Common Raccoon Procyon Lotor

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Colleen Kazemek

Biology 011

Professor Rafaella Barbarino

22 January 2022

Common Raccoon Procyon Lotor

Species Ecology

What habitat types is this species found in? Raccoons are extremely adaptable, so

they are found in many different habitats. They need to have ready access to water,

and prefer to live in moist woodland areas, but have been known to also live near

humans, as well. (Dewey, T. Fox, R. 2021) They also have been found in farmland,

suburban and urban areas. The tend to build their dens in trees, but will also build

dens in woodchuck burrows, caves, mines, deserted buildings, barns, garages, rain

sewers, or houses. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999). Because raccoons are

highly adaptable and traverse many kinds of habitats, it is difficult to distinguish

suitable from unsuitable habitat. (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004) They are easily

adaptable to their surroundings, which enables them to make their homes in a variety

of areas.

What are some of the abiotic factors that define this type of habitat? The range of

abiotic factors regarding the habitats of raccoons varies. Raccoons do have a

preference to live in moist woodland areas, often along stream and shorelines
(Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004) but are very adaptable to their surroundings and

can make homes in most places. They do need to have ready access to water, though,

(Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999) which is an important abiotic factor.

What is its role in the ecosystem? Does it have important biotic interactions with

other species? (Does it utilize another species? Does it compete with another

species?) Raccoons impact the population of their prey, which can then impact the

population of their prey’s prey. In the Los Angeles River, this could possibly be

crayfish, insects, rodents, frogs, fish, and bird eggs. This can have a large impact on

community consumption. (Dewey, T. Fox, R. 2021) Not being competitive with other

species, racoons are omnivorous, eating about 40% invertebrates, 33% plants, and

27% vertebrates. (Wikipedia, 2022) Because raccoons are so adaptable to their

surroundings, they will eat whatever is available, even garbage. (Hammerson, G., S.

Cannings. 2004) Raccoons can also be detrimental to farming crops, as they eat parts

of many crops, rather than finishing a whole item, ruining entire crops of farmland

and causing a negative turn in profits for farmers and less product available to the

public. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999)

Species Range and Status

What is the global distribution (species range) of your species. Is it observed

world-wide or only found on certain continents? Whereas racoons are highly

mobile (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004), they are not wound entirely worldwide.

Raccoons can be found in Southern Canada, United States, Central America, parts of
Northern South America and parts of Asia and Europe. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and

Ruff, 1999) Please see iNaturalist map below.

Are there large numbers of iNaturalist observations found globally or does it

appear to be rare? There are 57.725 observations for Common Raccoons in

iNaturalist, (Accesses 2022) but most of the observations are from Northern/Central

America, Europe and Asia. (iNaturalist, 2022), suggesting that raccoons aren’t found

entirely globally.

What is the native range of this species? Is it native or introduced to southern

California? Raccoons native range is Northern America, Southern Canada, Mexico,

and Central America south to Panama, (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999). This

makes raccoons native to Southern California. They were introduced to parts of

Europe and Asia. (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004)

What is the conservation status of this species? Raccoons are not considered to be

endangered. In actuality, their population continues to expand. Their ability to adapt

to human-dominated areas have aided in their population growth. (Hammerson, G., S.

Cannings. 2004) Small, isolated species of raccoons on remote islands may be

threatened, though, because the resources can be small due to isolation. (Nowak,

1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999) But in general, not considered to be endangered.

If it is native to Southern California, is it a species of conservation concern? Why

or why not? Due to raccoons’ ability to adapt to human-populated areas, raccoon

population has increased and are not considered to be endangered in Southern

California. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999) Raccoons used to be hunted for

their pelts, which could seem to be a cause for endangerment, but it is not common

place to do so now.

If it is introduced, how/why was it introduced and what makes the species

successful outside of its native habitat? Raccoons were introduced to Europe in the

1920s for fur trade (Bartels, 2016). They are successful outside of their natural habitat

because they are easily adaptable to their surroundings. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and

Ruff, 1999) They find food and make their homes where they can and use the

resources available around them to survive.

Image Credit: "Observations" by iNaturalist is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


What time of year does it reproduce? Mating season for the common raccoon is

February through June, with most mating happening in March. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson
and Ruff, 1999) The younger racoons may be more active in colder temperature than

the adult raccoons. (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004) Male raccoons are

considered to be promiscuous. (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004)

Is it migratory (only present for part of the year) or is it a resident (present year-

round)? Raccoons are residential year round. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999)

Whereas they are highly mobile (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004), they don’t

move too far from where they make their homes.

How long does it live? Racoons can live up to 16 years in the wild, but most don’t

make it past their second year. If they do survive their youth, the average lifespan is 5

years. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999)

Species Adaptations

What physical or physiological characteristics does the species have that make it

well adapted for its environment? Raccoons have a very developed tactile sense.

Because their front paws are human-like, they are easily able to handle their prey, put

food in their mouth, and climb very well. (Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004) They

also have a very fine sense of hearing and excellent night vision, which helps them to

stay safe from their predators. (Nowak, 1991; Wilson and Ruff, 1999) The raccoon is

a very capable and adaptable creature, helping its survival in the most varied of

Works Cited

Dewey, T., Fox, R. (2001). Procyon Lotor. Retrieved from

Nowak, R. 1991. Walker’s Mammals of the World. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins

University Press.

Wilson, D., Ruff, S. 1999. The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals.

Washington D.C.: The Smithsonian Institution Press.

Wikipedia. N.D. Retrieved from


Bartels, M. 2016. Germany is Overrun with Raccoons — and the Rest of the

Continent is Worried They'll Be Next. Retrieved from

iNaturalist. N.D. Retrieved from


Hammerson, G., S. Cannings. 2004. Procyon Lotor Raccoon. Retrieved from


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