caingcoy, et al. (2021), the study showed that most of
the graduates had been employed in teaching and
teaching-related jobs, and these are related to academic
or education nature of occupation.

Finally, in terms of job level position, the table Table 4 illustrates the frequency and percentage
illustrates that with regards to their current distribution of 114 employed respondents according to
employment, the majority of the respondents are monthly earning on the present job, job search period,
working in professional, technical or supervisory job and ways of finding job.
level positions at 85 or 74.6%. Fourteen (14) or 12.3%
In terms of monthly earning on the present job, the
were in clerical or rank-in-file, and 1 or 0.9% were in
table reveals that majority or 49 or 43% of the
managerial or executive job level positions. It also
respondents claimed that their monthly earning on
shows that 14 or 12.3% were not applicable or not
their present job were P5,000.00 - P9,999.00. Thirty
mentioned in the selection.
(30) or 26.3% were earning P1,000.00 - P4,999.00,
Results are similar with the tracer study of and 14 or 12.3% were earning P10,000.00 -
Macatangay, L. (2013), entitled “Tracer Study of P14,999.00. Only twenty-one (21) of them were
earning higher than P15,000.00. Five (5) or 4.4% of
Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University”.
them were earning P15,000.00 - P19,999.00, 8 or 7%
He concluded that 55% of the respondents are
in P20,000.00 - P24,999.00, 6 or 5.3% in P25,000.00 -
employed in professional, technical, and supervisory
P29,999.00, and 2 or 1.8% in P30,000.00 -
level positions, 25% in rank or clerical positions,
12.5% in managerial or executive positions, and 7.5%
are self-employed.
Results are similar with the tracer study of Gefilloyd
L. De Castro (2017). His study shows that 42 out of

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the 144 graduates (29%) or most of his respondents, applicant followed by recommended by someone.
earn a gross monthly salary of ₱5,000 to less than
₱10,000. This may already be a good income for Levels of Application on the Three Domains of
ordinary people and those with fewer family Learning of the Three Fields of Specialization with
responsibilities. Somehow, it was confirmed that the Present Job of the Graduates
Filipinos face restricted economic prospects, massive
underemployment, and inadequate pay and benefits The levels of application on the three domains of
(Absuelo & Hancok, 2015). learning of the three fields of specialization with the
present job of the graduates in terms of the cognitive
In terms of job search period, the table revealed that domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain
almost half of the respondents found their job at least 1 were presented in Tables 5, 6, and 7.
– 6 months after graduation at 54 or 47.4%. There
were 28 or 24.6% of respondents found their job 7 Table 5. Respondents’ Perceptions on the Cognitive
months – 1 year after graduation, 15 or 13.2% in 13 Domain (N=114)
months – 1 ½ year after graduation, 13 or 11.4% in 19
months – 2 years after graduation, 3 or 2.6% in 25
months – 2 ½ years after graduation, and only 1 or
0.9% in 31 months – 3 years after graduation.

In the tracer study of Rocaberte (2010), entitled

“University of Pangasinan Graduate Tracer Study”, it
was concluded that graduates found their first job or
employment in less than a month to one to six (6)
months. The same result was concluded in the tracer
study of Caingcoy, et al. (2021), entitled
“Employment, Employability, and Competencies of
the Bachelor of Secondary Education Graduates”, it
turned out that the majority (41.7 percent) of 2019
graduates were employed within the first six (6)
months after they graduated from college.

Finally, in terms of ways of finding job, the table

indicates how the graduates found their job. It shows
that 51 or 44.7% of the respondents claimed that they
were hired because they were recommended by
someone. There were 37 or 32.5% of them found their
job as walk-in applicants, and 14 or 12.3% were
information from friends. Others were through
response to media or newspaper advertisement at 5 or
4.4%, arranged by school’s job placement officer at 3
or 2.6%, job fair or public employment service at 3 or
2.6%, and 1 or 0.9% in the family business.

The results are similar with the results of Aljon J.

The respondents’ perceptions on the cognitive domain
(2019). In his tracer study on “Bachelor of Technical
are presented in table 5. The total mean and standard
Teacher Education Graduates”, it was concluded that
deviation and the corresponding description were
most of the graduate’s recruitment methods on their
first job were secured as recommended by someone.
On the other hand, the tracer study of Rocaberte
Table 5 shows that most of the respondents claimed to
(2010), entitled “University of Pangasinan Graduate
have a positive attitude towards the cognitive domain.
Tracer Study”, also concluded that a recommendation
It is the domain of learning designed to increase an
by someone followed by awalk-in applicant is the most
individual’s knowledge. Most of the respondents
chosen way of finding their first job. However, in the
“Strongly Agree” with the levels of application on the
tracer study of Cabantog et al. (2011), the majority of
their respondents found their first job as a walk-in

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Respondents’ Perceptions on the Affective

