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1. Write a three-paragraph essay describing your chosen function, and why you
rank its importance so highly. Your essay must include three properly referenced
and defined terms from the module reading. For example, if you select Controlling,
you could include the definition of feedback loop. Answer and address these
a. What is the primary function you selected?
b. How does it interact with the other functions?
c. What would happen to “management” without your selected function?
d. What factors cause you to rank its importance above the others?

The primary function that I have selected is planning which is the first thing to do
before starting anything. According to Lumen Services’ Principles of Management,
planning is defining performance goals for the organization and determining what
actions and resources are needed to achieve the goals. Planning helps the management
define what the future of the organization should be and how will they be able to get
there. And there are two types of planning Strategic plans and tactical plans.
Strategic plans are for long-term and it affects the whole organization while tactical
plans translate strategic plans into specific actions that need to be implemented by
departments throughout the organization. In short it defines what has to be done, who
will do it, and the resources needed to do it. Planning makes the objectives more clear
and specific and increases the focus of employers and employees on the goals and
objectives of the organization. A business could not just start if it is not thoroughly
planned. Even in our own self in order to achieve our goals, we write down our goal and
make up a plan. We list down steps on how to achieve our goal. Like for example, my
goal in life is to have a stable job and live a happy life which will be my strategic plan.
My tactical plan or the steps I should do to reach my goal is; I need to study well, do my
homework and activities, pass all the requirements and to also pass my examination so
that I may be able to graduate. After graduation I need to prepare myself to apply for
jobs and focus on getting in. When I get into my dream job I should work hard to earn
and retain my job.
It interacts with the other functions by acting as a guide to every function. Planning
interacts with organizing by basing from the created plan you may be able to
disseminate works properly. You will be able to put the right person to the right job. You
can determine how many people are needed to work on a certain assignment and be able
to know how many resources should be allocated upon your project. It also interacts
with leading by helping the leaders to be more knowledgeable of the organization’s
goals and what should be done to reach it. Through planning, leaders can be able to
facilitate their employees. They can help them to solve problems and clarify queries
from the employees. They will be able to easily motivate and manage their teams to be
more effective and efficient at work because they know what the employees need
through the plan. Planning also interacts with controlling through observation. The

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organization laid out the plan and it’s time for it to be implemented. Through the laid
out plans the management will be able to see if the objectives are successfully done. The
management will be able to control the production for it serves as the basis of
controlling. An organization can’t control properly if there are no plans for they do not
know what to really control.
Without planning management will never know how to properly address their
organizations goals. If there is no formulated plan an organization will not know where
to start. The organization also will lose a lot. They will lose a lot of resources and spend
more money on things that are not related in reaching your goal. You will also spend a
lot of time doing things that do not help your organization grow. The worst thing is
without planning there will be no teamwork and coordination of each management.
They will just work on their own and it will sometimes result in duplication of work and
effort and it is a waste of time. Leaders will not be able to guide their employees
properly for they do not know what to really do. The factors that cause me to rank
planning above the other functions is because you can’t just organize things when you
don’t know what the work is for. You can’t just give work to your employees without
analyzing if this is the right work for them to do. You will hardly allocate resources for
you don’t know how much is needed or when it is needed. You can’t just lead people
without a guide. A leader will not know what to do. They will not be able to control
everything properly for they do not know how much is needed and will not be able to
identify if something is wrong. Planning minimizes uncertainties. During the planning
session the organization tends to calculate some future events and they include in the
plan how to handle those matters.

2. In your own words discuss the following:

a. Describe what management is.

Management is the collaboration of people and supervision of tasks to accomplish

organization goals. It is a way to get people to work together as a team and finish
tasks efficiently. Management is also about knowing how to work effectively and
efficiently with low cost.

b. Explain the primary functions of management

The primary function of management is planning everything to determine how to

execute work to be able to accomplish an organization's goals effectively and
efficiently. Another function is organizing things to know what comes first and what
to finish first. We need to follow the plan and do a step by step process. We need to
make sure that we assign the right task to the right team to save more time and cost
from avoiding mistakes and repetition of work. Next is leading. In order to execute
the plan perfectly someone should lead. A leader must lead the group to achieve
their goals. They should be the one who will inspire employees to do better to
produce a positive outcome from employees. Giving motivation to employees is

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another thing that a leader must be able to do. It can be monetary or non-monetary to
boost their confidence and productivity. A leader must be able to communicate to
easily assign tasks. He should be friendly and a good listener to be able to easily
know the problems for it will be easy for them to approach you in case of problems
and clarifications. Last is controlling you should still control everything. You need
to check how many are produced within a certain time and be sure to achieve what
is on the plan. You need to monitor the activities being done and be able to measure
performance. They should see if the objectives are met and they should see if
modification is needed or not.

c. Differentiate been the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions of


Planning function is the basic function of management. It is the first step and is
about writing down future actions and advance decisions on what action should be
done for achievements of certain goals. In other words it is a list of what to be done,
when should it be done and how it is done to be able to achieve organization goals.
Organizing function is the next step. It involves identification of activities, grouping
them to the right teams and assigning the right job to the right people, allocation of
resources and establishing authority-responsibility to be able to achieve the
organization goals. Leading function is the ability to supervise, motivate and
communicate to employees so that they will be able to produce a quality of job.
Controlling function is the process wherein it verifies if the employee’s outputs are
on track with the quality and quantity needed to achieve their goal and it also looks
on to modifications if needed.

