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" Cyber bullying "

Cyber bullying is a serious criminal offense punishable under the law.

Cyber bullying involves invading someone's

privacy virtually in the digital world and robbing

one of either mental health thus.

It essentially is to harass, threaten or intimate

someone on the internet

Cyber bullying is the next step for the means of

bullying as adults.

It's a cheap and vulgar act to do,to hide behind masks and intrude into their personal space.

Someone acts of cyber bullying includes sending unwanted message to someone without

their consent, spreading false information and romours about them, commenting hateful things about hacking

into one's accounts and impersonating them

Let us all work against cyber bullying for a better

future. Reports any crimes that you come a cross immediately to the Anti-bullying helpline.

Say no to Cyber bullying!

A very good morning to one and all present. Today I'll
be giving a small speech on the topic

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