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Broadband Methods for Online Grid Impedance

Tomi Roinila Matti Vilkko Jian Sun
Department of Electrical, Computer Department of Automation Department of Electrical, Computer
and Systems Engineering Science and Engineering and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Tampere University of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY, USA Tampere, Finland Troy, NY, USA
Email: Email: Email:

Abstract—Grid impedance is an important parameter for The active methods can be further categorized into steady-
the operation and control of grid-connected inverters used for state methods and transient methods. In the steady-state meth-
the integration of solar, wind, and other distributed generation ods, a periodic excitation such as sinusoid is injected. The
resources. Since the grid impedance usually varies over time
and with grid operation conditions, online measurement is analysis is then performed at steady state by Fourier analysis.
required for adaptive control of grid-connected inverters. Existing A frequency-response analyzer based on sine sweeps was
online measurement methods based on impulse perturbation and applied in [6] to measure the grid impedance of a single-
Fourier analysis require large current or voltage injection that phase system. Similar approach to three-phase systems was
may interfere with normal operation of the inverter. This paper presented in [7]. An instrumentation for high-frequency grid-
proposes the use of maximum-length binary sequence (MLBS)
injection and averaging Fourier techniques to overcome the impedance measurements was presented in [8], and a dq-
drawbacks of impulse injection. Experimental results based on domain approach in [9]. Using sine sweeps provides highest
a three-phase grid-connected inverter are presented and used to possible signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and, hence, most reliable
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. and accurate estimate of grid impedance. However, the method
is not suitable for online applications due to measurement
The increased use of inverter-connected resources starts to The steady-state methods based on a broadband excitations
affect the dynamics of the power grid. Interactions between the such as random sequences or pseudo-random sequences have
inverters and the power grid have been a topic of extensive re- also been reported. Random pulse-width modulation signals
search in recent years [1]–[3]. One issue that has been studied were applied in [10] as grid excitation to obtain the impedance
is the harmonic resonance between the inverter and the grid. over a wide spectral range. The method was however affected
The harmonic resonance may appear to be a power quality by the characteristics of aperiodic excitation such as leakage
problem, but it is actually an indication of lack of system and uncontrollable spectral energy distribution. The pseudo-
stability margin and may lead to instability and disruption of random binary sequence (PRBS) was applied, and the output
inverter operation if the grid impedance or the inverter power impedance of a single-phase grid-connected inverter was mea-
level further increases [4]. Therefore, accurate grid impedance sured in [14], [15].
information is essential for the design and tuning of control In the transient method, an impulse current is typically
for grid-connected inverters. Since the grid impedance varies injected into the network, and Fourier analysis is applied to
over time and with many parameters, real-time measurement extract the corresponding frequency components in both the
is most desirable. injected current and the resulting grid voltage response. The
The identification of grid impedance has a long history impulse introduces a wide spectrum and hence, the obtained
[5]–[12]. The presented techniques can be categorized into results show the grid impedance over a wide bandwidth.
passive methods [5], active methods [6]–[11], and quasi- Adaptive control of grid-connected inverters based on online
passive methods [12]. The passive methods use the non- measurement of the grid impedance using an impulse injection
characteristic voltage and current harmonics that are already was presented in [11]. In the method, the grid impedance was
present in the system. Active methods apply an excitation measured by the inverter itself: the inverter injects an impulse
signal that is used to perturb the current and voltage waveforms current on top of the normal output current, measures the
followed by appropriate data acquisition and signal processing. resulting responses in the grid voltage, and applies Fourier
Quasi-passive methods use hybrid identification techniques. analysis to extract the corresponding frequency components
Passive and quasi-passive methods have been proved to be in both the voltage and current. The grid impedance is then
ineffective if power system disturbances are not strong enough determined by the ratio between the perturbation voltage and
and, consequently, active methods have become more popular current. This method is easy to implement and works well for
[13]. weak grids. However, its accuracy is limited by the spectral

978-1-4799-0336-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 3003

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energy distribution of the impulse signal, which is largely their popularity is that they can be generated using feedback
uncontrollable. The large injection required when the grid shift register circuits, as shown in Fig.1.
impedance is low may also interfere with normal operation of
the inverter. Additionally, injection of a large impulse current
has to be carefully placed within a fundamental cycle, such
x ci
that spectral averaging techniques cannot be easily applied to MLBS
1 2 ... ... i ... n
reduce measurement noises.
In this paper, the use of a maximum-length binary sequence SHIFT REGISTER

