Direct and Indirect of Past Papers

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2018 PMS Alice exclaimed that it was very thoughtful of him/her.

Q:5 a) Change the following into reported speech.

i) The teacher said, “why are you so late?”
The teacher asked why I was so late. Alice said, "How clever I Alice exclaimed that she
ii) He said to her, “Are you leaving today?” am!" was very clever.
He enquired/asked her if she was leaving that
iii) Raza said, “Will you go to the pictures with If the reported speech express a universal truth or
me”? habitual fact, its tense remain unchanged
Raza requested if he would go to the The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”
pictures with me. The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.
iv) He said to his servant, “Leave the room at The police said to us, “Where are you going?”
once”. The police officer asked us where we were going?
He ordered the servant to leave the room at He said, “Will you listen to such a man?”
once. He asked them whether they would listen to such a man
He said to him, “Please wait here till I return.”
v) The priest said, “Do not tell a lie again.” He requested me to wait there till he returned.
The priest advised not to tell a lie again. He shouted, “Let me go.” he shouted at them to let him go
pronoun 'me' has been converted to 'him'
vi) Ali said, “let me go.” He said, “Alas, I am undone.”
Ali requested that he should go He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
Alice said, "How clever I am!"
Alice exclaimed that he was very clever.
2016 PMS
a) 1. The teacher said, “Let’s be kind to the poor and
needy” Amir said, “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
1. The police said to us, “Show us your identity cards Amir said that he had not seen me for a long time.
please” I asked my sister, “Why did you do that?”
2. He said, “Will you follow a fool’s whims?” I asked my sister why she had done that
3. He said to him, “Be kind enough to overlook this She asked him, "Why don't you love me anymore?"
mistake.” she asked him why he did not love her any more.
Amir asked Junaid, "When are we going to leave?"
She shouted, “Leave me She shouted to them to Amir asked Junaid when they were going to leave.
alone.” leave her alone. She said, "I had an infection".
she told that she had an infection.
pronoun ‘me’ changes into ‘her’ as the speaker is
ali said, "I don't like to stay in be".
: ali said that he didn't like to stay in be.
Akhtar said, “I bought a new car.”
6. Alice said, “How thoughtful of you.”
Akhtar said that he had bought a new car.

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To change such sentences, the words “exclaimed with joy” or “exclaimed with sorrow” or “exclaimed with wonder” is added in the
reporting verb depending upon the nature of exclamatory sentence in indirect speech.

Direct: He said, “Hurrah! I won a prize”. He exclaimed with joy that he had won a prize.
Direct: She said, “Alas! I failed in exam”. She exclaimed with sorrow that she failed in the exam.
Direct: John said, “Wow! What a nice shirt it is” John exclaimed with wonder that it was a nice shirt.
Direct: She said, “Hurrah! I am selected for the job” She exclaimed with joy that she was selected for the job
• Direct: He said, “Alas! I am undone”. He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
• Direct: Alice said, “How clever I am?” Alice exclaimed that he was very clever.
• Direct: He said, “Bravo! You have done well.”. he applauded him, saying that he had done well
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
They said, “Hurrah! We won the game”. They exclaimed with joy that they had won the game.
She said, “Hurrah! I passed the exam”. She exclaimed with joy that she had passed the exam.
He said, “Alas! I failed the exam”. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had failed the exam.
She said, “Oh! I lost my purse.” She exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her purse.
He said, “Alas! My brother died in a car He exclaimed with sorrow that his brother had died in a
accident”. car accident.
She said, “Wow! What a beautiful flower it is”. She exclaimed with wonder that what a beautiful flower
it was.
She said, “Wow! What a beautiful shirt it is”. She exclaimed with wonder that what a beautiful shirt it
He said, “Wow! What an interesting story it is”. He exclaimed with wonder that what an interesting
story it was.
David said to him, “How intelligent you are!” David exclaimed with wonder that how intelligent he
Indirect Speech for Imperative Sentence:
A sentence that expresses a request, advice, or order is called an imperative sentence.
Please help me. (request) Respect the elders. (advice) Open the door. (order)
(e.g., requested, advised, ordered, forbade, suggested) are used instead of the reporting verbs (e.g., he said,
she told).The word ‘to’ or ‘not to’ is also added before the verb of the reported speech within the sentence.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
She said to me, “Please help me”. She requested me to help her.
He said to me, “Please make some tea for me”. He requested me to make some tea for him.
She said to them, "Please do not make a noise". She requested them not to make a noise.
The old man said to him, “Always speak the truth”. The old man advised him to always speak the truth.
The teacher said to him, “Do not waste your time”. The teacher advised him not to waste his time.
The doctor said to him, “Avoid unhealthy foods”. The doctor advised him to avoid unhealthy foods.
The doctor said to him, “Do not smoke”. The doctor advised him not to smoke.
The police said to the man, “Open the door”. The police ordered the man to open the door.
He said to me, “Close the window”. He ordered me to close the window.
The boss said to the employee, “Get out of the The boss ordered the employee to get out of the
room”. room.
He said to his servant, “Clean the room”. He ordered his servant to clean the room.

