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一、 文法選擇
1. ( )John     a lot every day last week. (A) eat and sleep (B) is eating and sleeping 
(C) eats and sleeps (D) ate and slept
2. ( )Jane: Did you get up early this morning? Tina: No, I didn’t, but my brother    . He
gets up early every day.〔93.基測Ⅰ〕 (A) does (B) is (C) did (D) was
3. ( )Our son, Joe,     a student two years ago, but now he     a doctor. (A) was; is 
(B) was; isn’t (C) were; is (D) were; isn’t
4. ( )No one thought(認為)James would(將會)appear(出現)at Katie’s party. So when
he    , everyone was surprised(感到驚訝的)and could(能)not believe(相信)their
eyes.〔104 會考〕 (A) would (B) was (C) had (D) did
5. ( )Jill:     are you walking to school today? Lucy: There’s something wrong(不對勁
)with my bike. (A) Why (B) How (C) What (D) Which
6. ( )Mia: Who     you with yesterday afternoon? Leo: My new friend, Rocky. (A) are 
(B) is (C) were (D) was
7. ( )We     a bus to Taipei, but we came back home     train. (A) drove; on (B) 
flew; in (C) took; by (D) rode; in a
8. ( )Anna: Where     you tonight? Brad: At Tina’s birthday party. Anna:     it great?
Brad: It sure    . Everyone was happy at the party. (A) are; Is; is (B) were; Was;
was (C) are; Was; was (D) was; Was; was
9. ( )Jack can’t eat any more     he ate five bowls of rice. (A)  , but (B) because (C
)  , and (D)  , so
10. ( )Josh read the letter, but Linda    . (A) does (B) did (C) doesn’t (D) didn’t
11. ( )Mr. Hu speaks(講)good English     he lived in the U.S. for many years.〔100.基測
Ⅰ〕 (A) because (B) but (C) so (D) whether
12. ( )My brother put his watch on the sofa and     out. (A) go (B) goes (C) went 
(D) going
13. ( )There are so many people     bus. How about waiting for the next one? (A) by (
B) by a (C) on the (D) in the
14. ( )Ted: How come Dad     scooter to work today? Mom: There’s something wrong(出
毛病)with his old car. I think he needs a new one. (A) takes his (B) is flying his (C
) rode a (D) drove a
15. ( )Susie: Look at the old picture. Dad and Mom were classmates long time    . David:
Yeah. Dad was handsome, and Mom was beautiful back    . Susie: What a couple(一對
)! (A) ago; then (B) before; ago (C) then; before (D) ago; before
16. ( )Andy     a doctor now. He     a student four years ago. (A) was; is (B) is;
was (C) was; was (D) are; is
17. ( )My brother and I were     my grandparents’ new house     the mountains last
weekend. (A) on; on (B) at; in (C) in; at (D) at; at
18. ( )Don’t let kids stay(停留)    car by themselves(獨自), or bad guys may do

something bad to them. (A) by (B) on a (C) in a (D) at
19. ( )Ann: Where     you last night? Roy: I     at the library. (A) did; did (B) 
was; were (C) are; am (D) were; was
20. ( )What’s the fruit juice shop famous    ? Why are there always so many people waiting
in line? (A) with (B) of (C) for (D) about
21. ( )Ken: Who talked to you from the bus five minutes ago? Bill: My grandma    . (A) 
was (B) does (C) did (D) is
22. ( )Why not     that poor old man? (A) help (B) helps (C) helped (D) helping
23. ( )Jay: Who     with you last weekend? Roy: My cousin, Max,    . (A) were;
were (B) was; was (C) were; was (D) was; were
24. ( )    did you go to the zoo last Sunday? (A) Where (B) Who (C) When (D) 
25. ( )Ben:     the day before yesterday? Jill: June 6. (A) How were (B) Which was 
(C) What date was (D) What was
26. ( )Lily: Who     five minutes ago? Mia: I helped Nancy. (A) helped you (B) didn’t
you help (C) did you help (D) needed help
27. ( )They     the magic show and     it a lot. It was really great. (A) watch; enjoy
(B) look at; like (C) watched; enjoyed (D) looked at; liked
28. ( )    the food the day before yesterday yummy? (A) Was (B) How’s (C) Were
(D) How are
29. ( )Carol: Did our uncle     to Japan yesterday? Tracy: That’s right. He airplane there last
night. (A) drive; took an (B) flew; took an (C) take a plane; took a (D) fly; took
30. ( )The boss(老闆)called(打電話) from the airport(機場)an hour    , so I
guess(猜)he will(將)arrive at(到達)the office soon(很快).〔100.北北基〕 (A)
after (B) ago (C) before (D) later
31. ( )Our new classmate, Amanda,     never early for school last month, but now she always
is. (A) was (B) were (C) is (D) are
32. ( )Jill:     didn’t you come to my party last Saturday? Beth: Sorry, but I was too busy. (
A) What (B) How (C) How come (D) Why
33. ( )Beth: Why     you take a walk with your husband at the park tonight? Lily: Because he
was too busy. (A) not (B) don’t (C) doesn’t (D) didn’t
34. ( )The Wang family camped     the lake. It was a great place for them. (A) in (B) 
on (C) by (D) into
35. ( )Jill: My favorite cat Mimi     this morning. Lisa: Sorry for that. (A) died (B) 
dying (C) dead (D) lose her life
36. ( )Who     you with last weekend, and     you have a good time? (A) did; did (
B) were; were (C) did; were (D) were; did
37. ( )At first(起初), my bookstore’s business(生意)    not very good. But now it is
doing quite(相當)well(好地).〔95.基測Ⅰ〕 (A) is (B) does (C) was (D) 

