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1.1 Background and Problems

Communication fills the important role as a bridge between living beings.

Language or literature is a must-have instrument for human to communicate with

one another. Language comes in many differences such as accents, dialects,

intonations and many more depends on time and place. That is to say,

communication is critical to the human race's survival; without language, humans

would have perished long ago.

"Language is a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of

social groups to cooperate, communicate, and identify themselves," writes

Kridalaksana (1983) and Djoko Kentjono (1982).According to Plato (427-347 BC),

the language is not a product of the convention, but. must simply be capable to

discern the nature of things. According to Santoso (1990:1), language is a series of

sound produced by said means of a conscious human being. Another definition,

language is a form and not a state (language may be the form and not a matter) or

something that sounds arbitrary symbol system, or also a system of many systems,

a system of an order or an order in the system. For Bloomfield, meaning consists in

the relation between speech and the practical events that precede and follow it. A

linguistic form is "the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it

calls forth in the hearer" (1933, p. 20).

The study of language in connection to society is known as sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistics is a descriptive study of the impact of all components of society,

including societal beliefs, expectations, and circumstances, about how language is

used, and also the impact of society on language. Language has many different

styles, and each is important in achieving the objective of social interaction and

comprehending the meaning of social interaction in language. The measure of

formality in a speaker's language style defines the type of language he or she uses.

There are five sorts of language styles: frozen style, formal style, consultative style,

casual style or informal style, and intimate style. (Joos, 1967).

There are various media used to learn about language style, a film or

movie is one example. The film is an accurate depiction of real-life discourse in

nature society. Every character in the film speaks in a unique way, and there are

always two or more diverse linguistic styles to be discovered in the film. The data

source used in this paper is the film "Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse". Intimate

style, casual style, formal style, consultative style, and frozen style are among the

various language styles used in the film. Watch and observe the film is one vital

move to gather a lot of language style in every dialogue parts.

"Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse," is a 2018 American CGI animation

film directed by Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, and Rodney Rothman. Sony

Pictures Animation had obviously great history when it comes to movie. There are

some historic movies they made such as Shrek, Monsters, Inc., a live action Astro

Boy, and even the sequence of Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse for following

months. In reality, language style is not very concerned so that may trigger

misconception and misunderstanding in public, so with this research the writer

hopes that the research would remind of how important language style in society

interactions are and also how vital the responds from society are. This topic is
interesting because language style is pretty exciting to learn, this way various kind

of relationships could be detected and also the measurement of the relationships.

1.2 Scope of Discussion

In this study there are scope of discussions, the scope of discussion describes

the extent to which the research area will be investigated in the task and the

specifications that will be used to conduct the research. This study will examine

language style in based on the foregoing background.

This paper's problem is organized as follows:

1. What language styles are used in Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse Movie?

2. What is the function of language style that is used in Spiderman: Into the

Spider-Verse Movie?

1.3 Aims

The aims of this paper are divided into three aims, they are general aim,

specific aim, and academic aim. The general aim is to apply the theory of language

style that had learnt during study. The specific aim of this paper is to tell that aside
from manner of speaking, there is language style that measures the relation

between individual and also to widen the knowledge of language itself. The

academic aim is to fulfill one of the academic requirements to get the Bachelor

Degree from the university. Besides, it is expected that this paper would be useful

for other students who are interested in analyzing the same topic, especially those

in the English Department of Faculty of Letters of Warmadewa University.

1.4 Theoretical Basis

The theoretical basis is rooted on the topic's theory. If a theoretical basis

for the topic cannot be identified, the background of the topic should be explained

and a theory should be developed. The substance and scope are determined by the

methodology employed and the amount to which the issue has been investigated.

The main theory used in this paper is taken from theory of language style from

Martin Joos, which said that there are five sorts of language styles: frozen style,

formal style, consultative style, casual style or informal style, and intimate style.

(Joos, 1967). Also, there is a main theory from theory of sociolinguistics by Peter

Stockwellin the book entitled sociolinguistics. It is stated that:

In the context of sociolinguistic study, style refers to variations within

registers that can represent individual choices along social dimensions. One

stylistic dimension within a register would be the scale of formality –

casualness (Stockwell 2007:8).

That clearly stated that language style determine relation between people,

and the scale would be from formality to casualness, specifically from frozen style

to intimate style. Chaika (1982: 29) mentioned that language style is the way

people use language when communicating, which might be textual or verbal. The

choice of linguistic forms to convey social or artistic impacts is referred to as

language style. A style can also be thought of as a collection of instructions.