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Questions that can be answered with “YES or NO”
To make indirect speech for such question sentences, the word ‘if’ or ‘whether’ is used before the reported speech (i.e.,
the question) within the sentence.

These questions usually start with axillary verbs (or helping verbs) such as is, was, have, has, had, will etc. These can be
answered simply by saying yes or no. See the following examples.
Do you like a mango?
Have you passed your exam?
Will you help me?
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
He said to me, “Do you like coffee?” He asked me if I liked coffee.
She said to me, “Do you play football?” She asked me if I played football.
He said to me, “Will you help me?” He asked me if I would help him.
David said to me, “Can I use your phone?” David asked me if he could use my phone.
She said to me, “Did you see my cat?” She asked me if I had seen her cat.
He said to me, “Are you enjoying the music?” He asked me if I was enjoying the music.
She said to me, “Have you gone to London?” She asked me if I had gone to London.
John said to me, “Will you buy a camera?” John asked me if I would buy a camera.
He said to me, “Are you waiting for me”. He said to me if I was waiting for him.
She said to me, “Were you driving a car? She asked me if I had been driving a car.
She said to the patient, “Are you feeling well?” She asked the patient whether he was feeling well.
John said to me, “Have you eaten some food?” John asked me whether I had eaten some food.
He said to me, “Have you won a prize?” He asked me whether I had won a prize.
She said to me, “Is it raining?” She asked me whether it was raining.
He said to me, “Do you need any help?”. He asked me whether I needed any help.

Questions that cannot be answered with only “YES or NO”

The words ‘if’ or ‘whether’ is not used indirect speech for such question sentences. The question is
only converted into positive (assertive) form and simply placed after the reporting verb.
use verbs such as ‘ask’ or ‘inquire’ instead of ‘say’ or ‘tell’ (e.g., he asked, she asked) for making indirect
speech of question sentence.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
He said to me, “What are you doing?” He asked me what I was doing.
She said to me, “What is your name?” She asked me what my name was.
David said to me, “How are you?” David asked me how I was.
He said to me, “Where are you going?” He asked me where I was going.
She said to me, “What are you eating?” She asked me what I was eating.
He said to me, “Why did you break the cup?” He asked me why I had broken the cup.
John asked me, “When will you buy a camera?” John asked me when I would buy a camera.
He said to me, “When will you come?” He asked me when I would come.
She said to me, “Why were you laughing?” She asked me why I had been laughing.
He said to me, “Why were you waiting for me?” He asked me why I had been waiting for him.
They said to me, “What have you bought? They asked me what I had bought.
She said to me, “What have you eaten? She asked me what I had eaten?
He said to me, “Why have you resigned from your He said to me why I had resigned from my job.
She said to me, “Where can I buy some food?”. She asked me where she could buy some food.
He said to me, “How can I pass the exam?” He asked me how he could pass the exam.
She said to me, “Why do you waste your time?” She asked me why I wasted my time.
John said to me, “How old are you?” John asked me how old I was.
They said to me, “How is the weather?” They asked me how the weather was.

