Article Reading Tips

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"From Knowledge to Action: Using Reading as the Catalyst for

Personal and Professional Capability Enhancement."

1. Skim the article first to get an idea of its main points and structure, and then read it
more carefully to understand the details. This will allow you to learn the key takeaways
of the article more quickly, and help you to decide if it is relevant and useful for your

2. Take notes as you read to help you remember the important information and ideas.
You may also want to highlight or underline key passages that you may want to refer to
later. This will help you to recall the important highlights of the article when you are
reviewing it again.

3. Consider how the article might apply to your specific role or organization. Think
about any challenges or issues that you are currently facing, and see if the article offers
any solutions or strategies that could be helpful. This will help you to customize the
information to your specific work situation.

4. Share the article with your team or colleagues, and use it as a conversation starter
during team meetings or one-on-one discussions. This can help you to share knowledge
and insights, and involve others in the process of staying up-to-date on industry trends
and best practices. (Reference - "How to Share Articles Effectively with Your Team".
LinkedIn Learning.)

5. Reflect on the article and identify any action items that you can take based on what
you have learned. This may include implementing new policies or procedures, adapting
existing practices, or sharing your insights with others in your organization. This will help
you to extract the most value and benefit from the article.

“Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life”

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