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1) Why do some people buy brands while others dislike brands?

The quality of the brand's products is often known to be of higher quality than conventional

Buying habits are due to individual preferences, so it is normal for people to like to buy
branded goods that others don't like.

Have loyalty to the product they choose. Do have used and feel confident in that brand

2) What is involved in creating a successful brand?

The essential elements to create a successful brand are:

- Good vision: a long-term and far-reaching vision in product orientation

- Quality: a good product or service means that your brand is trusted and successful

- Customers: A brand can be successful because they can identify the target customers want
to aim for. Attractive and attractive advertising, unique slogan.

3) Why do companies spend so much money promoting their brand?

A company spends a lot of money promoting their brand for many reasons:

- Increase the attraction and attention of customers to increase sales and popularity

- Create a sense of trust through professional advertising and marketing campaigns

- help the company compete with industry competitors and attract new potential customers.

4) Do you think change is important?

Change is important in both life and business. Change helps us to grow and improve our
quality of life and achieve our goals.

In business, change is about adapting to changing market and customer requirements.

5) What is the biggest change this world needs?

I think the world needs to change that is to reduce inequality and justice in society: Inequality
and lack of justice in society are important issues, causing division and discord between
classes. class and country. Strengthening social justice, reducing inequality and building an
inclusive society will help make the world more harmonious and sustainable.

6) Why are some people better than others at dealing with change?

Some people may be better at dealing with change than others because

- Mindset: They have a positive mindset, focusing on the benefits that change can bring.

- Adaptable: They are highly adaptable in all situations, easily finding ways to cope.
- Knowledge and experience: They usually have full experience and knowledge.

Determination: They do not give up in any difficult situation. Not easily discouraged in the
face of difficulties.


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