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CGA Compressed Gas Association The Standard For Safty Since 191 CGA C-8—2017 SUA rey REQUALIFICATION OF DOT-3HT, CTC-3HT, AND TC-3HTM SEAMLESS STEEL fon (BIS) SS) EIGHTH EDITION Pace i COMPRESSED Gas ASSOCIATION, INC. CGAC-8—2017 PLEASE NOTE: ‘The information contained in this document was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is based on technical information and experience currently available from members of the Compressed Gas Association, Inc. land others. However, the Association or its members, jointly or severally, make no guarantee of the results and ‘assume no liability or responsibilty in connection with the information or suggestions herein contained, Moreover, it should not be assumed that every acceptable commodity grade, test or safety procedure or method, precaution, ‘equipment or device is contained within, or that abnormal or unusual circumstances may not warrant or suggest further requirements or additional procedure. This document is subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition. The Association invites comments and suggestions for consideration. In connection with such review, any such comments or suggestions willbe fully reviewed by the Association after giving the party, upon request, a reasonable oppor- tunity to be heard, Proposed changes may be submitted via the Internet at our web site, www caanet com, ‘This document should not be confused with federal, state, provincial, or municipal specifications or regulations: insurance requirements; or national safety codes. While the Association recommends reference to or use of this document by government agencies and others, this document is purely voluntary and not binding unless adopted by reference in regulations. A listing of all publications, audiovisual programs, safety and technical bulletins, and safety posters is available Via the Intemet at our website at vnww For more information contact CGA at Phone: 703-788-2700, ext. 799. E-mail: customerservice@caanet com. Work item 16-019 inser ions Comms NOTE—Technical changes from the previous edition are underlined, NOTE—Appendix A (Normative) is @ requirement. NOTE—Appendix B (Informative) is for information only. EIGHTH EDITION: 2017 REAFFIRMED: 2010 SEVENTH EDITION: 2005 ‘SIXTH EDITION: 1997 ©2017 The Compressed Gas Association nc. Alright reserved ‘All materials contained in tis work are protected by United States and international copyright laws. No part of this work may be ‘reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording. or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in wring ftom The Compressed Gas Association, Inc. All requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be directed to The Compressed Gas Association, Inc. 8484 Westpark Drive, Suite 220, McLean, VA 22102. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or ather natioe from this work. CGAC-8-2017. CoMPRESseD Gas ASSOCIATION, INC, Pace il Contents 11 Introduction 2 Scope: 3. Definitions. 4 U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada regulations 5 Shipping 6 Semvice life 7 Visual inspection 7.4 Preparation for inspection 7.2. Design minimum wall thickness calculations 8 Reaualification 8 Disposition 8.1 Accept 82 Reject 93° Condemn 10 Recorakeeping 11 References ‘Appendices ‘Appendix A—Visual examination disposition criteria (Normative) ‘Appendix B—Background information on 3HT series cylinders (Informative) Page 1 1 CGAC-8—2017, COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC, Pace 1 1 Introduction This publication provides information on the requalification of DOT-3HT, CTC-3HT, and TC-3HTM seamless stee! cylinders. 2 Scope This publication has been prepared to advise cylinder users and requalifcation facilties regarding the require- ments for establishing their own cylinder inspection procedures and standards. This publication is general in nature, although specfc limits are given. Rejection or acceptance for continued use, in accordance with these limits, represent accepted practice that has proven satisfactory for the continuance of these oylinders in service 3 Definitions For the purpose of this publication, the following definitions apply. 3.1 Publication terminology 3.4.4 Shall Indicates that the procedure is mandatory. It is used wherever the criterion for conformance to specific recom- mendations allows no deviation. 3.4.2 Should Indicates that a procedure is recommended, 34.3 May Indicates that the procedure is optional 3.4.4 Will |s used only to indicate the future, not a degree of requirement. 34.5 Can Indicates a possibilty or ability, 4 U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada regulations ‘The Hazardous Materials Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) (Title 49 of the USS. Code of Federal Regulations [49 CFR] Part 180 Subpart C) and Transport Canada (TC) (Clause 24 of CSA 8339, Cylinders, spheres, and tubes for the transportation of dangerous goods) require that cylinders be Periodically requalified to ensure their suitability for continued service [1, 2].' These regulations and this publica. tion require that a cylinder is condemned when it leaks; when internal or external corrosion, denting, bulging, or evidence of rough usage exists to the extent that the cylinder integrity is likely to have been compromised: or when the cylinder fails to pass the hydrostatic requalification ‘Seamless stee! cylinder requalification requirements in these regulations or this publication vary depending on design and the type of service (pressure, commodity, etc.) for