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Indirect Speech for Modals, e.g. CAN, MUST, MAY.

For converting direct speech into indirect speech, the present modals (e.g., Can, May, Must) are changed into past
modals (e.g., Could, Might, Had to). See the following examples.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

CAN changes into COULD

She said, “I can sing a song”. She said that she could sing a song.
He said, “I can drive a car”. He said that he could drive a car.
David said, “I can make a table”. David said that he could make a table.
She said, “I can speak five different languages. She said that she could speak five different languages.
He said, “I cannot play a guitar”. He said that he could not play a guitar.
MAY changes into MIGHT

He said, “I may go to London”. He said that he might go to London.

She said, “I may wash my shirt”. She said that she might wash her shirt.
He said, “I may buy a new camera”. He said that he might buy a new camera.
They said, “We may call the police”. They said that they might call the police.
He said, “I may not attend the meeting”. He said that he might not attend the meeting.
MUST changes into HAD TO

He said, “I must study for the exam”. He said that he had to study the exam.
She said, “I must finish the work in time”. She said that she had to finish the work in time.
He said, “I must eat a healthy diet”. He said that he had to eat a healthy diet”.
They said, “We must help the kid". They said that they had to help the kid.
They said, “I must not drive carelessly”. He said that he had not to drive carelessly.
Indirect Speech for Modals, e.g. SHOULD, MIGHT, COULD, WOULD, OUGHT TO

These modals are not changed and remain the same in indirect speech. See the following examples.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech


He said, I should make a good decision. He said that he should make a good decision.
The patient said, “I should take my medicine”. The patient said he should take his medicine.
They said, “We should speak the truth”. They said that they should speak the truth.
He said, “I should apologize to David for my mistake. He said that he should apologize to David for his
He said, I should not waste my time. He said that he should not waste his time.

He said, I might change my decision. He said that he might change his decision.
She said, I might eat something. She said that she might eat something.
They said, “We might go to a cinema”. They said they might go to a cinema.
He said, “I might not buy a new shirt”. He said that he might not buy a new shirt.

He said, “I could pass the exam”. He said that he could pass the exam.
They said, “We could win a prize”. They said that they could win a prize.
She said to me, “I could bring some food for you”. She said to me that she could bring some food for me.

He said, “I would wait for you”. He said that he would wait for me.
She said, “I would decorate my house”. She said that she would decorate her house.
They said, “We would start a business”. They said that they would start a business.

He said, “I ought to attend the lectures daily”. He said that he ought to attend the lectures daily.
They said, “We ought not to tell a lie”. They said that they ought not to tell a lie.