d. Differentiate between the functions of top managers, middle managers, first-line

managers, and team leaders

Top managers are the ones who establish the plans and goals that will make an
organization successful and are responsible for making a wide-range of
organizational decisions. The people have the titles like Chief Executive Officer,
President, Vice President, managing director, Chief Operating Officer or Chairman
of the Board. While middle managers are the ones who are on top of the first line
managers and are lower than the top managers and they are the ones who manage
the works of the first-line managers. They have the titles like, department head
manager, project leader, or division manager. First-line managers do non-managerial
work who are involved with the production of the organization's products and they
are considered as the lowest level of management. They are sometimes called
supervisors, office managers and even Foremen. The last one is team leaders; they
are the one who is in charge of the overall functionality of a group. They relay

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instructions to their team members given by the top management and they also
provide guidance. They develop the team and they coach and mentor the members.

e. Differentiate between leadership, informational, and decision-making roles

Leadership roles are the figurehead of the organization. They represent the
company in a symbolic way. Guides and coaches subordinates and motivate them in
their work and are liaison who go in-between the people outside and inside the
organization. Informational role is someone who gathers information that is helpful
to the organization like finding new technology and legal information. They are the
one who disseminate this information to some part of the organization that needs it.
they also become the representative of the company at a shareholder meeting, and
also the spokesperson that transmit information to people outside the organization.
Decision making role is about looking for new opportunities and implementing new
production processes using new technologies. This role is the one who handles
organizational disturbances like unexpected events and crises. They are the one who
negotiates and also resource allocators.

f. Explain the advantages that arise from managing people well

The advantages that arise from managing people well is that it motivates
your employees to do well in their work. Motivations may come in 2 kinds: monetary
or non-monetary. According to Skudiene & Auruskeviciene (2012), lack of
motivation within the organization has a great effect on the productivity of
employees. Devito e.t al. (2016), stated that employees should be motivated to make
them more interested in their work. Aside from motivating employees it also helps
build great communication within the organization. Communication is the exchange
of ideas or concepts for purposes of information, command and instruction, influence
and persuasion. Great communication between the employees and the employer
means that you can easily relay the goals of the organization and be able to let them
understand what the top management wants for the organization and the people with
it. The messages should be relayed and interpreted correctly and a company should
also listen to feedback. It strengthens and builds teamwork. Teams will grow together
and be able to produce quality work for they work together to achieve the same goals
for them and the company. When you manage your people well they will learn more
and develop with the company and they will surely apply their knowledge to work.
Managing your people well can also help retail and attract new employees. It will
improve the working environment.
Skudiene, V. & Auruskeviciene, V. (2012) The contribution of corporate social responsibility to internal employee motivation.Baltic Journal of
Management , 7 (1), pp.49 – 67

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Devito, L.; Brown, A.; Bannister, B.; Cianci, M.; and Mujtaba, Bahaudin, "Employee Motivation based on the Hierarchy of Needs, Expectancy
and the Two-Factor Theories Applied with Higher Education Employees"(2016). HCBE Faculty Articles.

3. Discussion (The importance of WHY), provide your answer with the following
a. Think about the management roles discussed in your reading (leadership,
informational, and decision-making). How might Sinek’s assertion that
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it” influence how a
manager performs these roles?
Leadership roles on the importance of why. The leaders tend to work
keeping in mind the organization goals. Why does they work and supervise their
subordinates? It is not only because it is their work but because they wanted to
help them grow and learn more. When thinking about why they are working in
that organization, they will always remember their answers during their interviews
that they wanted to help the company grow and to also improve their skills and
talents. So, they will work with passion. The informational role on the importance
of why. In seeking information, they will always discover new things that will
certainly be known in the market. They will include why are they going to
produce this item in the market? It is not only because it is new but because of
their purpose. Why is it manufactured and brought to the market definitely
because they are useful. In decision making their role becomes more purposive
and meaningful. They tend to look into the deeper side on why they are producing
those products and offering their services. In decision-making we should consider
why is it on the list? What is the real purpose? And the management will always
think of the purpose and their benefits to consumers and us.
b. How do you think the four management functions of planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling fit in with the ideas Sinek expresses in his talk?
Which function do you think he would say is most important? Why?
The four management functions of planning, organizing, leading and
controlling fit in the idea of Sinek by simply keeping in mind what is the real
purpose of the things you are doing? What is it for or what is your belief? So that
when you plan you will think of the right goal for your organization. Thinking of
the real purpose of your organization you will be able to communicate to your
consumers why should they really avail your product and services. Knowing the
real purpose of your product, you can easily organize things and leaders should be
able to lead their subordinates in the right way.

I think the function that Sinek would say to be the most important is the
planning function because it is the primary function of management. It is the first
step where the idea is to be built In those idea it contains the reason and the

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purpose why you think of that certain thing to do or to produce. And I think
planning is the foundation of management without planning you may not be able to
organize your thoughts and ideas and leading your people will become difficult for
you don't know where to start. You may not be able to control things because what
are you going to control if you don't have any idea how much or how many

c. Sinek uses the Wright Brothers and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as examples
of people who were successful because they believed deeply in what they were
doing and communicated from the “why” portion of his “golden circle.” Can
you identify any other examples of this type of leader? Explain your example,
and define their “why.”

Bill Gates Microsoft, Bill Gates is a business leader, a technologist and also
a Philanthropist. Bill and Paul Allen's vision when they started Microsoft is that a
computer on every desktop and in every home”. He did not only focus on the
development of Microsoft. He and her wife together they do charities as a
philanthropist he does not only aim to save few people but also saves a million of
people. He wants the foundation to reach the most magical number they know
which is zero. Which means zero malaria, zero malnutrition, zero TB, zero HIV,
zero preventable deaths and zero differences between the health of a poor kid and
every other kid. In all his works including the foundation he is more focused on
what he calls catalytic philanthropy: investments in innovations that will improve
life for all the poorest. They're solutions to problems where markets. At a young
age, he is more committed to do good deeds and maximize his efforts.

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