which the cylinder is authorized. All seamless steel cylinders require a periodic visual examination and most require a periodic hydrostatic reaualifcation, The requal- ification criteria for acceptance or rejection also vary. For the majority of steel cylinders, including specifications DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT cylinders, the permanent expansion limit shall not exceed 10% ofthe total expansion For cylinders manufactured to TC-3HTM., the permanent expansion shall not exceed 5% (see CSA B339, clause [2]. Additional requirements for all 3HT series cylinders are that the elastic expansion (total expan- sion less permanent expansion) at tequalification shall not exceed the elastic expansion at manufacture by more than 5% Requalification of cylinders shall be performed only by an authorized DOT or TC facility, * References are shown by bracketed numbers and are ised in order of appearance inthe reference section, CGAC-8—2017. ComPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. Pace 3 7.22 TC-3HTM series For TC-3HTM series cylinders, the minimum design wall thickness can be obtained from the cylinder manufac- turer or by using the following formula derived from sections 4.2 and 10.3 of CSA B339 [2] NOTE—P is 15 times service pressure for TC-3HTM, dD d(1-p) te 5- py $(54) 2. 8 3 oes gar ‘Where: £15 encase eis i 8 = Smtmam design wal sos; shal ot exoud 67.5% of fhe rnin ica strength o 652 MPa wien ase P= 1. teste serve prestrain MPa (tw mart ere posers uti bx D = _uildedameer mm = Ina cretr or ‘When metric equivalents are used, they shall be used consistently throughout the formula 894757 x 10° MPa; 1 MPa = 10 bar NOTE—+t in = 25.4 mm; 1 pe 8 Requalification Atleast once every 3 years, a SHT series cylinder shall be subjected to a requaliication by hydrostatic pressure in a water jacket for the determination of the expansion of the cylinder in accordance with the requirements of CGA C-1, Methods for Pressure Testing Compressed Gas Cylinders [5]. A cylinder shall be condemned i ‘+ Permanent volumetric expansion exceeds 10% of the total expansion for DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT: ‘+ permanent volumetric expansion exceeds 5% of the total expansion for TC-3HTM: or ‘+ _ elastic expansion exceeds the original elastic expansion (EE) by more than 5% or the elastic expansion (EE) exceeds the marked rejection elastic expansion (REE) stamped on the cylinder by the manufacturer. 9 Disposition A cylinder shall be identified as accepted, rejected, or condemned 91 Accept ‘Accylinder that passes the inspection and tests required in this publication shall be accepted and shall be marked in accordance with 49 CFR 180.213 and clause 24.6 of CSA 8339 [1. 2]. Requalification dates and inspector symbols shall be applied by low-stress type steel stamping using round-faced ‘stamps to. depth no greater than that of the original marking at the time of manufacture Stamping on the sidewall is prohibited, 9.2 — Reject When a cylinder is rejected, the requalifier shall notify the cylinder owner in writing that the cylinder has been fejected and may not be filled with a hazardous material for transportation in commerce. However, a rejected cylinder may be repaired in accordance with the criteria in Appendix A where repair actions are applicable. CGA C-8-2017. COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC, Pace 5 Appent (Normative) A—Visual examination disposition criteria Defect Description Action Corrosion involving wall loss or producing piting Condemn cylinder Internal superficial corrosion Discoloration of surface without wall loss or piting ‘Accept as is or clean Internal coating (if applied) Cracks, flaking lifting, oF discoloration of the coating Reject cylinder Internal physical Cuts, digs, gouges, etc. Condemn cylinder Extemal corrosion Corrosion involving wall loss or producing piting loss than minimum design wall thickness, ‘Condemn cylinder Extemal pitting Corrosion that can be removed and ‘minimum design wall thickness maintained Polish or sand before hydrostatic test Extemal physical Cuts, digs. gouges, etc, involving loss of wall thick Ness less than minimum design Condemn cylinder External physical Cuts, digs, gouges, etc, rejected and repaired but re- tain minimum design wall thickness Polish or sand before hydrostatic test External steel surface Uncoated surface finish exceeding 250 micro-inch root mean square ‘Condemn cylinder External steel surface Minor surface variations due to cosmetic imperfections Accent as is External dents Rounded deformations without wall thickness less | Condemn cylinder Bulges Deformation Condemn cylinder Fire damage Charing or burning of coating, buming or sintering of | Condemn cylinder = ‘metal, distortion of cylinder, pressure relief device (PRO) functioning, or melted valve parts Refurbishment ‘Any operation where material can be removed from | Verify design minimum the surface wall thickness. Pace 2. ComPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. CGAC-8—2017 5 Shipping Filled 3H1T series cylinders shall be shipped in individual suitable outer packaging such as a box. crate_or cra- dle. This outer packaging shall be of sufficient strength to protect all parts of the cylinders from deformation breakage. Cylinders shall be cushioned or braced inside the outer packaging, as necessary. fo prevent damage It is recommended that empty 3HT series cylinders also be stored and transported in the same type of outer packaging to prevent damage to the cylinder. 