(MLBS) injection in place of the conventional impulse injec- Fig. 1: n-bit shift register with XOR feedback for MLBS generation.
tion for online grid impedance measurement is proposed. The
MLBS is one class of pseudo-random sequences [16]. The Table I shows an example of an output from a shift register
sequence is a deterministic and periodic signal, and has the circuit for generating an MLBS of a length 24 − 1 = 15. The
lowest possible peak factor. Multiple injection periods can feedback is generated from stages 1 and 4. All four columns
be applied through spectral averaging, and as a result, the in Table I produces the same MLBS. The register can be
amplitude of the excitation can be kept at a much lower level started with any number other than 0,0,0,0. In the example,
compared to an impulse-type excitation. Other advantages the register is started from 0,0,0,1. Each binary number from
of the MLBS method include straightforward generation and 0,0,0,1 to 1,1,1,1 appears exactly once (the sequence starts
design of the sequence. The use of the MLBS has become repeating after 15 cycles). This is a general result for all
popular in various fields of electronics during the recent years maximum-length binary sequences [16]. In practice, the values
such as in analysis of switched-mode power supplies [17]– 0 and 1 are mapped to -1 and +1 to produce a symmetrical
[19], measuring impedance spectroscopy of single living cells MLBS with an average close to zero.
[20], in analysis of piezoelectric sensors [21], and in analysis
of silicon nanowire-based field-effect transistors [22]. TABLE I: Maximum-length binary sequence from a four-stage shift register.
It will be shown that both the impulse and MLBS injec-
Shift Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
tions work well for grid-impedance measurements under grid
1 0 0 0 1
conditions where tight amplitude restrictions are not required 2 1 0 0 0
and when the SNR of the measured signals is relatively 3 1 1 0 0
high. However, under stronger grid conditions and tighter 4 1 1 1 0
5 1 1 1 1
amplitude restrictions the impulse method fails while the 6 0 1 1 1
MLBS perturbation still produces accurate estimate of the grid 7 1 0 1 1
impedance. 8 0 1 0 1
9 1 0 1 0
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II 10 1 1 0 1
reviews the theory behind the MLBS and synthesis of the 11 0 1 1 0
12 0 0 1 1
sequence. Section III gives the design guidelines of the MLBS 13 1 0 0 1
and computation algorithm to obtain the grid impedance from 14 0 1 0 0
three-phase system. Section IV presents experimental evidence 15 0 0 1 0
based on a three-phase grid-connected inverter and a grid. 16 0 0 0 1
Finally, Section V draws conclusions.

II. M AXIMUM -L ENGTH B INARY S EQUENCE Fig. 2 shows the form of the power spectrum of the MLBS
shown in Table I. The sequence is generated at 10 kHz and has
Pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) is a periodic signal levels ± 1 V. The power spectrum has an envelope and
broadband signal with the following properties: drops to zero at the generation frequency and its harmonics.
1) The signal has two levels, and it can switch the level The spectrum is given by
only at certain event points t = 0, Δt, 2Δt, ...
a2 (N + 1) sin2 (πq/N )
2) The change of signal level is predetermined, so that the ΦMLBS (q) = , q = ±1, ±2, . . . (1)
PRBS is deterministic and experiments are repeatable. N2 (πq/N )2
3) The sequence is periodic with period T = N Δt, where where q denotes the sequence number of the spectral line, a
N is an odd integer is the signal amplitude, and N is the signal length.
4) Within one period, there are (N + 1)/2 intervals when The MLBS x has the lowest possible peak factor
the signal is at one level and (N − 1)/2 intervals when |x|peak /xrms = 1 regardless of its length. Hence, the sequence
it is at the other. is well suited for sensitive systems which require small-
A PRBS is based on a sequence of length N . The most com- amplitude perturbation. Due to the deterministic nature of the
monly used signals are based on maximum-length sequences sequence, the signal can be repeated and injected precisely
(maximum-length binary sequence(MLBS)). Such sequences and the SNR can be increased by synchronous averaging of
exist for N = 2n − 1, where n is an integer. The reason for the response periods.


