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FIS 3013



Safety Rules

Safety in microbiology lab is essential. As we will be using potential pathogens during

our lab practice, therefore safety rules shall be strictly followed.

1. If you have any condition which may predispose you to infection, such as pregnancy, diabetes,
CFIDS, HIV, asthma, chemotherapy or steroid treatment, please inform the instructor.


• Keep backpacks, books, coats, etc in designated storage areas. Please do not put them
on the bench tops or even leave them on the floor. This will give you more space to work
and minimizes the chances of ruining your things due to a chemical and microbial spill.
• Table tops must be disinfected before and after each lab.
• Hands should be washed before and after every experiment.
• Dress appropriately, protective eyewear, gloves and lab coat are important barrier
• Open sandals or slippers are not allowed in the laboratory.
• Contaminated material must be disposed of properly in the biohazard waste area! Plates
are disposed of in the biohazard can. Never pour a broth culture down the sink, place the
used tube in the disposal rack. Everything must be autoclaved (sterilized) before it is
ultimately discarded.
• Sharps will be disposed of in the yellow sharps container.
• The safest and smartest way to conduct a lab experiment is to read it before you begin
and prepare a flow sheet.
• Carefully label and date all cultures.
• Incinerators and Bunsen burners will be used to sterilize microbiological tools and tube
tops. Many of the stains we use contain flammable substances; orient flammable material
away from the burners. If Bunsen burners are used long hair must be pulled back in a
• Food and drink are NOT allowed in the lab.
• Microscopes and slides will always be returned to the properly labeled area. Use only lens
paper to thoroughly clean prepared slides before putting them away. Q-tips and
isopropanol should be used on the oil immersion lens.


• Culture spills require immediate notification of the instructor. Paper towels soaked with
disinfectant are used to prevent aerosol formation.
• If you burn yourself notify the instructor immediately.
• Body fluids must be considered as potentially hazardous. If you or your lab partner bleeds
for any reason and immediately notify the instructor.
• If a thermometer breaks, stay away from the mercury and notify the instructor
immediately. Mercury is considered a hazardous waste.


• The laminar flow hood should be used to observe any plates displaying fungal growth.
This is a special precaution for our area due to the ubiquity of Valley Fever spores.
• Be aware of the Biosafety and Microbial Risk level of all materials and microbes
used in labs.
• A special precaution with the hood is important. Never turn on the ultraviolet
light. It is damaging to skin and eyes. The UV light is used by the instructor and
technician only.
• Locate the fire extinguisher, shower, eye wash station, sinks, and disinfectant before
leaving the lab the first day of class.

I have read and understand the above rules and agree to follow them.
I also understand that Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) will not be
responsible for any infection occurs during the practical classes because of my

Signed: Date:


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