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1. The dampness of the walls caused the paint to ______ off.

A. Flake B. Break C. Crumble D. Scale
2. The door hangers had all been oiled to stop them ____________.
A. Shrieking B. Screeching C. Squeaking D. Squealing
3. From an early lead, the team ____________ to an embarrassing defeat.
A. Dropped B. Fell C. Declined D. Slumped
4. You are not _________ to free school lunches.
A. Allowed B. Guaranteed C. Entitled D. Permitted
5. She __________ out of the house as fast as her legs would carry her.
A. Strolled B. Dashed C. Ambled D. Plunged
6. The soap opera star threatened to ____________ her dentist for 10 million dollars.
A. Prosecute B. Charge C. Convict D. Sue
7. The proposed _________ of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics would make the new
company the largest electronics firm in Britain.
A. Merger B. Combination C. Fusion D. Mixture
8. Put some oil on that tight nut, that might ___________ the tricks.
A. Make B. Do C. Have D. Prove
9. There was no one in the house, but the ____________ of the meal lay on the table.
A. Remain B. Remains C. Ruins D. Records
10. Whenever he writes to his parents, he ________ a cheque with his letter.
A. Encloses B. Contributes C. Reserves D. Contains
11. She ___________ several times in her chair and then at last she went to sleep.
A. Dropped B. Shook C. Nodded D. Sank
12. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by ____________ rivers.
A. Expanded B. Swollen C. Prolonged D. Extended
13. The campers _________ their tent in a sheltered valley.
A. Established B. Installed C. Fixed D. Pitched
14. The jury returned a(n) _____________ of not guilty.
A. Sentence B. Verdict C. Charge D. Evidence
15. The floods did not start to _______ until two days after the rain had stopped.
A. Retire B. Depart C. Retreat D. Recede
16. After the storm the ____________ of a small ship was thrown up on the shore.
A. Damage B. Breakage C. Wreckage D. Wastage
17. My throat infection left me very ______________ and made talking difficult.
A. Speechless B. Dumb C. Hoarse D. Inarticulate
18. ___________ the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope things would
A. At the bottom B. On the top C. At the height D. In the end
19. Sales of margarine rose last year ____________ those of butter
A. At the expense of B. At a loss of
C. Comparing D. With regard to
20. He realized that the manager was angry from the ________________ tone he adopted.
A. Smooth B. Curt C. Brief D. High
21. All the applicants for the most are thoroughly _________ for their suitability.
A. Search B. Vetted C. Investigated D. Scrutinized
22. The new advertising campaign is not ______ with our company policy.
A. Matches B. Allied C. Suited D. Consistent
23. The ________ listened attentively to every word of the vicar said in his sermon.
A. Sightseers B. Audiences C. Spectators D. Congregation
24. There is no _______ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disastrous.
A. Indication B. Indiscretion C. Indecision D. Inducement
25. The sheep were huddled into a _________ to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. Kennel B. Pen C. Hutch D. Cage
26. Certain details in the contract remain to be ____________ out.
A. Flattened B. Ironed C. Dealt D. Borne
27. There is a __________ resemblance between the two of them.
A. Biting B. Piercing C. Striking D. Shining
28. I dread having to speak to my boss. He’s such a __________ character that I never
know how he’s going to react.
A. Transitory B. Volatile C. Impermanent D. Fleeting
29. This is a nice ___________ spot. Let’s have our picnic here.
A. Secluded B. Separate C. Stagnant D. Motionless
30. The swamp area _________ in crocodiles.
A. Abounds B. Unbounds C. Rebounds D. Bounds
31. Don’t pick ______ me just because you want someone you can blame.
A. At B. Up C. Out D. On
32. The student waited with some slight _____ while the teacher stood reading his exercises.
A. Terror B. Apprehension C. Dread D. Alleviate
33. Far more should be done to __________ the sufferings of unwanted domestic pets.
A. Remedy B. Improve C. Remove D. Alleviate
34. You will ______ your hand if you put it into that hot water.
A. Scorch B. Bake C. Scald D. Boil
35. The headlights of the approaching car were so ________ that the cyclist has to stop
A. Gleaming B. Dazzling C. Glittering D. Glowing
36. ___________ the pastry thinly and cover the dish with it.
A. Roll B. Flatten C. Press D. Stretch
37. I’m afraid we can’t raise your salary this year. The company’s operating a very ____
A. Hard B. Close C. Cheap D. Tight
38. Since the accident he has walked with a ____________.
A. Slope B. Lame C. Limp D. Strain
39. Some people enjoy training, for others it is only a _______ to an end.
A. Way B. Method C. Means D. Tool
40. I’m ___________ a quandary as to what to say.
A. On B. At C. Beyond D. In
41. I was hard put __________ it to decide where his English is almost fluent.
A. To B. Out C. Off D. At
42. They stood glowering at each other, eyeball to eyeball, their fists ________ ready to
A. Joined B. Grasped C. Clasped D. Clenched
43. Shall we ________ all this awful wallpaper and paint the room instead?
A. Rip B. Strip C. Scratch D. Tear
44. Without telling her directly they _________ that she’d got the job.
A. Prophesied B. Inferred C. Intimated D. Insinuated
45. The officer said he had a good ___________ mind to arrest the beggar.
A. Mind B. Head C. Heart D. Spirit
46. The blinding ____________ of the lightning flashed across the sky to move quickly.
A. Trip B. Patch C. Streak D. Strip

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