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Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said, “I write a letter”. He said that he wrote a letter.
She said, “I teach kids”. She said that she taught kids.
They said, “We play football”. They said that they played football.
You said, “I eat an apple”. You said that you ate an apple.
She said, “I work in a hospital”. She said that she worked in a hospital.
He said, “I do not like coffee”. He said he did not like coffee.
He said, “I am waiting for a bus”. He said that he was waiting for a bus.
She said, “I am drinking water”. She said that he was drinking water.
They said, “We are decorating the room”. They said that they were decorating the room.
He said, “I am enjoying the music”. He said that he was enjoying the music.
You said, “ David is driving a car”. You said that David was driving a car.
He said, “I am not going to college”. He said that he was not going to college.
She said, “I have bought a camera”. She said that she had bought a camera.
He said, “I have finished the work”. He said that he had finished the work.
They said, “We have spent all the money”. They said that they had spent all the money.
You said, “David has passed the exam”. You said that David had passed the exam.
They said, “We have started a business”. They said that they had started a business.
He said, “I have not received the letter”. He said that he had not received the letter.
He said, “I have been living in London since 2018”. He said that he had been living in London since 2018.
She said, “I have been teaching students for five years”. She said that she had been teaching students for five
They said, “We have been working in a factory for three They said that they had been working in a factory for
years”. five years.
The engineer said, “I have been repairing a machine since The engineer said that he had been repairing a machine
10 AM”. since 10 AM.
You said, “It has been raining for three hours”. You said that it had been raining for three hours.
He said, “The patient has not been taking medicine for He said that the patient had not been taking medicine
three days”. for three days.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said, “I saw a joker” He said that he had seen a joker.
She said, “I broke the glass”. She said that she had broken the glass.
They said, “We won a prize”. They said that they had won a prize.
You said, “I bought a car”. You said that you had bought a car.
He said, “I did not enjoy the party”. He said that he had not enjoyed the party.
He said, “I was writing a story”. He said that he had been writing a story.
She said, “I was washing the shirts”. She said that she had been washing the shirts.
They said, “We were watching a movie”. They said that they had been watching a movie.
She said, “I was not making a noise”. She said that she had not been making a noise.
PAST PERFECT remains the same.
He said, “I had resolved the issue”. He said that he had resolved the issue.
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She said, “I had completed the task”. She said that she had completed the task.
David said, “I had gone to school”. David said that he had gone to school.
She said, “I had not received the letter. She said that she had not received the letter.
He said, “I had been using the same car since 2005. He said that he had been using the same car since 2005.
She said, “I had been reading a book since 10 AM”. She said that she had been reading a book since 10 AM.
They said, “We had been helping poor people for three They said that they had been helping poor people for
years. three years.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

FUTURE SIMPLE: will changes into would be
He said, “I will buy a camera”. He said that he would buy a camera.
He said, “I will go to London”. He said that he would go to London.
She said, “I will wear a new dress”. She said that she would wear a new dress.
They said, “We will celebrate the birthday of our son”. They said that they would celebrate the birthday of their son.
You said, “I will not waste my time”. You said that you would not waste your time.
FUTURE CONTINUOUS: will be changes into would be
He said to me, “I will be waiting for you”. He said to me that he would be waiting for me.
She said, “I will be cleaning the room. She said that she would be cleaning the room.
The kids said, “We will be playing with toys”. The kids said that they would be playing with toys.
He said, “The patient will not be feeling well”. He said that the patient would not be feeling well.
FUTURE PERFECT: will have changes into would have
He said, “I will have started a new job. He said that he would have started a new job.
She said, “I will have cooked some food”. She said that she would have cooked some food.
They said, “We will have succeeded in our mission”. They said that they would have succeeded in their mission.
He said, “David will have spoken the truth”. He said that David would have spoken the truth.
They said, “We will not have finished the work. They that they would not have finished the work.
FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: will have been changes into would have been
He said, “David will have been living in America since He said that David would have been living in America
10th April”. since 10th April.
She said, “I will have been listening to the music since 9 She said that she would have been listening to the music
AM. since 9 AM.
They said, “We will have been going to college since They said that they would have been going to college
Monday”. since Monday.
You said, “I will not have been using my camera for You said that you would not have been using your
seven days”. camera for seven days.

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Change in Time and Adverbs in Indirect Speech – Rules
To convert direct speech into indirect speech some changes are made in the sentence. These changes
include changes in time (e.g.,yesterday, today, tomorrow) and adverbs (e.g., now, ago, this, here). The
words expressing time and adverbs are changed according to the following rules. See these rules and the
examples here to understand how these changes are made.
Today changes into that day or the same day.
Tomorrow changes into the next day..
Yesterday changes into the day before or the previous day..
This week/month/year into that or the same week/month/year.
Last week/month/year into the previous week/month/year
Next week/month/year into the following week/month/year.
Now into then.
This into that.
Here into there.
Ago into before.
Hence into thence.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

