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Blake Mycoskie Biography

Blake Mycoskie is a dynamic entrepreneur that has started six successful businesses from the ground up. After being recruited to Southern Methodist University to play tennis, Mycoskie started EZ Laundry, a door-to-door laundry service aimed at fellow college students. The company soon expanded to seven colleges across the Southwest, with 40 employees and 8 trucks.

After selling EZ Laundry to his business partner, Blake traveled to Nashville where, inspired by the largerthan-life billboards in Hollywood, set out to create an outdoor media company aimed at the Music Citys leading country stars. Mycoskies renegade efforts soon drew the attention of industry giant, Clear Channel, who purchased Mycoskies remaining billboards in Nashville and Dallas.

With two successful companies already under his belt, Blake plunged himself into the world of reality television. Teaming up with his sister, Paige, Blake competed on the second season of CBS hit show, The Amazing Race, coming just four minutes away from the $1 million dollar grand prize. This experience inspired Mycoskie to create Reality 24/7, a cable TV channel dedicated to all-access reality news and programming. Teaming up with Larry Namer, co-founder of the E! Entertainment Network, and Kay Koplovitz, former CEO of the USA Network, Mycoskie raised over $2 million dollars for the project from venture capitalists and former reality stars. The buzz for Reality 24/7 was so great that Rupert Murdoch decided to create his own all-reality network, thereby ending Mycoskies rogue efforts. Now living in Los Angeles, Mycoskie teamed up with the creators of to create DriversEdDirect, a behind-the-wheel training school featuring Hybrid cars and hip instructors. To help promote DriversEdDirect, Blake created Closer Marketing Group - a Santa Monica based marketing firm specializing in brand development and viral marketing.

While vacationing in South America in 2006, Mycoskie discovered the Alpargata, a traditional rope-soled shoe that has been worn by Argentina farmers for the last 100 years. At the same time, Blake was struck by the terrible poverty that he saw: too poor to afford shoes, children developed cuts and scrapes on their feet that led to serious infections. Blake returned to Los Angeles with 200 pairs of shoes in his duffel bag and the idea for a new company, TOMS Shoes. The motto for TOMS is Make life more comfortable. Mycoskie accomplishes this goal with a unique Argentine-inspired shoe and a one-for-one commitment to match each pair sold with a donated pair to a child in need.

After selling 10,000 pairs of shoes from his apartment in Venice, Mycoskie returned to Argentina with friends, family and his new TOMS Family to hand-deliver 10,000 pairs of shoes to kids in need. The trip was filmed by filmmaker Ken Kokin (co-producer of the Academy Award Winning Usual Suspects) and is currently being turned into a documentary for entry into the Sundance Film Festival. Since the Argentine Shoe Drop, TOMS has moved from Blakes studio in Venice to a 6000 square foot studio in Santa Monica. The company includes 18 full-time employees focusing on sales, public relations, logistics, production, and graphic design.

Because of its unique one-for-one philosophy, TOMS has benefited from tremendous media attention that has made traditional marketing unnecessary. TOMS has already been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, PEOPLE Magazine, TIME Magazine, VOGUE, Elle, Oprah Magazine, CNBCs The Big Idea with Donny Deutsche, and is set to be included in the Holiday Gift Guides of a number of leading magazines.

Mycoskie just returned from South Africa where he hand-delivered 50,000 pairs of shoes to children in need. He is 31 years old and lives on a boat in Los Angeles.

1.Blake is a hero for ? why ? What countries he has impacted? Argentina ,South Africa and many more. 2.Do you think we could promote contribution like this from P.R.? Yes, when Haiti had the we help and for chile as well.

Why could we say Dr. Vargas is a hero for the people in need in ver hemis plucre?

SR:Jose Vargas Vidot

1. We can say that Jose is a great person and that helped thousands of people who had strange diseases and many Latin American countries and international organizations. For this reason is a hero. 2. How does Community Initiative? We have two major operational bases. One: the direct service to people. Two: The transfer management for which we are not Community Initiative and the servant who monopolize the capacity to transform the community. So even in our relationship with the universities seek students participate in their preceptories here straight from work. 3.

Lance Armstrong Foundation

The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) is a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides support for people affected by cancer, founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong. The LAF states that its mission is 'to inspire and empower' cancer sufferers and their families. The LAF also aims to provide practical information and tools for cancer sufferers in a, public health and research. The organization is based in Austin, Texas. 1.Would you be able to help in an authentic transformation of other people life? How? Yes, I could help with give , food , clothing , medicine and some money.

Photographs : Of group or projects

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