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significantly differ from the real frequency-response function
G(jω). To avoid the problem, the cross-correlation technique
has been often applied [17]. In this method, a cross-correlation
is computed between the perturbation and sensed output after
which the frequency response is obtained by Fourier transform.
The method tends to cancel out the effect of external noise in
output provided that the excitation resembles ideal white noise.
The method requires, however, that the measured perturbation
is noise free. Considering a system shown in Fig.3, the ideal
perturbation is not measured and used in the computation.
Hence the cross-correlation technique fails and both random
Fig. 2: Power spectrum of 15-bit-length MLBS generated at 10 kHz. and bias error will be present. Even in the case of ideal
perturbation, the cross-correlation technique reduces the effect
III. G RID -I MPEDANCE M EASUREMENT U SING MLBS: of noise only from the output side. In the presence of noise
M ETHODS AND D ESIGN both at input and output, the logarithmic averaging procedure
[23] is proposed as
Consider a grid-connected system as a linear time-invariant
 P 1/P
system for small disturbances. According to basic control  Urk (jω)
theory, this type of system can be fully characterized by its Glog (jω) = (5)
Iek (jω)
impulse response, which can be transformed into frequency k=1
domain and presented by a frequency-response function. where P denotes the number of injected excitation periods.
In the method, the measurements from both input and output
EXCITATION x(t ) RESPONSE sides are segmented and Fourier transformed after which (5) is
SIGNAL y (t )
g (t )
applied. As the conventional cross-correlation method requires
e(t ) + + r (t ) that the excitation resembles ideal white noise (or more specif-
ically, the auto correlation of the excitation resembles Dirac
xe (t ) yr (t ) delta function), the logarithmic averaging procedure does not
Fig. 3: Typical measurement set up. have this requirement. The method tends to cancel out the
effect of uncorrelated noise both from input and output sides,
Fig.3 shows a typical setup where the device under test, and hence, the frequency response is obtained more accurately
presented by an impulse-response function g(t), is to be [23].
identified. The system is perturbed by the excitation x(t),
which yields the corresponding output response y(t). The A. Excitation Design
measured signals are corrupted with noise, as presented by
e(t) and r(t). The measured excitation and output response can In a typical frequency-response identification, the applied
now be denoted by xe (t) and yr (t). The noises are assumed to excitation signal should have an approximately equal amount
resemble white noise and are uncorrelated with x(t) and y(t). of energy at the frequencies where the system is to be
All of the signals are assumed to be zero mean sequences. The identified. According to Fig.2, the energy in the MLBS is
frequency-response function of the device can be denoted as clearly spread over the harmonics in a non-uniformly manner.
However, approximately uniform energy can be achieved by
Y (jω) generating the sequence with a sufficiently high frequency.
G(jω) = (2)
X(jω) Typically, the spectrum is considered to be flat until the power
where Y (jω) and X(jω) denote the Fourier transforms of has dropped 3 dB. This part of the excitation signal is known as
the corresponding time-domain signals y(t) and x(t). In an effective frequency band. Thus, the generation frequency of
the presence of external noise the noise-affected frequency- the signal has to be selected such that the effective frequency
response function Gn (jω) can be denoted as band covers the frequency band where the system is to be
identified. Other design variables of the MLBS include the
Yr (jω) length of one MLBS period (N ), number of injection periods
Gn (jω) = (3)
Xe (jω) (P ), and amplitude of the injection (a).
where Xe (jω) and Yr (jω) denote the Fourier transforms of The period length N should be selected such that
xe (t) and yr (t). Denoting the error signals e(t) and r(t) by N = 2n − 1 ≥ fgn · T , where n denotes the degree of
their Fourier transforms E(jω) and R(jω), Gn (jω) becomes the MLBS shift register, T denotes the settling time of the
system, and fgn is the generation frequency of the sequence.
1 + [R(jω)/Y (jω)]
Gn (jω) = G(jω) (4) This is important in order to avoid time aliasing [23]. The
1 + [E(jω)/X(jω)] number of excitation periods P can be decided by evaluating
Clearly, in the presence of noise at the input and output the power of external noise which defines the variance of the
signals, the measured transfer function obtained by (4) may frequency-response function. Using P excitation periods the