Domain (N=114)

cognitive domain of learning of their field of

specialization with their present job. On the same
table, the top three most applicable levels of the
cognitive domain were statements number 3, 2, and 6.
First, statement number 3 – “Ability to use and apply
learned information or concepts in new situations.”
(mean = 3.61; SD = 0.52; Description = Strongly
Agree). It means that graduates had the ability to use
previously learned information or concepts and use
procedures to carry out their tasks or fix a problem
independently in their work. Second, statement
number 2 – “Ability to understand, explain, and
interpret learned information or concepts.” (mean =
3.59; SD = 0.49; Description = Strongly Agree). It
indicates that graduates had the ability to obtain or
construct meaning from learned information or
experiences to carry out their tasks. Finally, statement The respondents’ perceptions on the affective domain
number 6 – “Ability to create or produce unique or are presented in table 6. The total mean and standard
original work.” (mean = 3.51; SD = 0.57; deviation and the corresponding description were
Description = Strongly Agree). It shows that graduates included. Table 6 shows that all respondents responded
had the ability to form a unique product, solve a “Strongly Agree” towards the affective domain. It only
problem independently, and initiate a solution to any means that they all strongly agree on the levels of
problem encountered. On the other hand, most of the application on the affective domain of learning of their
respondents only “Agree” in statement number 1 – field of specialization with their present job. On the
“Ability to remember facts without necessarily same table, the affective domain's top three most
understanding.” (mean = 3.11; SD = 0.79; Description applicable levels were statements number 3, 1, and 2.
= Agree). It indicates that graduates can easily recall First, statement number 3 – “Ability to value or see the
worth of something and express it.”(mean = 3.59; SD
learned information, facts, or concepts in their work.
= 0.49; Description = Strongly Agree). It means that
The overall description of “Strongly Agree” (mean = graduates value the importance of the particular object,
3.45; SD = 0.57) in the level of application on the phenomenon, behavior, or piece of information and
cognitive domain indicates that the cognitive domain express or show its worth from simple acceptance to
of learning of graduates’ field of specialization is very the more complex state of commitment. Second,
applicable in their present job. statement number 1 – “Ability to utilize selected
attention, and awareness of feelings and emotions.”
The cognitive domain aims to develop the mental skills (mean = 3.54; SD = 0.52; Description = Strongly
and the acquisition of knowledge of the individual. It Agree). It shows that graduates were willing to receive
contains learning skills related to thinking processes or listen attentively to someone in their work and
that include processing information, constructing know how to control and use their feelings and
understanding, applying knowledge, solving problems, emotions to avoid misunderstanding. Finally,
and conducting research. Under this domain are statement number 2 – Ability to comply with
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, procedure and active participation in a group.” (mean
evaluating, and creating (Hoque, 2016). = 3.53; SD = 0.53; Description = Strongly Agree). It
indicates that graduates complied or did their work
smoothly and actively engaged themselves in their
workplace. They were active participants in every task
or activity at work. The overall description of
“Strongly Agree” (mean = 3.52; SD = 0.54) in the
level of application on the affective domain indicates

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

that the affective domain of learning in graduates’ field sensory information to activity.” (mean = 3.60; SD =
of specialization is very applicable in their present job. 0.51; Description = Strongly Agree). It means that
According to the developers of the revised Bloom’s graduates were able to understand information or
Taxonomy, the affective domain includes “how we notice something easily in a situation, task, or
deal with things emotionally, such as values, feelings, challenges encountered in their work. Second,
motivations, appreciation, attitudes, and enthusiasms”. statement number 7 – “Ability to create new
(Krathwohl, Blo om, Masia, 1973.). It centers thinking movement patterns for a specific situation.” (mean =
and reasoning related to feelings, emotions, and 3.57; SD = 0.51; Description = Strongly Agree). It
attitudes. Under this domain are receiving, responding, indicates that graduates had their origination, they
valuing, organizing, and characterizing (Hoque, 2016). know how to execute, develop, and initiate a new skill
using experiences or principles learned while gaining
Table 7. Respondents’ Perceptions on the
the original skill and use it in a specific situation of
Psychomotor Domain (N=114)
their work. Finally, statement number 2 – “Ability to
display motivation in performing planned exercise and
act actively and readily.” (mean = 3.56; SD = 0.53;
Description = Strongly Agree). It shows that graduates
displayed motivation in performing assigned tasks and
act actively and readily to every challenge, problem
and task and resolve them. The overall description of
“Strongly Agree” (mean = 3.53; SD = 0.52) in the
level of application on the psychomotor domain
indicates that the psychomotor domain of learning of
graduates’ field of specialization is very applicable in
their present job. The psychomotor domain comprises
the use of motor skills as well as the capacity to
coordinate them (Sousa, 2016). It focuses on the
physical or manual skills that we build through time.
Its objectives are those specific to discreet physical
functions, reflex actions, and interpretive movements.
It refers to natural, autonomic responses or reflexes
and comprises utilizing motor skills and coordinating
them. Under this domain are the perception, set,
guided response, mechanism, complex overt response,
adaptation, and origination (Hoque, 2016).


The respondents’ perceptions on the psychomotor

domain are presented in table 7. The total mean and The study’s principal goal is to determined the
standard deviation and the corresponding description personal and academic details, the employment
were included. conditions, and the levels of application on the three
domains of learning of the three fields of specialization
Table 7 displays that all respondents responded with the present job of the graduates of the College of
“Strongly Agree” towards the psychomotor domain. It Education programs in Mindanao State University –
only means that they all strongly agree in the levels of Maguindanao from the school year 2018-2019 to
application on the psychomotor domain of learning of 2019-2020, specifically BSEd - Mathematics, BSEd -
their field of specialization with their present job. On English, and BEEd - General Education programs. The
the same table, the top three most applicable levels of study used a descriptive survey research design using
the psychomotor domain were statements number 1, 7, an online survey questionnaire (Google Form). The
and 2. First, statement number 1 – “Ability to apply total number of graduates for the identified degree
programs and year of graduation is 161 but only 159 or
98.8% responded to the survey.

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 832-846, Document ID: PEMJ490, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7530147, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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