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Midterm Examination (LABORATORY)

NAME: Zacaria, Jasminah A. ID NO. ____________________________

CURRICULUM : OLD - COURSE CODE___________ New - COURSE CODE ______________





PARACETAMOL To treat pain and to The following The central analgesic

lower fever, interactions between effect of paracetamol
respectively, paracetamol and other is brought about via
paracetamol is a medications have been the stimulation of
member of the documented: If descending
analgesic and paracetamol and serotonergic pathways.
antipyretic medication anticoagulants are There is disagreement
classes. taken together for an over its principal
extended period of mechanism of action,
time, the dosage of which may involve
anticoagulants inhibiting prostaglandin
(warfarin) may need to (PG) synthesis or
be reduced. activating cannabinoid
Metoclopramide and receptors through an
other drugs that speed active metabolite.
up gastric emptying
improve the absorption
of paracetamol.

IBUPROFEN Ibuprofen belongs to a Ibuprofen may interact Ibuprofen's primary

group of drugs known with the following mode of action is the
as NSAIDs. It functions medications: non-selective,
by halting the body's reversible inhibition of
production of a  lithium. COX-1 and COX-2
chemical responsible  warfarin. cyclooxygenase
for inflammation, fever,  oral enzymes (coded for by
and discomfort. hypoglycemics PTGS1 and PTGS2,
 methotrexate at respectively).
a high dose.
 blood pressure-
lowering drug.
 inhibitors of the
 beta-blockers.
 diuretics.

NAPROXEN Naproxen belongs to Aliskiren, ACE Naproxen prevents

the group of drugs inhibitors (like captopril arachidonate from
known as NSAIDs. It and lisinopril), binding, which inhibits
functions by halting the angiotensin II receptor COX-1 and COX-2
body's production of a blockers (like losartan competitively and has
chemical responsible and valsartan), analgesic and anti-
for inflammation, fever, cidofovir, inflammatory effects.
and discomfort. corticosteroids (like
prednisone), lithium,
and "water pills" are a
few products that may
interact with this
medication (diuretics
such as furosemide).

ASPIRIN One of the nonsteroidal Mifepristone, The most well-known

antiinflammatory acetazolamide, "blood way that aspirin works
medications is aspirin, thinners" (like warfarin, is to prevent the
an acetylated salicylate heparin), production of
(acetylsalicylic acid) corticosteroids (like prostaglandins,
(NSAIDs). prednisone), however this doesn't
dichlorphenamide, fully account for the
methotrexate, valproic range of anti-
acid, and herbal inflammatory effects
remedies are a few that aspirin has.
items that may interact
with this medication
(such as ginkgo


DECONGESTANNT Adrenergic agonists Antihistamines The activation of
called systemic administered topically postjunctional a-
decongestants are used (such as adrenergic receptors on
to alleviate sinus and diphenhydramine cream, the precapillary and
nasal congestion. Colds, ointment, or spray), postcapillary blood
allergies, or upper blood pressure drugs, vessels of the nasal
respiratory tract and other products may mucosa is the
infections can all interact with this mechanism by which
contribute to congestion. medication (especially decongestants exert their
Blood vessels in the guanethidine, effects.
nasal passageways methyldopa, beta
shrink as a result of blockers such as
decongestant use atenolol, or calcium
(vasoconstrict). channel blockers such as
ANTIHISTAMINES There are two main  Abrocitinib It is thought that
categories into which  Defibrotide histamine's competitive
antihistamines fall. H-1  Dichlorphenamid antagonistic binding to
blockers or H-1 receptor e cellular receptors,
antagonists are the first  Dihydroergotamin specifically the H1-
subtype. Antihistamines e receptors found on nerve
of this category are used  Influenza Virus terminals, smooth
to treat allergy Vaccine, Live muscles, and glandular
symptoms. H-2 blockers  Ketorolac cells, is the main
or H-2 receptor mechanism by which
 Linezolid
antagonists are the antihistamines work to
 Potassium Citrate
second subtype. cure allergic disorders.
 Rasagiline
 Riociguat
 Selegiline
 Tranylcypromine
 Viloxazine