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effect of noise is reduced by 1/ P . The amplitude a of the IV. E XPERIMENTS AND P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION
excitation needs to be chosen carefully. It has to be low enough Fig. 4 shows the setup of the system under study. The
to avoid too great effects of nonlinear dynamical phenomena semiconductor block on the left represents a three-phase
but high enough to provide adequate SNR. The nonlinearities voltage-source converter fed from a renewable source which
and noise characteristics depend both on the device under test is modeled as a dc voltage source in this study. A second-
and specified operational conditions. Thus, it is difficult to give order LC filter (L-Cf ) is inserted between the inverter and the
general advice for the selection of the amplitude. grid to attenuate the pulse-width-modulation (PWM) ripple
Considering grid-impedance measurements, the starting and a damping resistor (Rd ) is placed in series with each
point of the excitation design is the selection of the generation filter capacitor. Inductors Lg represent the grid impedance. A
frequency fgn . If the actual injection is performed through the second inverter is connected in parallel with the grid to emulate
controller, the measurable frequency response is limited by the situation such as wind farms where the grid impedance
the controller bandwidth and the generation frequency should seen by each turbine also includes the impedance of other
be selected accordingly. Higher generation frequency (and turbines.
hence increased bandwidth of the measured impedance) may The grid synchronization is implemented in a digital signal
be obtained by considering different injection point of the process (DSP). The main control functional blocks are de-
excitation; depending on the injection point, the bandwidth picted in Fig. 4, and include synchronization to the grid voltage
may be limited by the switching frequency or the sampling by a phase-locked loop (PLL), transformation of measured
frequency. voltages and currents into the dq reference frame, and phase-
Next, the period length N should be selected. The settling domain control. As shown in the figure, the current perturba-
time of the grid voltages/currents for small disturbances is a tion, whether in the impulse or MLBS form, is injected into
fraction of fundamental cycle. Since the length of a reasonable the d-axis component of the grid current reference (idref ). Since
excitation in practical measurements is typically close to the the grid voltages are measured between the filter inductors
fundamental cycle, the time aliasing will not be an issue. In- and capacitors, the measured grid impedance (Zg ) actually
stead, the period length should be based on desired frequency includes the impedance of the filter capacitors and the damping
resolution that is defined by fgn /N . resistors in series with them (see Fig. 4). The line-to-line
The number of excitation periods P should be defined voltage is 208 V and the three-phase power 5 kW.
by the desired accuracy (variance) of the measurements and Two sets of experiments are performed with both the
memory limitations of data acquisition. The measurement can impulse injection and MLBS perturbation. The first set is
be performed first by applying only one excitation period performed with a grid of 0.1 per unit impedance, and the
after which the SNR second under stronger grid conditions (0.03 per unit). A sine-
√ is computed. Because the effect of noise
is reduced by 1/ P , P can be increased according to the sweep-based network analyzer is used to obtain a reference
requirements and limitations. In practical measurements, P response and compare the results. The grid impedance is
typically varies between 2−8. measured for 3 kHz bandwidth. All signals are measured at
100 kHz.
A. Experiment 1
B. Decomposition into Sequence Components
In the first experiment, the amplitude of the MLBS current
The measured frequency components of voltages and cur- was restricted to 0.1 per unit (10 % of the rated inverter cur-
rents are typically decomposed into positive- and negative- rent), i.e. 2 A. For the impulse current injection, the amplitude
sequence components [11]. The zero sequence component is was set at 0.6 per unit (12 A) to achieve approximately similar
not computed assuming that the zero sequence impedance of accuracy. The MLBS was designed and generated by Matlab
the three-phase inverter is infinite, which is justified by the by following the design steps in Section III, and injected to the
fact that there are only three wires at the grid interconnection current controller reference. The MLBS was generated using
and no zero sequence current can flow. The decomposition a 10-bit-length shift register. Hence, the length of one full
operation of voltages and currents can be given as excitation period was 1023 bits. Fig.5 shows a sample MLBS
⎡ ⎤ injection signal and the impulse current injection used in the
    X (jω)
X1 (jω) 1 1 a a2 ⎣ a experiment.
= Xb (jω) ⎦ (6)
X2 (jω) 3 1 a2 a The MLBS was injected into the system with 5 periods. The
Xc (jω)
measured data sequences were Fourier transformed after which
where X1 and X2 denote the discrete Fourier transform of (5) was applied. Fig.6 shows a sample of collected voltages
the negative and positive sequence components, a is defined and currents during the MLBS injection (at 32 ms).
as e(j2π/3) , and Xa , Xb , and Xc are the Fourier transforms The impulse was injected in the negative direction at the
of the measured line voltages or currents. The impedance is positive peak of the phase current such that the net inverter
computed by dividing the sequence components of voltages current stays within its rated value. The impulse analysis used
and currents. It is assumed that there is no coupling of in the paper assumes the system is stationary between two
sequence components. consecutive fundamental cycles. The effects of background