Language operation, according to Ramos in Fishman (1970: 108), is based on

more specific information about the age, number, location, and interaction of

speakers of diverse local languages. According to the above remark, education and
social services are extremely essential to individuals.
1.4 Methods of Research

Methodology plays an important role in this research for it can give

guidance to achieve the objective. The method of this paper involves the procedure

of data source, data collection, and data analysis. The data of this paper were taken

from movie “Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse”. “Spiderman: Into the Spider-

Verse” is a 2018 USA CGI movie directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsay, and

Rodney Rothman. The movie starts with Peter Parker in another universe who

trains Miler Morales, the main protagonist, as the new Spider-Man and teams with

other Spider-person, to save their universe from the main antagonist The Kingpin.

The data collection of this study was done by watching the whole film and read

every part of the dialogue that may give clues about language style. Finally, after

the data were found, the next step was to take notes and make the data list. Said list

then were classified referring to the styles. In the data analysis, the classified data

are analyzed based on theory concerned. The points that were analyzed are into

five, they are frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style or informal

style, and intimate style.



2.1 Definition of Language Style

Language style, according to Chaika (1982:29), is the way people

communicate using language, which can be written or spoken. The use of

linguistics to convey social or artistic effects is referred to as language style. A

style can also be thought of as a collection of instructions. We use style to

manipulate others, and we also use style to manipulate ourselves, whether

intentionally or unintentionally. When talking with one another, people normally

employ either a formal or informal style, depending on the situation.

2.2 Types of Language Style

The language style used in upper class environment is different to the style

used in the lower-class environment. The environment also refers to the other

stratification, such as age, gender, and other social status. Social context,

participant relationships, social class, sex age, physical setting, and topic can all

influence linguistic style. Despite the fact that each class has a distinct average

score in each style, all groups' more formal language styles shift in the same

approach, that is, in the manner of standard English.

There are five sorts of language styles: frozen style, formal style,

consultative style, casual style or informal style, and intimate style. (Joos, 1967).
2.2.1 Intimate Style

Martin Joos defines intimate style as "a statement that avoids offering the

addressee information from beyond the speaker's skin" (1967:155). This is an

entirely intimate language that develops within families, close friends, couples,

and other groups. Additionally, repetition, removal, fast, slurred, pronunciation,

nonverbal communication, and private code are all features of intimate language.

Intimate style has two distinctive features. The first is vocabulary and the

second is removal. According to Joos, the speaker extracts a minimum pattern

from any feasible casual sentence (1967:155).The second category is vocabulary.

It is defined as technical vocabulary associated with a specific activity or group

that may be difficult to comprehend outside that context.

2.2.2 Casual Style

When an informal mood is acknowledged and wanted, such as outside the

classroom where students have a talk, casual style is utilized between friends and

colleagues, (Joos, 1967:153). According to Joos, there are two devices for casual

style: Ellipsis and Slang. Ellipsis (omissions) is a term that is used to demonstrate

the contrasts between informal and conversational grammar, both of which require

a shorter form. The absence of unstrained words, especially at the beginning of

sentences, is a distinctive aspect of casual style. Slang is a term that is only known

and used by a specific set of people. Slang is a term that almost everyone knows

and utilizes, and no one can really describe.

2.2.3 Consultative Style

In a dressy casual setting, the consultative style is typically used. According

to Joos (1967:154), consultative style is a way of interacting with outsiders that

communicate same language but have a different pool of information. It signifies

that this style is considered formal but not quite formal. The sentences in this style

are frequently shorter than those in formal style, and they are also necessary for

daily conversation. The consultative style has such a number of bad connotations.

It is distinguished by the absence of all the characteristics that distinguish the other

styles individually. “Yeah”, “nope”, “it's correct”, are some positive indicators of

consultative approach. This approach is most commonly seen and employed in

group discussions, school, or while swapping buyers and sellers.

2.2.4 Formal Style

Formal style, according Joos (1967:156), is often used in addressing

listeners; generally, listeners too large to allow effective interactions between

speakers and listener, though the forms are typically not as refined as those in an

oratorical style, such as in a typical university classroom lecture. It signifies that

this style is less formal than frozen, and it is frequently employed in formal

settings such as the business, school, and when they meet new people. According

to Joos, formal style is typically utilized in formal situations where there is little

shared background information and interaction is one-way with little or no

audience reaction. It indicates that the vocabulary used in formal style too is wide,

that normal speech is employed, that communication is delivered at a slow pace,

and that repetition is avoided. Before delivering a sentence, the speaker must

structure it and choose the words.

2.2.5 Frozen Style

The most formal style of discourse is the frozen style. It is normally reserved

for formal occasions, such as government functions or overseas gatherings. The

register employed in print or declamation is known as frozen style. In a

particularly formal circumstance, this type of speech is used. It is frequently

employed in royal, judicial, political, and management settings.