38. ( )Mia: You are very happy now.     you have a good time at Amanda’s party tonight?
Jeff: Sure. Too bad you     go with me. Maybe we can go to parties together next time(
下次). (A) Do; don’t (B) Were; weren’t (C) Did; didn’t (D) Are; aren’t
39. ( )Leo: I kissed a girl for the first time at the park tonight. Max: Good for you!     you
enjoy it? Leo: Of course! (A) Were (B) Did (C) Are (D) Do
40. ( )Just     your eyes and     some rest. (A) closed; got (B) closing; getting (
C) closes; gets (D) close; get
41. ( )Bob: Why     she come to school yesterday? Leo: She     come to school
yesterday because she     to a doctor. (A) doesn’t; doesn’t; goes (B) isn’t; isn’t; goes
(C) didn’t; didn’t; went (D) wasn’t; wasn’t; went
42. ( )Doris: Why     so many things to do when I’m busy enough(夠)? Frank: That’s
because you don’t know how to use your time well(好地)〔102.試辦會考〕 (A) does it
have (B) have (C) are they (D) are there
43. ( )Nina:     you have a good time at the concert tonight? Lucy: Yes. Everybody at the
concert was so happy. (A) Did (B) Do (C) Were (D) Are
44. ( )Ann: Did he     a plane to Taipei yesterday? Bill: Yes, he went there plane. (A) by;
by (B) take; took a (C) by; took a (D) take; by
45. ( )Mom     the kitchen this morning, and     very clean now. (A) cleans; it’s (
B) cleaned; it was (C) cleans; it was (D) cleaned; it’s
46. ( )Jim: Where     you last weekend, Meg? Meg: I     at my grandparents’ new house
by the beach. (A) were; was (B) was; was (C) was; were (D) were; were
47. ( )David: Did you     English last night? Kevin: Yes, I     English for an hour. (A
) study; study (B) studied; studied (C) study; studied (D) studied; study
48. ( )Let’s go home     taxi. (A) on a (B) in (C) by (D) by a
49. ( )Emi:     you at school last Saturday? Bob: No, I    . (A) Was; wasn’t (B) 
Did; didn’t (C) Were; wasn’t (D) Were; weren’t
50. ( )Bob: Who cleaned up the living room? Mia: Mom    . It     not clean an hour
ago. (A) did; is (B) does; was (C) did; was (D) does; is
51. ( )Roy: Who     with you last night? Jay: Who else? My new girlfriend, Emily,    .
(A) was; was (B) were; were (C) was; were (D) were; was
52. ( )May: What     you do the day before yesterday? Sue: I     a monkey show. (A)
did; watched (B) were; watched (C) did; saw (D) were; looked at
53. ( )Mom: What     after school today? Ryan: Well, I just(剛才)read some comic
books.〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) did you do (B) do you do (C) are you doing (D) will
you do
54. ( )Ken: When did King Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal fall in love? Leo: They     in love
a young age. (A) fall; of (B) fall; for (C) fell; at (D) fell; on
55. ( )Willy: Why     they play basketball with us? David: They have a big test(考試
)later. (A) not (B) aren’t (C) cannot (D) don’t