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Fig. 4: Schematic diagram of the grid-connected inverter used for injection of impulse/MLBS and grid-impedance identification.

harmonics are removed by subtracting the unperturbed system

trajectory from the impulse response of the system. This oper-
ation is applied to each phase voltage and phase current. Fig.7
shows a sample of collected voltages and currents during the
impulse injection (at 23 ms). Since the impulse response has
only one period of response, straightforward Fourier transform
was applied to obtain the spectral representation.

Fig. 5: Impulse current excitation and sample MLBS current injection.

Current a Current b Current c
Current a Current b Current c 20
Current (A)

Current (A)

−30 15 20 25 30
10 20 30 40 50 60

300 Voltage a Voltage b Voltage c

Voltage a Voltage b Voltage c
200 100
Voltage (V)

100 0
Voltage (V)

0 −100

15 20 25 30
10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig. 7: Measured current and voltage responses during the injection of
Fig. 6: Sample of current and voltage responses during the injection of MLBS.


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The SNR of the measured voltage responses was approx- In the experiment, both the impulse and MLBS injections were
imately 36 dB for the impulse and 31 dB for the MLBS applied with 5 periods and averaging was used. Otherwise the
(single period).√For five periods of MLBS the effect of noise is experiment was performed identically to the first experiment.
reduced by 1/ 5 and consequently, the SNR is increased to Fig.9 shows a sample of collected voltages and currents
10 dB higher than with the impulse injection. Fig.8 shows during the impulse injection (at 12 ms). Fig.10 shows a sample
the computed magnitude and phase response of the grid of collected voltages and currents during the MLBS injection
impedance. Only the positive sequence components are shown. (at 28 ms).
The negative sequence components show almost identical be-
havior. As can be seen, both methods yield relatively accurate
estimate of the grid impedance at lower frequencies showing Current a Current b Current c
only few Decibels and degrees of error up to the resonance
frequency. Due to the noise-reducing averaging procedure (5) 20

and hence increased SNR, the MLBS injection produces more

Current (A)
accurate estimates at higher frequencies of the grid impedance 0
where the effect of noise is stronger. The curves obtained by
the impulse injection show up to four Decibels and 20 degrees
of error at higher frequencies.

45 5 10 15 20
Impulse Positive sequence components Time(ms)
35 Reference

300 Voltage a Voltage b Voltage c

15 100
Voltage (V)

10 0
2 3
10 10

5 10 15 20
Fig. 9: Measured current and voltage responses during the injection of
50 impulse.

0 The measured SNR for the voltage responses (single period)

was approximately 27 dB for the MLBS but only 2 dB for the
impulse. With the applied five periods the SNR values were
−100 increased to 40 dB for the MLBS and 15 dB for the impulse.
In order to have equal SNR values the number of impulse
2 3
periods should have been increased to approximately 90.
Frequency (Hz) Fig.11 shows the computed magnitude and phase response
Fig. 8: Positive sequence components of grid impedance with impulse and of the grid impedance with the impulse and MLBS. Due to the
MLBS. lower SNR of the impulse, the obtained curves show high error
(up to 15 dB and 60 degrees) through the whole frequency
B. Experiment 2 band compared to the reference. The curves obtained by the
The second set of experiments was performed under MLBS follow more accurately the reference showing only a
stronger grid conditions (0.03 per unit). In the experiment, the fraction of error compared to the response obtained by the
amplitudes of both excitations were restricted to 0.1 per unit. impulse.
Due to the stronger grid conditions, the SNR of the measured In order to obtain similar accuracy with the impulse, the
voltage responses is weakened. The MLBS was redesigned level of injection should be increased to approximately 1.5 per
and shortened to 511 bits in order to produce more energy unit (without increasing the number of periods). Fig.12 shows
at the harmonic frequencies. Using an MLBS of half length the time domain curves with such injection. Fig.13 shows
compared to the sequence in the first experiment effectively the computed magnitude and phase response. The impulse
means that the energy is doubled at the harmonic frequencies. with increased level of injection produces relatively accurate