Frozen style, according to Martin Joos (1967:156), is a style designed to be

memorized and utilized in particularly formal settings such as palaces, religious

ceremonies, speeches for national ceremonies, and other ceremonial situations. It

suggests that persons who use this style are well-versed in language and well-

educated, as it necessitates more explanation than other forms. It can be seen in the

way the president speaks to the public and in the way a lawyer represents a client

in court.

Finally, it could be suggested that language style relates to language variance

and is defined by the way of expression of particular people. Language style is

divided into five categories: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual

style, and intimate style.

2.3 Function of Language Style

According to Chaika (1982:31), the speaker reveals a lot about oneself via

the words, language, and accent they use, both instinctively and intentionally. This

info communicates the speaker's social background, such as academic background

and territorial connection, to the listener. Style identifiers from a certain peer

group or location may be employed for other reasons with intent. It implies that

the objective of conversation must be determined before utilizing the language

style. Because there are other people with varied traits in a community, one among

them is being used to deliver the message. As a result, using style is needed

without giving others in any way, whether partially or directly.

According to the above remark, health and education are extremely

essential to people. On two separate times, their language is directed at and chosen

distinct in almost the same social media platforms or societies. Additionally,

according to Chaika (1982:36), employing style in conjunction with greetings and

dialogue messages is more practical than trying to encode such info on the outside

or throughout the dialogue.

1) To increase the reader’s taste

The writer's language style boosts the reader's willingness to follow

whatever he or she is saying. It will increase the reader's judgment of the writer's

ideas that are presented from his or her text, as well as the aims that the writer will


2) To persuade the reader

The writer's language style gives the reader confidence and trust in what he

or she is saying. By employing rhetorical language, the writer or speaker appeals

to the reader or listener.

3) To add the artistic effect of the idea being offered by the writer

One of the functions of language style is to add to the aesthetic

impression in this case. It will entice and entertain the reader or listener.

4) To make the writer’s idea clearer

Every writer wishes for the reader to comprehend and grasp the ideas and

concepts conveyed by the text. As a result, the writer must use the proper and

consistent word and language style to ensure that his or her messages and ideas are

clearly conveyed to the reader.

5) To create certain mood

When it comes to setting the mood, the writer's linguistic style has an

impact on the reader. It can also have an impact on how the audience feels or

thinks. As a result, the speaker's or writer's choice of language style in their

message will elicit a specific mood.



This chapter analyses every language style used in the film Spiderman: Into

the Spider-Verse and the function in said film. According to the expert Martin

Joos, there are five language styles in total, there are Intimate Style, Consultative

Style, Casual Style, Formal Style, and Frozen Style, from the most relax to most

formal style respectively.

3.1 Language Style and its Function in Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse movie

There are five language styles according to Martin Joos, and each style has

its function depend on the situation of the conversation and the relationship of the

users. In the next chapter, all collected data from the data source, which is

“Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse” film, will be analyzed based on theory by

Martin Joos.

3.1.1 Formal Style

Formal Style is a language style which often used in several formal cases, in

working environments, or to speak with someone older or just being respectful. This

style often used in bright, yet respectful tone and less word variations.

Data (1): at Miles’ house.

- TV News Reporter: Sad news tonight, The Hero known as

Spiderman has died after injuries related to

another earthquake in Brooklyn. Multiple

sources are confirming that Peter Parker, a

26-year-old grad student and part-time

photographer operated as Spiderman for at

least a decade.

According to the following monologue, the TV reporter stated that The

Spiderman has succumbed to his injuries caused by a second earthquake in

Brooklyn. It is clear that the reporter using formal language style, the word

“operated” mentioned above means to do something, be someone or both, and the

word “operated” here is the best word choice for formal language style. Also, there

is no shortening words or dictions like “it’s”, “nope”, etc, and it is clear that news

reporters has to be formal in bringing news because reporting news is universal and

global, which means anybody could see and hear the news, that statement means it

should be short, polite and clear for any audience.

3.1.2 Consultative Style

3.1.3 Casual or Informal Style

3.1.4 Intimate Style

3.2 Function of Language Style in Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse movie


Chaika, Elaine. (1982). Language The Seciety Mirror. RewleyMassachussets: New House

Publisher Inc.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Fishman and Ramos. (1970). Sociolinguistics a Brief introduction. RoullyMassachu Setts:

New Burry House Publisher Inc.

Joos, Martin. 1967 The Five Clocks. New York: Har court, Brace and World, Inc.

KAHN, C. Plato and the Post-Socratic Dialogue: The Return to the Philosophy of Nature

Peter Stockwell. 2017 The Language of Surealism.


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