ANTACID Over-the-counter (OTC) When antacids are The antacids work by
drugs called antacids aid combined with neutralizing the
in reducing stomach medications like stomach's acid and by
acid. Compared to other levodopa (Dopar) and preventing the proteolytic
acid reducers like H2 pseudoephedrine enzyme pepsin from
receptor blockers and (Sudafed, Semprex D, doing its job. Each of
proton pump inhibitors, Clarinex-D 12hr, these cationic salts has a
they operate differently Clarinex-D 24hr, unique pharmacological
(PPIs). These Deconsal, Entex PSE, feature that governs its
medications reduce or and others), the drugs therapeutic application.
stop the secretion of are absorbed more
stomach acid. readily and may become
toxic or induce adverse
reactions because their
blood levels are
H2 RECEPTOR Stomach acid- H2 blockers can interact By reversibly attaching to
BLOCKER suppressing medications with different histamine H2 receptors
known as H2 receptor medications. For found in gastric parietal
blockers or H2 receptor instance, Tagamet may cells, H2RAs reduce
antagonists (H2RAs) are reduce the efficiency of stomach acid output by
frequently used for a several painkillers. blocking the binding and
variety of gastric Additionally, it might slow function of the
diseases. down the body's endogenous ligand
metabolism of the blood histamine. Thus, H2
thinner warfarin. These blockers serve as
medications may impair competitive rivals.
the body's capacity to
assimilate nutrients like
folate, vitamin D, vitamin
B12, and others.
PROTON PUMP PPIs (proton-pump Certain PPIs and Plavix The hydrogen-potassium
INHIBITOR inhibitors) are a class of or other clopidogrel ATPase pump, which is
medications best known medications shouldn't be found on the luminal
for treating conditions taken together. The surface of the parietal
related to acidity. One of efficiency of clopidogrel cell membrane, is
the top 10 most can be reduced by PPIs irreversibly bound to and
prescribed medicines in by roughly 50%. In 2009, inhibited by proton pump
the US is omeprazole, a the American Food and inhibitors (PPIs), which
medication from this Drug Administration effectively stop stomach
class. The heterocyclic issued a warning. It acid secretion.
organic compound claimed that Prilosec
benzimidazole is the (omeprazole) and
source of PPIs. Nexium posed the
greatest danger
SIMETHICONE An over-the-counter Thyroid medicine an antiflatulent that
(OTC) medication called absorption may be lowers the surface
Mylicon (simethicone) hampered by tension of gas bubbles,
soothes the discomfort of simethicone (such as making it simpler to
newborn gas, which is levothyroxine). Take your expel gas. Therapeutic
frequently brought on by thyroid medicine at least Effect: Drug dispersion,
air swallowing or 4 hours before or after GI tract gas pocket
particular formulas or using simethicone- development is
foods. Mylicon is a containing products. prevented. Does not
member of the group of seem to be absorbed
drugs known as from the GI tract,
gastrointestinal agents, according to
which are used to treat pharmacokinetics.
gas. unaltered and excreted
in feces.


1. What are non-prescription drugs?

OTC or nonprescription medications are other names for over-the-counter drugs. These
phrases all refer to medications that are available over the counter. When used according
to the instructions on the label and those given by your healthcare provider, they are safe
and effective.

2. Why is it important to monitor non-prescription drugs, and who are at risk?

The same active component may be present in over-the-counter medications prescribed for
several conditions. People can accidently overdose themselves if they don't read the labels
on everything they consume.

3. As a pharmacist, what are your role and responsibility in patient self-medication?

In order to help them, provide them guidance, and teach them about the medications
available for self-medication, pharmacists have a crucial role to play. 1. Pharmacy
professionals are required to give solid, unbiased guidance about self-medication and the
drugs that are accessible for it.

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