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40 response at lower and higher frequencies. The impedance
Current a Current b Current c around the resonance frequency is however poorly obtained.

Current (A)

Current a Current b Current c
0 30

−10 20

Current (A)
−20 10

−30 0

−40 −10
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time(ms) −20


300 −40
10 15 20 25
Voltage a Voltage b Voltage c Time(ms)

Voltage (V)

300 Voltage a Voltage b Voltage c

Voltage (V)


−300 −100
10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 10: Sample of current and voltage responses during the injection of
MLBS. −300
10 15 20 25

Fig. 12: Measured current and voltage responses during the injection of
45 impulse.
40 Impulse Positive sequence components
35 Reference As the grid conditions become stronger, the measurement
30 will be more challenging due to the reduced voltage response

25 to the current perturbation. Since the energy of the MLBS

20 is distributed over many harmonic frequencies, either the
amplitude of the current injection has to be increased to
produce more perturbation in the voltage, or more periods of
injection have to be applied and averaged to reduce the effects
of noise. Both methods may become difficult in practice.
In such cases, the discrete-interval binary sequence (DIBS)
injection can be used in place of the MLBS. The DIBS is a
computer optimized signal where certain number of harmonic
150 frequencies are specified from a binary sequence, and their
energy is maximized at the cost of non specified harmonic
frequencies (without increasing the signal time-domain ampli-
50 tude). The DIBS was applied for three-phase grid impedance

measurement in [24].
Recent studies have presented an impulse-type excitation
−100 implemented by a grid-connected inverter to obtain grid
impedance online. The method has advantages, but it requires
2 3
10 10 low noise floor. This paper has presented the use of the
Frequency (Hz)
maximum-length binary sequence (MLBS). Due to the low
Fig. 11: Positive sequence components of grid impedance with impulse and
peak factor, the amplitude of the injection can be kept rela-
tively small compared to other types of excitations thus guar-


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [20] J. Hirvonen, M. Vilkko, T. Roinila, and P. Kallio, “Estimation of elec-
trical cell-capillary admittance during injection with frequency response
This work is supported in part by the Academy of Finland method,” in Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, 2008, pp. 13 749–13 754.
[21] T. Roinila, L. Lihui, M. Vilkko, G. Dandan, and X. Wen-ming, “Pseudo-
and by the National Science Foundation of US under Award random sequences in analysis of polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric
#ECCS-1002265. The experimental work was conducted at sensors,” in Proc. International Conference on Manipulation, Manufac-
the RPI Distributed Generation Test-Bed and was supported turing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 2012, 6 pages.
[22] T. Roinila, X. Yu, A. Gao, T. Li, J. Verho, M. Vilkko, P. Kallio,
by Mauricio Cespedes. Y. Wangy, and J. Lekkala, “Characterizing leakage current in silicon
nanowire-based field-effect transistors by applying pseudo-random se-
R EFERENCES quences,” in Proc. International Conference on Manipulation, Manufac-
turing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 2012, 5 pages.
[1] M. Cespedes and J. Sun, “Renewable energy systems instability involv- [23] R. Pintelon and J. Schoukens, System Identification - A Frequency
ing grid-parallel inverters,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Domain Approach. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Conference and Exposition, 2009, pp. 1971–1977. Inc., 3 Park Avenue, New York, 2001.
[2] J. Xie, Y. Feng, and N. Krap, “Network impedance measurements for [24] T. Roinila, M. Vilkko, and J. Sun, “Online grid impedance measurement
three-phase high-voltage power systems,” in Proc. Power and Energy using discrete-interval binary sequence injection,” in Proc. IEEE Work-
Engineering Conference, 2010, pp. 1–5. shop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, 2013, in press.


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