She said, "I am busy today". She said that she was busy that day.
He said, "I will go to London tomorrow". He said that he would go to London the next day.
She said, "I saw a joker yesterday". She said that she had seen a joker the previous day.
They said, "We have to finish our work this week". They said that they had to finish their work that week.
They said, "We are expecting heavy rains this month". She said that they were expecting heaving rains that month.
He said, "I met my friend last week. He said that he had met his friend the previous week.
They said, "We earned a lot of money last month". They said that they had earned a lot of money the previous month.
She said, "I completed my research last year". She said that she had completed her research the previous year.
He said, "I will buy a camera next week". He said that he would buy a camera the following week.
He said, "I will start a new job next month". He said that he would start a new job the following month.
She said, "I need your help now". She said that she needed my help then.
The patient said, "I am feeling good now". The patient said that he was feeling good then.
He said, "I like this car". He said that he liked that car.
She said, "I should study this book". She said that she should study that book.
He said, "the kids are playing here". He said that the kids were playing there.
They said, "We saw a snake here". They said that they had seen a snake there.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said to me, "You look good today". He said to me that I looked good that day".
She said, "I will buy a cup tomorrow". She said that she would buy a cup the next day.
She said, "I passed my exam last month". She said that she had passed her exam the previous month.
They said, "We will get our salary next month". They said that they would get their salary the following month.

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Change in Pronoun in Indirect Speech - Rules
He said, “I will buy a camera”. He said that he would buy a camera.
She said, “I work in a hospital”. She said that she worked in a hospital.
They said, “We have won a prize”. They said that they had won the prize.
He said, “I like the music”. He said that he liked the music.
She said, “I am eating an apple”. She said that she was eating an apple.
He said, “My teacher is a nice man”. He said that his teacher was a nice man.
She said, “My son is ill”. She said that her son was ill.
They said, “We have studied our books”. They said that they had studied their books.
She said, “I am cleaning my room”. She said that she is cleaning her room.

Rule 2. The 1st person pronoun (e.g., I, we, my, our, me, us) of reported speech is not changed, if
the reporting verb has also 1st person pronoun (e.g., I, we) as its subject.

I said, “I write a letter”. I said that I wrote a letter.

We said, “We saw a joker”. We said that we had seen a joker.
I said, “I finished my work”. I said that I had finished my work.
We said, “We are decorating our house”. We said that we were decorating our house.

Rule 3. The 2nd person pronoun (e.g., you, your) of the reported speech is always changed
according to the ‘object pronoun’ of the reporting verb. In such cases, a pronoun is given which act
as an object in reporting verb. The following examples are intentionally given with a common
sentence for learning the rule.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said to me, “You won a prize”. He said to me that I had won a prize.
He said to her, “You won a prize”. He said to her that she had won a prize.
He said to them, “You won a prize”. He said to them that they had won a prize.
She said to him, “You won a prize”. She said to him that he had won a prize.
He said to me, “Your shirt is nice”. He said to me that my shirt was nice.
He said to her, “Your shirt is nice”. He said to her that her shirt was nice.
He said to them, “Your shirts are nice”. He said to them that their shirts were nice.
She said to him, “Your shirt is nice”. She said to him that his shirt was nice.

Rule 4. The 3rd person pronoun (e.g., he, she, they, it, his, her, their, its, them) of the reported
speech is not changed in indirect speech.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

She said, “He works in a factory”. She said that he worked in a factory”.
They said, “He has passed the exam”. They said that he had passed the exam.
He said, “She will buy a car”. He said that she would buy a car.
They said, “She likes coffee”. They said that she liked coffee.
He said, “They are playing football”. He said that they were playing football.
He said, “She is washing her shirt”. He said that she was washing her shirt.
She said, “He finished his task”. She said that he had finished his task.
He said, “She made tea for them”. He said that she had made tea for them.

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