6 Service life 3HT series cylinders shall be removed from service and condemned at the end of a 24-year period following the date of the original test marked on the cylinder or after 4380 pressurizations, whichever occurs first. Ifa cylinder is recharged more than once every other day, a record of the number of such rechargings shall be maintained by the cylinder owner or the owner's agent. 7 Visual inspection Cylinders shall be visually inspected in accordance with the criteria in Appendix A. The visual inspection shall be performed at the same time as the requalification (see Section 8), CGA C-6, Standard for Visual Inspection of ‘Stee! Compressed Gas Cylinders may be used as a reference for visual inspection [3]. 7.4 Preparation for inspection Cylinders shall be cleaned for inspection to permit the interior and exterior surfaces to be clearly observed. This shall include the removal of excessive paint buildup from the exterior. ‘The number and variety of internal coatings are too numerous to list inthis publication, s0 itis impractical to detail rework procedures. Therefore, analysis and repair shall be done by individuals or repair facilities that have ex- Perience with the particular coating in question. This is most likely the original manufacturer or another cylinder manufacturer. 7.2 Design minimum wall thickness calculations 7.24 DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT series For DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT series cylinders, the minimum design wall thickness (t) can be obtained from the cylinder manufacturer or by calculation using the following formula derived from DOT Specification 3HT in 49 CFR 178.44(f) [1] NOTE—Piis 5/3 times service pressure for DOT-SHT and CTC-3HT D S-13P i 2) =] Where: SS = Maximum design wall stress; shall not exceed 75% of the minimum tensile strength or 105 090 psi (723.975 kPa)* P= 513 times service pressure in psi (kPa) D- = Outside diameter in inches (mm) {= Minimum design wall thickness in inches (mm) 2 kPa shall indicate gauge pressure unless otherwise noted as (kPa, abs) for absolute pressure or (kPa, diferential for difer- ential pressure. AllkPa values are rounded off per CGA P-11, Mainc Practice Guide forthe Compressed Gas Indust 4] Pace 4 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC CGAC-8—2017 9.3 Condemn When a cylindor is roquired to be condemnod, the requalifor chail oithor stamp a sorios of Xe over tho DOT, CTC, or TC specification and the marked service pressure or stamp CONDEMNED on the shoulder, top head, or neck using a steel stamp. demned and may not be fled with a hazardous material for tansporiaion in commerce ‘As an alternative to stamping, with the consent of the owner, the requalifier may render the cylinder incapable of holding pressure. Examples of these methods are described in CGA P-22, The Responsible Management and Disposition of Compressed Gases and their Cylinders (6 10 Recordkeeping In accordance with 49 CFR 180.215, a record of the requalifcation results shall be maintained by the requali- cation facility until either expiration of the requalification period or the cylinder is again requalified, whichever occurs first [1]. Records shall be maintained by both the requalification facility and the cylinder owner for no less than 10 years in accordance with section 6.10 of TC's Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations {7} 11 References Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition shall apply [1] Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 (Transportation) Parts 100-180, U.S. Government Printing Office. wow Ww [2] CSA 8339, Cylinders, spheres, and tubes for the transportation of dangerous goods, Canadian Standards Association. www csa.c [3] CGA C-6, Standard for Visual Inspection of Stee! Compressed Gas Cylinders, Compressed Gas Associa tion, Inc. [4] CGA P-11, Metric Practice Guide for the Compressed Gas Industry, Compressed Gas Association, Inc. [5] CGA C-1, Methods for Pressure Testing Compressed Gas Cylinders, Compressed Gas Association, Inc. www.cganet {61 CGA P22, The Responsible Management and Disposition of Compressed Gases and their Cylinders, Com- pressed Gas Association, Inc. [7] Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, Canadian Government Publishing. www tc oa ca Pace 6. Compressed Gas ASSOCIATION, INC CGAC-8—2017 Appendix B—Background information on 3HT series cylinders (Informative) Cylinders made in accordance with 3HT specifications are similar to those made under 3AA specifications in function and methods of fabrication. The major difference is that 3HT series cylinders are containers that are authorized for inside aircraft use only and are made to a higher allowable design stress and therefore have a ‘thinner wall thickness and a lower weight. Because SHT series cylinders are more highly stressed than 3A or 3AA series cylinders, the quality level and inspection standards for them are higher. Additional tests and added quality features are imposed along with a 24-year maximum service life to ensure that the higher quality of 3HT series cylinders is maintained. ‘At the time of manufacture, the surface condition of a 3HT series cylinder is inspected, both visually and by the magnetic particle method, to ensure a high-quality surface and uniformly distributed stress when pressurized, Users, shippers, and testers of these cylinders should exercise care to maintain the surface quality by avoiding local stress-raising effects of cuts, gouges, and digs, which can have a detrimental effect on the cycle life of the cylinder Compressed Gas Association

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