Multiple Choices

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1. Are your family coming…………. from France for the wedding?

A. over              B. off                C. into                  D. down
2. The car suddenly ………….
A. out of order          B. bursts into flames                 C. out of work        D. bursts into fire
3. Even after I washed the curtain, it still had some ……. marks on it.
A. faint                B. weak               C. thin                   D. uncertain
4.He can't___ ignorance as his excuse, he should have known what was happening in his
own department.
a. Please                   B. apology             C. plead                      D. take
5. It was too late to ______the contact.
A. come out                     B. back down                    C. back off                 D. back out of
6.The woman was ___ from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. evicted               B. expelled                                C. truanted                       D. discharged
7.In spite of his poor education, he was a most ___ speaker.
A. knowledgeable                         B. articulate                      C. dubious             C. dull
8.So who are the ………. people of this land?
A. indigenous                  C. hometown               C. native                D. national
9. The most historic building of the town has been ………by the storm.
A. wiped up                    B. wiped out                      C. wiped down               D. wiped off
10.I was just …………. the soup that you spilled in the kitchen.
A. wiped out              B. wiped up                          C. wiped down                            D. wiped off
11.……… through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale
A. rummage                    B. Seek                  C. Find                               D. Search
12.When we put up the shelves in the kitchen, it was very simple, we just had to ___ a few
holes in the wall.
A. push                             B. drill                      C. stab                             D. pierce
13.When Mrs. Frobisher was taken to hospital, two ambulance men carried her out of the
house on a ……. 
A. mattress               B. hammock                   C. stretcher                 D. hearse
14.The work keeps ………., and I seem to get very little done.
A. Piling on                    B. growing up            C. heaping on                  D. piling up
15.He ran down the beach and ___ into the sea.
A. headed                B. sank                   C. dived                         D. bathed
16.It is dangerous to ___out of the windows of the train.
A. hold               B. slope              C. bend                  D. lean     
17.Her hair was wet from the ………. tossed up by the huge waves.
A. spray                       B. lather                  C. surf                              D. foam
18. What's wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed ________?
A. on the wrong sides        B. on the wrong side    C. on the wrong foot         D. on the wrong
19.The company directors asked the government to _____in the dispute and prevent a
A. interpose                B. interact              C. intercept          D. intervene
20.The purpose of the survey was to ___ the inspectors with the local conditions.
A. acquaint                B. Know                     C. understand                    D. connect
21. that picture is somewhat ___ of Picasso's early work.
A. remind                        B. reminiscent             C. remember                     D. similar 
22. You have to be rich to send a child to private school because the fees are ____.
A. aeronautical B. astronomical C. astrological  D. atmospherical
23. Young children often express their anger by having temper ____.
A. attacks B. tantrums C. fits D. spells
24. There will be necessity be a ___ to the amount of money put at the new manager's
A. telling                              B. reduce                  C. ceiling                            D. disposal
25. He’s a sort of person who immediately made you feel………… ease.               B. on                           C. in                          D. with
26. Although it was ………… jewelry, it looked real enough.
A. imitation                  B. false                   C. artificial              D. true
27. Even a ____glance at such an approach would suggest that it is doomed to failure, and
it surely is.
A. quick                       B. cursory                         C. fast                        D. flash
28. The mysterious case of the missing millionaire has become the _____ considerable
interest in the press over the last few weeks.
A. Middle                    B. target                  C. pin-point                            D. focus
29.Being described by the Americans as a homemaker seems infinitely preferable to being
referred to as a ________housewife.
A. only                      B. sole                     C. mere                              C. lone
