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Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne

Wydawca / Publisher: 40 (1) 2021
Instytut Studiów issn 1898-8431
i Edukacji HUMANUM Copyright © 2018 by Humanum
All rights reserved

Miriam Garbarova
Juraj Fabus
University of Zilina, Faculty of PEDAS, Department of Communications
Zilina, Slovakia

Trend analysis of management

information systems

Authors of the paper aim to present the trend analysis of the management information systems which
is based on the secondary research consisting of the previous research conducted by domestic and
foreign authors, as well as the industry reports published by the leading global market intelligence
firms. As a result, it can be assumed that the market size and revenues in the industry will struggle to
rise due to the fact that the most of the organizations have already implemented some management
information system thanks to their important and irreplaceable role in any organization. The space
for the future research was identified in conclusion.

Key words: management, information system.


he growing importance of information in the modern world is crucial for any
organisation’s success regarding its type. That is why information connected
with modern technologies had served as the basis for creating information
technologies. When the business needs were added, the concept of management
information systems arose.

In addition to working with data, the information system can evaluate and process
this data according to the user’s requirements. In current practice, information
systems that enable user communication and support of business processes are
mainly used (Huzvar & Laco, 2014).

HUMANUM Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne

Garbarova M., Fabus J.: Trend analysis of management information systems

To summarize, the information system is an organized combination of people,

hardware, software, communication technologies, data, rules, procedures and
standards. The information system’s goal is the acquisition, storage, processing,
dissemination, and use of information in the organization (O'Brien & Marakas,

Nowadays, management information systems are mainly used in the e-commerce

companies, due to their focus on information technologies. “Companies do
e-commerce to achieve overall organizational improvement.” This improvement is
expected to be the result of the three main benefits that enable it to compete better
in the business world that applies computer technology, namely: “better customer
service, better relations with suppliers and the financial community, returns on
investment in shareholders and owners increases.” (Jankalova & Vartiak, 2016;
Vartiak, 2016a; Yadiati, 2019).

The original concept of management information systems was to process data

from the organization and use it for presenting regular reports. The management
information systems were able to gathering, evaluating and analyzing the data from
a wide collection. The initial management information systems were impersonal
and not comfortable to use due to “requiring each individual to pick and choose
the processed data and use it for his requirements”. When a distinction was made
between data and information was defined, the management information systems
were further modified (Sarras, ret. 2021).

The main functions of the management information system are inputs, processing,
outputs and relevant feedback. When closely looking at the management information
system, it is necessary to state that it includes (O'Brien & Marakas, 2008):
– raw data stored in company databases and documents,
– administrators who take care of the management information system,
– users who use the management information system,
– information technology represented by hardware, software and network

This paper aims to provide an analysis of trends in management information systems.

The aim of the paper is based on existing research dealing with this issue (Mirtsch,
Kinne & Blind, 2021; Yuan, Qiu, Bi, Chang & Lam, 2020; Firoiu & Bacivarov, 2019;
Gejdos & Rentkova, 2019; Gorzelańczyk & Kaczmarek, 2019; Katuscakova, 2019; Pop
& Titu, 2018; Vinogradova & Galimova, 2017). The aim is to be fulfilled by defining
the market size of information technology and business process management and
revenues from the information technology security device systems management
market and identifying the most popular management information systems
worldwide, information systems in use, and related difficulties.

The paper is based on existing research by Mirtsch, Kinne & Blind (2021); Yuan,
Qiu, Bi, Chang & Lam (2020); Firoiu & Bacivarov (2019); Gejdos & Rentkova
(2019); Gorzelańczyk & Kaczmarek (2019); Katuscakova (2019); Pop & Titu (2018);

Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji HUMANUM

Humanum, ISSN 1898-8431, 40 (1) 2021, s. 81–88

Rentkova & Vartiak (2017) and Vinogradova & Galimova (2017) dealing with the
management information systems issue. The paper aims to provide an analysis of
trends in management information systems. The publications by NASSCOM (2019),
IDC (Kolodgy, 2015), DB-Engines (2020) and the Ponemon Institute (Encryption
Consulting, 2020) were used as main sources of the trend analysis. The methods of
analysis, synthesis, statistics, induction and deduction were used. To fulfil the paper’s
aim, it is divided into introduction and theory, methodology, results and conclusion.


3.1. The market size of information technology and business

process management
The first step of fulfilling the aim of this paper is describing the size of the information
technology and business process management. The statistic published by NASSCOM
(2019) shows the size of the information technology and business process management
market worldwide, by segment, from 2014 to 2018 (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. The market size of information technology and business process manage-
ment from 2014 to 2018.

