PasSimp Review WS DH

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wasn't was

was were
Were was wasn't
weren't were

Was your exam difficult?

Where were Ann and Chris last week?

How much was your new camera?

Why were you angry yesterday?

Was the weather nice yesterday?

Mr and Mrs Hall were at the restaurant.

were at the cinema. Ben was at the beach.
was at the train station. was.............................
didn't work
didn't go
didn't have
didn't do

Did you enjoy the party?

Did you have a good holiday?
Did you finish work early?
Did you sleep well last night?

got up / didn't get up

had / didn't have
bought / didn't buy
ate / didn't eat
went / didn't go

did it cost

did you arrive Did you go to bed late

Did you win Did you have a nice time

did you go did it happen

Did it rain
didn't stay
didn't have
did you do

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