Bio F2 1

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Name: …………………………….……………………………………… Adm no ……..….......... Class.................


 Answer ALL the questions
 Answers should be written in the spaces provided

1. Define the following branches of Biology. (2mks)

i) Genetics…………………………………………………………………...................................

ii) Entomology…....................................................………………………………………………

2. (a) Define the term species. (2mks)


(b) Which taxonomic group has the largest number of members?.........................................(1mk)

3. (a) Name the laboratory apparatus used for the following; (2mks)
(i) Catching small flying insects.......................…………………………………………………..

(ii) Sucking small animals from rock surfaces or barks of trees.………………………………..

4. State the functions of each of the following organelles.

a) Nucleolus……………………………….…………………………..………………............(1mk)

b) Golgi apparatus……………………………….…………………………..……...................(2mks)

5. Name any three specialized plant cells. (3mks)

© 1 Biology Form Two +254705738367 FOR MARKING SCHEMES


6. The figure below shows apparatus at the start of an experiment to investigate the digestion of an
emulsion of fat droplets in water by enzyme A.
Partially permeable membrane

Partially permeable

Water + pH indicator

Tightly tied

The pH indicator is green in a pH of 7, blue when the pH is above 7 and red when it is below 7.
The apparatus is kept at 40oC for 20 minutes during which time the indicator changes from green
to red.
(a) Describe how the products of fat digestion enter a person’s blood. (1mk)

(b) i) State the identity of enzyme A. ......................................................................................(1mk)

ii) Explain why the apparatus was kept at 40oC.................................................................(1mk)

(c) Name the products of digestion of the emulsion by enzyme A. (2mks)


(d) Describe the process which led to the change in pH (3mks)


7. i) State the product of photolysis in photosynthesis. (3mks)

© 2 Biology Form Two +254705738367 FOR MARKING SCHEMES


ii) Give two adaptation of a leaf for photosynthesis. (2mks)


8. a) State two roles of bile juice. (2mks)

b) Name two salts in bile that aid in emulsification of fats. (2mks)


9. The diagram below represents a longitudinal section of a human tooth.

a) Identify the type of tooth. ............................................(1mk)

b) Give one reason for your answer in (a) above. (1mk)


c) State one function of the tooth. (1mk)


d) State the function of the part labeled Q (1mk)


10 a) Name three forces that maintain transpiration stream. (3mks)

b) Explain two adaptations of xylem tissue to its function. (2mks)

© 3 Biology Form Two +254705738367 FOR MARKING SCHEMES


11. a) State the advantages of having the following blood types.

i) Blood type AB: …………………………………………………………………………..(1mk)

ii) Blood type O: ………………………………………………………………………….....(1mk)

b) State four ways in which the red blood cells are adapted to their function (4mks)

c) Name the antigens that determine human blood groups. (2mks)


13. State three theories that explains the mechanism of opening and closing of the stomata: (3mks)

14. The diagram below represents a model of lungs and thorax. When rubber sheet is pulled
downwards the balloons inflate; and when it is raised the balloons deflate.
a) What parts of the mammalian body are represented
i) Glass tubes.………………………………..(1mk)

ii) Bell jar. …………………………………..(1mk)

iii) Rubber sheet.……………………………(1mk)

iv) Balloons. ………………………………..(1mk)

© 4 Biology Form Two +254705738367 FOR MARKING SCHEMES

b) State the importance of breathing through the nose than through the mouth (2mks)

15. The oxidation of a certain substrate is represented by the chemical equation shown below.
C57H104O6 + 80O2 57C0 2 + Energy
a) Calculate the respiratory quotient (RQ) of the substrate. (2mks)

b) Identify the above substrate. …………………………………………………………..… (1mk)

16. An animal is found to have large glomeruli and short loop of Henles .Account for the presence
i) Large glomeruli…………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

ii) Short loop of Henle. …………………………………………………………………………(1mk)

iii) State the possible aquatic habitat………………………………………………………..… (1mk)

17. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow
Further excess

Excess corrective mechanism A

Negative feedback

Norm Norm

Negative feedback

Deficiency corrective mechanism B

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Further deficiency

a) Name the principle labeled X ………………………………………………………… (1mk)

b) If the above diagram represented blood sugar regulation

i) State the corrective mechanisms carried out at A (2mks)


ii) The condition that may result from the further excess (1mk)


iii) The hormone that would be responsible for correcting the deficiency (1mk)


18. a) The skin as an organ plays a role in Homeostasis. Name two roles of the human skin in
homeostasis. (2mks)


b) Melanocytes are cells of the skin responsible for production of a skin pigment.

(i) Name the pigment produced by melanocytes..................................................................(1mk)

(ii) In which layer of the epidermis of the skin are melanocytes found?...............................(1mk)

iii) State the primary function of the pigment named in (b)(i) above. (1mk)


19. List down two economic importance anaerobic respiration agriculture (2mks)

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