In 2018, 198 billion U.S. dollars was spent on business process management
globally. It has gradually grown from 181 billion U.S. dollars in 2014, 176 billion
U.S. dollars in 2015, 183 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 and 189 billion U.S. dollars in
2017. Compared with information technology services, packed software, hardware
and engineering, research and development, business process management, which
includes management information systems, represents the smallest market share.

HUMANUM Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne

Garbarova M., Fabus J.: Trend analysis of management information systems

3.2. Revenues from information technology security device

systems management market
Another part of this paper, the statistic that shows the size of the information
technology security device systems management market worldwide from 2009 to
2017 (Figure 2), was retrieved from the report published by IDC – the premier global
market intelligence firm (Kolodgy, 2015).

Fig. 2. Revenues from information technology security device systems manage-

ment market from 2009 to 2017.

Fig. 3. The most popular management information systems worldwide (December


Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji HUMANUM

Humanum, ISSN 1898-8431, 40 (1) 2021, s. 81–88

In 2016, security device systems management generated less than 150 million U.S.
dollars in revenue. The revenues development shows the declining trend from over
273 million U.S. dollars in 2009, representing a decline of more than 43%.

3.3. The most popular management information systems

After knowing the market size and revenues at the market where management
information systems are included, it is necessary to identify the most popular
management information systems worldwide. In December 2020, DB-Engines
published the ranking, which is depicted in Figure 3.

As of December 2020, the most popular management information system in the

world was Oracle, with a ranking score of 1325.6; MySQL and Microsoft SQL server
rounded out the top three. Although the database management industry contains
some of the tech industry’s largest companies, such as Microsoft, Oracle and IBM,
a number of free and open-source management information systems such as
PostgreSQL and Apache Cassandra remain highly competitive (DB-Engines, 2020).

3.4. Management information systems in use

Monitoring the use of management information systems is crucial for this paper.
The research published by the Ponemon Institute was used (Encryption Consulting,
2020). The results of the use of management information systems from 2016 to 2019
are depicted in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Management information systems in use from 2016 to 2019.

HUMANUM Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne

Garbarova M., Fabus J.: Trend analysis of management information systems

The statistic shows the level of use of various management information systems from
the fiscal year 2016 to the fiscal year 2019. As of 2019, 51% of respondents said that
their organizations have a formal management infrastructure, 47% has a formal key
management policy, 34% uses a manual process, 29% has a central key management
system or server, 36% uses removable media and software-based key stores and
wallets, and 20% uses hardware security modules and smart cards.

3.5. Difficulties with management information systems

In addition to the management information systems in use, the Ponemon Institute
published identified difficulties with management information systems from 2016 to
2019 (Encryption Consulting, 2020) depicted in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. The most popular management information systems worldwide (December


The statistic shows the leading problems surrounding management information

systems from the fiscal year 2016 to the fiscal year 2019. As of the fiscal year 2019,
according to 66% of survey respondents, the lack of clear key ownership was a leading
problem in the management information systems, 57% lacks skilled personnel, 48%
states that the systems are isolated and fragmented, 45% thinks that key management
tools are inadequate, 35% has insufficient resources, 27% thinks that technology and
standards are immature and 9% faces errors and unreliability of manual processes.

The paper deals with management information systems as a crucial part of every
organization. Inspiration for the paper was based on the analysis of the previous
research conducted by domestic and foreign authors, as well as the industry

Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji HUMANUM

Humanum, ISSN 1898-8431, 40 (1) 2021, s. 81–88

reports published by the leading global market intelligence firms. The paper aimed
to provide an analysis of trends in management information systems. As a result,
the market of information technology and business process management, which
is the main market for management information systems, continues to struggle in
its development. This is followed by a decline in revenues by more than 43% from
2009 to 2017. On the other hand, Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server are the
most popular management information systems as of December 2020. In addition,
management information systems in use from 2016 to 2019 show that they are mainly
used from a formal key management policy. On the contrary, unclear ownership, lack
of skilled personnel and isolated and fragmented systems were identified as the main
difficulties of management information systems. To conclude, inspired by previous
research (Vartiak, 2015; Vartiak, 2016b; Yadiati, 2019) and their results stating
that every company strives for success, especially e-commerce companies that can
survive not only on the strength of the product, but with a reliable management team,
efficient information technologies and excellence in every activity, authors were able
to identify the starting points of future research, such as the critical success factors of
companies using management information systems.

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2. Encryption Consulting. 2020. 2020 Global Encryption Trends Study. Traverse
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HUMANUM Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne

Garbarova M., Fabus J.: Trend analysis of management information systems

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The paper was undertaken as a part of a research project CIS 07711134.

Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji HUMANUM


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