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The benefits of inheritance are:

1. It represents real-world relationships well.

2. It provides reusability of a code. We don’t have to write the same code again and
again. Also, it allows us to add more features to a class without modifying it.
3. It is transitive in nature, which means that if class B inherits from another class A,
then all the subclasses of B would automatically inherit from class A.

In python, a derived class can inherit base class by just mentioning the base in the
bracket after the derived class name.
Syntax :
class Show(Addition):
Types of Inheritance in Python :

Types of Inheritance depends upon the number of child and parent classes
1. Single Inheritance
2. Multilevel Inheritance
3. Multiple Inheritance
4. Hierarchical Inheritance:
1. Single inheritance: When a child class inherits from only one parent class, it is
called single inheritance.
# Example of inheritance

class Parent():

def first(self):

# This is child class

class Child(Parent): Output :
def second(self):
print('second first function
function') second function
obj = Child()
class Addition:
def add(self): obj = Show()
print("Sum=",sum) Output :
This is Addition

#child class show inherits the base class Addition ('Sum=', 30)
class Show(Addition):
def display(self):

print("This is Addition")
2. Multi-Level inheritance

When a child class becomes a parent class for another child class.
# Example of Multilevel inheritance
class Parent:
def fun1(self):
print("This is function 1")

class Child(Parent):
def fun2(self):
print("This is function 2")

class Child2(Child):
def fun3(self): Output :
print("This is function 3") This is function 1
obj = Child2() This is function 2
obj.fun1() This is function 3
3. Multiple Inheritance

Python provides us the flexibility to inherit multiple base classes in the child
When a child class inherits from multiple parent classes, it is called multiple
# Example of Multiple inheritance
class Parent1:
def fun1(self):
print("This is function 1")

class Parent2:
def fun2(self):
print("This is function 2")

class Child(Parent1 ,
Parent2): def fun3(self):
print("This is function 3")
obj = Child()
class Addition: # Example of Multiple inheritance class Child(Addition , Sub1):
def add(self): def fun3(self):
a=10 print("This is Program")
sum=a+b obj = Child()
print('sum=',sum) obj.add()
class Sub1: obj.sub()
def sub(self): obj.fun3()
a=50 Output:
b=20 ('sum=', 30)

sub=a-b ('sub=', 30)

print('sub=',sub) This is Program

Hierarchical Inheritance
Hierarchical inheritance involves multiple inheritance from the same base or
parent class.

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