30. New items are ________to a stringent process of selection.
A. object                          C. subject                             C. made                          D. dependent
31. The electorate will not easily forgive the government for failing to fulfill its ____.
A. vows                              B. promises                     C. aspirations           D. offers
32. He should have phoned the police. However angry he was, he shouldn’t have ____the
laws into his own hands.
A. taken                                 B. held                                  C. had                  D. grasped
33.It was too cold at night that she took a hot water ......... to bed with her.
A. bottle            B. bag                 C.pot                              D. kettle
34. The law proved so unpopular that it was ........
A. repelled                   B. repulsed                   C. taken back                     D. repealed
35. No one is so ........ as the person who has no wish to learn.
A. ignorant                             B. unwise                           C. stupid                  D. clever
36. The chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to ___from it.
A. cancel                B. postpone                        C. prevent              D. resign     
37.To prevent flooding in winter flowing from the dawn is constantly...... by a computer.
A. Followed                    B. monitored                 C. conducted                   D. observed                
38. The leaders, sensing that war was ........, preparing their defenses.
A. imminent                          B. immediate        C. immune                          D. immense
39. We sat on after the meal, .........the taste of fine brandy.
A. savoring                         B. indulging                   C. sipping                    D. sensing
40. A property company was making a ... bid for the supermarket site.
A. Proposition                 B. proposal               C. tender                   D. takeover
41. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows _____in their frames.
A. flapped                   B. slapped               C. rattled                D. shocked
42. Many strands were ___ together to make the rope really strong.
A. woven                    B. twisted      C. revolved             D. rolled
1. come over (phr) To come to a
place, move
from one place
to another, or
move towards
2. burst into flames (phr) Suddenly began
3. faint (adj) Mờ nhạt, không
4. plead (v) Bào chữa, nài
5. back out of (phr) Withdraw an
7. articulate (v) Able to express
thoughts and
feelings easily
and clearly, or
showing this
8. indigenous (adj) Bản xứ.
9. wipe sth out (phr) To destroy sth
10. wipe sth up (phr) To remove a
(usually a
11. jumble sale (phr) Bán hàng cũ gây
từ thiện.
rummage (v) Lục lọi.
12. drill (v) Khoan.
13. stretcher (n) Xe kéo (Người
bị thương hoặc
bị bệnh).
14. pile up (phr) Increase in
15. dive (v) Lặn.
6. discharge (n) To allow so
officially to
especially a
hospital or law
16. lean (v) Ỷ vào, dựa vào.
17. spray (n) Bụi nước.
18. get out of bed on the wrong side (idiom) To be in bad
mood and to be
easily annoyed
all day.
19. dispute (v) Tranh luận
intervene (v) Xen vào, can
20. acquaint (v) To make
familiar (with).
21. reminiscent of so/sth (phr) Making you
remember a
person, event or
24. Ceiling (n) An upper limit,
usually relating
to money.
25. at (one’s) ease Relaxed/Pleased.
26. imitation (n) Make sbd/sth
look like sbd/sth
27. cursory (n) Vội, nhanh.
22. astronomical (adj) Extremely large.
28. the focus of interest (phr) Tiêu điểm, tâm
điểm chú ý.
29. mere (adj) Use to emphasis
that sth is not
large or
30. be subject to sth (phr) To have or
experience a
particular thing
31. vow (n) A serious
promise or
23. tantrum (n) A sudden period
to fly into a tantrum (phr) of uncontrolled
32. take the law into one's own hands (phr) To do sth illegal
and often violent
in order to
punish someone
because you
know the law
will not punish
that person.
33. a hot water bottle (phr) A rubber
container that
you fill with
very hot water
and use to warm
a bed or a part of
your body.
34. repeal (n) If government
repeals a law , it
causes that law
no longer to
have any legal
35. unwise (adj) Stupid.
35. ignorant (adj) Not knowing
something that
you should
know or need to
36. resign oneself to sth (phr) To make oneself
something that
you do not like
because you
cannot change it
be resigned to
If you are
resigned to
unpleasant, you
calmly accept
that it will
37. monitor (v) Giám sát.
39. Savor (v) To eat, drink
usually slowly in
order to
appreciate the
taste or quality.
Thưởng thức.
40. make a takeover bid for sth (phr) A situation in
which a
company was
making a take-
over bid for the
supermarket site.
41. rattle (v) To (cause sth to)
make a noise
like a series of
42. twist (v) To turn sth,
repeatedly, or to
turn or wrap one
thing around
38. imminent (adj) Sth is about to

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