56. ( )Jim: Did they     train to Kaohsiung first? Liz: That’s right. Then they got to Kenting
bus. (A) rode a; by (B) took a; on a (C) take a; by (D) ride a; by taking
57. ( )Dad: Are you going out? It’s really late now. Mitch: I know, but it’s the last day to buy(
買)tickets(票;入場券)to the World Cup games,     I must go.〔101.基測〕 (A) 
if (B) or (C) so (D) though
58. ( )How     your birthday party tonight?     everyone have a great time? (A) did;
Did (B) did; Were (C) was; Were (D) was; Did
59. ( )Alex: Does your dad     you to school? Mary: Yes, I always go to school     car.
(A) take; drive a (B) drive; by (C) ride; in a (D) fly; on a
60. ( )Dr. Lu can’t save Grandma’s life today. She    , and we can never see or talk to her
again. (A) died (B) dead (C) dying (D) stopped
61. ( )Enya got up early this morning     she did not want to be late for her trip(旅行).
〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) if (B) but (C) though (D) because
62. ( )I     do my homework last night, but my sisters    . (A) wasn’t; were (B) 
didn’t; did (C) am not; are (D) don’t; do
63. ( )Max: What     you     at school today? Emi: Guess(猜測)what?! We played
games in computer class. (A) do; do (B) are; doing (C) did; do (D) does; do
64. ( )The ice cream shop is around here. Let’s just go    . (A) on foot (B) by taxi (
C) by bus (D) by car
65. ( )Anita: I saw Nora in the teacher’s office(辦公室) this morning. Do you know she was
there? Brian: She cheated(作弊)on tests(考試).〔99.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) how (B) if (
C) when (D) why
66. ( )Hebe:     a party at Jay’s new place last night? Ella: Yes. Everyone     so happy
at the party. (A) Was it; were (B) Were they; was (C) Were there; were (D) Was
there; was
67. ( )Sam:     you have a good time at Mr. Moore’s house tonight? Tom: Yes. It was a
wonderful(美好的)party. I’m glad(高興的)I went.〔95.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) Do (B) Did
(C) Will  (D) Would
68. ( )    Maria was very busy last night,     she did not go to Ella’s birthday party. (
A) Because; × (B) Because; so (C) ×; because (D) So; ×
69. ( )Carol: How many bottles of juice     there on the dining table last night? Betty: There
only one. (A) were; was (B) was; was (C) were; were (D) was; were
70. ( )Grace: How many people     in the office(辦公室)when(當)the fire(火災
)happened(發生)? Harry: Five. Luckily(幸運地), nobody(沒有人)got hurt.〔95.基
測Ⅱ〕 (A) did they (B) had they (C) were there (D) would there be
71. ( )My uncle can     a plane, but he seldom travels around the world     plane. (A) 
drive; on (B) fly; by (C) ride; in (D) walk; by a
72. ( )I     breakfast this morning. I’m very hungry now. (A) eat (B) don’t eat (C) 
am eating (D) didn’t eat
73. ( )Because Jimmy ate too many snacks before dinner,     he’s very full at dinner time. (

A) and (B) but (C) so (D) ×
74. ( )Carson: Bye, girls. See you tomorrow, Phoebe. Shirley:     did Carson say he would
see you tomorrow? Phoebe: We’re going out for a picnic. Do you want to come?〔103.會考〕
(A) What (B) When (C) Where (D) Why
75. ( )Mom: You     movies on TV and     cards with your sister all night tonight, right?
Bob: Mom, it’s Friday. Can’t we relax(放鬆)for some time? (A) watched; played (B)
is watching; playing (C) watches; plays (D) watching; playing
76. ( )Emi: Yeah. Hey, guess(猜測)what? Rick     to me today. I really like him. Roy:
Really? What did you     about? Emi: Our favorite band from Korea. (A) talks; talk 
(B) talked; talked (C) talk; talked (D) talked; talk
77. ( )My family and I     the weekend at the beach. It rained(下雨), rained, and rained
for two days. (A) enjoyed (B) didn’t enjoy (C) enjoy (D) don’t enjoy
78. ( )Paul: What did you find(找到)under his desk? Tom: Oh,     all kinds(種類)of
things: a basketball, pencils, a hat, and fries(薯條)!〔90.基測Ⅰ〕 (A) there were (B)
it was (C) it had (D) there was
79. ( )Lucy: Who let you come in? Brad: Mom    . (A) was (B) is (C) did (D) 
80. ( )Dad was not at home last    . (A) morning (B) afternoon (C) evening (D) 

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