Module-5 - Aveen K P

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Module -5

Stability analysis using Polar plot, Nyquist plot, Bode plot, Determination of phase margin and
gain margin using Bode plot.

Polar Plot
Sketching the frequency response means to plot the variations in magnitude and phase angle
versus the input frequency.
The two plots constituting the frequency response are called gain plot or magnitude plot
and phase plot.
The scientist Bode has suggested to use a logarithmic scale to sketch frequency response.
In polar plot, the magnitude of G(jω)H(jω) is plotted against the phase angle of G(jω)H(jω)
for various values of ω.
In frequency response we have,

We can obtain the values of M and Φ by varying the input frequency ω from 0 to ∞. The
result can be tabulated as below.

This is the data required for the polar plot.

Each value of M and Φ corresponding to particular frequency ω decides a point as per the
polar co-ordinate system. i.e. for ω = ω1, M = M1 and Φ = Φ1.
So it decides a point having polar co-ordinates as M1∠Φ1. This is the point which is tip of
the phasor of magnitude M1 plotted at an angle Φ1

A polar plot is shown in fig below,

So polar plot starts at point representing magnitude and phase angle for ω = 0. While it
terminates at a point representing magnitude and phase angle for ω = ∞.

ωgc and ωpc in polar plot

In polar plot, frequency corresponding to

is called gain cross over frequency i.e., ω = ωgc. Now have to locate a point on polar plot having
M =1? To get the point with M = 1, draw a circle with radius 1 and centre as origin. The point
where this circle intersects polar plot is point where and corresponding frequency is ω = ω gc

Now ωpc is the frequency at which . In polar plot we

have to find such a point on plot whose angle is -1800 i.e. a point on the negative real axis.
So at ω = ωpc, the polar plot intersects negative real axis. Such a point Q is shown in the
In stability determination,

and plays a very

important role. This point 1∠-1800 is nothing but a point -1 + j0 on the negative real axis
and called critical point in polar and Nyquist plot analysis.

Nyquist Plot Analysis

The concept Nyquist plot is little bit difficult to understand and hence we will divide the discussion in
following sections to unfold the Nyquist plot step by step.

1. Pole – Zero configuration from Nyquist plot point of view.

2. Concept of encirclement and number of encirclements.

3. Analytic function and its singularities.

4. Mapping theorem or principle of argument.

5. Nyquist stability criterion

Pole-Zero Configuration

 Any function which can be expressed as a ratio of two polynomials has its own poles and

 Consider function G(s)H(s) called open loop transfer function of a system.


 The poles of G(s)H(s) are called open loop poles and zeros of G(s)H(s) are called open loop

 Now consider closed loop transfer function C(s)/R(s) as

 The poles of this transfer function are the roots of the characteristic equation 1 + G(s)H(s) =
0 and are called closed loop poles of a system.

 Open loop poles are s = 0, -2. Open loop zeros are absent.

 Closed loop poles are the roots of s2 + 2s + 10 = 0.

 Now consider the mathematical function F(s) = 1 + G(s)H(s).

 This function on its own can be expressed as ratio of two separate polynomials in s as,

 Now roots of P(s) = 0 are the zeros of 1 + G(s)H(s).

 While the roots of Q(s) = 0 are the poles of 1 + G(s)H(s).

 The L.C.M. of 1 + G(s)H(s) is always the denominator of G(s)H(s).

 Q(s) polynomial is always the denominator of the function G(s)H(s). So Q(s) = 0 gives the
roots which we have called open loop poles of a system.

Generalized Nyquist Path & its Mapping

 If the function has poles at origin or poles on the imaginary axis, Nyquist path can not be
selected along imaginary axis passing through origin. This is because mapping theorem
states that at every point on Nyquist path, function must be analytic. But at its poles it can
not be analytic. In such a case Nyquist path is modified in such a way to bypass these poles
by selecting semicircles of radius tending to zero around them but still encircling entire right
half of s-plane.

 Depending upon the situation of poles of G(s)H(s), Nyquist path should be selected. The
guidelines for selection of Nyquist path are given here.

 Let F(s) has two poles on imaginary axis at ±jω1 while one pole at origin. Then Nyquist path
should be selected as shown in the fig.

 The points by which path is modified are:

Steps to Solve Problems by Nyquist Criterion

 Step 1: Count how many number of poles of G(s)H(s) are in the right half of s-plane i.e.
with positive real part. This is the value of P.

 Step 2: Decide the stability criterion as N = -P i.e. how many times Nyquist plot should
encircle ‘-1 +j0’ point for absolute stability.

 Step 3: Select Nyquist path as per the function G(s)H(s).

 Step 4: Analyze the sections as starting point and terminating point of plot. Last section
analysis not required.

 Step 5: Mathematically find out ωpc and intersection of Nyquist plot with negative real axis
by rationalizing G(jω)H(jω).

 Step 6: With the knowledge of step 4 and 5, sketch the Nyquist plot.

 Step 7: Count the number of encirclements N of -1 + j0 by Nyquist plot. If this matches with
the criterion decided in step 2 system is stable, otherwise unstable.

 Q = intersection point of Nyquist plot with negative real axis obtained in step 5.


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