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Social responsibility is an ethical framework in which individuals or corporations are

responsible for fulfilling their civic duty and taking actions that benefit society as a whole.
If a company or person is considering taking actions that could harm the environment or
society, those actions are considered socially irresponsible.


The people are immersed in a network of socio-economic human interrelations called

society. From the perspective of social responsibility, one must be aware of the vital
importance and fragility of the connections that are established and of the need for
exchanges to be fluid and smooth.

Employees strive for total customer satisfaction by creating an atmosphere of pride and
world-class service. Customer service is essential to provide customers with a first quality
service and most importantly, personalized and tailor-made.

We as a travel agency have three indispensable responsibilities which consist of the


 Primary responsibilities: it is the minimization of waste caused by the tours, to

ensure the growth and continuity of the company, to create tourist products
according to the high standards of our travel agency.
 Secondary responsibility: measures that seek to achieve a balance between
personal, work and family life of human resources, training them, attending to
their possible needs, contributing to improving the environment.
 Tertiary responsibility: collaborations with entities in favor of the environment,
extra activities, contribute to the improvement of the socio-cultural environment.

It is clear that the economic activity that develops can generate positive or negative
impacts on the communities and places where our tourism takes place that are offered
depending on the type of information handled by our staff, guides and customers. That is
why we try to prevent as much as possible these situations that could later become a
problem not only for the environment but also for the people of the environment and the
communities that are visited.

We train our staff and try to monitor changes, the moment we observe any sociocultural
change in the communities we visit we immediately inform the other people on the team.

 In our safety we try to avoid risk situations both in the office and in the areas that
our tours are visited, in the means of transport and in other facilities that are
going to be used such as hotels, parks. With the purpose of guaranteeing greater
security to our customers and staff in general.
 With respect to our social impact in all our tours and tours we promote activities
and visits to the places bearing in mind that the cultural integrity, beliefs and
values of the same will be respected to the maximum. The idea of this is that
visitors collaborate with the economy of each area visited but that their social and
environmental impact is minimal, unless they are going to make a necessary
positive difference.

González, A. (2021, 9 junio). Responsabilidad social. Definición, tipos y ejemplos. Ayuda

Ley Protección Datos.

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